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Rant Seriously? Someone Complained on My Spring Launch Video?

It was password protected, not viewable by the public, intended for Consultant use only and being shared with consultants only. I was being NICE by helping out those who couldn't go to a Spring Launch meeting and those who wanted something to use at their Cluster Meetings. It was never intended to be for "advertising" and I'm kind of shocked that someone here is that petty and would misrepresent it in a complaint to corporate as being advertising on the web. :rolleyes:
  • #51
I want to personally thank you for sharing the video. Who ever told on you will get it one day. I mean obviously someone has way to much time on their hands. You helped alot of us out on here and I give you a BIG high five and pat on the back!
  • #52
Sheila said:
;) 4 of my 6 cooking shows this year are over $1,000 each. No one is raining on my parade. LOL

WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! You go girl!!!!!!!!!! THAT is fantastic!
  • #53
Sheila, i would LOVE to see your video to show it to my team. Where can i view it?
  • #54
Sheila, I was so glad you posted the video. I was unable to attend because my DH was away for 1 month, came home Friday night, and no way was I gonna say to him..."see ya in a day, honey...I am off to Hartford, Ct." and also we got socked with snow in Central Jersey, so I would have had to cancel that day anyhow.

I loved it...keep it up!!!!

As far as whoever complained all I have to say is "LOSER.....". Geesh we all want each other to succeed...at least that is my impression on this board.
  • #55
That sucks. I'm new to the site and even though I don't really know you, you seem like a really good person and a fabulous steward of your business. It's a shame how hateful people can be. And it's not like it's going to stop you from shining!
  • #56
Poo-Poo on whoever reported your video!!! I saw it and really thought it was well done, and I don't think you did anything wrong.
  • #57
First, I am sorry you had to go through this Sheila.

Second, while I understand that PC needs to protect the "brand," I think that the rules are a bit restrictive and outdated. What's the difference between handing out flyers in the neighborhood and posting something on Facebook?
  • #58
I just wanted to add my two cents by Thanking you for sending me the video. I was not able to go to the Launch due to weather and appreciated being able to see the new Spring items. I did not share the video with anyone. I am sorry this happened to you. It is a shame that people have to be that mean.
  • #59
I am sorry too Sheila! It is too bad Greg can't do anything about what actually appears if someone other than a consultant who paid to see this stuff, sees it. But you can only lock things up so much. You may as well shrug it off as there is no way you will ever know who did it. At least you and the rest of us know it was not done in malice but rather in the heart felt way you meant it. Besides, any jerk would know that if it was intended as an ad, it sure as heck would NOT have been posted here but rather on FB or somewhere really public. DUH! We know your heart was in the right place.
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  • #60
I'm still baffled at how someone could think that video was advertising. LOLI do appreciate all the comments that I've been receiving here, in PM and in e-mail. I received an e-mail from someone offering to contact corporate on my behalf & vouch for me! :D And NO, I'm NOT asking for anyone to do this!!! I was just laughing at the thought ... how funny would it be if they were bombarded with complaints about the person who complained on me?
Don't go do it! They have enough stuff to deal with without having this added to their plate! But we can still all laugh about how funny it would be. Right? ;)
  • #61
I missed the whole video.. but, I am sorry that it got reported... there is a big difference between posting to the world and posting to fellow consultants.. if someone on here had a problem with it, they should have contacted you personally by PM and said, "it is not as private as it should be".. or that it was against policy, if it even was... wish you were shown a little more respect.

As much as I do love this site.. there are a few who comment and make others feel bad. Everyone is at a different level in their business.. and should be respected for that.

Rock on for the $1,000 shows!! Woo Hoo for you!:thumbup:
  • #62
You know it is self absorbed and well, but who made them judge and jury? I think too that it was rude to bypass the administrators of this site. Apparently they think their wisdom is better than DebPC's or Gregg's. Do they honestly think they do no wrong? What is that saying about throwing the first stone? If anyone here ever has a problem with something that is posted, it should have been directed to them, not HO. I mean, if it were a problem for Gregg or DebPC, they would have contacted you to pull it. We are community. There are very specific rules to dealing with neighbors. One of them is talking to the person who is thought be doing something wrong FIRST! DO YOU HEAR ME WHO EVER DID THIS??? Hiding behind HO is just cowardly. Plain and simply cowardly!
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  • #63
John, although I understand where you are coming from I'm a retired police dispatcher & know from experience that sometimes when you confront someone trying to be "helpful" they can overreact. I sent officers out all the time to situations that should have been a conversation but sometimes people just don't have the ability to accept constructive criticism. Therefore I agree that when you see someone violating the rules AND it's someone that you don't know well enough to know how they will react, then it probably IS best to just let the experts handle it as an anonymous thing vs. getting into a verbal argument with them or making enemies.If I had posted the video out on YouTube with PC labels on the video I think the person who made the complaint would have a VERY valid complaint. But that wasn't the case in this instance. The only people who had access to the video were consultants or someone reading the consultant web board. In either case, they already KNEW that I was a consultant before they clicked on the link. There was no way for them to search 4Shared.com for "Pampered Chef" and find my video. That's where I disagree with this particular complaint to HO. NONE of the members on this forum are potential customers for me. So by sharing a training tool, it's not considered advertising. Whoever made the complaint, misrepresented the circumstances to HO. That's what ruffles my feathers. If you feel the need to make complaints to HO, make sure that you are justified in your complaint & that you are not misleading corporate with false facts. ;)
  • #64
Valid point Sheila. I live in a large city where when people confront others, a gun sometimes is the answer. I still am confused I guess. I thought it was posted out here. Now I know that part was wrong too. I just think that as there is a bit of a distance between you and whomever, the was no reasonable thought that you might shoot them! So that said, I still think whomever was wrong all the way around here. 1st in reporting you without asking you and 2nd for totally misrepresenting the issue to HO. And as you mentioned, that section in which you had it posted is a PRIVATE part of the forum, then there was no issue. Per what I have been told, that you can even post your website in FB if and only if it is not posted for EVERYONE. So... Thank you for the clarification. I just hate when people get people in trouble over something they could have easily resolved in a less devious way.
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  • #65
No, even if I lived in the same town with the person, I love my 1 & 2 year old too much to go to jail over something so petty. LOL I'm not an aggressive person by nature. I'm nice 99% of the time, but the PD did teach me to stand up for myself that other 1% of the time when it's necessary to do so. ;) But even when I stand up for myself it's still in a calm manner. I've never been able to see the need to yell & scream or hit others. I guess if someone was trying to physically hurt one of my children I'd probably react with more force, but luckily no one has ever tested that theory!!!
  • #66
Sheila said:
Too late. I disabled the link because I have a sour taste in my mouth now about being nice on Chef Success. :rolleyes:

Sheila, I am reading this thread for the first time...what a crappy thing for someone to do. I too would have used this at a meeting as Carolyn suggested.

Then I read this post from you and this disturbed me even further! Sheila and I have PM'd about a question I had for her and she is teaching this old dog of 10 years in the biz some new things!

Plus this is what CS is about. How could that be used as a way to drum up business anyway????

Sheila, you rock AND roll!!! :thumbup:Now..I have to finish reading the entire thread. Just couldn't keep my mouth shut to finish it once I read this post!
  • #67
Sheila said:
You cheated & looked early???
Just kidding, of course!

Which brings up a point that I complained about to HO. I, along with 2 others going to Spring Launch, put in a paperwork order to be delivered Feb. 8th. Well, 2 of my people attending Spring Launch received their paperwork BEFORE the left their house to drive 6 hours to spend the night and attend Spring Launch.

I had the entire catalog, mini catalog and new recipe cards all read over with in the first hour of the trip! (Hey...I never said that self restraint was one of my stronger traits!!!;):blushing::angel:p)

Luckily, those that attended did not feel let down that they "knew their Christmas presents before they unwrapped them" so to speak, but gee...wonder how much more excited everyone would have been?
  • #68
susanr613 said:
First, I am sorry you had to go through this Sheila.

Second, while I understand that PC needs to protect the "brand," I think that the rules are a bit restrictive and outdated. What's the difference between handing out flyers in the neighborhood and posting something on Facebook?

My thoughts EXACTLY!! These times are extremely technological. I don't see the difference at all between posting on my personal facebook page and hanging up flyers. Actually the only difference is that I might get more people to my site who may have ordered off the regular PC site.

Sheila, I love what you do and your contribution to helping ALL of us with our businesses. PC should be greatful to have people like you that are so committed to help "train" us.

PS- to everyone - there is software out there that will search out key words and phrases. So the "trolls" of these days are computers. Just keep this in mind when you are posting anything, whether it be PC or your other job or anything that could be connected back to you.
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  • #69
Awe, I feel so
D !!!
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  • #70
baychef said:
...I had the entire catalog, mini catalog and new recipe cards all read over with in the first hour of the trip! (Hey...I never said that self restraint was one of my stronger traits!!!;):blushing::angel:p) ...

I forgot to reply to this ... I looked at all the new stuff, showed hubby & then called my AD in mainland Japan & asked if she was going to Spring Launch. If she would have said yes, I wasn't going to mention it to her! LOL But since she said no, I told her I knew what was coming. Then I sat on it for what seemed like FOREVER!!! LOL It was hard, but I kept it to myself. When I did my "Spring Launch" here at the house for the consultants on the island, I think it was just as much fun watching their reactions as it was to actually see it for the first time! :D I wish I could do that EVERY season!!!
  • #71
Sheila, sorry this happened. Whatever would we do without the Negative Nellie's in this world? OK, that is an old country saying not trying to point at anyone. Just thought I would cover myself on that quote.
I never had a chance to see it. By the time I was able to it was gone and I understand why now.
Bless, Bless, Bless and Bless again then release.
  • #72
Wow wow and double triple wow. That is un freaking believable. I wish I had known about the video. I would have loved to share it with my team this Saturday. ( can you email it?)
I think you are super- I told you that in another thread. :)
The constant telling on people is also so petty to me. It is one thing that irks me about the pc police. I am not breaking any rules, but my thoughts are like those of others. Who has time to keep up with what other people are doing if they are working their own businesses. ugh.
You keep your head up. You were doing a nice thing and I for one appreciate your efforts and willingness to share. hugs.
  • #73
let me add in my "I can't believe someone did that to you"...........I guess after a few years on this board, I can believe it happened. But, I am really sorry that it happened to you and put a sour taste in your mouth about sharing.
You are a valuable asset to the members of this board and I'm really sorry this happened to you!!
  • #74
I, too, am sorry that happened to you!! I don't understand why anyone would take issue with you trying to help others!
  • #75
Sheila said:
Awe, I feel so
D !!!

You BETTER feel loved because you ARE!!!:love:
  • #76
Sheila, I think they were just jealous because your video was so awesome! Was glad you shared it with us!
  • #77
Sheila said:
AND, speaking of cheflorriane ... You cheated & looked early???
Just kidding, of course!

Actually, we unfortunately didn't have anything like a Spring Launch here in Canada... I guess I would otherwise just have waited until the Feb Consultant News was posted, but by the time that happened, I had already read the comments everyone else here had posted about favorite new products, new recipes...

In any case, it was much more exciting to watch your video than to simply open up the consultant news and read the information!!
  • #78
I agree with cheflorraine. Living in Canada and not having a Spring Launch and because I live 5 hrs away from my director, I have always had to wait to get the CN or view it on line. It always arrives on the 9th of the month or later. I was very excited to watch your well made video. Job well done, Sheila.
It is so sad that someone had to report you to HO instead of contacting you directly first.
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  • #79
I definitely appreciate all the positive comments. I'm glad that I was able to help some of you who were unable to attend a Spring Launch and help those of you who used it for training your teams. That was certainly my goal all along. For those of you who missed it, I'm sorry that it's no longer available to download. I did get it to go through to just a handful of people via e-mail, but the majority of the attempts were being kicked back - the file is just too large to try to e-mail. :(I'm already over the disappointment that someone made such a silly complaint to corporate. I have no intentions of allowing it to effect my business. I'm doing great, earning lots of points & hope to earn my first trip this year!I know that there have been several inquiries (many by PM & e-mail) asking for advice on how I do my interactive shows. I'm going to be in Texas in May and Lisa (pampcheflisa) has graciously agreed to loan me some tools to do some cooking shows while I'm there. So if anyone is in the Dallas area (or wants to make a trip to the Dallas area) the weekend of May 21-23, let me know. I can arrange to let you come & observe at one of my shows for fresh ideas on things that you might want to implement at your shows. I'd love to meet some of you and I'm always open to sharing my ideas with others. :D
  • #80

I thought your video was awesome too and I'm glad you shared it. I don't see where you broke any rules by putting that out there for the rest of us to see. Thanks for sharing and please keep sharing things with us. I may not post a lot myself but I do enjoy reading your posts along with a lot of other peoples on here too. Thanks for all you do.
<h2>1. Why did someone complain about my Spring Launch video?</h2><p>It's possible that the person who complained misunderstood the purpose of the video and thought it was being used for advertising instead of its intended use for consultants only.</p><h2>2. Wasn't the video password protected and only meant for consultants?</h2><p>Yes, the video was intended to be private and only accessible to consultants with the password. It was not meant for public viewing or advertising purposes.</p><h2>3. Why did you share the video on this forum if it was meant for consultants only?</h2><p>The video was shared on this forum as a way to help out consultants who were unable to attend the Spring Launch meeting or who wanted something to use at their Cluster Meetings. It was not meant for advertising purposes.</p><h2>4. What should I do if I receive a complaint about the video?</h2><p>If you receive a complaint, it's best to address it directly with the person who made the complaint. You can also reach out to corporate to clarify the purpose of the video and explain the situation.</p><h2>5. Will you continue to share helpful content on this forum in the future?</h2><p>As a Pampered Chef consultant, your main focus should be on your family and business. If sharing content on this forum will take away from that, it's best to refrain from doing so. However, if you do decide to share content, make sure to clearly state its intended purpose to avoid any misunderstandings or complaints.</p>

Related to Seriously? Someone Complained on My Spring Launch Video?

1. Why did someone complain about my Spring Launch video?

It's possible that the person who complained misunderstood the purpose of the video and thought it was being used for advertising instead of its intended use for consultants only.

2. Wasn't the video password protected and only meant for consultants?

Yes, the video was intended to be private and only accessible to consultants with the password. It was not meant for public viewing or advertising purposes.

3. Why did you share the video on this forum if it was meant for consultants only?

The video was shared on this forum as a way to help out consultants who were unable to attend the Spring Launch meeting or who wanted something to use at their Cluster Meetings. It was not meant for advertising purposes.

4. What should I do if I receive a complaint about the video?

If you receive a complaint, it's best to address it directly with the person who made the complaint. You can also reach out to corporate to clarify the purpose of the video and explain the situation.

5. Will you continue to share helpful content on this forum in the future?

As a Pampered Chef consultant, your main focus should be on your family and business. If sharing content on this forum will take away from that, it's best to refrain from doing so. However, if you do decide to share content, make sure to clearly state its intended purpose to avoid any misunderstandings or complaints.

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