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Rude Messages From Online Activity?

In summary, this person got an anonymous email from someone on their personalized site that criticized their website for having mistakes in spelling.
  • #51
Kitchen Guy- This poem is perfect!!! Sad thing is that I have a guy I work with that REALLY spells like this, and he is a Vice President...... how does that happen that bad spellers get far in life??Monica
  • #52
monica.dixon said:
Kitchen Guy- This poem is perfect!!! Sad thing is that I have a guy I work with that REALLY spells like this, and he is a Vice President...... how does that happen that bad spellers get far in life??

I wonder sometimes. I love to play with the language and I love puns. I appreciate creative use of the language and creative spellings - when it is obviously that.

Like the vet's sign that said, "Open Dailey" would be terrific if the doctor's name was, "Dailey." Sadly, I bet it wasn't.

"Lite" is a trademark of Miller Brewing Company - many people don't realize that and think it is an alternate spelling.

I have dyslexic fingers and often transpose characters when I'm typing: teh, inot, fo and most spell checkers will catch that and even then, I don't hold those typos against people. You still need to proof your work though, because it will let words like form (from) go past. Their there they're are killers, so are to two too and the like.

My grammar died when I was quite young. I never knew my grampar at all.
  • Thread starter
  • #53
That is too funny Kitchen Guy!!!! Thanks for a good laugh!!
  • #54
KG; You are too much!
  • #55
Oh boy, did you make that up yourself KG? That is quite cute. I think I have seen something similar before. And we thought the boards have been movin lately, now they're gonna be shakin again until KG goes back to work.
  • #56
Nah, I stole it. I first saw it in the Foxtrot comic strip several years ago and now there are several versions of it floating around the 'net.

I know a good joke when I steal it. (Like that line, which stole from Milton Berle.)
  • #57
My grammar died when I was quite young. I never knew my grampar at all.

Oh man. It took me a while :eek:, but I just got that! LOL :D :D
  • #58
Pampered Laura said:
Oh man. It took me a while :eek:, but I just got that! LOL :D :D
Confuscious say: He who laugh last, not get gag.
  • #59
Way too cool.I just notice KG that you are a guy from Wisconsin! Must be something in the water here I guess. I knwo the finger thing. My soemtimes is teh worst thing int he world. Some how I always manage a space after the t and attach it to the word ahead of it. The the o and e never end up where I want them.
However, that does not make it right for someone to go off on anyone about their web site. I agree that this horrible spell check freak could have been a lot kinder about it. $10 bucks says they never type! They just sit on their butt and read then criticise!
John A. - I know your pain. I sure hope you are much better and feeling up to getting going again. It took me about two months to get better then another two months to get back into business again. (Dec 16 in the hospital and May 4th first real show!) I am glad to see you could do $1250 while laid up. Anyway, I will keep thinking excellent recoup thoughts for you!
And no I didn't spell check. I retyped and spelled things wrong though! I am human not a PC!
domo arigatto Mr. roboto! domo domo! BEEP!
  • #60
I am famous for using form instead of from! Please forgive me everyone! i downloaded the spell checker, but now I have to remember to use it!
  • Thread starter
  • #61
LOL I think we all do that from time to time.... Gillian!!! :)
  • #62
gilliandanielle said:
I am famous for using form instead of from! Please forgive me everyone! i downloaded the spell checker, but now I have to remember to use it!

Well....form & from are both 'real words' so spell checker wouldn't fix it even if you did remember to use it. I'm really bad about for & fro....I always have to check for that one!
  • #63
gilliandanielle said:
i downloaded the spell checker, but now I have to remember to use it!

Same heer! LOL
  • #64
LOL Annie! You are so funny! We have the EXACT same sense of humor!!
  • Thread starter
  • #65
Well all of us spelling challenged people should form a club LOL!!!!!
  • #66
You mean a clup?? LOL!!
  • #67
Or a clob.... the possibilites are endless
  • #68
Anne and I have too much time on our hands! Sorry everyone!
  • #69
AJPratt said:
Or a clob.... the possibilites are endless
Well, that's just corny.

(Yes it is. EVERYONE has heard of corn on the clob.)
  • #70
I used to be the best speller until in the last few years I started using the instant messenger. I talk to several of my out of town friends this way (much cheaper than phone). We are all always chatting so fast that none of us take the time to correct our spelling, capitalization etc. I think I have done irreversable damage. lol:eek:
  • Thread starter
  • #71
LOL... their are times that I am not paying attention and I am at school and I am abbrevating like I do online..... that's really bad...
  • #72
kaceyleigh2 said:
I tend to notice spelling mistakes too, but I don't think I would ever point it out to someone, unless they asked! There is a sign at a farm stand in my area that says LOBESTERS instead of Lobsters...drives me crazy but clearly it doesn't bother the owners b/c it is still there!

lol My exhusband actually went in there and asked them about it. (He's not the most tactful of people) :rolleyes: They told him that they actually get more business because the sign is misspelled - people come in to ask about it, and buy stuff! lol

But I am one of those people that notice spelling errors, too - I tend to ignore them. I think they were trying to help - but the lack of emotion in an email tends to make everything sound harsh. :(
  • #73
I could see that! I bet they do get tons of business that way! LOL!
  • #74
Yeah... That's what I do with my posts... I'm mis-spelling on purpose.
  • #75
It gets you more business from fellow PCer's? OKEEEEEEEEE Anne!
  • #76
I make spelling errors so others can feel superior. :rolleyes:
  • #77
You mean superier, Tasha? LMBO!!
  • #78
Just gets their attention!!
  • #79
gilliandanielle said:
You mean superier, Tasha? LMBO!!

Who knows? I downloaded a spell checker for this site (no I don't remember where) but since the button for it looks like a "missing" icon I keep forgetting it is there.
  • #80
I know! What kinda buttion is that? It looks like a ladybug trapped in a box, suspended in a box!
  • #81
tlennhoff said:
Who knows? I downloaded a spell checker for this site (no I don't remember where) but since the button for it looks like a "missing" icon I keep forgetting it is there.
It looks missing to me, too.
  • #82
NewsYou should add a special section under the NEWS part of your website that says:

Four those hoo katch my speling erors on this websyte and send corect contakt informashon, you wil get a FREE mini katalog to place large ordurs for PC products!!! Or a citrus peeler! Or whatever sounds good to you!!!

  • Thread starter
  • #83
LOL good one Debbi!!!
  • #84
I used to be secretary at our church. I replaced the secretary who retired after 30 years there (yikes)! For the first couple of years, many Monday mornings in the brass mail box would be the Sunday bulletin with the misspellings circled and any other errors pointed out.
One Sunday morning even, a lady walked up to me, right before worship, with a smile and goes, "this has been wrong for the past three weeks!"
I was so tired of worrying about stuff like that and trying to worship, it was really hard. People can be so unkind, even ones you think would be otherwise.

Love the suggestion to read it backwards, I never thought of that! Thanks!


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