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Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

but this is my business. I am only here to learn and ask questions. I will start posting my successes and questions. Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're here! :)No action yet today, but will post later! :)
  • #1,451
Yesterday I made a couple of host coaching calls. I made two contacts. Mostly I spent the day driving to and sitting by my friend's bedside.I have a show today, so I expect to make today's contacts there.
  • #1,452
Feel better soon, Ellen!

Didn't put a lot of effort into contacts yesterday (UGH!), but the one I did make resulted in a booking for March.

I also finally reached a MIA for an end of February show to track down her guest list. She rescheduled until May.

I have a show today, so plan on making my contacts there.
  • #1,453
I'm back from my big whopping $150 show:rolleyes: But she is motivated to gather more orders and is following up with the no-shows. But I did get 1 very good recruit lead and 2 bookings. The past host is happy to have her 60% off, and I can tell she is interested in the biz too, but her DH is not on board yet so (sigh) I'll keep her on my loop and keep planting those seeds.
  • #1,454
I had a show this afternoon. Had approx 7-9 guests in attendance. She had between 250-$300 in outside orders before the show. Commissionable sales are at approx $550, and guest sales were $570 (The past host ordered a set of cookware at 60%). The past host (from Jan.) booked a March show. The host's daughter is still "thinking" about rejoining, after being inactive for 2 years. (Her concerns is that she has most of the kit items, as well as some duplicates, and also she has back problems and is worried about carrying her kit).
  • #1,455
Bren706 said:
I had a show this afternoon. Had approx 7-9 guests in attendance. She had between 250-$300 in outside orders before the show. Commissionable sales are at approx $550, and guest sales were $570 (The past host ordered a set of cookware at 60%). The past host (from Jan.) booked a March show. The host's daughter is still "thinking" about rejoining, after being inactive for 2 years. (Her concerns is that she has most of the kit items, as well as some duplicates, and also she has back problems and is worried about carrying her kit).
She won't have to worry about taking things out of her kitchen, and she could use smaller plastic containers to help with carrying.
  • #1,456
Just came home from a party and rec'd 2 bookings and a possible recruit!!! I am on my way.....I hope the potential recruit joins....I will be praying, I would LOVE to promote...
  • #1,457
Had a show yesterday with a repeat host. One booking for a Feb catalog show. The host from yesterday is planning to book from the Feb catalog host for a show in July. She's thinking of signing at that show. :)
  • #1,458
EXCELLENT! Congrats!
  • #1,459
Hi ladies,I am trying really hard to be consistent this year. I have done better w/ 3-2-1 this year, but I am no where near where I need to be. I joined a step up class w/ cheryl (Koolotus). My goal is to promote to Dir. So here is where I am at for the month. I have 1 catalog show, 1 live show, 1 fair, and my customer appreciation/mystery host. Yesterday I had 2 contacts for customer care.Here's to a successful year of 3-2-1 (I have to remember it takes 21 days to make it a habbit & I can do it).
  • #1,460
Okay, so I have had to put PC on the back burner for a couple months, but now need to get back in the game. I need to go through all my stuff and make a list of contacts that I need to make to get back on track.So, tonight, I am using my time to do that. So, I probably won't get any phone calls made, but I will get my game plan set up so I can get back at it this week.So I am now back and accountable to you guys for what I do...or don't do! ;)
  • #1,461
No contacts last night. Frankly, I just didn't feel like doing anything. I've sent some things in the mail today. I'm planning to make a few calls this evening.
  • #1,462
raebates said:
No contacts last night. Frankly, I just didn't feel like doing anything.
I've sent some things in the mail today. I'm planning to make a few calls this evening.

I finally have a few minutes to make a few calls, and I really don't feel like doing anything myself. I need to muster up some ambition to at least attempt some host coaching calls!
  • #1,463
I did a booking blitz for the first time, and got 2 bookings, 3 recruit leads, and 1 order. Holy cow! I NEEDED those bookings this month too.....was feeling like my biz was doing a nose-dive.
  • #1,464
Wound up not making the calls. I had a horrible headache by early evening. Back on track today.
  • #1,465
cookin to the top said:
I did a booking blitz for the first time, and got 2 bookings, 3 recruit leads, and 1 order. Holy cow! I NEEDED those bookings this month too.....was feeling like my biz was doing a nose-dive.

Way to go, Beth!:thumbup::thumbup:
  • #1,466
I tried to get on the phone this evening, but didn't get too far. I did try to sort through some potential numbers to call, but of course, I would judge before I picked up the phone. Most of the ones I looked at, I have already tried reaching them for the past 6-8 months or so, and I just want to bless and release. I do not have too many (if any at all) potential booking leads, except for those that I have unsuccessfully tried to contact.

I need to catch up on my customer care calls, and I found a thread from Aug '08 that encouraged me to call some of those old ones, so I am hoping to start that tomorrow.

I need to do this, because we desperately need the $$ and I also want to earn the Disney trip!

The couple of calls I did make were:

~I did speak to 1 potential March host that I have been trying to pin down. She wants a Saturday show, and my first available Saturday is not until the first week of April. She is going to call me back tomorrow to try to confirm a date.

~Received an e-mail from a past consultant of mine that wants to see a current catalog, and possibly place a couple of orders.

~I made a customer care call about an adjustment.
  • #1,467
Four contacts yesterday, but no visible results.
  • #1,468
4 contacts yesterday, one show booked, one possible show (she's to call me today) and two nos
  • Thread starter
  • #1,469
Hey Everyone!

Haven't posted in a while. I've really been in a funk about my business. I was trying to figure out why. I was taking business that came my way, but had absolutely no desire to get on the phone and book shows. I have 4 shows in February, and that was just fine with me.
We've been sick here for the past month, and I've had a lot going on with my Mom - that has been really draining - and I just let my business take a back seat to everything else.
I did some praying and journaling, and some soul searching....and I decided I just needed to change things up a bit. I'm someone who gets very antsy with routine - I'm the strange duck who actually loves change.:rolleyes: I am always looking for a new challenge!

I have been extremely excited about my All-Men show in March, because it was something new and different, and it's the only show I've been really excited about doing. So, I decided to sit down and work on developing a Kids Cooking Show, since it's something else I've been wanting to do, and have just been putting off.

I now have 4-5 Kids Cooking Shows booked for March, and it seems to have rejuvinated me. All of a sudden I am finding contacts everywhere!

At Family Christian Store today, the woman checking me out noticed my PC Coat/Purse duo, and asked about a new catalog. I got her info, and will be following up with her. I also was brave enough (she was very personable and friendly) to suggest to her that she might be great at doing what I do!

At DS's preschool Valentines Party this morning, his teacher asked me if I'm busy with parties at this time of the year. (she is the sister of a friend of mine, and good friends with my neighbor, so she has been to shows) I started telling her about my Kids Cooking Show - and she wants to do something like this for the entire class! Whooo Hoooo!

When we got home this afternoon, I had a phone message from a woman who was invited to a show I have next week. She can't come, but wanted to book a show of her own!

I guess I just needed to change things up a bit and keep them interesting. Now that I am looking forward to some new challenges with my business, I'm excited about it again!

All of that, I guess, is to say that I'm back!
  • #1,470
Four contacts today. I believe one of them will become a good customer.I also did a bit of customer care and contacted a potential recruit.
  • #1,471
Welcome Back, Becky! We all need that fresh start at times!

I had a show last night, with about 7-8 guests in attendance (2 had to leave early, but placed orders before they left). Sales are at $307 and she expects a few outside orders. The host (who just hosted in August, and loves PC products) is interested in signing, but "just doesn't have the time right now". I think she is quite close to signing, though!!!!
  • #1,472
Hi Ladies, I tried to come back then had a very emotional week.I have had a few contacts this week.Gave a Mini to the checker at Wally World but there were too many people to get her to fill out a drawing slip. No results yet.I have had 4 cc's calls this week.I have been sending out packets for my mystery host/customer appreciation at the end of the month.I had a spot at a fair yesterday, received an order for a cookbook, a maybe for a May show (which will be a yes she just doesn't know it yet), & handed out about 10 catalogs. I have another shift this afternoon, so we will see what it brings.Becky~ Thank you for your above post. It was very good for me to read.
  • #1,473
OMG 2 posts for me in one day on this thread. I'm so proud of myself.So my fair went well, replacement part order, a booking for this summer, an order that was big enough for a catalog show, and several leads. No recruiting leads, but you never know.
  • #1,474
I had two contacts yesterday while out and about celebrating with The Furry Guy. One resulted in a lead for a future customer.
  • #1,475
new week - time to get back on track!!
  • #1,477
I had a show yesterday. There were only 3 guests in attendance. The host had 2 outside orders. Sales are currently at $183, and she knows of one other order, which will bring her to the $200, and she is going to follow up with all those that did not attend, that she was expecting. No bookings, no recruit leads.
  • #1,478
Had my dr's wife call for a new catalog. Wants to place an order but she never has. I have been preparing catalog packets for my mystery host show. Hoping for over a $1,000.
I have tax items to do this week. I'm going to force myself to pick up that 100 lb phone. I'm changing my habit, 19 days to go. LOLAmy~ Yes onto a new week.
  • #1,479
Geez Amanda....you can just go to Walmart and buy a new lighter phone! Sometimes making contacts is hard enough why add weightlifting to the challenge too?
  • #1,480
Koolotus said:
Geez Amanda....you can just go to Walmart and buy a new lighter phone! Sometimes making contacts is hard enough why add weightlifting to the challenge too?

You are such a smart donkey (That's why I Love You)!! Dh bought me a new cordless phone w/ a wireless headset. It makes making calls much easier. It's the hand & the mind who don't help.

Mexico is right around the corner, Have a few for me while your there.
  • #1,481
lots of dialing, nothing worth reporting
  • #1,482
Two contacts at a grocery this morning. Show this evening with 12 guests. (Well, 13, but two of them were a couple.) Booking for Feb 27! She's excited about getting the cookware for her new home. :)There are also two people who are planning to book shows from that Feb 27 show. I love my job.
  • #1,483
pamperedalf said:
You are such a smart donkey (That's why I Love You)!! Dh bought me a new cordless phone w/ a wireless headset. It makes making calls much easier. It's the hand & the mind who don't help.

Mexico is right around the corner, Have a few for me while your there.

Glad to hear you have a lighter phone :)
I will drink Many in your honor :)
  • #1,484
I managed to pick up the phone yesterday, although it was for only a couple of contacts. I spoke to a host that was scheduled for Feb 24th, who e-mailed me last week to postpone/cancel her show (which kind of worked out, because our Regional Training in Raleigh is that day). She is going to do a catty show for February, instead.

I also talked to a past guest from January who was interested in Fundraising. She is in charge of the Youth Ministry. She is meeting with the Minister in a couple of weeks about their fundraiser. I told her I would follow up with her in 3 weeks.

I need to get up the "courage" to call past guests that I never did customer care with, and maybe even those from 2 years ago, just to "update them", but I think I have that same heavy phone that Amanda had :).
  • #1,485
Three contacts.
  • #1,486
  • Thread starter
  • #1,487
Lets see - just got home from a party w/ about 1000 people there.:eek::p
Only sortof joking - the host told me yesterday there would be 12, then 13-14, and then when I got there today, it was up to 16. (I had brought 18 guest folders with me.)
I knew I was in trouble when I heard someone come in the door, and say "I came last minute - figured it was too late to RSVP!", and then a few minutes later, heard my host say "I didn't know you guys were coming!"....and then a couple more wandered in during the demo.....I honestly don't know how many ended up being there - some were there just for the party, and never filled out a survey slip or ordered or anything.
Show is at $550, with 2 bookings, and several orders still to come. Plus - several people came to me to personally thank me for such a fun evening.

It was A Bites n Bevs party - I demoed the Jerk Chicken Nachos, and brought along some new bamboo - had cream cheese on the med. bamboo platter w/ pineapple rum sauce over it, and had 2 bamboo snack bowls with the oil dipping seasonings in them sitting on the cracker tray with bread slices for dipping. The dipping seasonings especially were a HUGE hit!
  • #1,488
Hi Ladies, I did my weight lifting today (Hehehe).My results:
~I picked up another host for my mystery host (who may do her own catalog show), then talked to her again and she has $300 in orders between 2 people.
~Talked w/ a customer & have another RSVP for my customer appreciation.
~ CC call for another stinkin stone. I feel like that's all I have been doing lately.Left some messages, did a host packet, Mailed more catalogs for my mystery host.Off to watch American Idol. 18 days left to create my 321 habit. I can't wait to see the results.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,489
pamperedalf said:
Hi Ladies, I did my weight lifting today (Hehehe).

My results:
~I picked up another host for my mystery host (who may do her own catalog show), then talked to her again and she has $300 in orders between 2 people.
~Talked w/ a customer & have another RSVP for my customer appreciation.
~ CC call for another stinkin stone. I feel like that's all I have been doing lately.

Left some messages, did a host packet, Mailed more catalogs for my mystery host.

Off to watch American Idol. 18 days left to create my 321 habit. I can't wait to see the results.

Sounds like she'd do better doing her own show!

Also sounds like that phone is getting lighter!:thumbup:
  • #1,490
ChefBeckyD said:
Sounds like she'd do better doing her own show!

Also sounds like that phone is getting lighter!:thumbup:

Thanks Becky!!!

I'm giving her the option, to see what she wants to do. I'm excited!!!
  • #1,491
ChefBeckyD said:
Lets see - just got home from a party w/ about 1000 people there.:eek::p
Only sortof joking - the host told me yesterday there would be 12, then 13-14, and then when I got there today, it was up to 16.
(I had brought 18 guest folders with me.)
I knew I was in trouble when I heard someone come in the door, and say "I came last minute - figured it was too late to RSVP!", and then a few minutes later, heard my host say "I didn't know you guys were coming!"....and then a couple more wandered in during the demo.....I honestly don't know how many ended up being there - some were there just for the party, and never filled out a survey slip or ordered or anything.
Show is at $550, with 2 bookings, and several orders still to come. Plus - several people came to me to personally thank me for such a fun evening.

It was A Bites n Bevs party - I demoed the Jerk Chicken Nachos, and brought along some new bamboo - had cream cheese on the med. bamboo platter w/ pineapple rum sauce over it, and had 2 bamboo snack bowls with the oil dipping seasonings in them sitting on the cracker tray with bread slices for dipping. The dipping seasonings especially were a HUGE hit!

can you send one of those my way??????....................and quickly.......like NOW and have the show close before end of month? Actually 4 of those would be REALLY nice...:rolleyes:
  • #1,492
I did a booking blitz tonight. I dialed 17 or so numbers. Got 12 machines and about 3 or 4 "Yes I want to have a party but No I am not ready to set a date tonight." UGH!

I did hear back from a recruit lead that is not ready to sign up but may have a party.
  • #1,493
Still only made a couple of calls yesterday.

I don't count it as a contact, but I left a voicemail for the person in charge of the local Relay for Life. There is a kick-off meeting coming up on March 2nd, and I am looking to attend and give everyone information on our fundraisers. Keeping my fingers crossed that there are no other PC consultants already.

I did a couple of host coaching calls, and mentioned the opportunity to both of them, no interest thus far.

I spoke to a past catalog host, and will be sending her a March catalog, and then following up with her about doing another show.
  • #1,494
I finally made a decent attempt to making contacts today!

~I had called my mail order pharmacy company, and when the person greeted me on the phone, I said, "Hi this is Brenda Haywood with the Pamp..., oh, sorry, I got carried away". She said, oh do you sell Pampered Chef?! I love PC. There is a consultant that works there with her, so nothing more came of it.

~I made 5 customer care contacts, in which one may host in late spring. I will follow up in late April. :thumbup:

~I had a Homeowner's association meeting tonight with our transition team (of which I am a member). One of my neighbors asked me for a current catalog. She is a former consultant, and wants to host in the next month or two. She is also considering rejoining the business, but not right away, maybe in the next 4-6 months. :thumbup::thumbup:
  • #1,495
spoke to a recruit lead - nothing yet
team calls & host coaching

oh, and getting annoyed with DH and the T-A-X-E-S - why must I be bothered with the details.....sigh.....
  • #1,496
Made 3 contacts yesterday while out and about. Was able to do a little customer care, too.
Last edited:
  • #1,497
I had 4 contacts yesterday:1 person looking into buying the ultimate mandoline, so I'm lending it to her to try (she's my daycare lady & if she likes it she will sell 3).
1 more RSVP for my customer appreciation
2 RSVPS for one of our Bingo events in March
1 called to host coach & got a cancelation for next week, but she didn't rebook she said call her in a month.So I guess that's 5 for yesterday. I thought I was completely slacking. 17 more days (no slacking).Amy~ I am right w/ you on those stupid TAXES. This is the time of the year that I want to throw him out of the house.
  • #1,498
my 3 are in for today. Had a past host email me to book her May show! Met a catalog show host for lunch (love writing that off!) to close out her show. She's taking the kit credit. I hope she signs before next Saturday so she can get the incentive. Then, as she was flipping thru the catalog to get her items, the waitress comes over asks for a catalog and places an order for a stone. The hostess also is looking at the catalog!:D:D:Dgotta love it when things like that happen!

off to go shoe shopping for DS - maybe I'll get more.....
  • #1,499
Three contacts while out and about.I'll probably only do host coaching tonight.
  • #1,500
Yesterday was not a good day for me. No contacts!! Instead, I layed in bed from 2:30 right on up to bedtime. Had no energy whatsoever. I hope today is better. I have a couple of shows to close, as well as a show to prepare for tomorrow (and I have a kick-off meeting from 9-1, so there is no delaying the show prep until tomorrow).

I did try to contact the Relay for Life coordinator, but still no luck reaching her. I left her another voicemail, and sent her an e-mail.
<h2>What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?</h2><p>The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.</p><h2>What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.</p><h2>What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?</h2><p>This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.</p><h2>What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.</p><h2>How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?</h2><p>To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.</p>

Related to Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?

The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?

The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.

What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?

This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.

What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?

Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.

How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?

To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

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