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Past Host Discount Not Expiring in Pp?

In summary, PP does not always recognize that a customer's past host discount has expired, and still gives them the 10% off. A consultant had to call tech support to ask about a problem and was told that it has always been like this and consultants have to manually change the status of past hosts monthly.
Gold Member
So I've been a consultant for four years. I thought I knew what I was doing when it came to PP but apparently not or I'm losing my mind. I called tech support this evening to ask about a problem I've been having recently and they stated it's always been like that and that I/we consultants have to manually change it monthly.

The problem is this....when I'm entering a past host on a show as a customer I click 'add a guest', then the last name in the appropriate section and then I click on 'find contact' and up comes that person. I then click on their name and it brings up all their info such as address, pc status etc so I'm not having to type in their info everytime they purchase.

What I've run into the last 5 shows or so is that PP is not recognizing that a customer's past host discount is expired and is still giving them the 10% off. A couple of times I didn't catch it because I just entered the sales at the show on my laptop. We confirmed the order and they paid the total. Another time I just entered the order on my laptop while on the phone with the customer and gave her the total due.

On my last show however I had a past host order as an individual order so I placed it on my open show to save her shipping and help out the host. She just wanted a large bar pan and said don't bother figuring it out, I'll just pay you $50 now. I said no, wait until it comes in, I'll make out a receipt and bring it in to you. I went home that night, ordered her bar pan, finalized with the host and sent it in. Then I printed off the receipts to send to the host and also this order. I then noticed that her receipt had 10% off and so did another past host. I thought hold on, that show was ages ago. Looked both shows up for both past hosts and yep, one was 18 months ago and one was 25 months!:eek:

Under the pc status behind their name it had past host, discount number and expiry date - one being an expiry in 08 and one in 07. But PP STILL gave them their 10% off! I started looking back and it's happened on at least my last 5 shows as well!! I don't know if it's happened farther back, I didn't bother to look.

The tech guy says it's always been like that and we're responsible as consultants to go in and manually change their status when their discount expires! Are you KIDDING me?! Like I'm supposed to remember each month, each week of each month to go in and unclick their privilege??? He said it's always been like that and I should run a report every month that states past hosts discounts and then unclick daily/weekly/monthly as necessary!!

I couldn't believe this since it's never happened to my knowledge during the last 4 years until recently (unless I'm losing my mind :rolleyes:) so I asked him to double check with a supervisor and he came back with the same answer. I then called my director who stated huh? I've never changed it but also never had it come up giving a discount when one wasn't applicable.
We then figured out that she always enters the customer's entire information when she adds an order and then creates new contact info. She didn't know that she could do it the way I did. I said that she'd then have the customer in multiple times if she did it her way and she stated that was correct but she had no idea she could do anything else. So since she's 'creating' them each time she's never run into this problem.

So for those Canadians out there (who all have PP) and any US consultants who still have it or can remember, do you have the same problem I'm having? Do you manually remove your host's discount when it's expired? If so, how the heck do you remember that on top of everything else we do?
Yep, that is PP for you. I love having P3 now--it expires automatically.
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  • #3
So that happened to you too Deb? How did you keep track? What happens with the $12 in discounts that the program allowed for this last show for my two past hosts? Is PC going to charge me for the discount that was honored?
DebbieJ said:
Yep, that is PP for you. I love having P3 now--it expires automatically.

Is there a way to set it up for a host you didn't have? Or will I have to put the host code in every time?
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  • #5
Every season I keep hoping that THIS will be the season that we get P3 too but it hasn't happened yet. It was mentioned at leadership that there was still glitches that needed to be worked out and that you all were the 'guinea pigs' and we wouldn't be getting it until all was smoothed out.

How long has P3 been available? When did it come mandatory or has it?
I don't think PC ever made me pay for the PHD mistakes.P3 is mandatory in the States starting on 3/1?? Not sure...I've been using it over a year now.
Symara said:
Is there a way to set it up for a host you didn't have? Or will I have to put the host code in every time?

In P3 you can enter anyone's PHD # under the Additional Info tab in their contact record.

Related to Past Host Discount Not Expiring in Pp?

1. What is the Past Host Discount in Pampered Chef?

The Past Host Discount is a reward program for previous hosts of Pampered Chef parties. Hosts receive a discount on future purchases based on the total sales from their previous party.

2. How long does the Past Host Discount last?

The Past Host Discount does not expire in Pampered Chef's Personal Points (PP) system. It is available to use on future purchases for as long as the customer remains an active consultant.

3. Can the Past Host Discount be combined with other discounts or offers?

No, the Past Host Discount cannot be combined with other discounts or offers. It is only valid on full-priced items and cannot be used with any other promotions or discounts.

4. How do I redeem my Past Host Discount in Pampered Chef?

To redeem your Past Host Discount, simply log into your Pampered Chef account and add the items you wish to purchase to your cart. At checkout, you will see an option to apply your Past Host Discount to your order.

5. Can I transfer my Past Host Discount to someone else?

No, the Past Host Discount is non-transferable and can only be used by the original host. However, the host can use their discount to purchase items as gifts for others.

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