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Oh No! Mouse Sighted in My House - What Do I Do?!

In summary, the mouse was seen in the living room two nights ago and then on the kitchen counter just a minute ago. The individuals are concerned about what to do about the mouse and are considering poison, live traps, or the peanut butter trap.
  • Thread starter
  • #51
BTW- I *will* keep setting the traps! I want to be CERTAIN that they are gone! I know, when you have one, you normally have more than one!
  • #52
They travel in pairs. At least in pairs. If you captured one, you have more.
  • #53
I think those glue traps are cruel. Better to make it quick and painless- snap their necks with an enclosed snappy type trap! Sorry- as much as I hate mice, I think they are cute and would prefer they die quickly, not slowly and in pain...
  • #54
Eeeks Kelly...
We back up to woods and we had a mouse problem and I was like the lady from Tom & Jerry, up on a chair with a broom screaming. My DH tried to take care of the situation himslef but I got tired of that and seeing the little"presents' the mouse was leaving so I called a pest control company and we have not had a mouse since. Now, If I could only get rid of those snakes in my garden. Good luck Kelly :)
  • #55
Love ferrets! I have too many people/critters/instruments/PC stuff in my small house so not adding ferrets! However, I used to pet sit for friends with 2 ferrets...they were so much fun! ...and if litter trained usually pretty clean. They love to play hide and seek and are VERY curious animals.We have some great ones that visit work. It is a great pet for kids too_On the mice, yes Kelly, they ALWAYS travel in pairs!!!! So I couldn't figure out from the post...did he just go in the trash or is he actually let loose to come back again?
  • #56
The snakes in your garden eat bugs. I wish I had more snakes in my yard!
  • #57
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
The snakes in your garden eat bugs. I wish I had more snakes in my yard!

I'll send them all your way then, because I don't want them. I swear they are telling there snake friends to come over and play in my garden and they all laugh as I run screaming through my back yard.:yuck:
  • #58

I had the same problem almost every fall in my house. (It was solved after we put in the glass block windows ... one of my windows was covered by paneling and we didn't know it was broken!

I also use peanut butter in my traps. But those mice are crafty! I woke up several times to find my trap licked clean and un-snapped! So I got a toothpick and shoved peanut butter under the "lip" and that did the trick.

Remember where there is 1 mouse there is a family, so you will need to set out several traps. I found the ones I put INSIDE the cupboard under the sink were the most effective.

And meanwhile ... make sure there is no food package they can get into in places where you see their "evidence." One year, a mouse got into my cocoa container and scattered it all over my cupboard! I spent a lot of time scrubbing the tops of my cans that year ...
  • Thread starter
  • #59
janetupnorth said:
Love ferrets! I have too many people/critters/instruments/PC stuff in my small house so not adding ferrets! However, I used to pet sit for friends with 2 ferrets...they were so much fun! ...and if litter trained usually pretty clean. They love to play hide and seek and are VERY curious animals.

We have some great ones that visit work. It is a great pet for kids too.

On the mice, yes Kelly, they ALWAYS travel in pairs!!!! So I couldn't figure out from the post...did he just go in the trash or is he actually let loose to come back again?

I wanted to drown him (quick, um, er death) but DH thought that was mean. I didn't want him to get free and come back in. So, DH set him on top of the trash can outside, and he actually died within 10 minutes or so. Poor thing probably gave himself a heart attack trying to get off of the sticky stuff!
  • #60
You can get no kill traps, then DH would drive the mouse across the street to the other set of woods. We were told if you relocated the mouse to another location, he wouldn't come back, however, the idiot who told us that forgot to mention that where there is one mouse, there are 2 or 3 or a family and they multiply so they never go away unless you kill them all. DH said they were cute, tiny little things, I think they are gross and nasty!! Little mouse poop in my pantry or drawers is not cute. I was bleaching and scrubbing cabinets everyday, I am a clean/germ freak and I wasn't having those mice take up residence in my house.
  • #61
To help deter them from coming back you can try soaking some cotton balls with peppermint oil (not extract) and placing behind your stove or around where you have seen them. We used this method and it smells a lot better than moth balls. It won't get rid of them, but it did help keep others from coming back. Linda
  • #62
Hmmmm...maybe I'll wash the kitchen down with http://www.drbronner.com/DBMS/OLPE32EA/PeppermintLiquidSoap.htm.http://www.drbronner.com/store/graphics/products/OLPE32EA.jpgOne of the cats sure doesn't like it much.
  • #63
I am freaked out by the sticky traps! I vote for the snap traps! Quick, easy and painless.

I managed to handle the trap just fine by using a paper towel ... a necessity because I am single and have no husband to get to handle the traps. I NEVER would have touched a trap with a live, squeaking mouse!
  • Thread starter
  • #64
I went out last night and got 4 of the traps like Janet showed...

Left them (baited with peanut butter) and the remaining 3 sticky traps with peanut butter out last night....no mice in them this morning. Not sure if that's good or bad at this point.

DH said last night: what if the dog brought the mouse in? Like she was trying to play with it or something outside and had it in her mouth and we didn't notice or something and that's how the mouse got in here? I guess it's POSSIBLE, but I don't think it's very probable.

Di...yeah...I don't know if I could have got that trap out of my cupboard with him squirming and trying to get off of it. I was so afraid that he was gonna pop himself off and start running around again!! Good thing DH was home early yesterday!

Linda...I will look into the peppermint oil, that sounds MUCH better to me than moth balls! lol
<h2>1. What should I do if I see a mouse in my house?</h2><p>If you see a mouse in your house, the best thing to do is to try to trap it and remove it from your home. You can use humane traps or sticky boards, but make sure to check them regularly and release or dispose of the mouse appropriately.</p><h2>2. Will using poison harm my pets?</h2><p>Using poison to get rid of mice can be dangerous for pets, especially if they ingest it. It's best to avoid using poison if you have pets in the house. Instead, try using traps or other humane methods of removal.</p><h2>3. What should I do if the mouse is on my kitchen counter?</h2><p>If you see a mouse on your kitchen counter, try to stay calm. You can try to trap it or gently shoo it out of the house. Make sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area afterwards to prevent any potential contamination from the mouse.</p><h2>4. Can I take care of the mouse problem myself?</h2><p>It is possible to take care of a mouse problem yourself, but it may require some patience and persistence. You can try using traps or other methods of removal, but if the problem persists, it may be best to call a professional exterminator.</p><h2>5. Will the mouse die somewhere and leave a bad odor?</h2><p>If the mouse is poisoned, it may die somewhere in your home and leave a bad odor. This is why it's important to try to remove the mouse alive or use other methods of removal. If you do use poison, make sure to dispose of the mouse's body promptly to avoid any unpleasant smells.</p>

Related to Oh No! Mouse Sighted in My House - What Do I Do?!

1. What should I do if I see a mouse in my house?

If you see a mouse in your house, the best thing to do is to try to trap it and remove it from your home. You can use humane traps or sticky boards, but make sure to check them regularly and release or dispose of the mouse appropriately.

2. Will using poison harm my pets?

Using poison to get rid of mice can be dangerous for pets, especially if they ingest it. It's best to avoid using poison if you have pets in the house. Instead, try using traps or other humane methods of removal.

3. What should I do if the mouse is on my kitchen counter?

If you see a mouse on your kitchen counter, try to stay calm. You can try to trap it or gently shoo it out of the house. Make sure to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area afterwards to prevent any potential contamination from the mouse.

4. Can I take care of the mouse problem myself?

It is possible to take care of a mouse problem yourself, but it may require some patience and persistence. You can try using traps or other methods of removal, but if the problem persists, it may be best to call a professional exterminator.

5. Will the mouse die somewhere and leave a bad odor?

If the mouse is poisoned, it may die somewhere in your home and leave a bad odor. This is why it's important to try to remove the mouse alive or use other methods of removal. If you do use poison, make sure to dispose of the mouse's body promptly to avoid any unpleasant smells.

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