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Not Trying to Start a Fight, But... Re: Facebook

In summary, Kate says that a consultant can create a fan page for their PC business without breaking the rules. However, if the fan page is promoted or advertised, it may be considered promotional.
  • #51
Well good to know...I'm so close to my 1250 right now I think I may just wait. But thanks for the info.
  • #52
For Fundraisers, I just type in the name of the organization for first and last name.
Ex. Henderson House or just let all the participants know the name of the coordinator that you will put down as the host.
  • #53
sandilou said:
You can't use it for fundraisers? :eek: That's why my new consultant paid for it before she qualified! Maybe we can put the new of the church down as first and last name.


A fundraiser should be fine. It's just like a show, just a different type. I guess if it gives you trouble, just put it in as a catalog show and fix it in P3 later?
  • #54
I wasn't able to set up fundraiser before I qualified, it just didn't have that available in the drop down when I was setting up shows. Soon as I had my 1250 in sales it was in the drop down though.
  • #55
Could I get that DCB Group name? I too would like to get into that.

and I have to agree that PC needs to maybe update some of their rules to the times. I'm fairly new, so i don't have many contacts; at-home-wife that doesn't get out much - but socialize with many people online. I wish i could promote my website in a lot more ways than we are allowed.
  • #56
wcsis said:
You do realize that you can pay for the website space before you reach your $1250 in sales don't you? You will not be able to create Fundraisers, Wedding Registries or recieve individual orders through the site, BUT you are able to create your host's parties online so that orders strictly for the shows can be placed right online and paid for.

Just thought I would mention this as the webspace is a fantastic tool for hosts to boost their sales.

Huh? I wish I would known that. It was presented to me as something you can get after the $1250 metric. oh well. Can we do ads in programs for sorority founders days or is that a no-no?
  • #57
I am going to put my two cents in here as usual. Most of us who do use FB have figured out one thing. You CAN ADVERTISE there. No one says you need to blatantly put out there that you are a Pampered Chef Consultant or that you do home COOKING shows or that you sell KITCHEN TOOLS or that you have a website at Page Not Found... they can see. All you need to do is simply state that you are a direct seller. That can be enough to get people interested. If someone is interested in what kind of products, they will ask. If not, they won't. You can tell them that you are looking for recruits without every mentioning PC, you can ask them to book without ever mentioning PC. This again is fuzzy but it is legal per the guidelines. Now my question is this. I have a guest doing a party and she put all sorts of stuff on FB about it. Including Pictures of pages of the catalog and how to order on-line including a link to my website. I did not check FB in detail until today as I have been very busy tearing apart my kitchen so I did not know how much she did do. If she is advertising her party and using my info, I need to ask her to change it don't I.
  • #58
Did anyone ever tell us the name of the dcb group?
  • #59
pampered1224 said:
I am going to put my two cents in here as usual. Most of us who do use FB have figured out one thing. You CAN ADVERTISE there. No one says you need to blatantly put out there that you are a Pampered Chef Consultant or that you do home COOKING shows or that you sell KITCHEN TOOLS or that you have a website at Page Not Found... they can see. All you need to do is simply state that you are a direct seller. That can be enough to get people interested. If someone is interested in what kind of products, they will ask. If not, they won't. You can tell them that you are looking for recruits without every mentioning PC, you can ask them to book without ever mentioning PC. This again is fuzzy but it is legal per the guidelines. Now my question is this. I have a guest doing a party and she put all sorts of stuff on FB about it. Including Pictures of pages of the catalog and how to order on-line including a link to my website. I did not check FB in detail until today as I have been very busy tearing apart my kitchen so I did not know how much she did do. If she is advertising her party and using my info, I need to ask her to change it don't I.

She can advertise her party all she wants - she's not a consultant! The one thing she can't do, though, is provide a link to your website...that's the thing you need to ask her to remove.

Most of my hosts now are doing a party invitation on FB for their parties - I am having really great response to that!
  • #60
I'm still not getting what the issue is with having your website posted?
  • #61
mandy412 said:
I'm still not getting what the issue is with having your website posted?

It's against PC's policy. Bottom Line - we aren't allowed to have a direct link to our website any place other than our email signature in our email programs.
  • #62
mandy412 said:
I'm still not getting what the issue is with having your website posted?

The issue is that it is agains Pampered Chef's rules.
  • #63
ChefBeckyD said:
It's against PC's policy. Bottom Line - we aren't allowed to have a direct link to our website any place other than our email signature in our email programs.

No, I get that it's against the rules, I guess I just don't understand why it's against the rules.
  • #64
mandy412 said:
No, I get that it's against the rules, I guess I just don't understand why it's against the rules.

Because it's in the rules. HO determines the guidelines and when we sign our agreement we agree to follow them.
  • #65
Okay I feel like we're going in a circle. I understand that it is against the rules and we have to follow the rules in the agreement. What I do not understand is why it is against the rules. What is the harm in posting your website? Is it that they are afraid it will start unfair competition?
  • #66
I don't know if HO has ever officially stated their reasons, but there are several that I can think of:

1. It keeps the playing field level. Everyone has the same ability to advertise their PWS, and those who have more means and/or knowledge to advertise through Google and such don't overrun those who do not.
2. The basis of our busines is and always will be personal contact. We don't want to dilute that with impersonal web presence through searches.
3. One of the appeals of PC is that the products are exclusively available through consultants. It loses some of its magic when it becomes that easily available online.

Just my thoughts.
  • #67
mandy412 said:
Okay I feel like we're going in a circle. I understand that it is against the rules and we have to follow the rules in the agreement. What I do not understand is why it is against the rules. What is the harm in posting your website? Is it that they are afraid it will start unfair competition?

There is a very good explanation of why the policy is in place in post #27 of this thread.
  • #68
mandy412 said:
I'm still not getting what the issue is with having your website posted?

It's against the Policies and Procedures that you agreed to when you became a consultant. They are on CC. Great reading material. :)
  • #69
DebbieJ said:
It's against the Policies and Procedures that you agreed to when you became a consultant. They are on CC. Great reading material. :)

I took that comment more as to mean, "Why is it in the policies and procedures?" more than what the issue is. Although, I am wrong often. :)
  • #70
It is unfortunate, because I think they're missing out on a completely untapped market...people who like to/want to buy online.

As an example, I recently was at a scrapbooking weekend with my cousin's sister in-law from Texas. I was passing the book around and she said, "OOh! Pampered Chef! There's a bunch of stuff I want, but I didn't want to contact anyone in my area because I didn't want them bugging me to have a show."

I sold a crapload of stuff to her, and told her she could contact me anytime. I wouldn't contact her (although I usually see her once a year or so).

I suspect there are a lot of people out there just looking to buy stuff but don't want the 'personal contact'. I know they can do it from the PC website, but why can't we get a piece of the pie? I'm still her contact if she has a question, needs a return, or wants more stuff. HO can't provide her with that kind of hands off service :)
  • #71
Jean DeVries said:
It is unfortunate, because I think they're missing out on a completely untapped market...people who like to/want to buy online.

As an example, I recently was at a scrapbooking weekend with my cousin's sister in-law from Texas. I was passing the book around and she said, "OOh! Pampered Chef! There's a bunch of stuff I want, but I didn't want to contact anyone in my area because I didn't want them bugging me to have a show."

I sold a crapload of stuff to her, and told her she could contact me anytime. I wouldn't contact her (although I usually see her once a year or so).

I suspect there are a lot of people out there just looking to buy stuff but don't want the 'personal contact'. I know they can do it from the PC website, but why can't we get a piece of the pie? I'm still her contact if she has a question, needs a return, or wants more stuff. HO can't provide her with that kind of hands off service :)
Actually that is exactly why it is set up the way it is. Online shoppers can go to the HO website if they don't have a consultant and buy anything they want. The customer is given an option as to whether they want to be contacted by a consultant or not and they are given the info of the person they buy from.

I have customers in several parts of the country that consider me their consultant and I am allowed that because we have no territories but if we could advertize on the web the most internet savvey people would get the lion's share of the online shoppers. That wouldn't be fair and besides Pampered Chef wants us to be mostly about home parties. By having the lead system Pampered Chef is serving the online people and connecting them with a local consultant if they want it.
  • #72
Jean DeVries said:
It is unfortunate, because I think they're missing out on a completely untapped market...people who like to/want to buy online.

I have heard this before about this huge market that the Pampered Chef can capitalize on. Have you seen our facility in Addison? Did you know that Doris paid CASH for it? I think the Pampered Chef is doing quite well financially. Just because you can do something does not always mean that you should. We are a company based on personal relationships and contacts. This is key to Doris's belief in this company. The Pampered Chef could do away with all of its consultants and be come a cataolg company, like LL Bean, The Company Store, etc. They would probably do quite well and maybe even make more money only paying order processing personel minimum wage. They could do this, but is it the right thing to do? There are many things that The Pampered Chef could do to make more money, but I'd think they chose the right thing first. Core to the foundation of this business is the business you create through personal contacts.

Read the mission statement (pg 54 F/W) particularly the end: "We're dedicated to enhancing the quality of family life by providing quality kitchen products, supported by service and information for our Consultants and customer."

When I think if service, I do not think of an internet purchase. I think of someone coming to my house and fixing something for me.
  • #73
beckyjsmith said:
I took that comment more as to mean, "Why is it in the policies and procedures?" more than what the issue is. Although, I am wrong often. :)

Yes, that's what I was getting at!
  • #74
I am sooooo glad I got onto chefsuccess tonight! You gals and guys probably saved my butt!! I completely forgot about all those rules about fb and had just put some stuff on there that was not allowed. I have removed it all now. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  • #75
mandy412 said:
No, I get that it's against the rules, I guess I just don't understand why it's against the rules.

I get frustrated that there always needs to be a "why" for the rules...

That's what HO has decided. End of story...
  • #76
etteluap70PC said:
I get frustrated that there always needs to be a "why" for the rules...

That's what HO has decided. End of story...

I'm not really one for challenging authority myself but I do believe that even companies that have been around for decades have room for growing and if you never question things then how can there ever be change? Just because you don't question the rules doesn't mean that other people don't have the right to ask why.
  • #77
Rosebud said:
I'm not really one for challenging authority myself but I do believe that even companies that have been around for decades have room for growing and if you never question things then how can there ever be change? Just because you don't question the rules doesn't mean that other people don't have the right to ask why.

And sometimes understanding a little bit of the reason why, helps people accept it instead of fight it.

When I tell my kids "don't play in the street"...and that's all I tell them, what do you think they want to do?? Play in the street because it's off-limits. But if I tell them WHY, they aren't as curious. I think human nature (as sad as it may be) is to do that which we are not allowed to. I think it would be a little nice to be given a courtesy of the "why"- even if just a tid-bit.

But, I'm not going to put my toe in the street to find out why I can't do it...I'll abide by what I agreed to. :D
  • #78
Sometimes it is good to ask why but some people keep asking if they don't like the answer. Many DS companies have these rules. They are trying to keep it a business of relationships. Why should someone who has a bit of computer knowledge get tons of sales over someone out there doing shows and working to grow a great business.Oh and the time to ask why is when a new consultant is reading the contract BEFORE they sign. If they do not understand then they should hold off signing something they don't understand or question.
  • #79
Thank you Bobbi well put!
  • #80
I have guessed why or at least some of why they do it this way (relationships, etc, unfair advantage, etc etc). I know a live cooking show is better than a catalog show, and my PWS is even lower than the shows...so web advertising isn't high on my priority list. But there are a few areas they could adjust given the new times. Like local newspapers....I can advertise in my local paper, but if they have an online version as well - which many now do, then I can't include my PWS, or the Local Chamber of Commerce directory..stuff like that which is local to me.I'm not complaining at all. Just trying to explain how I feel and view it. I think it's a waste of my time to worry too much about it. I deal with it as I can and move on to what I CAN do.But it would still be nice if they gave some insight. ;)

Oh- and I had to pull out a Consultant Agreement and see what it DOES say on the back- and it's the first paragraph on the back. Odd thing is, I did read it before I signed- and I don't remember it- probably because it didn't make much sense to me and I didn't really comprehend what it meant....until much later. Still wouldn't have made me change my mind.
  • Thread starter
  • #81
Well, I did say I was trying to avoid a fight, but it looks like I started a debate anyway, and since it looks like it's coming full circle, I will add my 2 cents.I fully believe in the PC mission, and I stand behind it's original marketing method. I have not seen a better way to build your business than through the old-fashioned get-up-in-front-of-people kitchen shows and picking up the phone and making the calls. I was not referring to FB as a way to solicit internet orders from people you don't know. I mentioned it because FB is a HUGE part of marketing to the public these days and I hope we don't miss out. I have friends who say "just Facebook me" when they want me to get them info. People are so plugged into their iPhones and such that they are dialed into the internet for all sources of information, FB being a big part of their information input for the day.Does this mean we abandon our traditional kitchen show methodology? NO, of course not. That's what this company was built on and how it will continue to succeed - we are, after all, social creatures who crave the company of others, and when good food is added, it's a win-win situation! However, I do hope the company is investigating and developing a good, compliant method for consultants to use social media like FB and Twitter to continue forth with those relationships already established. We are already fanned and twittered to our favorite sites and people... why wouldn't we want our customers to do the same for us as their *lifelong consultant*? I was hoping that there would be a good dialogue on how to do it legally, maybe via vague references and cleverly worded excitement. I don't think it's necessary to outright state PC at all, if you are truly only reaching out to those who already know you are a consultant (your "friends"). I think stating PC in your status update does cross the line.
  • #82
etteluap70PC said:
Sometimes it is good to ask why but some people keep asking if they don't like the answer. Many DS companies have these rules. They are trying to keep it a business of relationships. Why should someone who has a bit of computer knowledge get tons of sales over someone out there doing shows and working to grow a great business.

Oh and the time to ask why is when a new consultant is reading the contract BEFORE they sign. If they do not understand then they should hold off signing something they don't understand or question.

How can you not like an answer when you don't know what the answer is?

As far as someone getting tons of sales due to computer knowledge, it would be the same as someone getting tons of sales because they have lots of sales experience and know how to market themselves.

I read the contract before signing and so did my husband and we understand "what" the rules are and are willing to abide by them, we just wonder "why" the rule is in place. I don't think anyone who has asked why has ever implied that they wont abide by the rules they just wonder why and there is nothing wrong for that curiosity. It's not an attack on HO it's just a general curiosity. Nothing less nothing more.
  • #83
Joy that was exactly what I have been trying to say but you truly have a way with words. Thank you for putting that so eloquently.
  • #84
Joy - that was very well said and I believe probably echoes the beliefs of many consultants, who, even though they signed the rules and abide by them see the room for growth and change.
Rosebud- I agree with your remark about marketing experience. The "unfair advantage" comment that keeps popping up is kind of silly to me. Everyone has a strength that could be deemed an unfair advantage. I know a LOT of people in my area. So is it unfair because someone else doesn't?
And the answers of "because those are the rules" still don't explain *why* they are the rules, they just sound snarky. Thank you to Carolyn and esavvy ( I think) who took the time to explain the reasoning. That is far more helpful to a new consultant than the "because I said so" attitude. Really?
  • #85
I may be wrong, but I thought that one of the reasons why you can't advertise your personal website on other websites is because all selling of Pampered Chef products is done through consultants and as consultants when you get to a certain level, you are able to get HO leads when someone searches for a consultant on the website. Wouldn't that take that incentive of building a team away? I'm new at this but I seem to remember someone saying that somewhere along the way to me...
  • #86
etteluap70PC said:
I get frustrated that there always needs to be a "why" for the rules...

That's what HO has decided. End of story...

Lady, you are making it real hard for me to be polite. I'm not sure why YOU get frustrated when others ask questions. Last time I checked, you weren't in charge so it has no bearing on you and your life if I ask questions. As others have said, just because you want to know the reasons why doesn't mean you won't abide by HO's rules.
  • #87
PampChefJoy said:
Well, I did say I was trying to avoid a fight, but it looks like I started a debate anyway, and since it looks like it's coming full circle, I will add my 2 cents.

I fully believe in the PC mission, and I stand behind it's original marketing method. I have not seen a better way to build your business than through the old-fashioned get-up-in-front-of-people kitchen shows and picking up the phone and making the calls. I was not referring to FB as a way to solicit internet orders from people you don't know.

I mentioned it because FB is a HUGE part of marketing to the public these days and I hope we don't miss out. I have friends who say "just Facebook me" when they want me to get them info. People are so plugged into their iPhones and such that they are dialed into the internet for all sources of information, FB being a big part of their information input for the day.

Does this mean we abandon our traditional kitchen show methodology? NO, of course not. That's what this company was built on and how it will continue to succeed - we are, after all, social creatures who crave the company of others, and when good food is added, it's a win-win situation! However, I do hope the company is investigating and developing a good, compliant method for consultants to use social media like FB and Twitter to continue forth with those relationships already established. We are already fanned and twittered to our favorite sites and people... why wouldn't we want our customers to do the same for us as their *lifelong consultant*?

I was hoping that there would be a good dialogue on how to do it legally, maybe via vague references and cleverly worded excitement. I don't think it's necessary to outright state PC at all, if you are truly only reaching out to those who already know you are a consultant (your "friends"). I think stating PC in your status update does cross the line.

I need a "like" button for this post :)
  • #88
mandy412 said:
Lady, you are making it real hard for me to be polite. I'm not sure why YOU get frustrated when others ask questions. Last time I checked, you weren't in charge so it has no bearing on you and your life if I ask questions. As others have said, just because you want to know the reasons why doesn't mean you won't abide by HO's rules.

Wow - this is exactly what Joy was trying to AVOID in this thread.
Welcome to this forum, Mandy, I see you just joined 2 weeks ago. We really try not to speak to each other like this, though. I think you'll find that you'll get a lot more useful information and build strong business relationships here if you avoid attacking other forum members. You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. Just a thought. Again, welcome to our forum.
  • #89
dannyzmom said:
Wow - this is exactly what Joy was trying to AVOID in this thread.
Welcome to this forum, Mandy, I see you just joined 2 weeks ago. We really try not to speak to each other like this, though. I think you'll find that you'll get a lot more useful information and build strong business relationships here if you avoid attacking other forum members. You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar. Just a thought. Again, welcome to our forum.

hi there, thanks for the welcome. I'm definitely not starting a fight...I didn't see a need for that person's response to my question though. Everyone else was very gracious in shedding light on what the thought process might be against FB advertising.
  • #90
I don't see how Paulette's response was any different than many of the other responses here that refer back to the rules. She was just stating her opinion that it frustrates her, just like you stat your opinion.

I can see how it can get frustrating: there are now five pages to this thread with several posts offering reasoning for the rules, yet the same "why" keeps getting asked. Just as if you have a child who keeps asking for something even though you've repeatedly said no. It just gets frustrating. It's a personal feeling, not an affront to anyone else, and certainly not something that deserves such a harsh response.
  • #91
mandy412 said:
hi there, thanks for the welcome. I'm definitely not starting a fight...I didn't see a need for that person's response to my question though. Everyone else was very gracious in shedding light on what the thought process might be against FB advertising.

Mandy, don't take what Paulette said personally, she's just trying to help. Like Carolyn said we try to be very respectful on here and take everyone's opinion with a grain of salt. Sometimes you cannot "read" emotions but I don't think Paulette did anything wrong while your response to her was not very nice.

My aunt sells jewelry and they do not sell anything online or even have a catalog posted online. There is no other way to buy their merchandise except through a consultant (or on ebay... etc). Their company will not allow that. I think we should be grateful that our HO gives us the opportunity to allow us to have personal websites and all the benefits that come with it. There are rules that are made for a reason. We don't always know the why but it's best to abide by the rules to give everyone a fair chance. Read Doris' book it gives a good explination as to why some of the rules are in place like they are.
  • #92
NooraK said:
I don't see how Paulette's response was any different than many of the other responses here that refer back to the rules. She was just stating her opinion that it frustrates her, just like you stat your opinion.

I can see how it can get frustrating: there are now five pages to this thread with several posts offering reasoning for the rules, yet the same "why" keeps getting asked. Just as if you have a child who keeps asking for something even though you've repeatedly said no. It just gets frustrating. It's a personal feeling, not an affront to anyone else, and certainly not something that deserves such a harsh response.

Exactly! I have a 5 year old...and I never thought I'd hear myself saying it, but after explaining a "why" several times, my Mom takes over my mouth, and I hear myself say "Because I said so!" :eek::D
I think that's where Paulette's frustration was coming from.
  • #93
Rosebud said:
I read the contract before signing and so did my husband and we understand "what" the rules are and are willing to abide by them, we just wonder "why" the rule is in place. I don't think anyone who has asked why has ever implied that they wont abide by the rules they just wonder why and there is nothing wrong for that curiosity. It's not an attack on HO it's just a general curiosity. Nothing less nothing more.

OK I think I finally understand you... Sorry I was really tired last night and should probably not have posted.

And as th my comments on not liking the answer. I was referring to some things I have personally been dealing with in my life. They were just observations and not based on anything on this thread.
  • #94
mandy412 said:
Lady, you are making it real hard for me to be polite. I'm not sure why YOU get frustrated when others ask questions. Last time I checked, you weren't in charge so it has no bearing on you and your life if I ask questions. As others have said, just because you want to know the reasons why doesn't mean you won't abide by HO's rules.

Wow... it was nothing personal... a few other people have given you similar responses and you didn't attack them... sorry if I struck a nerve. You will find many of us on his board have strong feelings on various topics but try our best to keep these debates civil.

NooraK said:
I don't see how Paulette's response was any different than many of the other responses here that refer back to the rules. She was just stating her opinion that it frustrates her, just like you stat your opinion.

I can see how it can get frustrating: there are now five pages to this thread with several posts offering reasoning for the rules, yet the same "why" keeps getting asked. Just as if you have a child who keeps asking for something even though you've repeatedly said no. It just gets frustrating. It's a personal feeling, not an affront to anyone else, and certainly not something that deserves such a harsh response.

This is eactly what I have been getting at! I'm just not always the best with words. Thanks Noora!
  • #95
ChefBeckyD said:
Exactly! I have a 5 year old...and I never thought I'd hear myself saying it, but after explaining a "why" several times, my Mom takes over my mouth, and I hear myself say "Because I said so!" :eek::D
I think that's where Paulette's frustration was coming from.

you know me so well Becky! :D
  • #96
etteluap70PC said:
Wow... it was nothing personal... a few other people have given you similar responses and you didn't attack them... sorry if I struck a nerve. You will find many of us on his board have strong feelings on various topics but try our best to keep these debates civil.

This is eactly what I have been getting at! I'm just not always the best with words. Thanks Noora!

That's the thing, I'm don't really have strong feelings about FB, I'm new to PC and I was trying to understand the thought process. I just didn't appreciate your response because it was really short like something my parents might have said when I was a kid. Nothing personal...the hot-blooded Italian in me had to respond but I'm happy to bury our exchange and move on.
  • #97
I think I'm feeling the need for a group hug after this! ;-)
  • #98
*hehe* I think you are right Rose...everyone "kiss and make up!" :) You know..reading today's comments...the thought struck me. There are alot of us here who have been on CS for a long time, so we've seen threads likes this come up over and over and yes- it can get a bit annoying or frustrating to see the same arguments or negativity or whatever the case may be in that particular thread. They go in cycles. We have so many NEW people who join the business and this group, that they don't KNOW the answer, and it can be very daunting to search through the hundreds and hundreds of threads...so they post their question looking for guidance from the Seasoned Consultants on here. (I know Joy is not New...but this thread sort of evolved from joy's original post)Just like I would with my child who keeps asking "why, why, why?" or asking the same questions over again - I'd *hopefully* patiently explain it again and then move on. Or direct/teach them how to find the information they might be looking for. The other thing to keep in mind- reading text on a screen lacks alot of the emotion. If I'm in a bad mood or feeling down, I may read something and take it as snarky...OR I may post something and it comes across that way- but it wasn't what I intended or was even thinking. (I try to use smilies for that reason too.) So while some comments ARE intended as we read them, others may just have been misinterpreted.So before we post...we just have to remind ourselves of those things I guess (me included sometimes).I'm off to clean my desk. I'm buried under Thank Yous and Receipts! :D
  • #99
For those who asked, the DCB group on FB is I <3 my Deep Covered BakerAnd, thanks to whoever suggested my post (#27) as a good explanation of why. I am a total Why person! If I understand why, I can follow it so much better. Not that I need to know why in order to do what I agree to, but it sits better in my mind and I tend to follow it better.
  • #100
no comments to all on the rules, but am going straight to FB to join
<3 my Deep Covered Baker
<h2>1. Can a consultant create a fan page for their PC business without breaking the rules?</h2><p>Yes, consultants can create a fan page for their PC business on Facebook, as long as they adhere to the platform's rules and regulations. This includes not linking to their website or identifying themselves as a consultant on the page.</p><h2>2. Is it acceptable to ask customers to fan the fan page so they can receive updates and promotions?</h2><p>Asking customers to like your fan page is allowed, as long as it is done in a respectful and non-spammy manner. It is important to avoid repeatedly asking or pressuring customers to like your page, as this can be seen as aggressive marketing.</p><h2>3. Can consultants use their fan page to post promotions and incentives for customers?</h2><p>While it is possible to post promotions and incentives on your fan page, it is important to follow Facebook's advertising guidelines. This means avoiding language that implies a sense of urgency, such as "limited time offer" or "only available for the first X customers."</p><h2>4. What types of content should consultants avoid posting on their fan page?</h2><p>Consultants should avoid posting content that violates Facebook's community standards, such as hate speech, nudity, or misleading information. Additionally, it is important to avoid spamming your followers with too many promotional posts, as this can result in a negative user experience.</p><h2>5. Are there any other methods consultants can use to communicate with existing customers on Facebook?</h2><p>Aside from using a fan page, consultants can also utilize Facebook groups to communicate with existing customers. This allows for more personalized and targeted messaging, as well as the ability to create a sense of community among customers. However, it is important to still follow Facebook's rules and guidelines when using groups for marketing purposes.</p>

Related to Not Trying to Start a Fight, But... Re: Facebook

1. Can a consultant create a fan page for their PC business without breaking the rules?

Yes, consultants can create a fan page for their PC business on Facebook, as long as they adhere to the platform's rules and regulations. This includes not linking to their website or identifying themselves as a consultant on the page.

2. Is it acceptable to ask customers to fan the fan page so they can receive updates and promotions?

Asking customers to like your fan page is allowed, as long as it is done in a respectful and non-spammy manner. It is important to avoid repeatedly asking or pressuring customers to like your page, as this can be seen as aggressive marketing.

3. Can consultants use their fan page to post promotions and incentives for customers?

While it is possible to post promotions and incentives on your fan page, it is important to follow Facebook's advertising guidelines. This means avoiding language that implies a sense of urgency, such as "limited time offer" or "only available for the first X customers."

4. What types of content should consultants avoid posting on their fan page?

Consultants should avoid posting content that violates Facebook's community standards, such as hate speech, nudity, or misleading information. Additionally, it is important to avoid spamming your followers with too many promotional posts, as this can result in a negative user experience.

5. Are there any other methods consultants can use to communicate with existing customers on Facebook?

Aside from using a fan page, consultants can also utilize Facebook groups to communicate with existing customers. This allows for more personalized and targeted messaging, as well as the ability to create a sense of community among customers. However, it is important to still follow Facebook's rules and guidelines when using groups for marketing purposes.

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