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Non-Payment: What to Do When a Cheffer Refuses to Answer?

In summary, there is a discussion about a cheffer not paying for an item and not responding to messages. Some members suggest giving her the benefit of the doubt, while others suggest warning others about her. One member mentions a similar situation with another cheffer who has scammed multiple people. The moderator is notified, but the post is not taken down and some members feel guilty for not calling the cheffer out. The conversation shifts to discussing how some people can be deceitful and make "friends" but not respond when questioned. The idea of letting HO (Home Office) know is suggested. Some members are curious about what is going on.
  • #151
If the front of this check is the "actual check" that was deposited then the MICR encoding should also have the check amount on the very far right bottom as 13500 - that's how the bank computers know how much to deposit to the shelter and how much to debit to the writer's account. The bottom line should read:

Routing Number Account Number Check Number Check Amount
  • #152
Nor would the check number she said it had make sense as starter checks usually start with 100 or something.
  • #153
janetupnorth said:
I understand the other questions. ...just wanted to point that out so people don't question the poor non-profits out there who do this... :)

Oh, I hope people know who to question, and it isn't the non-profit sector! (I've spent years working with non-profits and can say with a clear heart that I don't know what this country would do without them!)

  • #154
I am glad we have a resident bank expert here Linda!!
  • #155
Thanks CA Mom. :)
  • #156
PamperedChefDebi said:
Hmmm, and since my name also starts with a "D" I can't see anyway to decipher that first letter in the signature as a "D."
Well, I'll give her that one. Alot of people use a nick name or go by their middle name.....except in legal documents. Plus even when some people have the best handwriting....you cannot possibly read their signature. This one doesn't bother me near as much as the other stuff.
  • #157
Guys....listenThat check she showed was cashed in JANUARY....the incident happened in FEBRUARY....so did she KNOW this was gonna happen prior....she is scamming with this check copy.....AND as someone pointed out, if they HELD the check for a month then the donation was made in DECEMBER.....

I apologize, I am just really getting frustrated here.....99% of everyone on here are GOOD GOOD people, then there is the 1% that don't care, scam, and then sit there watching as they said they where logging off....

Okay, Darby, what is your consultant number?
  • #158
pamperedlinda said:
Well, I'll give her that one. Alot of people use a nick name or go by their middle name.....except in legal documents. Plus even when some people have the best handwriting....you cannot possibly read their signature. This one doesn't bother me near as much as the other stuff.

Just noticed it since the idea of her having two identities on the board came up.
  • #159
nikkijo said:
Hmmm....maybe these are starter checks? those don't have your name printed on them. BUT I think that if Darby had really written the check she would not have stated that the scanner didn't get the top of the check and that is why their is no number. I know that I would have gone and checked the check before I posted that excuse.

Plus even if these are starter checks that still does not explain how it was cashed on 1/30/7 when none of this happened until 2/8/7.
starter checks don't usually have a design on them.
  • #160
janetupnorth said:
Ok, I'm not taking ANY sides, not wanting to be involved in this, but like many, have been reading...

Please advise Darby to take down the picture of that check now that people have seen it. I personally think there are too many lurkers that can get too much personal information (bank routing numbers, etc.) off the information she posted. I think we should give her that courtesy at least...


I actually agree it that it should be taken down, because I'm afraid that the account actually belongs to an innocent third party....

  • #161
cooking.with.ann said:
Oh, I hope people know who to question, and it isn't the non-profit sector! (I've spent years working with non-profits and can say with a clear heart that I don't know what this country would do without them!)

I would never question/blame the non-profits!! I am just trying to confirm what Darby was saying her bank rep said that it was cashed on the 2-29.
  • #162
I have to say thank you all for your support. This was something I have held in since I first called Donika. I tried giving Darby an out. THREE TIMES. There is no way Pampered Chef would treat us this way. They know we are their bread and butter. If you call HO treat them like you want to be treated and call back if you aren't teated well.

There is absolutely no plausible facts in this. Call them Monday. Kill them w/ kindness because they will be answering a 1,000 Darby calls, and thank them for being understanding, but you just had to know. But...thanks to Darby we all know anyway.

Be on the look out for copycats and people with more than one screen name until CS fixes enrollment. This is a great website! Use it make friends. I know I have made several today that I completely trust! Just don't do things you normally would question. It is easy to get the mob mentality. I've done it! Just call PC everytime you have an issue. Help each other out because that is what friends do. Even though Darby alluded that she was going to check on me...Fine. If you have friends on any other forums alert them to scams like this.

Supporting me is the best birthday gift I received all day! Okay, the clothes and the one bite of cake between typing were pretty awesome, too! My poor family!

I will check back after I shower and go out to Dinner.
  • #163
Elaine it is your birthday too? Happy Birthday! Mine's officially over here in the UK but it's still going strong in the States. ;)
  • #164
pamperedlinda said:
If the front of this check is the "actual check" that was deposited then the MICR encoding should also have the check amount on the very far right bottom as 13500 - that's how the bank computers know how much to deposit to the shelter and how much to debit to the writer's account. The bottom line should read:

Routing Number Account Number Check Number Check Amount
Linda, BINGO on that one....thank you for noticing all this, by the way, has anyone told you you look like Tory Spelling? She was my fave on 90210....:D

Oh, Happy Birthday Amber.....;)
  • #165
Elaine, it's your birthday too? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  • #166
pamperedlinda said:
starter checks don't usually have a design on them.

the ones I got from my bank had a sample of different designs each check had a different one...don't remember if they had a check number on them or not.
  • #167
PamperedChefDebi said:
Just noticed it since the idea of her having two identities on the board came up.
What is her other identity?

I'm curoius!

It couldn't possibly be that ebay person from last year? Now I'm probably stiring something up! shame shame shame on me
  • #169
Happy Birthday Elaine and Amber!
  • #170
BTW, there was no 2/29 this year...
  • #171
pamperedlinda said:
What is her other identity?

I'm curoius!

It couldn't possibly be that ebay person from last year? Now I'm probably stiring something up! shame shame shame on me


I don't actually know but it was mentioned previously.
  • #172
Chefgirl2 said:
I have to say thank you all for your support. This was something I have held in since I first called Donika. I tried giving Darby an out. THREE TIMES. There is no way Pampered Chef would treat us this way. They know we are their bread and butter. If you call HO treat them like you want to be treated and call back if you aren't teated well.

There is absolutely no plausible facts in this. Call them Monday. Kill them w/ kindness because they will be answering a 1,000 Darby calls, and thank them for being understanding, but you just had to know. But...thanks to Darby we all know anyway.

Be on the look out for copycats and people with more than one screen name until CS fixes enrollment. This is a great website! Use it make friends. I know I have made several today that I completely trust! Just don't do things you normally would question. It is easy to get the mob mentality. I've done it! Just call PC everytime you have an issue. Help each other out because that is what friends do. Even though Darby alluded that she was going to check on me...Fine. If you have friends on any other forums alert them to scams like this.

Supporting me is the best birthday gift I received all day! Okay, the clothes and the one bite of cake between typing were pretty awesome, too! My poor family!

I will check back after I shower and go out to Dinner.
Have a Great Birthday Dinner and know we support you through all this Nonsense.
  • #173
Kelley Sells said:
Linda, BINGO on that one....thank you for noticing all this, by the way, has anyone told you you look like Tory Spelling? She was my fave on 90210....:D

Oh my gosh we have a celeb on board!!! You do kind of look like her!!
  • #174
Kelley Sells said:
Linda, BINGO on that one....thank you for noticing all this, by the way, has anyone told you you look like Tory Spelling? She was my fave on 90210....:D

Oh, Happy Birthday Amber.....;)
I have so got to get a new picture! You are about the 6th person to say that. I absolutely do not look like her. She is probably about a foot taller than me and I probably weigh about twice as much as she does! But thanks for the compliment.
  • #175
PamperedChefDebi said:
Elaine, it's your birthday too? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy birthday Elaine. Is it still your b-day are we CA 9 hours apart? I love
K-Town. i used to live just a bit from there a little town called Weitersweiler (in between Sembach and Worms)
  • #176
Happy Birthday ElaineAnd I apologize if I'm showing a "mob mentality" I'm trying not to, but I'm just really upset by this person. This is a GREAT website for PC Consultants, it is helpful and fun and alot of support that we don't get from any where else in our PC lives....because we all understand each other.....And for some of you to be taken advantage of by the "sob story" is just really disheartening....

And I haven't done this many posts EVER.....but I'm mad as hell.....and I think that by posting that Check, that just made me even MORE mad....and your right, it probably IS someone elses account and should be taken down now that Elaine has the copy of it......

And Linda, yeah, the EBAY thing? LOL....ANOTHER THREAD.....:D

So please know that my "tone of voice" on here is NOT to any of you but just my anger of SOMEONE taking advantage of some of YOU.....
  • #177
dianevill said:
BTW, there was no 2/29 this year...
I had to go back and reveiw to remember the relevance of that date. Darby said:

"My 24 hr emergency bank rep, Josiah, says that each bank has a unique code stamp for their bank and branch. The number in question, and I am explaing to him where this number is and just sent him a scan of this check, he says should be preceeded by a seiers of numbers that start with 323. The same number sequince is above this again. The date stamp is listed below this but has a received stamp from the clerk on it dated 02/29/07.

The back of the check is upside down, because I put it on the scanner incorrectly, I guess."
  • #178
nikkijo said:
the ones I got from my bank had a sample of different designs each check had a different one...don't remember if they had a check number on them or not.

Here's my guess...

1) Darby wrote out this check just for the purpose of scanning it in (covered up her bank info so we wouldn't realize it didn't match)
2) Used the back of an old check that had already been deposited (I know I can view a copy of my checks on my bank website after they have cleared)
3) Made up a letter by copying/scanning the shelter's logo and writing it herself
4) Forgot to make sure all the details matched so her story would be believable
  • #179
I was going to buy a Cheffer shirt but I think I will hold off. The profits are supposed to go to RUFTH but how can I be sure?
  • #180
CAmomCookin4U said:
Happy birthday Elaine. Is it still your b-day are we CA 9 hours apart? I love
K-Town. i used to live just a bit from there a little town called Weitersweiler (in between Sembach and Worms)

Not me, Elaine and Amber. :)

That is one town I haven't heard of! I'm not even sure where Worms is even though I've heard of it many times.
  • #181
britishchef said:
I was going to buy a Cheffer shirt but I think I will hold off. The profits are supposed to go to RUFTH but how can I be sure?

Most cities have screen printers, you could get make your own shirt.
  • #182
That made me reaize I didn't say Happy Birthday to you Amber! Well, about 40 minutes ago.
  • #183
Okay,Deep Breath, breath out SLOWLY....and put your problem into the bubble, blow out and WHEW, blow the bubble away from you......AHHH, I'm done now....really.....

;) :cool: :D
  • #184
PamperedChefDebi said:
Not me, Elaine and Amber. :)

That is one town I haven't heard of! I'm not even sure where Worms is even though I've heard of it many times.
Ooops all this drama I got lost.
Vogelweh is close to Kaiserslautern(k-town) right. i know its been a few years but I thought it was.:confused:
  • #185
CAmomCookin4U said:
Ooops all this drama I got lost.
Vogelweh is close to Kaiserslautern(k-town) right. i know its been a few years but I thought it was.:confused:

Yep! It's actually in K-town.
  • #186
PamperedChefDebi said:
I had to go back and reveiw to remember the relevance of that date. Darby said:

"My 24 hr emergency bank rep, Josiah, says that each bank has a unique code stamp for their bank and branch. The number in question, and I am explaing to him where this number is and just sent him a scan of this check, he says should be preceeded by a seiers of numbers that start with 323. The same number sequince is above this again. The date stamp is listed below this but has a received stamp from the clerk on it dated 02/29/07.

The back of the check is upside down, because I put it on the scanner incorrectly, I guess."

Ok this is a weird coincidence....I have never really met or talked with anyone with the name Josiah before...I just turned to lifetime and they have a nora roberts movie Carolina Moon and they have a character with that name...sorry just had to share.
  • #187
PamperedChefDebi said:
I had to go back and reveiw to remember the relevance of that date. Darby said:

"My 24 hr emergency bank rep, Josiah, says that each bank has a unique code stamp for their bank and branch. The number in question, and I am explaing to him where this number is and just sent him a scan of this check, he says should be preceeded by a seiers of numbers that start with 323. The same number sequince is above this again. The date stamp is listed below this but has a received stamp from the clerk on it dated 02/29/07.

The back of the check is upside down, because I put it on the scanner incorrectly, I guess."

"24 hr emergency bank rep"--what on earth is this? I've got a great bank (our state employees credit union) and we get the best service I've ever gotten anywhere. I've had issues that they took care of...well, never mind. But the ONLY 24 hour emergency rep that they have is only going to deal with my lost/stolen debit/credit card. Everything else waits until Monday morning at 9AM!

How stupid does she think we are?
  • #188
nikkijo said:
Ok this is a weird coincidence....I have never really met or talked with anyone with the name Josiah before...I just turned to lifetime and they have a nora roberts movie Carolina Moon and they have a character with that name...sorry just had to share.

Or is it??? (A coincidence.)
  • #189
PamperedChefDebi said:
Yep! It's actually in K-town.
I thought so but i got all confused. Well leave K-town go towards Sembach about 35 minutes, pass it then weitersweiler (teeny teeny Village Not a base) will be on your left. Worms is 25 minutes from there a major city.

:( I miss Germany. i lived there 10 years while enlisted myself
  • #190
ChefSteph06 said:
Here's my guess...

1) Darby wrote out this check just for the purpose of scanning it in (covered up her bank info so we wouldn't realize it didn't match)
2) Used the back of an old check that had already been deposited (I know I can view a copy of my checks on my bank website after they have cleared)
3) Made up a letter by copying/scanning the shelter's logo and writing it herself
4) Forgot to make sure all the details matched so her story would be believable

It is sounding more probable by the second... and don't forget her DH is a graphic designer who could easily make documents seem right...
  • #191
gilliandanielle said:
It is sounding more probable by the second... and don't forget her DH is a graphic designer who could easily make documents seem right...

True Conspiracy Theory!!
  • #192
Sorry NOT DONE YET...do NOT buyanything from her please.....I know there are some on here that have purchased items from her. Finding all this out tonight and seeing the holes in her stories....I BEG you all to be VERY cautious of giving her ANY form of payment for ANY show she is holding, she shouldn't be on here asking ANY of us to buy things from a party she is having EVER.....and if you HAVE already done that I would WATCH YOUR credit cards CAREFULLY monitor them DAILY for their activity......your bank accounts, your PAYPAL accounts, WHATEVER....be careful......we're on to her and hopefully she will find some OTHER website to go to....

I wouldn't ask you to buy from my Naughty Nighties party :eek: that I'll be hosting....ROFL...:D ...had to just toss that out there for a giggle....but you KNOW what I mean right?

Do NOT buy anything, from her Tshirts, her parties WHATEVER...we all know what is going on here......and what needs to happen is CAUTION CAUTION CAUTION......
  • #193
CAmomCookin4U said:
I thought so but i got all confused. Well leave K-town go towards Sembach about 35 minutes, pass it then weitersweiler (teeny teeny Village Not a base) will be on your left. Worms is 25 minutes from there a major city.

:( I miss Germany. i lived there 10 years while enlisted myself

I retired here since my husband is still active. This was my second tour though. I've spent a total of 9 years here now.
  • #194
WOW......You know you've got a serious situation when KG won't even touch it! :eek: I keep expecting him and his smarta$$ self :rolleyes: (love you KG!) to pop in and lighten the mood..........................KG - where are you when we need you?! ;) :p :) (please don't tell me he's the alter-ego....that would be devastating!......)
  • #195
pamperedlinda said:
WOW......You know you've got a serious situation when KG won't even touch it! :eek: I keep expecting him and his smarta$$ self :rolleyes: (love you KG!) to pop in and lighten the mood..........................KG - where are you when we need you?! ;) :p :) (please don't tell me he's the alter-ego....that would be devastating!......)

  • #196
pamperedlinda said:
WOW......You know you've got a serious situation when KG won't even touch it! :eek: I keep expecting him and his smarta$$ self :rolleyes: (love you KG!) to pop in and lighten the mood..........................KG - where are you when we need you?! ;) :p :) (please don't tell me he's the alter-ego....that would be devastating!......)

LINDA---don't even suggest such a thing...to send such karma out into the universe...I don't even want to think about it!
  • #197
pamperedlinda said:
WOW......You know you've got a serious situation when KG won't even touch it! :eek: I keep expecting him and his smarta$$ self :rolleyes: (love you KG!) to pop in and lighten the mood..........................KG - where are you when we need you?! ;) :p :) (please don't tell me he's the alter-ego....that would be devastating!......)

DONT EVEN THINK IT!!:eek: :eek: but he does know to much about WI so he at least lived here at one time.
  • #198
Yeah, KG where ARE YOU?He KNOWS when to stay quiet.....LOL:D
  • #199
I have to leave for my anniversary dinner- but I will be thinking about this the whole time!
  • #200
gilliandanielle said:
I have to leave for my anniversary dinner- but I will be thinking about this the whole time!
Have a Nice Dinner Gillian, my DD and I have been planning on the movies but can't leave the site:eek:
<h2>1. What are my options if a cheffer refuses to pay for an item I sold them?</h2><p>If a cheffer has not paid for an item you sold them, your first step should be to reach out to them through email or private message to remind them of the payment and ask for an update. If they still do not respond or refuse to pay, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.</p><h2>2. What should I do if a cheffer is not responding to my emails regarding non-payment?</h2><p>If a cheffer is not responding to your emails regarding non-payment, you can try reaching out to them through a different method such as a phone call or a private message on a different platform. If they still do not respond, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.</p><h2>3. Can I take legal action against a cheffer who refuses to pay?</h2><p>If all attempts to reach a resolution with the cheffer have been unsuccessful, you may consider taking legal action. However, it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication first and only pursue legal action as a last resort.</p><h2>4. How does Pampered Chef handle non-payment issues between cheffers?</h2><p>Pampered Chef takes non-payment issues seriously and has a dedicated customer service team to assist with resolving these types of issues. They may reach out to both parties involved to gather more information and help mediate a resolution.</p><h2>5. What should I do if the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community?</h2><p>If the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community, it may be beneficial to reach out to them privately first before escalating the issue. They may have a valid reason for not paying and it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication before involving others or taking legal action.</p>

Related to Non-Payment: What to Do When a Cheffer Refuses to Answer?

1. What are my options if a cheffer refuses to pay for an item I sold them?

If a cheffer has not paid for an item you sold them, your first step should be to reach out to them through email or private message to remind them of the payment and ask for an update. If they still do not respond or refuse to pay, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.

2. What should I do if a cheffer is not responding to my emails regarding non-payment?

If a cheffer is not responding to your emails regarding non-payment, you can try reaching out to them through a different method such as a phone call or a private message on a different platform. If they still do not respond, you can escalate the issue to your manager or the customer service team at Pampered Chef for further assistance.

3. Can I take legal action against a cheffer who refuses to pay?

If all attempts to reach a resolution with the cheffer have been unsuccessful, you may consider taking legal action. However, it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication first and only pursue legal action as a last resort.

4. How does Pampered Chef handle non-payment issues between cheffers?

Pampered Chef takes non-payment issues seriously and has a dedicated customer service team to assist with resolving these types of issues. They may reach out to both parties involved to gather more information and help mediate a resolution.

5. What should I do if the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community?

If the cheffer who has not paid is a prominent poster in the community, it may be beneficial to reach out to them privately first before escalating the issue. They may have a valid reason for not paying and it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication before involving others or taking legal action.

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