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New Year....new Road to Director! Who's Walkin' That Road?

In summary, many people are determined to walk at conference and are working hard to recruit and promote in order to do so. People have various amounts of signed consultants and qualified consultants, as well as several fence-sitters. They are all working to get their show schedules on track and will be using various strategies to recruit additional consultants.
  • #101
I am so excited!!! I have 3 recruits qualified. My 4th recruit will qualify in the next week or so. And yesterday I just talked to a gal that wants to sign up next week. That makes 5 - Directorship here I come. I can't wait. Thanks to all of you with great encouragement and information. You guys really keep me going.
  • #102
Way to go, Chris! And Gina, thanks so much for the BTDT advice - it is great to hear it honestly from someone who has been there. Update on me - My 2nd recruit had her Grand Opening today and it went really well - she has at least 8 shows booked through spring!My 3rd recruit signed yesterday and is coming to our team meeting on Tuesday. Her Grand Opening is scheduled for 3/16, and she has her first 4 shows booked for March already. WOOHOO!! I'm stoked! Recruit #1 just had baby #2, so she may be taking a leave of absence for a bit, but only until April or May. She has a recruit and she doesn't want to lose her, so I know she won't risk going inactive. She'll submit her sales waiver.I have a bunch of hosts who are pondering the oppty now, too. I would LOVE to promote before Conference, but we'll see. With working FT, I can only do 2-4 shows a month. I have 3 in March and 4 in April so far and no dates left! I am starting to push people off to May already! Not a bad problem, huh?Good luck everyone - hope to see you all crossing that stage in July!! :D
  • #103
Way to go Cathy - consistency is the key I have found

And cool I am in Wave 1 for conference also - we will walk across stage together.
  • #104
Way to go Cathy!!!

I know what you mean - I to have so many who are pondering ....

BUT - remember - it is about them - we come in a very close 2nd though:D

Keep up the good work.
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  • #105
Yeah Chris & Cathy!

I did a show for my sil yesterday & it was mostly college girls. (most last year) One of them wants to sign, & my sil is really thinking about signing once she's done w/school. (she's student teaching now & working full time so doesn't want to take anymore on). I'm going to email the recruiting promo flyer to the other gal today (dorky me forgot to take one, lol!). I'm excited though, this gal's mom used to sell a long time ago, so she's grown up w/PC!
  • #106
I'm so proud of myself- I handed out 3 recruiting packs at my show yesterday. And one of the women sounded really excited, and said that she thinks her mom would be interested, too. Awesome!! I'm pretty good at informing, but I forget to invite people to be consultants. (I just re-took the online training, can you tell?)
  • #107
Wa-Hoo !! Way to go Ann! I can't even get anyone to bite at shows lately... BUT - with my bubbling personality - someone must take me sertiously soon :yuck: --- Right!!??
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  • #108
That's awesome about the packets Ann; have you followed up?;)

(fingers crossed) my new lead says she's going to sign after spring break; she's got mid-terms coming up. Yeah! Hopefully that will be my recruit to get free conference:thumbup:
  • #109
Okay, I was sick for a couple weeks and haven't been on here as much as usual - so I think I have missed something...

What is the deal with earning free conference? I didn't think they were doing something like that this year. Can someone tell me? Thanks!

And good job you guys - lots more inviting going on - that is bound to lead to more recruits!

I was happy that I finally handed out a packet a couple weeks ago at a show and I think the lady is seriously considering it. She is retired and knows tons of people - I think she'd be great and have lots of fun with it. We'll see what happens...
  • #110
It's in the March newsletter, which is online for Directors, and via the sneaky way for the rest of us (replace feb with mar in the link to February's)
  • #111
Thanks Ann - and good luck with those leads!
  • #112
I have a possible recruit lead for May, when she turns 18. I can't wait for them to start rolling in.
  • #113
Just signed my 2nd! I really want to earn conference free, so I WILL recruit another 1 (or 2or3) during that time! I with you Amanda, I need a raise & so I WILL walk in July~wave 2!!
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  • #114
OK, wave 2 is gonna be busy with all us cheffers walkin'!:balloon: I will earn free conference too!

I just love my director.....she called the other day to see if I'd been on the FD call. I said no; she had an email talking about it, & it had a number where you could dial in & listen to the recording. So, she called & 3-way'ed me in & we listened together. I liked how Susie Lite said to pick your target promote date in the next 90 days, then count back 6 weeks from that....& that's when you need to have enough recruits signed by.
So, my target date is June 1....need enough recruits signed by April 20! (& get them all qualified!)
  • #114
OK - Signed #3 tonight - I too have set June 1st as my promote date Lacy....

Way to go ladies....
  • #115
I just signed my 5th! I have 7 on my team though as my team has already been recruiting!! My goal is to get them all qualified in March so I can promote April 1!!
  • #116
Okay how are you guys spreading your recruiting lines throughout your show?I think I may be sounding too desperate, I am trying to take me out of the equation but I want to promote.My SED told us Yesterday during a meeting a Quote from someone else (sorry I forget who), " You don't have to Marry PC, just try us out for 4 Dates." I really liked this. I set a goal yesterday to promote by June 1st but have no active recruits and none of my team will respond to me.I know this is the right group to point me in the right direction. TIA!!:D:D
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  • #117
Amanda, my goal is June 1 too! Both my recruits have gone inactive & won't return my calls either; I know how you feel:( I heard that line somewhere too; I thought it was cute. I also like Jillian's line which is what I usually say, "I"m looking for some GREAT people to join my team."
I'm doing a big ladies fair the end of this month that I hope to get some NEW leads from.
  • #118
I'm so excited...signed #4 on Friday (at 11:30pm!!!). I have one that will sign this month (probably around the 16th) and another either at the end of the month or early April. :D

I'm coaching them already to have catalog shows ready to submit as soon a they get their consultant #s, so it's entirely possible they could qualify the same week they sign!

Free conference, here I come!!
  • #119
Okay girls I signed #4 on Thursday! She wanted the knives so I am not sure that she will continue once she has them but at least it'll be points for me. Unfortunately one went inactive when she didn't submit anything on Friday. So 3 active and 1 inactive. At least I am getting closer!
  • #120
I signed another #5 on Friday...
by another #5 I mean, I have one inactive, so this would be #6 if the one girl wasn't inactive.
I'd love for her to come back...and ya never know she may!?!?!

My newest recruit has been wanting to do this for a couple years..now is a good time...and she can't wait to get the knives!

I hope to see you all at New Director Academy in Chicago!

Gotta keep looking for that next recruit!
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  • #121
Congrats girls!
  • #122
You girls are on fire!!!!!:DOkay the other day when we had a meeting w/ our SED, she said Jean Jonas told her that the speaker for the Directors training is the best. So we all are going to promote and attend our first Director Training!!
  • #123
I want this so bad! I'm finally stepping out of my comfort zone & really focusing on recruiting! I'm signing #3 today, but I gotta get them all qualified! Plus I have 3-4 fence sitters....I like the "you're not marrying the company" line too! It got my 3rd & now she's ready!!
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  • #124
pamperedalf said:
So we all are going to promote and attend our first Director Training!!
I was proud of myself last night during host coaching call with my host for Saturday; I actually asked if she's thought about this.....well, she sells longaberger & doesn't really have time for that-so she's not interested right now, but hey I asked;)
  • #125
Lacy I have tried calling my host last night to ask her, and she didn't answer her phone.I started free shipping for every person that I don't ask to host a show or if they would like more info on the biz.
  • #126
Okay Lacy you would be so proud of me, I asked my host!!!:D But she was a firm no, oh well off to the next host.
  • #127
Hey Amanda~Great job asking your host! That's 1/2 the battle right there. Plus, it's a numbers game. So if you ask NOONE, chances are you're not gonna recruit. If you ask 10 people, chances are MUCH better!! Congrats on asking!!
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  • #128
Yeah Amanda!
You know, I've thought about offering something free like that too.....free shipping if I don't ask them to host or about the biz. How has it worked for you? I'm sure it would make you remember to ask; plus then they are expecting it. Kinda like at Sonic, they always ask if you want something else, even if you're just getting a drink.
  • #129
I haven't given away free shipping yet. I have had a couple people go man I wanted free shipping. I think because I have said it out loud I am holding myself more accountable.
  • #130
I have 1 new consultant who qualified in her first 30 days, and she's joined me in our step up to director class!

I have 1 who went inactive, but is getting a show together for this month.

1 who is inactive and needs to put a show in by the end of March.

In the last 3 years I have recruited 8, but keeping them is another thing.

I'm hoping with the step up to director class, and my increase in shows, I will see more people to introduce the business too. I'm expanding into the hispanic market to invite others onto my team.
  • #131
very hesitant on what to do...Hello ladies,

I know I am joining this thread a little late...Here is what I have though.

9 recruits total=
4 that are active and qualified
3 that are qualified but not active...but will be in the next few weeks hopefully
2 that are not qualified and havent doen anything since they signed at the end of December

I would really like to accept directorship by the end of next month, but I am afraid of doing it on shaky ground and not being solid.
My upline director keeps telling me that I will be fine if I accept and not too worry about it so much.
But I have worked so hard, I would hate to lose it all.
Anyways... I know that I will be walking across that stage in July, I am bound and determined!
I love this forum....I get so motivated when I get on here!:sing:
Let do it!
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  • #132
You are SO close! Congrats! I have heard that it's easier to keep directorship than it is to get it; but I plan on waiting till I have 6 or 7 active/qualified. (I think!)
  • #133
Hi Ladies.

Okay I am here;
3 active and qualified.
2 inactive.
1 just joined 1 week ago and is working on qualifying.
3 on the fence-1 might be on our side this week.

I am so excited because here in Quebec there are only two directors!
  • #134
Well looks like I am back down to 3 again. My first recruit that went inactive has just informed me that she has no intention of becoming active again.

I guess if there is a silver lining, it is that she is giving me her catalogs and now I have some of her contacts. Maybe some good will come of this.

I better get busy recruiting...lol....easier said than done!
  • #135
Hi Ladies,
I guess I should officially join in here since I've been reading along since this started. :)
I have 2 signed, qualified and active, 1 just signed, 1 qualified but inactive and VERY undependable. Then, I have three on the fence. Also, my 2 actives are not afraid to recruit. One of them is doing a step up class alongside me, which is great, and she has three consultants as well. Can't wait to walk the stage with all of you in July! (Well, at least those of you who are wave 1;)Jane :)
  • #136
I am also late in joining this thread! I am going to work my butt off to become a director this year. I want to be a Future by conference.

I like the suggestion of Free Shipping for anyone I don't ask to host. (Baby steps to the big picture!) :chef:

I don't even want to admit this: I have 0 signed! 0 Inactive! 1 Interested!
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  • #137
It's okay Heather--you gotta start somewhere! And wanting it is the start...
  • #138
lacychef said:
It's okay Heather--you gotta start somewhere! And wanting it is the start...

Thanks ! :chef:
  • #139
I had two who wanted my business opportunity bags at a show tonight! We spent more than 30 minutes "interviewing" each other. They asked a lot of good questions. One is ready to sign now, but doesn't have the $$ . She's going to see if her mom will loan it to her. I talk to her Friday.
* 1 active/qualified
* 1 inactive/qualified
* 2 possible
  • #140
Hey Everyone!

I have been reading through and I thought I should jump in. I am so excited I have 6 active and only 1 who is qualified. 3 signed last month though so they are well on their way. Anyone have a recommendation as to how to get these girls qualified by March 31st so I can promote April 1st?

PS Sorry if I stole the thread
  • #141
Never underestimate the power of a bribe... er, incentive, to qualify within 30 days. :) They'll earn extra PC$ for doing that, but you can sweeten the pot by offering a tote bag or some other thing they can use for their business.
  • #142
Did they sign under the knife incentive? If so, that should be quite the push right there! Just emphasize that they will get so much more free plus the PC $ by doing it in 30 days.
  • #143
I'm having the same problem with getting people to qualify in 30 days. I recruited 4 people in February and only 1 will qualify within the 30 days. The knives aren't really helping for some reason. :(
  • #144
I dont post here often but I was on a lot on the original road to director. I recruited 3 last month! That makes a team of 6 for me. Once I qualify last months girls I will be able to call myself director! Meanwhile of course I am still working on recruiting. I have 3 leads that I am working with over the weekend and of course the fence sitters that are always there and anyone new that I meet at these next two shows!
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  • #145
Brandi---that is AWESOME!! 3 in one month--you go girl! Now get them girls qualified;) Update us when you do!
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  • #146
Got a girl signing this week! She's been thinking about it since January; I came home to a message yesterday saying she wants to sign:D She was going to talk to her family at their get-together today to get some shows booked:thumbup:
  • #147
Brandi~awesome!!!:DLacy~Sweet, it is so nice to come home to those messages.Okay ladies I just had an aha moment. I have been listening to the sell the dream CD (it's a good one), and realized I am not in front of enough people to recruit consistantly. So I need to book more shows. So my April sucks right now. I have 1 catalog, 1 live & 2 lrg fairs. I just signed in for the 3 contacts a day thread hoping that will make me more accountable. Then I realized I haven't checked in here in a while.
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  • #148
I'll have to get that CD.
I know what you mean about the shows; I'm back to getting closer to 8 shows/month. I have 7 right now for April & I just did a ladies fair & an expo so I've got lots of leads to follow up with. I'm determined to do 5 contacts/day this week!
  • #149
Oh you guys would be so proud of me. I was talking w/ a catalog host tonight, and she was talking about bringing products to work to show people and that she flagged the catalog of her favorite items. She was so passionate I asked if she had ever thought of doing TPC, and she said she didn't have enough time but this would be something she would like to do when she retires.Oh I wish I could have someone w/ that passion on my team. I did tell her about my referral program and she said she had a few people in mind that this might work for. So we will see. I am getting better. I need to listen to my cd some more.
  • #150
Well I'm on the road to director! I have 3 signed, 1 qualified, 1 close to qualifying, 1 just signed and hasn't got her kit yet. I also have a friend who is signing up in May. I just need 1 more!! My 90 days is up the end of May (27th I think)

Now I just need to get myself some bookings and shows to turn in for April!
<h2>1. How do I sign up to be a Director?</h2><p>To become a Director with Pampered Chef, you must first meet the qualifications set by the company. This includes having at least 2 active consultants on your team and achieving a certain level of sales. Once you have met these requirements, you can submit your application to become a Director.</p><h2>2. What are the benefits of being a Director?</h2><p>As a Director with Pampered Chef, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions, bonuses, and incentives. You also have the chance to mentor and lead a team of consultants, as well as attend exclusive training and leadership events.</p><h2>3. How can I stay motivated on my road to Director?</h2><p>Setting specific goals and regularly checking in with your team and fellow Directors can help keep you motivated. Also, attending company events, such as conference, can provide inspiration and motivation to reach your goals.</p><h2>4. How can I promote my business as I work towards becoming a Director?</h2><p>Utilizing social media, hosting parties and events, and networking with potential customers and team members are all effective ways to promote your business and reach your goals. Also, be sure to utilize the resources and support provided by Pampered Chef to help grow your business.</p><h2>5. What should I do if I have a consultant on the fence about becoming a Director?</h2><p>Continue to communicate with them and provide support and encouragement. Share your own experiences and successes as a Director and how it has benefited you. Also, offer to answer any questions or concerns they may have and provide them with resources to help them make an informed decision.</p>

Related to New Year....new Road to Director! Who's Walkin' That Road?

1. How do I sign up to be a Director?

To become a Director with Pampered Chef, you must first meet the qualifications set by the company. This includes having at least 2 active consultants on your team and achieving a certain level of sales. Once you have met these requirements, you can submit your application to become a Director.

2. What are the benefits of being a Director?

As a Director with Pampered Chef, you have the opportunity to earn higher commissions, bonuses, and incentives. You also have the chance to mentor and lead a team of consultants, as well as attend exclusive training and leadership events.

3. How can I stay motivated on my road to Director?

Setting specific goals and regularly checking in with your team and fellow Directors can help keep you motivated. Also, attending company events, such as conference, can provide inspiration and motivation to reach your goals.

4. How can I promote my business as I work towards becoming a Director?

Utilizing social media, hosting parties and events, and networking with potential customers and team members are all effective ways to promote your business and reach your goals. Also, be sure to utilize the resources and support provided by Pampered Chef to help grow your business.

5. What should I do if I have a consultant on the fence about becoming a Director?

Continue to communicate with them and provide support and encouragement. Share your own experiences and successes as a Director and how it has benefited you. Also, offer to answer any questions or concerns they may have and provide them with resources to help them make an informed decision.

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