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In summary, Pamperednikki, Chefkristin, Debi.Effatt, atarducci, nickiskitchen, whiteyteresa, pamperedfun, g_phi_b_tink, pixel_, Langley, jcwarr, chefgirlcindy, pdzaino are all email addresses that were included in the previous conversation. Pamperednikki has offered to compile all of the email addresses into one email and email it to Gillian so that she doesn't have to receive pm's. Chefkristin, Debi.Effatt, atarducci, nickiskitchen, whiteyteresa, pamperedfun, g_
  • #53
You know I have to have a piece of that! [email protected]

  • #56
gilliandanielle said:
Ann is the true hero for calling me with updates! I am going to put my pen and paper by the phone to take notes so I don't leave anything out!!

Awww.... you're so sweet!!

This thread inspires me to say:
Behold the power of the grapevine!

I'm just waiting for my ride to the airport. Sooooooo excited!!
  • #59
if you can add me I would appreicate it. can't go this year, my daughter is expecting out first grandchild.

[email protected]

thanks alot
  • #62
My Director is supposed to be calling me too, but you can add me to your list [email protected] You're not planning to bcc everyone's email address are you (probably no need to since we all published them here). anyhow, If you don't use the bcc, we can reply back and forth with anything that we've heard that might get missed.....just a thought.

Have a great day!
  • #63
Please add me too! I've had a crazy week, and am just now reading about all this - I want to know!!![email protected]
  • #64
Please add me, too! I got a supply order the other day, and ripped into it, thinking, "YAY! New paperwork" and then remembered that it was the end of december, not january, and I had ordered this stuff...sigh...so excited to hear!

[email protected]

Thank you!

  • #66
I'm so excited! Today is Day ONE!!! I think that they usually announce new products on day one! I can't wait to hear it all!!!

Thanks Ann for calling later! :D
  • #67
If there is room for me, I'd like to be added:
[email protected]Thank you so very much!
  • #71
  • Thread starter
  • #75
I have you all added.

Linda I was thinking the same thing, I am not going to bcc everyone because the email was posted and this way Gillian can just reply all and so can anyone else that gets an update with different items. It's to bad someone can't just webcam it all to us..lol

With this huge response it's to bad that we can't just post it on here. I wonder if we had a poll for who is for or against it how many would be against? I know their were problems last year, but it was a free board then and now it's not and the people that complained may not still be on here. Oh well we have our way of getting the info.
  • #76
Or if we put a disclaimer in the subject line? So if no one wants to know, they don't open the thread.
  • #77
I would love to be added also!My e-mail is [email protected]
Ann,Gillian, & Nikki.........THANKS SO MUCH!
  • Thread starter
  • #79
Your added
  • #81
From what I remember....we couldn't post this summer during NC because there were 3 waves and we couldn't spoil it for the waves that hadn't been to conference yet. So since there is only one Leadership and those who attend are planning to call people....what difference does it make if we post it here?

Did Admin Greg say that we couldn't post? Or are we just assuming that we can't? Maybe I missed it somewhere.....
  • #84
That's right! So perhaps we're all making an assumption? Oh, I hope we can get this cleared up!
  • #85
I do not see why we could not post if you titled it "Spoiler: Leadership." If you do not want to know then DO NOT click on the thread!

I agree since there is only one wave for Leadership I do not see why you cannot post it.
  • Thread starter
  • #86
I wasn't in pc last year for leadership, but spoilers were posted and some directors got very upset because they could not tell their team first or something like that so greg removed all of the post.
  • #87
Please add me to the list [email protected] . Thanks so much! Can't wait to hear the announcements!:)
  • #95
nikkijo said:
I wasn't in pc last year for leadership, but spoilers were posted and some directors got very upset because they could not tell their team first or something like that so greg removed all of the post.

IMO, if my director wants to tell my first then she needs to email me from Leadership!! HAHA!!! Our meeting is not until this weekend. And she is in NC and I am in AL, so, I only attend by phone.
  • #96
Jennifer, How sad. I am sorry you attend meetings by phone. Do you like it that way? Can you not get hospitality closer? My director is in Ponca City...I met her once and went to a meeting with all of her upline and downline. It was great, but I had to leave on a Friday afternoon, stay all night with her, get up early to drive to Wichita Kansas, drive back that evening to her house, and then drive the other 3 hours home. I enjoyed the meeting and the time with her, but I was exhausted when I got home. So, I attend hospitality meetings in Fort Smith...which is still about 75 miles from my house. I love my hospitality family. They all treat me as part of their group...incentives, prizes, prayer requests, support, etc. I am lucky to have 2 great directors supporting me.
  • Thread starter
  • #98
I have you added
  • #99
Nikki~This is a full time job for you for the next 3 days! Did you send everyone the picture that Darby sent?:)

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