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My Version of the $1000 Mystery Host Show....

In summary, Becky is asking for 10 people to participate in a $1000 Mystery Host Show. If 10 people collect just $100 in orders, one person will win $100 in free product, one person will win $60 in free product, three people will win $25 in free product, plus a free mini santoku knife, one person will win a free 8" executive skillet, plus 60% off the ultimate mandoline, or the food chopper, or the salad chopper, four people will win 50% off ANY ONE product of their choice (including cookware sets, or any other product in the catalog!), and each participant will receive a free gift from her valued at
Gold Member
Okay, tell me what you think? I have mulled over this until it's almost too late - but if I can get it done, I am going to send it to some of my hosts tonight as an email, and then follow up with phone calls.....This Email is going to some of my hosts who have done very well with Catalog Shows, or in gathering Outside Orders.I have some HUGE goals in June (one is to stay on track for earning the Mexican Riviera Vacation!) - However, because of weddings, graduations, family commitments, and vacation (sound familiar?) I have run out of available show dates.So - I need your help! (and you will be well rewarded for helping me out!)I am asking for 10 volunteers to participate in my $1000 Mystery Host Show!Here is the scoop - I need 10 people willing to collect just $100 in orders (10 x $100 = $1000!) - you can do this by passing around a catalog at work, or in your neighborhood, at ballgames, family gatherings, and I can also set you up to send out an announcement online to friends and family.I will collect all the orders from the 10, compile and tally them, and then draw names from the 10 participants for the Show Host Benefits.Here is what that will look like:10 people collect $100 in orders -One Person will win $100 in FREE Product
One Person will win $60 in FREE Product
Three People will win $25 in FREE Product, plus a FREE Mini Santoku Knife
One Person will win A FREE 8" Executive Skillet, plus 60% off the Ultimate Mandoline, OR the Food Chopper, OR the Salad Chopper.
Four People will win 50% off ANY ONE product of their choice (including cookware sets, or any other product in the catalog!)PLUS - each participant will receive a FREE gift from me valued at $12, AND 30% off ANYTHING ELSE you order!Gather $150 in orders and you will receive an extra chance in the drawing.
Secure a booking (or book your own show!) and you will also receive an extra chanceRespond by June 7th, and receive a FREE Season's Best Cookbook plus another gift! I need to hear soon, so that I can get your Show Information to you ASAP!I need all orders turned in by JUNE 18th (any turned in later will not be able to be counted as part of the show - sorry!)All orders will be shipped to me, and I will sort, pack, and label your orders for you & deliver them to you.First 10 To Respond will fill the open spots!Come On! Be Part of the FUN! (and I will greatly appreciate your assistance!)Thanks,
Sounds great Becky! I may have to try that too.

Just a quick editing note...I noticed on the "respond by June 7....." that you have "here" instead of "hear".

Let us know how it works out for you! This may be my ticket to earning some new Fall products!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #3
rebeccastt said:
Sounds great Becky! I may have to try that too.Just a quick editing note...I noticed on the "respond by June 7....." that you have "here" instead of "hear".Let us know how it works out for you! This may be my ticket to earning some new Fall products!!!!!
I saw that too - already fixed it! Thanks!:thumbup:Oh - and I just had my own show (the Power Cooking one, and so I used my free product value to stock up on the stuff I'm giving away - plus some stuff I had.)
I'm guessing some of the extras are out of your pocket? The Santoku knives, the 8" saute pan, the plus the $12 gift? You are generous!Looks good. Who wouldn't want to do it?!?!?
  • Thread starter
  • #5
DebbieJ said:
I'm guessing some of the extras are out of your pocket? The Santoku knives, the 8" saute pan, the plus the $12 gift? You are generous!

Looks good. Who wouldn't want to do it?!?!?

See the post just above yours!

The Saute pan I already have 3 extras.....the Santoku - I have 2 extras (one I just got from my own show) and the rest is from my show. The $12 gift is a set of 3 rubs....do you think that is okay?
ChefBeckyD said:
See the post just above yours!

The Saute pan I already have 3 extras.....the Santoku - I have 2 extras (one I just got from my own show) and the rest is from my show. The $12 gift is a set of 3 rubs....do you think that is okay?
Tell us how it goes for you Becky! Sounds GREAT! I may have to borrow it for mid month! Thanks for sharing!
I was already thinking this was going to be a way to get another show on the books....I will wait until after the Power Cooking Clinic to do this thoughas I want as many people as I can to come to that.
What happens if you have less than 10 people willing to do it?
  • Thread starter
  • #9
pamperedmomto3 said:
What happens if you have less than 10 people willing to do it?
Well, I sent out the email, and have had 3 responses almost immediately - and tomorrow I will start calling people. I'm confident I'll have 10 - I sent the email to 30 of my BEST repeat hosts, and I know they'll help me out!:thumbup:My biggest concern was that all of these women have had multiple shows, and know what they can get for hosting their own show - so I wanted to make sure it was enticing enough for them to want to participate. That's why I had to revamp it and do my own version of it. I think I came up with a good plan for me and my gang!I don't want the summer months to get me off track for my trip, and I want the $6000 level for Sellathon, but we are on vacation the 20th-30th, and I promised DH I wouldn't ever do a show again the day before we leave for vacation, so the 18th is the last day I have a show. *SIGH* and I was SUPPOSED to have a show tonight but it got rescheduled at the last minute because of an awards ceremony the host forgot about...(grrr) So, that is why I decided to do this after all!
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  • #10
Think I'll have to borrow this one! Sounds great.
  • #11
pamperedlinda said:
Think I'll have to borrow this one! Sounds great.
Hey Linda, Congrats on the "official word" of Directorship!:chef: :thumbup: :balloon: :) :D
  • #12
Oh, I wish I would have thought of this myself before I started mine.
Guess I will have to "borrow" it for next time.
Great idea Becky. I had the problem that people know what they can already get as a host to take a chance in just a 1/2 price item.
  • #13
That sounds great - I just heard it at a cluster meeting I attended - I really like the idea - except I don't have that many hosts yet.... been at it since April.

But I will try it for Nov. Maybe get sales up for the end of the year.

I just have one quick question about the stuff you are giving away... What is the mini Santoku knife? maybe the cataloge is different in the US as in Canada, but I have not seen a Mini one!

Can someone explain.


  • Thread starter
  • #14
CathyBob said:
That sounds great - I just heard it at a cluster meeting I attended - I really like the idea - except I don't have that many hosts yet.... been at it since April.

But I will try it for Nov. Maybe get sales up for the end of the year.

I just have one quick question about the stuff you are giving away... What is the mini Santoku knife? maybe the cataloge is different in the US as in Canada, but I have not seen a Mini one!

Can someone explain.



Do you have the Green Knives? It's the color coated santoku knife.
  • #15
I love this idea!! I am going to borrow it, but probably use it in November for the next sell a thon. Thanks for the idea!
  • #16
I love the idea, too! What changes are those of you who don't have the stash of products making???
  • Thread starter
  • #17
Update!I'm up to 5 people participating! The ones who have said yes so far have all either had GREAT catalog shows in the past ($400 or more in sales) or have doubled their show total through outside orders!

And I haven't even started making phone calls! Yippee!
  • #18
Becky - I LOVE the way you worded your whole email - it sounds so genuine!

I would LOVE to do another big Mystery Host Show - but this time I think I have to do phone calls to see if there is interest.

Nov/Dec Mystery Host Show go over FABULOUS, too. It is SUPER easy to get people interested for a 'christmas' show....
  • #19
Becky- THANK YOU!!
I changed it slighlty and emailed it yesterday. I already have 3 participants!
Woo hoo!
What an awesome idea. Thanks again!!
  • #20
I cannot wait until I have enough previous hosts to do this.:D
  • #21
I think I'm going to try this too! (I'm just stealing all kinds of ideas from you lately Becky!) Have you gotten your 10?
  • Thread starter
  • #22
lacychef said:
I think I'm going to try this too! (I'm just stealing all kinds of ideas from you lately Becky!) Have you gotten your 10?

I have 7 so far, but all of those have contacted me on their own...I wanted to make calls yesterday, but had too much going on, so Tomorrow I will secure the other 3.

The 7 who have stepped up already have their host packets and are working on it already! I am so excited about this!
  • #23
What an amazing idea!
  • #24
I sent out my email yesterday, & I have 4 so far! I love your idea better, how everyone gets something:thumbup: I tweaked your prizes to suit things that I have on hand....I"m pretty excited about it too!
  • Thread starter
  • #25
lacychef said:
I sent out my email yesterday, & I have 4 so far! I love your idea better, how everyone gets something:thumbup: I tweaked your prizes to suit things that I have on hand....I"m pretty excited about it too!

That was what kept stopping me from doing this type of show....I just kept thinking how unfair it was for some of the participants....the response I have gotten has been "Wow - how could I not do this?"! So, everyone feels like a winner before they even start! Love that!

You will have to keep posting how yours is going too Lacy!
  • #26
Hey Becky!

I've never done a show with multiple hosts before and for some reason can't wrap my head around how to input it the orders into the computer. Are you putting multiple orders down as the host order.

I'm not fully awake yet so I guess it would help if I waited!!

Thanks for your idea and explanation!
  • Thread starter
  • #27
LOL - I'm making this up as I go along Kristi!

Here is what I am thinking of doing....

I will put in everyone's orders as individual orders, except that all of my "hosts" will all go on the host's order.

Everyone has outside order forms, and I am going to label those by host, and then put them into P3. Then, I will do the hosts orders as one large order, but write up individual orders for each of them. I'll do P3 receipts for everyone else.

I'm delivering each hosts orders to her for delivery to the guests.
Does that make sense?

I'm not sure how others have done it.....
  • #28
That's how I was planning on doing it too; one host order, but just keeping track of which host gets which items. You're counting this as a catalog show right?
I'm up to 6 hosts:thumbup: I just sent it out to my whole contact list; 2 of the people that responded are people that have never hosted before!
Have you gotten your 10 Becky?
  • Thread starter
  • #29
lacychef said:
That's how I was planning on doing it too; one host order, but just keeping track of which host gets which items. You're counting this as a catalog show right?
I'm up to 6 hosts:thumbup: I just sent it out to my whole contact list; 2 of the people that responded are people that have never hosted before!
Have you gotten your 10 Becky?

I have 8 - just sitting down to make some calls now!
  • #30
Becky - WHO r u phoning (ALL the ppl you emailed???) and what r u going to say to them? :)
  • Thread starter
  • #31
stefani2 said:
Becky - WHO r u phoning (ALL the ppl you emailed???) and what r u going to say to them? :)

Yes....except that life interrupted,so I will be making the calls this morning instead!

I want to call some of those I hadn't heard from...and I'm just going to ask if they received the email about the show, and if it sounded interesting to them. I'll let them know I just need 2 more people and that I'd love for them to be a part of the show!
  • #32
Well good luck and keep me posted!!

I am going to print out a copy to have in my vehicle to give to people who I think will be interested - it worked for my Christmas Open House/Mystery Host Show. I will also do Phone Calls.

I have done quite a few in the last few months - so this time I am gonna have to work a bit for it - but they are ALWAYS worth it! :D
  • #33
I LOVE this idea.

I have a question, what if one of the 'hosts' goes well above the $100 worth of orders, does anyone give an extra incentive to the one that has the highest sales of the group of 10? What if it goes above $1000, how do you disburse the extra free product value?

I really would need to get my host total up. I work f/t and only do about 2 shows a month, but I really love this idea!!
  • Thread starter
  • #34
pampcheflisa said:
I LOVE this idea.

I have a question, what if one of the 'hosts' goes well above the $100 worth of orders, does anyone give an extra incentive to the one that has the highest sales of the group of 10? What if it goes above $1000, how do you disburse the extra free product value?

I really would need to get my host total up. I work f/t and only do about 2 shows a month, but I really love this idea!!

Here is the letter I included in each packet that goes into more detail about that:


  • $1000 Letter to hosts.doc
    72 KB · Views: 895
  • #35
Oh sure, now you post the letter, lol! Just kidding!
I'm up to 7 hosts now...
  • #36
I am up to 5.....
  • #37
We sent this out too & are up to 3 now. Thanks for the post!
  • #38
LOVE IT! Hope everyone does well with this!
  • #39
Thanks Becky for reminding me of this!!! I have a couple of hosts that I'm not sure are going to stick this month, so I went ahead and sent this out to my folks. Within 5 hours I've gotten four responses!!!
  • #40
Does everyone have their 10? I need 2 more still...
  • #41
I still only have 5. :(
I need to get on the phone.
  • #42
I have 7... need to get 3 more!
  • #43
Jen and I really love this idea. We'll probably use it to try to get double sales points for the 2009 trip, which we get in August (dunno if it's the same over in the States).
  • Thread starter
  • #44
pamperedthorpe said:
Jen and I really love this idea. We'll probably use it to try to get double sales points for the 2009 trip, which we get in August (dunno if it's the same over in the States).

Our double sales points were in January this year.

But June is Sellathon month for us - when we can earn the new Fall products, so this is why it's a good month for us to do it here!
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  • #45
Now What Do I Do???So - you guys have seen all of the info I have sent to my "hosts" for this.....and I thought it was pretty clear.

I sent a reminder email this morning to have all of the orders turned in by tomorrow evening....and just got an email back from one of my hosts - here it is:

Hi Beck - looks like I'm going to have about a $300 show. If I'm
reading the catalog right, I get $25 in free product, 1 1/2 price item
and 20% off the rest - is that right?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Okay - now what do I tell her? How do I address this with her? She has done an awesome job gathering orders - hey - right now, she has more in sales than 3 of my cooking shows this month.....but she signed on to do the Mystery Host Show....I'm at a loss here....:confused: :cry:
  • #46
Oh man Becky! I guess she could choose whether to just have her own, or to take the chance on the higher FPV amount...wouldn't she rather have $100 free? She did a good job!
  • Thread starter
  • #47
lacychef said:
Oh man Becky! I guess she could choose whether to just have her own, or to take the chance on the higher FPV amount...wouldn't she rather have $100 free? She did a good job!

I know - but if she backs out of the Mystery Host Show, then that would lessen the amount that would be available for the drawings etc... for that show.

THIS is exactly what I was afraid would happen with this!

I have another host who has gathered about that much too.....so what if she decides she'd rather have her own show too?
  • #48
Well I guess you just have to explain that they signed up for the mystery host show, and to be able to give away all you promised, they need to stick with it!
  • #49
I would definitely give her a half-price item regardless... she'll pay half and then you'll get another 30% off from the "host" discount... so your cost will be minimal and then just explain to her that she'll have the option of either $25 in FREE products with a 20% discount OR she can try for the $100 FREE products with a 30% discount. BUT, I would tell her that she has to make up her mind BEFORE you do the drawing. There's no changing of minds!!!!

OR, better yet, I'd say that's cool.. and automatically make her one of the three that earns $25 in FREE products with the color coated santoku knife and tell her you'll offer her a 30% discount instead of 20% since she went over and beyond!!!!

I would still count her sales toward the $1000 show. As for the PHD, if she's the only one that sells alot, I'd make her the co-host.

Keep us posted!!!
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  • #50
Is there any way that you could gently (re) explain how the mystery show worked and then since you'll probably have the show over 1K, tell her you will give her $25 extra in free product for being one of the highest sellers in addition to whatever "reward" she wins? Maybe she'll be understanding!! I hope so!!!
<h2>1. How do I participate in the $1000 Mystery Host Show?</h2><p>To participate, you simply need to collect $100 in orders from friends, family, or coworkers. This can be done by passing around a catalog or using our online announcement feature. </p><h2>2. What are the benefits of participating in the show?</h2><p>As a participant, you have the chance to win various prizes, including free products, discounts, and a chance to secure a booking for your own show. You will also receive a free gift valued at $12 and 30% off any additional orders.</p><h2>3. How will the winners be chosen?</h2><p>Once all the orders are collected, names will be drawn from the 10 participants. The prizes will be allocated as follows: one person will win $100 in free product, one person will win $60 in free product, three people will win $25 in free product and a free Mini Santoku Knife, one person will win a free 8" Executive Skillet and 60% off either the Ultimate Mandoline, Food Chopper, or Salad Chopper, and four people will win 50% off any one product of their choice.</p><h2>4. Can I increase my chances of winning?</h2><p>Yes! If you gather $150 in orders, you will receive an extra chance in the drawing. Additionally, if you secure a booking or book your own show, you will also receive an extra chance. Respond by June 7th to receive a free Season's Best Cookbook and another gift.</p><h2>5. When is the deadline to participate?</h2><p>The deadline to participate is June 7th. All orders must be turned in by June 18th to be counted as part of the show. Any orders turned in after this date will not be eligible for the show. </p>

Related to My Version of the $1000 Mystery Host Show....

1. How do I participate in the $1000 Mystery Host Show?

To participate, you simply need to collect $100 in orders from friends, family, or coworkers. This can be done by passing around a catalog or using our online announcement feature.

2. What are the benefits of participating in the show?

As a participant, you have the chance to win various prizes, including free products, discounts, and a chance to secure a booking for your own show. You will also receive a free gift valued at $12 and 30% off any additional orders.

3. How will the winners be chosen?

Once all the orders are collected, names will be drawn from the 10 participants. The prizes will be allocated as follows: one person will win $100 in free product, one person will win $60 in free product, three people will win $25 in free product and a free Mini Santoku Knife, one person will win a free 8" Executive Skillet and 60% off either the Ultimate Mandoline, Food Chopper, or Salad Chopper, and four people will win 50% off any one product of their choice.

4. Can I increase my chances of winning?

Yes! If you gather $150 in orders, you will receive an extra chance in the drawing. Additionally, if you secure a booking or book your own show, you will also receive an extra chance. Respond by June 7th to receive a free Season's Best Cookbook and another gift.

5. When is the deadline to participate?

The deadline to participate is June 7th. All orders must be turned in by June 18th to be counted as part of the show. Any orders turned in after this date will not be eligible for the show.

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