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Maximize Your Facebook Reach with These Tips | Join Our FB Liking Club!

In summary, Jen Fong recently did a http://www.jenfongspeaks.com/getting-your-posts-seen-in-the-new-facebook/ with tips on how to get your posts seen, and one of the suggestions was to "form a collective".
  • #101
Re: Liking ClubThank you to everyone that likes or comments on my posts. My list of you is only about 9 and I try to like your new comments almost everyday. I wonder if I missed someone from this discussion. I also need to figure out how to get more of my customers/friends/family to interact. They make verbal comments to me, but not on my page. I am afraid if I pester too much I'll be 'unliked'!
  • #102
Re: Liking ClubI use a lot of different websites for my tips and tricks. I started by googling "kitchen tips and tricks" and saved the ones I liked. The liking club also helps as I have liked all the pages as myself and my fan page to make copying and pasting easier. There is another thread where we have started to share our favorite websites: http://www.chefsuccess.com/f24/my-favorite-kitchen-tip-websites-71455/
  • #104
Re: Liking Club
Sheila said:
I've been missing a bunch too. So I just went through & saved all of them in firefox with the names "Like 01", "Like 02", ... "Like 10", "Like 11", ... "Like 20" so that I can pull up each bogus name, check for new posts & move to the next page. LOL

Sheila, I cannot click on your link at all. It keeps taking me to some really weird places. :yuck:
  • #106
Re: Liking Clubso I posted info about Dr. Oz and the microwave chip maker on my FBPC page w/the link to the chip maker at my website.
After posting I checked to see if the link worked....page not found. What did I do wrong?
  • #107
Re: Liking Clubgot it fixed....I think I didn't have the whole ULR copied...that will do it!
  • #109
Re: Liking ClubIt seems that everyone has their fb websites as the "like" way. Does anyone do it "friends" way? Hope that makes sense. Is the "like" way better?
  • #110
Re: Liking ClubI think what yhou're asking is doe we have fan pages rather than groups? I had a group, but decided to go the fan page because it's easier. Anyone may "like" your page, even people you don't know. It gets you more exposure without you having to directly know or allow people to see your page. They can "unlike" your page at any time if they no longer want to receive your updates.

A group (the last time I dealt with them) required you to friend everyone on the list. I personally was uncomfortable with that idea. I don't want all of my customers to know family updates and personal information. While I "like" all my posts on my fan page, I don't mention PC much when I'm on FB as myself. Everyone knows I sell it, but I don't want to shove it down their throats. I also post mostly non-PC hints, tips and recipes on my fan page. When I do post my PC commercials, my fans are more likley to see then and not tune them out because I post mostly things that are intersting and helpful (I hope).

  • Thread starter
  • #111
Re: Liking Club
byrd1956 said:
so I posted info about Dr. Oz and the microwave chip maker on my FBPC page w/the link to the chip maker at my website.
After posting I checked to see if the link worked....page not found. What did I do wrong?

Robyn, keep in mind that links to specific products on your PWS only work for a couple of hours after you post them. After that, anyone who clicks on the link will be directed to a site through the Lead Referral system.
  • Thread starter
  • #112
Re: Liking Club
naekelsey said:
It seems that everyone has their fb websites as the "like" way. Does anyone do it "friends" way? Hope that makes sense. Is the "like" way better?

Jane already gave a really good explanation of Page vs. Group. In order to "friend" other FB users, you would have to use a Profile. It's certainly fine to do that, and the HO training course gives a lot of great tips on how to do it that way. Just remember that it is against FB rules to have two different Profiles, so you would have to use your personal one, and you would have to either be very vigilant about your privacy settings, and who sees what, or be aware that everyone sees everything you post.
  • #114
Re: Liking ClubI have been liking (or trying) to like everyones page each day, but why do some peoples' pages only say share instead of like? It doesn't say "like" anywhere on the page. I have noticed this is normally when they are posting from their phones.
  • #115
Re: Liking Club
chefliz said:
I have been liking (or trying) to like everyones page each day, but why do some peoples' pages only say share instead of like? It doesn't say "like" anywhere on the page. I have noticed this is normally when they are posting from their phones.

Maybe I am not asking this question the right way...On Angel's Foods page, I am unable to like anything at all. Maybe no one else has this problem, but all I am able to do from this is share, I can't "like" anything. Any ideas? I noticed this on someone else's as well, but I can't remember who.
  • #116
Re: Liking Club
chefliz said:
Maybe I am not asking this question the right way...On Angel's Foods page, I am unable to like anything at all. Maybe no one else has this problem, but all I am able to do from this is share, I can't "like" anything. Any ideas? I noticed this on someone else's as well, but I can't remember who.
Could you put a link to one of the pages where you see this happening?ETA: nevermind...I searched for "Angel's Foods". The problem there is that hers is a regular FB profile, it isn't a business page. You have to send a friend request to her first. Then once you are friends, I'm guessing that the like button will appear. Maybe, maybe not, but it's what I'm guessing is going on.
  • Thread starter
  • #118
Re: Liking Club
babywings76 said:
Could you put a link to one of the pages where you see this happening?

ETA: nevermind...I searched for "Angel's Foods". The problem there is that hers is a regular FB profile, it isn't a business page. You have to send a friend request to her first. Then once you are friends, I'm guessing that the like button will appear. Maybe, maybe not, but it's what I'm guessing is going on.

Yes, that page is a Profile, not a Page. You cannot "like" it, you must request to be friends with the person, and they must accept.

Just to point out, this is not allowed by FB's terms. Per FB, all profiles (one's you "friend") must represent a real person, and each person may only have one. Profiles also cannot be used mainly for business purposes.
  • #119
Re: Liking ClubHello,

I would also like to participate in the Liking Club :)
I started my FB page last Fall and had so much help from Jane & Rae. I really love Jane's page with all her tips and helps. I agree that for every PC "push" I do I like to add recipes and tips. I haven't always been consistant posting or doing the tips for push thing, but I do know it is a right way of doing business.

Minda Toyoshiba ~ Independent Consultant for The Pampered Chef | Facebook

I appreciate anyone who will like my page and share their ideas. I will always do the same. One of my favorite things about PC is the enormus support system that come with all of the consultants that support eachother.


P.S. Just liked the 29 pages on this thread. I look forward to seeing how this helps. I know just having all your pages at my fingertips will help me so much!!
Last edited:
  • #120
Re: Liking Club
chefliz said:
Angel's Foods | Facebook

This should be the link. After I post this, I will click on it to make sure it is good.
Thanks for your help!
When I got to your wall I can only share what you have posted, not like. I thought I already liked your page cause it does not give me an option to like now. Just can't like comments.
  • #122
Re: Liking Clubsounds good to me too
  • #123
Re: Liking ClubForgot to post mine http://www.facebook.com/cookingwithtammyhodgin
  • #124
Re: Liking ClubOkay, so I just went through and liked about 10 people, then got tired of figuring out all those crazy letter combos (I usually screw up half the time and have to do it more than once).

I will try to get to everyone! For those of you who have not liked me yet, I would so appreciate it. I still need to get to 25 so I can change the link (I think that's what it's called-the thing so it's not a million letters & numbers long). Here it is:

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

Thanks a million, in advance!
  • Thread starter
  • #125
Re: Liking Club
pchockeymom said:
Okay, so I just went through and liked about 10 people, then got tired of figuring out all those crazy letter combos (I usually screw up half the time and have to do it more than once).

I will try to get to everyone! For those of you who have not liked me yet, I would so appreciate it. I still need to get to 25 so I can change the link (I think that's what it's called-the thing so it's not a million letters & numbers long). Here it is:

Welcome to Facebook - Log In, Sign Up or Learn More

Thanks a million, in advance!

You no longer need 25 "likes" to choose your URL. You can do it right away: Username | Facebook
  • #126
Re: Liking Club
NooraK said:
You no longer need 25 "likes" to choose your URL. You can do it right away: Username | Facebook

this takes me to a phone thing where I have to give them my phone number to continue? I don't have internet on my phone.
  • Thread starter
  • #127
Re: Liking Club
pchockeymom said:
this takes me to a phone thing where I have to give them my phone number to continue? I don't have internet on my phone.

Hmm... I can't check the link here at work because FB is blocked. When I try it on my phone, it does take me to the right place. I know I sometimes get that request from FB to add a mobile number. It's not for browsing with your phone, it's a security thing. I skip it, by clicking the FB logo on the top left. You should be able to just type the URL in, too: www.facebook.com/username
  • #128
Re: Liking ClubJust went through & liked some pages I had missed. LOVE the info I see on your pages!! Thank you!!
  • #129
Re: Liking ClubJust a reminder. I don't mind when you make comments on my pages (as yourself, not your fan page), but PLEASE keep them generic enough that you don't sound like a consultant.

I post a lot of recipes and love the comments, but I will delete comments that sound very "consultant-y" instead of someone who loves the recipes/products. It's nothing personal, but I want my page to be welcoming to my customers first and foremost. If I post something you like, by all means borrow all you like. (You can share too of you want, I just shake my head at that because you send your customers to me by sharing instead of copying and pasting.)
  • #130
Re: Liking ClubSheila, when I try to go to your facebook page it is saying website unavailable. Any one else having this problem?
  • #131
Re: Liking Club
lt1jane said:
Just a reminder. I don't mind when you make comments on my pages (as yourself, not your fan page), but PLEASE keep them generic enough that you don't sound like a consultant.

Oh dear, I think it was me. I'm sorry. I have been trying to think generic, but sometimes forget when I get excited about something.
  • #132
Re: Liking ClubIt was more than one person. I just wanted people to be aware of it. I have been know to "like" something on someone's page as my page. It happens. When I realize it, I remove them. I just wanted anyone to realize that if they don't see their comment why I removed it. I remove the comments only, I do not ban users.
  • #133
Re: Liking ClubHi Everyone! I would like to be apart of this "liking" club! I have liked/friended ALL pages that were posted on this thread. I have also added you all to my PC fan page as my favorites on the "left" hand-side.

Here is my link: http://www.facebook.com/pamperedchefprisd

Also I dont mind taking borrowing stealing my pics:); however, make sure to take off my name...most of the pics I have have all of my info on it.

Thanks in advance!;)
  • #134
Re: Liking Club
lt1jane said:
Just a reminder. I don't mind when you make comments on my pages (as yourself, not your fan page), but PLEASE keep them generic enough that you don't sound like a consultant.

I post a lot of recipes and love the comments, but I will delete comments that sound very "consultant-y" instead of someone who loves the recipes/products. It's nothing personal, but I want my page to be welcoming to my customers first and foremost. If I post something you like, by all means borrow all you like. (You can share too of you want, I just shake my head at that because you send your customers to me by sharing instead of copying and pasting.)

You are one smart cookie!
I have a question: why is it recommended to be logged in as yourself instead of your page? I keep business and personal stuff separate, even when logging in. I will still play the 'like" game and try not to sound like a commercial.
  • #135
Re: Liking ClubI've liked several of you and would love the return love! http://www.facebook.com/pamperedchefmallorydavis
  • #136
Re: Liking ClubHoly cow! I just got blocked from using the "like" feature because I was liking too many statuses too quickly and "abusing" that feature. Silly Facebook, don't you know I am using you to take over the world?? :D
  • #138
Re: Liking Club
EmilyStraw said:
You are one smart cookie!
I have a question: why is it recommended to be logged in as yourself instead of your page? I keep business and personal stuff separate, even when logging in. I will still play the 'like" game and try not to sound like a commercial.

If you are logged in as your business identity, then that title appears with your like and comments. When my customers go to my page, I don't want them seeing the names of other consultants and thinking that the only people who like my updates and things are just other consultants. That seems lame. ;) If it's just regular people clicking like and making comments, it looks much better. Plus, I don't want to lose customers...they might see other consultants and get curious as to what their pages look like and compare me to them. I don't want competition from my fellow Cheffers. ;)
  • #139
Re: Liking ClubEmily & Mallory, just liked your page and a post. I try to like something on everyone's page at least 2 times a week. Like everyone, my life is so busy and by the time I get on the computer to 'play' it is always too late....
  • #143
Re: Liking ClubWell shoot, I'm sorry. I "liked" all the pages as my page and now I can't also "like" as myself. Sorry everyone :(
  • #144
Re: Liking Club
byrd1956 said:
Emily & Mallory, just liked your page and a post. I try to like something on everyone's page at least 2 times a week. Like everyone, my life is so busy and by the time I get on the computer to 'play' it is always too late....

Thank you!!
  • #146
Re: Liking ClubSo glad I found this listing! Please "Like" me too:https://www.facebook.com/chefjessicamullinsI will like your pages as well. And as I'm still new to all this, I do appreciate all of you being so willing to share ideas, tips, etc. THANKS!!!!
  • #147
Re: Liking ClubBelinda, Pricilla,Jessica & Tristen, just liked your pages. Thank you for liking mine! It is always fun to see what everyone is posting.
  • #148
Re: Liking ClubI've liked all the pages too! :)
  • #149
Re: Liking ClubBelinda - I just have to say I LOVE your cover photo :)
<h2>1. How can I increase my Facebook reach after the latest update?</h2><p>One way to increase your Facebook reach is by forming a collective with other Facebook users. This involves creating a group of friends who agree to like each other's posts, as posts with more likes are more likely to show up in the Top Stories section. You can also try following the tips provided by social media expert Jen Fong, such as using engaging content and posting at optimal times.</p><h2>2. Why have my impressions decreased since the update?</h2><p>The latest Facebook update has implemented the "Top Stories" feature, which shows users the most popular and relevant posts in their newsfeed. This can result in some posts being seen less frequently, leading to a decrease in impressions. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can increase your chances of appearing in the Top Stories section and reaching more people.</p><h2>3. How can I see more variety in my newsfeed?</h2><p>If you're tired of seeing the same posts over and over again in your newsfeed, you can create lists to filter your content. One option is to create a list that includes all your friends, which will show you the posts in chronological order instead of the Top Stories section. You can also create a separate list for pages you like, so you can keep up with their updates without them getting lost in your regular newsfeed.</p><h2>4. Can I force my fans to use the same lists as me?</h2><p>Unfortunately, you cannot control how your fans view their newsfeed. However, you can encourage them to create lists of their own, or you can suggest that they follow your page's updates by selecting the "See First" option under the "Following" tab on your page.</p><h2>5. Can I find a list of Pampered Chef Consultants' Facebook pages?</h2><p>Yes, you can find a compilation of Pampered Chef Consultants' Facebook pages on this thread. Simply visit each page and hit the "Like" button, then create a new list to add these pages to. This will allow you to easily view all the updates from these pages in one place, without having to individually visit each page every day.</p>

Related to Maximize Your Facebook Reach with These Tips | Join Our FB Liking Club!

1. How can I increase my Facebook reach after the latest update?

One way to increase your Facebook reach is by forming a collective with other Facebook users. This involves creating a group of friends who agree to like each other's posts, as posts with more likes are more likely to show up in the Top Stories section. You can also try following the tips provided by social media expert Jen Fong, such as using engaging content and posting at optimal times.

2. Why have my impressions decreased since the update?

The latest Facebook update has implemented the "Top Stories" feature, which shows users the most popular and relevant posts in their newsfeed. This can result in some posts being seen less frequently, leading to a decrease in impressions. However, by following the tips mentioned above, you can increase your chances of appearing in the Top Stories section and reaching more people.

3. How can I see more variety in my newsfeed?

If you're tired of seeing the same posts over and over again in your newsfeed, you can create lists to filter your content. One option is to create a list that includes all your friends, which will show you the posts in chronological order instead of the Top Stories section. You can also create a separate list for pages you like, so you can keep up with their updates without them getting lost in your regular newsfeed.

4. Can I force my fans to use the same lists as me?

Unfortunately, you cannot control how your fans view their newsfeed. However, you can encourage them to create lists of their own, or you can suggest that they follow your page's updates by selecting the "See First" option under the "Following" tab on your page.

5. Can I find a list of Pampered Chef Consultants' Facebook pages?

Yes, you can find a compilation of Pampered Chef Consultants' Facebook pages on this thread. Simply visit each page and hit the "Like" button, then create a new list to add these pages to. This will allow you to easily view all the updates from these pages in one place, without having to individually visit each page every day.

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