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Is Tom Leaving PC for PQ?

In summary, Tom has resigned as a Director from Pampered Chef but is still a consultant. He has joined a new company with his partner Josh, who is a consultant for a linens and bedroom fashions company. Tom is still doing Pampered Chef shows and Quarter Auctions, but he is no longer a Director due to the contract stating that you cannot be a Director if you are with another DS company. Tom's health is good and his decision to resign was out of respect for Pampered Chef. His new company is called My Private Quarters.
  • #51
Tom did this just about every week... AND did awesome shows, too.
He said the most important thing is to get 9 other consultants to do it with you that are GOOD. Because to make it work each company consultant MUST bring 10 or more guests with them each time. If you have a lame consultant coming, they get kicked off the "team" if they don't pull their weight in bringing their consultants.
And he highly suggests that since you're leading it, that the PC person be the emcee for the auction - or at least choose someone very fun, enthusiastic, funny and bubbly. :D
  • #52
EVERY WEEK! WOW! But, if you do it "in place" of a cooking show, that wouldn't be so bad... especially since you can control your profits a bit more based on what products you offer and where you get the products...
  • #53
Well for a full-timer, once a week doing auctions and once a week doing shows, that's about normal for the 2x a week full-time schedule :)
  • #54
Pampered Laura said:
Well for a full-timer, once a week doing auctions and once a week doing shows, that's about normal for the 2x a week full-time schedule :)

Its also a great way to get the "non-traditional" customers to a show. I have been offering one Party in the Park with The Pampered Chef each month this summer. Hosts have their own table and are responsible to bring people, paper products, a munchie and drinks for their table. There are prizes for the most outside orders before the show, loudest table, most people, etc. A lot of people like that they don't have to worry about cleaning the house, heating it up, finding something for the family to do, etc. And, there is a playground about 20 feet away so the kids can go play while the parents watch the show. The idea is to get a lot of shows done all at once - a mega show. I provide the ingredients and prizes as well as send the invites and make the reminder calls.
  • #55
Thats a great idea, Kate. That also works really well for consultants who have a busy schedule and can only fit in one show a month. Might as well make that one show a mega-show! :)
  • #56
What a great idea! I was thinking about having an open house in August to show off the new products, but I think I might do this instead!
  • #57
Just a caution guys - check your state laws. I believe to do this in Wisconsin, you will need to have the proper licensing with the Department of Gaming. Other states may be the same. You may not need a license per person because others could fall under you - but you will probably need a raffle license. In Wisconsin they are $25 for the year.
  • #58
janetupnorth said:
Just a caution guys - check your state laws. I believe to do this in Wisconsin, you will need to have the proper licensing with the Department of Gaming. Other states may be the same. You may not need a license per person because others could fall under you - but you will probably need a raffle license. In Wisconsin they are $25 for the year.

Janet you are so right! We need a license too here in MI. I invited a friend of mine to a PC show I was having and she called me to RSVP and said, "I want to come but I have to know first if you are planning on doing a raffle or selling squares at your show before I can say I can come." I told her no... that I never do that and she said she could come then. She's an FBI agent and knows that it's illegal to do raffles and selling squares and can't be in attandance when something like that is going on or she is compromising her job and technically would have to arrest me and anyone participating in it because it falls under the category of "illegal gambling." Just so you know... be sure to check first... it's not worth it to get caught!
  • #59
Bump as a review of the recent changes...
  • #60
is this stuff about Tom Marston true??Ok-I am seeing and hearing several different stories about Tom and his leaving PC. Does someone know the truth as I really don't want to spread any tales that I have heard?
  • #60
Pampered Laura said:
Okay, I just got off the phone with Josh - Tom's partner, and got permission to tell. Sorry for being so vague earlier...

Tom did resign as a Director from Pampered Chef. He is still a consultant though. His partner is a consultant for a linens and bedroom fashions company. They do fabulously well, and Tom resigned as a Director so that he could sign up under Josh with this new company.

Tom is still doing Pampered Chef shows, and still doing his Quarter Auctions, he is just not a Director anymore because it states in the contract that you can not be a director if you are with another DS company.
Tom wanted to do it right by resigning first, out of respect for The Pampered Chef.

From what they told me, they're doing really well and having fun.
His health is good, no worries there - for those of you who were concerned about that. Thanks for asking -- that was my primary concern with everything when I first heard what he was doing.


Here's your answer...it was posted by Laura earlier in this thread...
  • #61
Pampered Laura said:
Okay, I just got off the phone with Josh - Tom's partner, and got permission to tell. Sorry for being so vague earlier...

Tom did resign as a Director from Pampered Chef. He is still a consultant though. His partner is a consultant for a linens and bedroom fashions company. They do fabulously well, and Tom resigned as a Director so that he could sign up under Josh with this new company.

Tom is still doing Pampered Chef shows, and still doing his Quarter Auctions, he is just not a Director anymore because it states in the contract that you can not be a director if you are with another DS company.
Tom wanted to do it right by resigning first, out of respect for The Pampered Chef.

From what they told me, they're doing really well and having fun.
His health is good, no worries there - for those of you who were concerned about that. Thanks for asking -- that was my primary concern with everything when I first heard what he was doing.


Here's your answer Chef Meg ~ it was posted by Laura earlier in this thread!
  • #62
not what I have been hearing-
it is my understanding that Tom was told to resign his Directorship after the article in the Private Quarters mag was discovered.
Then I heard he was acting rudely to the staff at his Conference hotel and several folks reported that-he was spoken to at Conference.
OK_then for more rumor mongering, I was told he was trying to recruit PC consultants on the bus to and from McCormick place for the OTHER DS business....he was promptly "resigned" on the spot.....

WHAT IS GOING ON???? Please don't seculate at this point-I just wanna know what the truth is as I have spoken to him at COnference and have been to see his show in Baltimore. He seems just such a natural and I hope whatever has happened is OK wiht him!
  • #63
From what Ginny quoted above...that and the fact that he is no longer a consultant is true.

The rest is basically heresay and unless he personally divulges or HO does (which they won't, it would be a personnel issue), that's all we know.

So, in conslusion, FACT: Tom Marston resigned his Directorship to sell with Private Quarters. POTENTIAL FACT (from what we've heard): Tom Marston is no longer a consultant with Pampered Chef.

Reasons? All hearsay.
  • #64
There was a previous thread that has since been deleted - basically because the conversation just was finished.But not one single one of those stories are true Meg. Rest assured. :)
  • #65
He resigned his directorship voluntarily.He was asked to leave the company for what may have been reasons unrelated to him. That he was asked to leave was fact - the reasoning behind it was never disclosed by HO to anyone involved.I know nothing about the alleged conference behavior but it sounds dramatically out-of-character from all I've heard of him.
  • #66
Good to hear-He and Josh were on The Rockin' Roller Coaster behind us when we were all in Disney and he was just too much fun! I am sad to see him go, but I hope he is blessed in his new ventures.
  • #67
Tom did resign his directorship to begin a career as a consultant with another DS company. But he was going to remain a consultant. Since then, PC has decided to terminate his consultant agreement. Any more information than that would be rumor and speculation on my part.
  • #68
Anyone else care to chime in with the exact same thing???? ;)
  • #69
Isn't it fun when we all decide to answer the same question at the same time. At least we are all basically saying the same thing... at least this time!!:D
  • #70
He went out with a cha-ching...racked up $11,139.71 in sales as a consultant in June. What a loss for us, but he has to go with his passion.
  • #71
I know his Director will miss him! That is a nice part of a paycheck gone!
Ann, you are so right about following ones passion-when I first started PC, I would talk about doing just that at my shows and I can't tell you how many people went and signed on with other DS companies becaue I had "inspired" them! Now, I just talk about my passion for PC and leave it at that!
  • #72
chefmeg said:
I know his Director will miss him! That is a nice part of a paycheck gone!Ann, you are so right about following ones passion-when I first started PC, I would talk about doing just that at my shows and I can't tell you how many people went and signed on with other DS companies becaue I had "inspired" them! Now, I just talk about my passion for PC and leave it at that!

But all of his consultants now roll up under his Director... I'm sure that was a nice expansion to his/her first line. Even so, I'm not sure I'd want to lose someone like Tom from my team... regardless of the "benefit" I reaped from it.
  • #73
how many consultants did he have? i think one "benefit" would outweigh the other, but you are right, losing him and his personality would not be a good thing!
  • #74
Ok...now I want some of his techniques shared!!! Greedy person aren't I?!?!!?
  • #75
Not sure what size team he had... I'm sure someone will jump on and let us know.

Anyone, anyone? Not that it matters for any reason, just curious!
  • #76
I was so sorry to hear that Tom was no longer with P. Chef. I am all for starting a new dream. If life takes another direction, then go with it.

Some of the rumors that people were talking about seem to be true. My director, who went to conference this year, did share with us at our cluster meeting, that Tom was trying to recruit consultants at conference.

One of my director's recruits said that he had approached her about the new biz. So I know that rumor is a fact. My director didn't dwell too much on things, but just reminded us all to remember to be ethical in what we do. To use common sense and respect our company, The Pampered Chef.

I do wish him well.

  • #77
janetupnorth said:
Bump as a review of the recent changes...

Janet.....what recent changes? With quarter auctions? :confused: Or with Tom personally? The topic had switched to the auctions so I thought that was what you were referring to. Am I being dense? What's changed?
  • #78
pamperedtracy said:
I was so sorry to hear that Tom was no longer with P. Chef. I am all for starting a new dream. If life takes another direction, then go with it.

Some of the rumors that people were talking about seem to be true. My director, who went to conference this year, did share with us at our cluster meeting, that Tom was trying to recruit consultants at conference.

One of my director's recruits said that he had approached her about the new biz. So I know that rumor is a fact. My director didn't dwell too much on things, but just reminded us all to remember to be ethical in what we do. To use common sense and respect our company, The Pampered Chef.

I do wish him well.


This is TOTALLY observation on my part...and it is unlike me to comment on this, but when he was up on stage once, he had his hand in his pocket and just seemed to have a bit of an attitude... Again...just a short sited observation and totally just a judgement on my part.
  • #79
I don't know him, but in his defense, I can understand why he might have had a bit of an attitude. From everything I've heard, he was MORE than ethical in how he resigned his directorship, and shortly before NC, TPC decided (for unknown reasons; as previously stated, it's all speculation) to terminate his contract. I would have had a hard time even attending NC in those circumstances, but he must have felt obligated due to committments.

Just my two cents on this issue. I wish him (and all the others affected by these happenings) the best.
  • #80
I don't think his contract was terminated until after conference, I dont personally think that HO would have even let him attend if he had already been terminated
  • #81
PChefAbey said:
I don't think his contract was terminated until after conference, I dont personally think that HO would have even let him attend if he had already been terminated

I think that you are right - you would have to be a consultant to attend NC.
  • #82
I do think he was ethical in how he resigned his directorship, and to just stay a consultant. I don't have a problem with how all of that played out. (although I guess now, he is not even a consultant)

My problem came when I heard he was trying to recruit Pampered Chef consultants at the conference.

You don't go to one conference, and try and recruit for another business. That was ethically wrong. I lost a little respect for him after hearing that.

That is what I was trying to say earlier. These are only my opinions.

I know others have their own thoughts on the subject.

  • #83
Ok. I talk to Tom every day about 10 times a day. If you want to know anything, ask. PM me if you'd like to. I'll even give Tom your phone number so he can call you personally. Rumors are stupid, and people who spread 'em are even more so. ;)

Seriously. There is WAY more to the issue than what people are spreading. And the truth does not shed a very pretty light on Pampered Chef Home Office or staff, so I don't really want to go in to it on the boards. Believe me on this one, Tom didn't do a damn thing wrong.

I will say this though, Tom did NOT try to recruit anyone at conference. In fact a VERY well known Upper-level director asked him for a catalog and more information while he was checking in to his hotel, and he told her "NO."

But you know, when you're Tom Marston, and you're at Conference with a "Consultant" name badge, people ask you what's up. That's not his fault at all.
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  • #84
GeorgiaPeach said:
Janet.....what recent changes? With quarter auctions? :confused: Or with Tom personally? The topic had switched to the auctions so I thought that was what you were referring to. Am I being dense? What's changed?

I had done that when Laura's thread was active awhile back and she was changing things in her life. That post was awhile ago.

Someone just posted on this today to revive it again.
  • #85
janetupnorth said:
I had done that when Laura's thread was active awhile back and she was changing things in her life. That post was awhile ago.

Someone just posted on this today to revive it again.

Now I get it :) and that makes sense. I knew that someone revived this thread and was looking at the dates for new posts. I thought yours was today bumping it up. Sorry :eek:
  • #86
GeorgiaPeach said:
Now I get it :) and that makes sense. I knew that someone revived this thread and was looking at the dates for new posts. I thought yours was today bumping it up. Sorry :eek:

Not a problem. ;)
  • #87
pamperedtracy said:
I do think he was ethical in how he resigned his directorship, and to just stay a consultant. I don't have a problem with how all of that played out. (although I guess now, he is not even a consultant)

My problem came when I heard he was trying to recruit Pampered Chef consultants at the conference.

You don't go to one conference, and try and recruit for another business. That was ethically wrong. I lost a little respect for him after hearing that.

That is what I was trying to say earlier. These are only my opinions.

I know others have their own thoughts on the subject.


Actually, right now he is still a Consultant.
He was not trying to recruit @ conference. If someone you know knows someone who (see the 3rd hand information reference here?) went up to him and specifically asked him for more info about PQ, then maybe they were asking. I'd be willing to bet that you don't have the entire story. ;)
So, if that's the situation, it's very different than recruiting - or soliciting, so don't go around spreading false statements, please...

He told many people "no" who wanted more information, including a few upper level directors. I witnessed him *not* recruiting with my own eyes. IMO it's kind of silly to lose respect for someone when you don't even know what's true/untrue.

First of all, considering all the crap that he's been through this year would put most people in the freakin' loony bin, I think he's handling his situation pretty damn well. He has every right to fly right off the handle, but he's consistently maintaining an attitude of GRACE. Some of which a few other people could stand a few doses of...
So... if he had an attitude (or maybe he was tired? Or bored? Or upset?)... When the home office upper management staff spends their time harassing you and your downline during conference functions, and then asks you to put on your happy face to walk on stage, yeah... maybe sticking a hand in your pocket is a good idea. LOL. ;)
  • #88
pamperedtracy said:
My director, who went to conference this year, did share with us at our cluster meeting, that Tom was trying to recruit consultants at conference.

Your director spent her cluster meeting talking about rumors and Tom Marston? For real? I'd be mad if I came for "training" and got a gossip session. LOL :eek:

Speaking of ethics, it may be a good idea for your Director to not name-drop to use an ACTIVE consultant as an example. Let alone with false statements or assumptions. How rude.
  • #89
You are absolutely right. If I don't have all the facts, then my bad!!

I am sorry for offending anyone. I thought the info that my director was giving was true. I was under the impression that she had reliable sources also. So I guess I shouldn't believe everything I hear. Unless I talk to Tom myself, then my lips are sealed.

Tom went very far with Pampered Chef, and maybe he will do it again with his
new career.

Best of luck to him.

  • #90
Tracy I really appreciate that...thank you for coming back and correcting yourself. It's unfortunate that so many people love to gossip so much that they will just run off with the tiniest piece of info - true or not - and really spread lies. There is a PERSON on the other end of those vicious rumors, and usually that person gets hurt in the process.

Tom is a good friend of mine, and it just ticks me off that people can be so rude and hateful about someone they don't even know beyond a "big screen" or his name in the newsletter. Your Director was wrong in fueling that fire just to get a rise from her cluster meeting. I'm sure you'll go back next month and stop that before it starts again... or at least encourage people to find out for themselves by asking him for the truth. ;)

If someone has a question, they just need to call him. Or email him a number, and he'll probably call. :)
  • #91
Pampered Laura said:
Actually, right now he is still a Consultant.
He was not trying to recruit @ conference. If someone you know knows someone who (see the 3rd hand information reference here?) went up to him and specifically asked him for more info about PQ, then maybe they were asking. I'd be willing to bet that you don't have the entire story. ;)
So, if that's the situation, it's very different than recruiting - or soliciting, so don't go around spreading false statements, please...

He told many people "no" who wanted more information, including a few upper level directors. I witnessed him *not* recruiting with my own eyes. IMO it's kind of silly to lose respect for someone when you don't even know what's true/untrue.

First of all, considering all the crap that he's been through this year would put most people in the freakin' loony bin, I think he's handling his situation pretty damn well. He has every right to fly right off the handle, but he's consistently maintaining an attitude of GRACE. Some of which a few other people could stand a few doses of...
So... if he had an attitude (or maybe he was tired? Or bored? Or upset?)... When the home office upper management staff spends their time harassing you and your downline during conference functions, and then asks you to put on your happy face to walk on stage, yeah... maybe sticking a hand in your pocket is a good idea. LOL. ;)

I am glad that you have cleared up things. Like I said...it was just an observation of mine and I shouldn't have posted it. I REALLY hate gossip and this is why. I was just stating my own observations and interpretations...that doesn't mean that they are a true representation, but there are those that may take my words as gold. Please don't. Laura is much closer to Tom and I respect what she is telling us. We could only hope to be as successful as Tom in our business! I will still look up to him as a leader in PC. I sincerly wish him all the best (and you too Laura:( )
  • #92
You are right Laura. I am glad we could clear the air.

  • #93
Pampered Laura said:
He told many people "no" who wanted more information, including a few upper level directors. I witnessed him *not* recruiting with my own eyes. IMO it's kind of silly to lose respect for someone when you don't even know what's true/untrue.

Oh, wow! He was at Wave 1 and I never noticed him on stage? How'd that happen?
  • #94
I remember when Tom came on stage and stood in the door and put his hand in his pocket. I actually commented on it. I didn't know all the stuff going on until I came back and read Laura's thread. At the time I just thought he was acting silly. Hey, if you had the success that he has then you have a right to act silly sometimes. I don't know what all has been said or done on either side...and I really don't want to know. That is none of my business. I wish Tom and Laura the best of luck in their new venture.
  • #95
baychef said:
I am glad that you have cleared up things. Like I said...it was just an observation of mine and I shouldn't have posted it. I REALLY hate gossip and this is why. I was just stating my own observations and interpretations...that doesn't mean that they are a true representation, but there are those that may take my words as gold. Please don't. Laura is much closer to Tom and I respect what she is telling us. We could only hope to be as successful as Tom in our business! I will still look up to him as a leader in PC. I sincerly wish him all the best (and you too Laura:( )
Ann, no problem! It's fine to post observations, I dont think you were spreading rumors - just your observation about his attitude. And hey - I could be wrong about why he may have had an attitude, too! He's a guy afterall, don't all guys have that c0cky attitude naturally? ;) :D
  • #96
MomToEli said:
Oh, wow! He was at Wave 1 and I never noticed him on stage? How'd that happen?

Nah, he was wave 2. He came a day early with his upline, and I saw him before I left town. :)
  • #97
Pampered Laura said:
Ann, no problem! It's fine to post observations, I dont think you were spreading rumors - just your observation about his attitude. And hey - I could be wrong about why he may have had an attitude, too! He's a guy afterall, don't all guys have that c0cky attitude naturally? ;) :D
You bet! Like you said...he's been through a lot so it must have taken a lot of kahunas to get up on stage and pretend all is well.
And yes, I was in Wave 2 and this is when he was on stage.
  • #98
Pampered Laura said:
Nah, he was wave 2. He came a day early with his upline, and I saw him before I left town. :)

Glad to know I'm not totally batty. I would love to have seen him. I hope he (and you) do great with your new venture. Have you held any shows yet?
  • #99
Submitted my first catalog party last night (4 orders/$711) and have 7 shows scheduled this month... our team is growing & doing really well. Thanks for asking! :D
  • #100
Pampered Laura said:
Submitted my first catalog party last night (4 orders/$711) and have 7 shows scheduled this month... our team is growing & doing really well. Thanks for asking! :D

Great job! I'm sure you'll do well!
<h2>1. Who is Tom and why is he important in the Marston Downline?</h2><p>Tom is a highly successful and respected leader in the Marston Downline at Pampered Chef. He has been with the company for many years and has built a strong and successful team.</p><h2>2. Is it true that Tom is leaving Pampered Chef?</h2><p>At this time, there is no official information or confirmation about Tom leaving Pampered Chef. We cannot comment on any rumors or speculations regarding his departure.</p><h2>3. Will Tom's leaving affect anyone in his downline?</h2><p>Every member of the Marston Downline is responsible for their own success and will continue to have the support and resources of Pampered Chef regardless of any changes in leadership.</p><h2>4. How can I find out more information about Tom's situation?</h2><p>If and when there is any official information about Tom's status at Pampered Chef, it will be communicated directly to his downline and the entire company. We ask for your patience and understanding during this time.</p><h2>5. Can we still look to Tom as a source of inspiration even if he does leave Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Absolutely! Tom's success and leadership have impacted many in the Marston Downline and beyond. Regardless of his future with Pampered Chef, his legacy and inspiration will continue to live on.</p>

Related to Is Tom Leaving PC for PQ?

1. Who is Tom and why is he important in the Marston Downline?

Tom is a highly successful and respected leader in the Marston Downline at Pampered Chef. He has been with the company for many years and has built a strong and successful team.

2. Is it true that Tom is leaving Pampered Chef?

At this time, there is no official information or confirmation about Tom leaving Pampered Chef. We cannot comment on any rumors or speculations regarding his departure.

3. Will Tom's leaving affect anyone in his downline?

Every member of the Marston Downline is responsible for their own success and will continue to have the support and resources of Pampered Chef regardless of any changes in leadership.

4. How can I find out more information about Tom's situation?

If and when there is any official information about Tom's status at Pampered Chef, it will be communicated directly to his downline and the entire company. We ask for your patience and understanding during this time.

5. Can we still look to Tom as a source of inspiration even if he does leave Pampered Chef?

Absolutely! Tom's success and leadership have impacted many in the Marston Downline and beyond. Regardless of his future with Pampered Chef, his legacy and inspiration will continue to live on.

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