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Rant Is the Sell A Thon Requirement Fair for Consultants? Let's Discuss!

In summary, the Fall Sell A Thon is stinking this fall. The changes they made to the SAT this year have made it so that you can't get the two shows level unless both are held AND SUBMITTED by the 15th. This has made it much harder for consultants to achieve the levels they were previously able to. There are only a few sales opportunities available in November, and they are not always attainable. The goal should be a stretch beyond where you are now, and open houses are not always productive. However, if you are a full-time consultant, you can achieve significant sales.
  • #51
I hope no one took my post as an attack. I read Gary's email and thought it appropriate for here since everyone was talking about attitude. I think he makes a good point and that sometimes we all need to be reminded that we can control and alter our way of processing setbacks and disappointments.

I am not trying to stir the pot and I think for the most part, the latest posts have been to help IC and those reading this thread with alternatives and positive support. We are trying to tell IC that she can achieve whatever it is she wants. I have enjoyed reading the posters experience of a hectic and full schedule and how they manage to acheive these amazing numbers (sales and shows). It gives me the inspiration to know that I can do better. =)

So IC....I do hope you do not feel attacked on my end. I try to not judge or attack....because then that makes it ok for others to do the same to me. he he
  • Thread starter
  • #52
Gonna say - life can sometimes feel like a really bad ride in a blender. The emotions and feelings get all jumbled up, we have no idea which end is up or how to get out. We get mad!!! Well, if you can not pour out the contents once in while, it explodes! This is supposed to be the pouring out place as well as the exploding place. Some of us do not have any where else to go to do that. My other half could care a less about my PC disappointments or rants. So I come here. I do not want to bring anyone down but it happens. I apologize. And speaking of making choices, WE ALL KNOW WHAT THE WORD RANT MEANS OUT HERE! Stay out of it if you think it is going to upset you. And you have that right to be upset but please, please, please, respect the person ranting. They are not here to hurt anyone. They are only here to heal themselves. If you do not want to be or can not be part of that healing, please stay out of the thread. I mean seriously, poking a bees nest is not going to calm down the bees. It will only make it worse and make the attack back all the harder. Be careful of what you say. If you really mean to change someones attitude, telling them it is their fault and that they need to change their attitude is not going to help when done harshly. These are the sticks in which the bees nest is poked. I cannot even tell if you mean well in these posts. I felt really sad when I read what some people who have majorly helped me with my attitude said to IC.

John, my friend, what can I say? You are the BEST. The absolute BEST!

I REALLY need a like button for that!

I need to read your post, others need to read your post, and so it is the reason I'm at least holding off on deleting the thread.

I appreciate Jolie's post as well. Jolie, I did NOT feel attacked in the slightest. I DID feel attacked by most of the posts in the first 2 pages, and I suspect many friends of mine stopped reading after the first 2 pages. Some have told me so. Seriously, I was going to ask you to e-mail it to me so I'd have it after the thread was deleted.
  • #53
Thanks Intrepid! Glad you weren't hurt by it and knew it wasn't meant negatively. :)
  • #54
Intrepid_Chef said:
Step up Your Business class? Isn't that for people aiming for directorship? Or isn't that something supposed to be offered through my (non supportive) upline?

Ahem...yes...you complain an awful lot. So, you have a non supportive upline? Big deal!!! I have a friend who is a Senior Director who NEVER EVER got any support from her upline yet she worked her business and has made it to SD. Reach out of hospitality if you want support, make friends in the business, speak to your sales manager at HO...don't complain...take action.
  • #55
Ok, I have held my tongue (so to speak) as long as possible. I'm sorry, IC, I'm breaking my promise to you.

Carolyn, I have always had a lot of respect for you, and appreciated how encouraging and helpful you have been in the past, but your attack on IC in this thread is outrageous. Give me a frigging break!! All she said was that she didn't like the new structure of the SAT this November, and that she wishes HO was offering more incentives for people who are working their business, but don't have the goals to aim for a $1500 month. She has every right to her feelings on this matter, and to express them in this forum. How did this become a 3 page tirade on how she is a negative person with a bad attitude??

I'm sorry, but going around saying "I'm better than you because I achieve more than you, even though I also have challenges" does not seem to me as a very positive attitude, either. It is self-righteous, small-minded, and mean-spirited. I'm not directing these comments at only Carolyn, either (she just happens to be the most relentless poster in this thread). If you have been blessed enough to have several shows a month, with show totals in the $1000s, even though you work full time/have a houseful of kids/are dealing with an illness or disability, etc., that's wonderful! We're all happy for you, and many of us would love to learn from you. If I, or anyone else, though, do not have those goals, and am content with 1 or 2 shows a month, for whatever reason, but would still enjoy receiving little incentives now and then (which may lead us to aim for higher goals and incentives down the road), then that's up to me, and NOT FOR YOU TO CRITICIZE. Which is all you "bad attitude claimers" have done. You have not encouraged, only demeaned and discouraged. Shame on you!

I have committed myself to the SUYB course Sheila is leading (Sheila is a shining example of someone who sees a need and takes a positive step towards filling it). After that, I probably will not be spending much time on CS. I'll leave it to the self-righteous, small-minded, mean-spirited few so they can hen-peck each other.

I do have one last point and a question. It has been stated (more than once) in this thread that IC's posts are 'mostly negative.' I completely disagree. Perhaps some people need to learn the difference between realism (ie "HO has changed the SAT structure, and, since I rarely, if ever, reach $1500 in a month, it's unlikely I'll earn any new Spring products"), and negativity (ie "You have a bad attitude, and that's why you're a failure"). If, though, you feel a poster is negative, why would you read not only a post from them, but a thread STARTED by this person, especially one marked as a RANT? Also, to the person who pointed out IC has something like 4000 posts in 3 years, twice as many as you in twice as many years, so she must be wasting time on the internet; besides the fact it is not your place to say how a person should be spending their time, did you ever consider the fact IC just has more of value to share here than you? Really, I see Intrepid_Cook, I immediately recognize the name. I see your screen-name, and I have no idea who you are, or what you've ever contributed to this forum.
  • #56
Sarah - You hit the nail on the head and expressed my sentiments much better than I could have. Bravo to you and John and IC~
You will never walk alone
  • #57
Ok here's the thing. If you click on IC's name and research past posts, the majority are alluding to how this or that cannot be done and are full of excuses why. Now I am a total dunce when it comes to the multi quote procedure, so I will leave it to anyone who cares enough to check it out.
Carolyn has never been a" I can do this so I am better than you" kind of poster. She typically offers constuctive advice.
So stating the truth does not make anyone a mean person.. it makes them a truthful person. Sometimes the truth hurts.
Having said that, I get why you back up your friends and I get how feelings can be hurt.
As for the person who mentioned this website being a timesucker, she was spot on.
If a person has 4000 posts and 80% of them are related to how she cannot get business because of x, y, and z, then maybe a person should rethink her priorities and spend that time usually spent here on doing things that will actually contribute to building and boosting your personal business. If a poster really would rather just complain than take action, then that is her choice. What is disturbing about it is that it can influence newer consultants and make it seem like it is not possible to make money with a business like ours, rather than showing how, when worked consistently, this business can be a great source of income.
It's all in your approach and your attitude. I personally wouldn't want to book a show with someone who is consistently negative about everything. If I were to meet a consultant who said, yes the company offers monthly incentives that suck and larger incentives that are unattainable, I can't for the life of me think why I would want to book or sign with said person.
Just some food for thought.
  • #58
No matter what is said, people are going to believe what they want to believe.

I agree with Becky and Carolyn in that I have seen the OP MANY times complain about things. Even winning the shopping spree wasn't all good. BUT, in IC's defense, some people just come off that way. They don't mean to, it's just how what they say is taken. I know people often take my intentions wrong too so I can totaly relate.

We can debate back and forth about who's right and who's wrong but in the end all we'll do is divide ourselves and hurt feelings.

Let's agree to disagree. Both sides have said their piece now let it rest.

IC: I hope you don't delete this thread because while there are things on it that I know you feel hurt about there are also some really good pieces of advice. I would however urge you to lock it so no further debate can continue.
  • #59
BethCooks4U said:
IC: I hope you don't delete this thread because while there are things on it that I know you feel hurt about there are also some really good pieces of advice. I would however urge you to lock it so no further debate can continue.

I think only admins can lock a thread...
  • #60
NooraK said:
I think only admins can lock a thread...

I believe the OP can too. If I recall correctly it has been done in the past.
  • #61
Intrepid_Chef said:
... that Sell A Thon stinks this fall?

(Drops match on gasoline ... wooooosshhhh!)


Now it seems like they only care about the full-time consultants. The rest of us can pound salt.

Hey, Intrepid_Chef, I hear you on your rant. PC has made it a lot harder to be a hobby consultant over the past few years, and get some of the cool incentives.

Since I have too much PC stuff in my house anyway, I've decided I don't need it all, and don't need the pressure of trying to get it since I am still a hobby consultant.

And...a lot of this "exclusive" stuff shows up on the outlet a year or two later for anyone to buy.
Such as the host-only pink trio dish, medium woven basket, etc.

Yes, I could still get these incentives if I put forth more effort. The others who pointed this out are completely correct. I just don't CARE because I don't choose to put forth the effort...I choose to coninue on as a hobby consultant. Anybody who wants to point that out to me, I don't consider it as an attack.

It's twue! All twue!
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  • #62
I need to clarify something here. I am not coming down on anyone here. I feel for IC because I know where she is coming from. And it is not really negative thinking. It is frustration and that is different. Frustration has an angry overtone and usually comes from a place other than what has been written in the post. But I also see where everyone is frustrated at your frustration and negative talking, I did not say thinking, comes in. It is kind of a downer. I learned something that helped me greatly from someone out here. And that is to put that energy into something I can actively work on. Rather than spending any time at all on something I can not. Those "can not gets" all come from HO. Carolyn has guided me, albeit with a fight, to see that all I really need to be happy in my business is working it, taking pride in what I do and whatever follows, follows. I spent too much time looking at the negative too. I got mad, I got frustrated and I even almost quit. That would have solved it. But was that what I really wanted? I knew it was not. So I figured out what I was really bothered about. It turned out it was because I hated feeling like a failure and I "knew", even if it was a false belief, that I could NOT do it. So yes, I changed my thinking not my attitude. Not because someone told me I had to nor that they hated that I did it all the time, although it did get said, but because I knew it would eat me up me from the inside out if I didn't. IC, this is NOT a jab but rather an observation. I think you are great because you have the courage to speak your mind. I also think you may be setting yourself up for failure as I did all to many times. We don't mean to but the focus needs to be redirected.
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  • #63
I don't have time to read everyone's response. I do understand your frustration, but I also understand why PC gives us carrots as well. What you have to do is not get upset for not getting a $10-15 item for having 2 shows. It's not that big of deal. You also have to decide what your goal is and only be happy if you meet your own personal goal. If your goal is 2 shows a month, be very happy when you meet it. Don't worry about what PC offers or what others do.

I learned this approach from one of my training CD's. It's the same thing when you go to your monthly cluster meeting. There will be many w/a lot more sales then you, but you have to remember you didn't even have the goal they did. Remember that before you go. I think this is a big reason some people don't go to meetings.

Anything you really want you can purchase. Someone will always be willing to sell it.
  • Thread starter
  • #64
Well, I would hate to delete this thread too, mostly because of the support expressed in the most recent posts. Also have to say that a) many posts, especially the most recent, gave me a lot of perspective, and b) One VERY good thing came out of it ... the Step Up Your Business program!

Also I want to say this to those who have big goals and a lot of things on your plate ... YOU INSPIRE ME! I DO NOT imply that you can't have big goals because of what you have on your plate ... I just want to be clear that everybody's goals are their own.

I also was BEYOND THRILLED to win the spree, though I had questions and was REALLY impatient waiting for the boxes, and wondering what was in them since people suggested I have an "un-boxing" day. Back then, I thought I needed to have everything in the catalog.

Also ... I really doubt that everybody has time to analyze all of my posts. The most recent ones might give you an inaccurate perception because I felt like I had to defend myself all the time. Now I really feel like I need to let that go.

I am the kind of person who a) comes here to express frustration since there's really not another place I can do so and b) thinks "out loud" a lot. As in asking questions, wanting to know what other people think, etc. I have learned, and for the most part, gotten more perspective from ALL of you than I EVER did from my clustermates, even when I attended meetings. When I go to them I'm the last to leave since I hang around chatting. Social by nature. And YES I have checked into hospitality to make a long story short.

I looked to see if I could lock the thread but didn't see it so I asked the moderators to do so. Be blessed, everyone, and I respect and value all of your goals and thank many of you for your support.
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  • #65
not get upset for not getting a $10-15 item for having 2 shows.

This is what I was trying to say, but I wasn't succint enough.

Pity if this thread is locked. A lot of us part-time hobbyists might chime in more on that point. I don't check this board every day like the full-timers do.

On a positive note, PC is something you can step up, if & when you choose. Just like any other direct sales business! You're in charge of your effort.
  • #66
I want to quickly remind everyone to read these site guidelines again
http://www.chefsuccess.com/f17/chef-success-member-guidelines-4-14-09-a-17486/Life is hard and we should always take a step back before we post something. We likely don't know the person on the other end and the challenges they are facing. Much more can be achieved with compassion and encouragement. We are all here for support. Support, support, support! Whether that means just listening to a rant (because even the Buddha or Jesus had bad days) or providing constructive compassionate solutions. We are CS family!
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<h2>1. Is the Sell A Thon requirement fair for consultants?</h2><p>This is a frequently asked question among Pampered Chef consultants, especially in light of recent changes to the Sell A Thon (SAT) program. Many feel that the new requirements are unfair and unrealistic.</p><h2>2. What are the changes to the SAT program?</h2><p>Last year, the SAT program was changed so that consultants would only receive the 2 shows level if both shows were held AND submitted by the 15th of the month. This has now been extended to all months and the two shows level has been eliminated.</p><h2>3. What is the current requirement for receiving spring products?</h2><p>Currently, consultants must have $1,500 in sales in order to receive spring products. This is a significant increase from previous years and has caused frustration among many consultants.</p><h2>4. Is it attainable for most consultants to reach $1,500 in sales?</h2><p>This is a subjective question and can vary for each consultant. Some may find it easy to reach this goal, while others may struggle. However, it is important to note that this requirement may be unattainable for many consultants who do not have consistent high sales.</p><h2>5. Are the goals set by Pampered Chef SMART?</h2><p>The SMART goal setting method includes making goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Many consultants feel that the current requirements for the SAT program do not meet these criteria and are not in line with the SMART method.</p>

Related to Is the Sell A Thon Requirement Fair for Consultants? Let's Discuss!

1. Is the Sell A Thon requirement fair for consultants?

This is a frequently asked question among Pampered Chef consultants, especially in light of recent changes to the Sell A Thon (SAT) program. Many feel that the new requirements are unfair and unrealistic.

2. What are the changes to the SAT program?

Last year, the SAT program was changed so that consultants would only receive the 2 shows level if both shows were held AND submitted by the 15th of the month. This has now been extended to all months and the two shows level has been eliminated.

3. What is the current requirement for receiving spring products?

Currently, consultants must have $1,500 in sales in order to receive spring products. This is a significant increase from previous years and has caused frustration among many consultants.

4. Is it attainable for most consultants to reach $1,500 in sales?

This is a subjective question and can vary for each consultant. Some may find it easy to reach this goal, while others may struggle. However, it is important to note that this requirement may be unattainable for many consultants who do not have consistent high sales.

5. Are the goals set by Pampered Chef SMART?

The SMART goal setting method includes making goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Many consultants feel that the current requirements for the SAT program do not meet these criteria and are not in line with the SMART method.

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