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How to Use Party Sticks for Decorations and Parties?

he announces that it is "Catholic Season" and to keep my burgers where he can't smell them. :rolleyes: Which of course makes me crave a good juicy one on Fridays...
  • #51
Someone mentioned concerts. I had not thought about that! Atlanta has several great outdoor parks for concerts and we have the Laser Show at Stone Mountain. These would be so GREAT for the concerts and laser show. I am now convinced I am going to be able to sell a lot of these! HOORAY!!!:love:
  • #52
ChefBeckyD said:
Oh no Janet! Not you too!:yuck: .......I'll be praying you are over the crud soon!

Warning - hijack again!

Well, I made it until 12:30 then went home to bed. Anyone who knows me knows I NEVER leave work unless I'm puking...which is once every 5 years. Well, today was an exception. I crashed until about 5:15. Slept some but not well. I'm achy, hot and cold, EXTREMELY bad headache and more. This sucks! I'm FINALLY starting to feel a little better now. Plan on going to bed early! Still very congested.

For those who had it, how long did it last and did you have the "flu" symptoms (without vomiting) too? Hot/cold, achy, etc.?
  • #53
Hey Janet,

DH had that the other day. Lasted 24 hours exactly! He started out with an upset tummy/indigestion, threw-up, had a terrible head-ache, chills, fever....slept for @ 24 hours and now feels good as new! DH is never sick and never 'wastes time' sleeping/lounging during the day either so I know he was hurting pretty bad.

Hope you feel better quickly!

  • #54
Everyone I have shown them to LOVES them and wants to order them! I'm ordering a 2nd set, and my mom is ordering at least 2 sets for her beach house. I plan to take mine to my shows in a medium-sized plastic planter with foam in it to stick them into. I'll put candles, party hats with popcorn and the tumblers in them to show how versatile they are. I'm also going to show off the little "tips" that are colored so that you know which drink/popcorn, etc. is yours! :) Love 'em! I think they're my most favorite thing in this season's catalog, actually!!
  • #55
Ok, ive read this entire thread and found a TON of great ideas of uses for these. When I saw them I knew we had to have them. Now im taking them to a show today and the people there are huge campers. I'd like to have a "camping" display for these guys. Im headed to the craft store in a few hours. Any ideas to display them in a camping sort of way? Or any more camping ideas to hold more than drinks and citronella candles (which are great ideas in the first place!)?
  • #56
I liked the idea HO had at Leadership with snacks in them. They used paper party hats, but you could fill a cup with snacks and do the same thing.
  • #57
vtodd71 said:
I don't see these "party sticks" being a hit at all. I honestly believe they will be discontinued in the near future. They may be "cute" but are they honestly practical? I don't think so.

Wait until one woman in the room falls in love with them and then proceeds to sell to the rest of the group! It's amazing how women can do that to each other, I think it's called social selling? I may not want them personally but I can't wait to share them and see what happens!!! :D
  • #58
I'd already had a few girls say they are definately getting those! One to use at her camp at the lake. You know the little protectors, when they are in the ground, put the protector on the part that ends up top, to keep track of who's drink is who's!! Another couple gals will be splitting the order amongst eachother. Each will take 2, instead of all 7! Thought that was a good idea too!
  • #59
I think these are going to be a hit! I've already had about 5 girls tell me they want them and can't wait to order them at the next show (this group is going to keep me busy about once a month or so... :love:).

From the feedback I've gotten, these look like a hit!! :thumbup:
  • #60
ChefClairissa said:
Ok, ive read this entire thread and found a TON of great ideas of uses for these. When I saw them I knew we had to have them. Now im taking them to a show today and the people there are huge campers. I'd like to have a "camping" display for these guys. Im headed to the craft store in a few hours. Any ideas to display them in a camping sort of way? Or any more camping ideas to hold more than drinks and citronella candles (which are great ideas in the first place!)?
You could put a cup with marshmellows in one, hershey's bars in another and graham crackers in the third. When ever we go camping there is always one person who gets stuck holding everything and never gets to eat one themselves! And since there's six little ones you could do three each with chocolate and graham crackers around the camp fire and the big one should be able to hold the bag of marshmellows.
  • #61
I displayed them at a fair last weekend and got a lot of interest (we weren't allowed to do sales didn't actually sell any). I picked up an inexpensive galvanized oval tin bucket, put some stryofoam in it and covered it with easter basket grass. I then used the large stick for a bottle of San Pelligrino water, a small for a nice glass, and one for a PC tumbler.

Today I picked up a pink metal pail for $5 (at TJ Maxx) and plan to do a similar display at my shows. I want to promote the party sticks and HWC month at the same time. :)

Also, like Ann said, the display at Leadership included paper cones filled with popcorn and other goodies. It looked great.

  • #62
wadesgirl said:
You could put a cup with marshmellows in one, hershey's bars in another and graham crackers in the third. When ever we go camping there is always one person who gets stuck holding everything and never gets to eat one themselves! And since there's six little ones you could do three each with chocolate and graham crackers around the camp fire and the big one should be able to hold the bag of marshmellows.
That's a good idea. :) In fact you could portion out everyone's ingredients into their own cup, so that one person doesn't end up hogging everything.
  • #63
chefann said:
That's a good idea. :) In fact you could portion out everyone's ingredients into their own cup, so that one person doesn't end up hogging everything.
That's always the first thing that pops into my head when I think of camping!
  • #64
Great camping idea! Its just what I needed! Thanks everyone!:chef:
  • #65
Someone at my last show thought it would be great to hold your fishing pole for those who camp and fish. I believe I will sell a ton of these everyone I have shown just falls in love with them.
  • #66
wadesgirl said:
I mentioned lining your walk in the winter time for a party or such. Sort of like luminaries.

  • #67
I put some foam in the Woven Selections Large Square Server and put 4 of the smaller party sticks and the large one into the foam, then covered it with the new green microfiber towel and washcloth (needed both to get around the foam). Then put different things in the holders. I did this for my team meeting and will display it that way at my Spring Preview Monday and at fairs (not sure I'll carry it to shows though - I already take too much). I left 2 out so people could hold and check them out without wrecking my display. I had wanted to cover the foam with Easter grass but couldn't find it before my meeting but with the towels being green and way less messy to clean up later than the grass I intend to show it that way from now on too!

Thanks for all the ideas! You are all so creative!
  • #68
I hated these and thought they were the stupidest things. Wouldn't you know it was the first thing people went "gaga" over at my first Spring Show? I was worried about the price, but someone bought them full price! I think they'll be selling just fine! I plan to take them to shows (once I buy them, since I thought they were too stupid to buy when I placed my sample order) in a vase or a bucket of sand or something of the sort. I'm going to put the party hat in as suggested above, but I'm going to use it to put my pens in. I might use the big one to collect door prize slips. I don't know. I still think they're a little weird and impractical, but I think the same thing about the ice cream sandwich maker, and somehow that sells too! Like someone else said, we all have different tastes!

Also, on the sand on the can comment above and the suggestion to sit on a towel (yes, I know it was a joke), but my drink still manages to spill over on the towel (probably from my little ones toddling all over though), not to mention how hot it gets on the sand/ground even on a towel. A little off that should be a little cooler, right?


Thanks to everyone on this thread for the great ideas!
Jane :)
  • #69
Wadesgirl.. LOVE the marshmallow idea!! Plus this summer camping, I have a feeling I will be sitting on the ground more often with my daughter on a blanket, so this is perfect! I can't wait. I am doing a Pamper your Camper themed show on 4/5. Now I know I must get these to showcase. Thanks for the ideas everyone!
  • #70
I love the idea of sticking them in Styrofoam for display. I've been wondering how to show people how great they are. I also like a lot of the usage ideas shared here. This is just one of the reasons I love CS!
  • #71
PCMelissa said:
Wadesgirl.. LOVE the marshmallow idea!! Plus this summer camping, I have a feeling I will be sitting on the ground more often with my daughter on a blanket, so this is perfect! I can't wait. I am doing a Pamper your Camper themed show on 4/5. Now I know I must get these to showcase.

Thanks for the ideas everyone!
I miss camping so much, smores are a must have at every camping trip! Pamper your Camper is a great idea! Don't forget to talk about our cookware and knives. With easy clean up with our cookware, the cook won't have to waste so much time washing dishes. And the knives are so quick to cut stuff it's less time spending with prep work. There are alot of great ideas on here if you need them, or just ask!
  • #72
I had a show on Sat and I brought the big one and one of the small ones, explained them, everyone oohed and ahhed of it and I know the host is going to get it..she said they have alot of bonfires and outdoor parties in the summer, I think they are kind of cute myself...
  • #73
I just bought these on a sample order. I'm excited to get them!
  • #74
Here in Cincy we have a game called cornhole ( Katie D. will know what I am talking about). We are always putting our beers on the ground and they get knocked over, so these are PERFECT for around the cornhole game.
We also have a pool in our backyard and it will be nice to have while laying by the pool and not having to worry about the kids knocking our drinks over. ( we have landscaping around our pool so it will work for us)

I ordered some and I put some foam in the bottom of a colorful bucket then put some colorful Easter grass in and stuck them in and am going to put a candle and either wine and wine glasses or cups in them to display for a show. I will take a picture and post once I decide how to display it.
I am very excited about these party sticks!!
:) :)
  • #75
I discovered at yesterday's party that my bucket is a little light. The host's dog ran by and whacked it with his tail, knocking it over. The Furry Guy is finding me a weight for the bottom. :)
  • #76
Update- I had my open house yesterday and I used kid's play sand. Its too...thin I guess you could say. It worked for the 2 hrs I needed it but I'd say dirt out of the backyard/grass, etc. would show better. :)
  • #77
I LOVE the idea about using the party sticks to portion out people's Smores ingredients! I displayed them yesterday in a terra cotta plant pot with a couple of bars of floral foam in them to stick the sticks into. The set-up cost me about $5 at Jo-Ann Fabrics, and it stayed up through my entire show. I even bought the bottom for the pot, in case the floral foam shredded - I didn't want to leave little pieces of it all over the floor, but then just left the foam wrapped up in the pot. I wanted to use foam instead of sand because I am a klutz and I didn't want to spill anything...Oh, and I had a guest with a great idea for the collapsible serving bowl, too - she said it would be great to use collapsed as a chip and dip/ pepperoni and cheese serving platter. I even thought of flipping it over and putting ice between the center section and the lid to chill it to keep dips in...Sorry this is so long, and if any of it has already been said... I am trying to catch up after a busy weekend and do to bed, so I am skimming...
  • #78
I personally think these are awesome. I have also had alot of positive feedback from guest at Feb shows. This item got the most attention from people when they looked at the new catalog. These will be great to take to softball games this summer. I think the idea to use them to line your sidewalk is really neat! :thumbup:
  • #79
I sat up a booth recently at an event and displayed them using an inexpensive plastic flower pot. The pot is medium size maybe 12 inches across on top. I bought styrofoam shaped in a half circle (which cost more than the pot itself)! Place the styrofoam in the bottom of the pot rounded side up for a tight fit...I stuck the bottle holder in then 2 of the cup holders in front of it. Put some craft moss on top to cover the foam. I displayed a bottle of wine and 2 wine glasses this way. It really looked cute and I got some nice comments too! Don't forget to put the Wine Bottle Opener in the moss for display as well!
  • #80
Did not purchase these originally but think I may just have to get a set. hubby thinks they are not going to be as good for sitting in a reg chair in the backyard or at the campground, since they are so low to the ground. But, with so many ideas here I guess I am going to have to go ahead and get a set in April, and then take them to soccer games and practice and games where we have our cans inthe grass falling over. I am usually on a blanket.

We do a lot of camping too!!! fire pit and beach here we come. Like the idea about the smores! since I am the one who usually ends up with everything in MY lap.
  • #81
I went to the dollar store and bought a plastic container and some fake flowers and foam blocks and glass rocks. I put the "rocks" in the bottom of the container just so it won't fall over so easily. Then put the foam blocks and stick the flowers in them then put the large one in the middle and 3 smaller sticks around it. It shows that they can be used in pots, etc, not just the ground. Some ice cream containers will fit in the larger one. Then use party hats or cones made of parchment paper and fill them with toppings and put them in the smaller sticks for an ice cream party. Great for beach, camping, RVing, sports events, concerts, picnics, BBQs. on and on and on. :) I think they are great!
  • #82
pampermejolene said:
I went to the dollar store and bought a plastic container and some fake flowers and foam blocks and glass rocks. I put the "rocks" in the bottom of the container just so it won't fall over so easily. Then put the foam blocks and stick the flowers in them then put the large one in the middle and 3 smaller sticks around it. It shows that they can be used in pots, etc, not just the ground.

Some ice cream containers will fit in the larger one. Then use party hats or cones made of parchment paper and fill them with toppings and put them in the smaller sticks for an ice cream party.

Great for beach, camping, RVing, sports events, concerts, picnics, BBQs. on and on and on. :) I think they are great!

Awesome ideas Jolene! Can you post pics of what you made?
<h2>1. What are Party Sticks?</h2><p>Party Sticks are fun and versatile kitchen tools from Pampered Chef that can be used for a variety of tasks, such as stirring, flipping, and serving food. They are made of durable silicone and come in a pack of four with different colors for easy identification.</p><h2>2. How do I use Party Sticks?</h2><p>You can use Party Sticks for a variety of tasks in the kitchen, such as stirring sauces and batters, flipping pancakes or omelets, and serving appetizers or desserts. They are also great for mixing drinks and scraping bowls or jars. The flexible silicone design allows for easy maneuvering and the non-slip grip ensures a comfortable hold.</p><h2>3. Are Party Sticks safe to use with non-stick cookware?</h2><p>Yes, Party Sticks are safe to use with non-stick cookware as they are made of silicone, which is heat-resistant and non-scratch. This means they won't damage the surface of your pots and pans while cooking.</p><h2>4. Can I put Party Sticks in the dishwasher?</h2><p>Yes, Party Sticks are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. Simply place them on the top rack of your dishwasher and run a normal cycle. They can also be hand-washed with warm soapy water if preferred.</p><h2>5. How are Party Sticks different from other kitchen utensils?</h2><p>Party Sticks are unique because of their multi-functional design and vibrant colors. They are perfect for parties and gatherings, as each guest can have their own color for their drink or appetizer. They are also durable and versatile enough to use in all your everyday cooking and baking needs.</p>

Related to How to Use Party Sticks for Decorations and Parties?

1. What are Party Sticks?

Party Sticks are fun and versatile kitchen tools from Pampered Chef that can be used for a variety of tasks, such as stirring, flipping, and serving food. They are made of durable silicone and come in a pack of four with different colors for easy identification.

2. How do I use Party Sticks?

You can use Party Sticks for a variety of tasks in the kitchen, such as stirring sauces and batters, flipping pancakes or omelets, and serving appetizers or desserts. They are also great for mixing drinks and scraping bowls or jars. The flexible silicone design allows for easy maneuvering and the non-slip grip ensures a comfortable hold.

3. Are Party Sticks safe to use with non-stick cookware?

Yes, Party Sticks are safe to use with non-stick cookware as they are made of silicone, which is heat-resistant and non-scratch. This means they won't damage the surface of your pots and pans while cooking.

4. Can I put Party Sticks in the dishwasher?

Yes, Party Sticks are dishwasher safe for easy cleaning. Simply place them on the top rack of your dishwasher and run a normal cycle. They can also be hand-washed with warm soapy water if preferred.

5. How are Party Sticks different from other kitchen utensils?

Party Sticks are unique because of their multi-functional design and vibrant colors. They are perfect for parties and gatherings, as each guest can have their own color for their drink or appetizer. They are also durable and versatile enough to use in all your everyday cooking and baking needs.

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