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How to Do Shows While on Vacation??

In summary, if you're doing a show in the beginning of your vacation, you can submit it right when you get home. If it's closer to the end, you can submit it the next day, but let the guests know it will take a bit longer. If you're doing a show at the end of your vacation, you can wait to submit it, but let the guests know it will take a bit longer.
I will be vacationing for a couple weeks in July. It will be my SS2 so I am having some shows at the places I am visiting. What would be the best way to go about submitting the shows and which order forms would work best? I am assuming I need to do the long paper order submission form... or could I take the disk with me and install PP on another computer? I don't know how that would work. Also, I'm not clear on how receipts work exactly. Normally I use OOF and mail the receipts I print from PP. If I used the carbon-copy order forms from my starter kit would that act as the official receipt?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm pretty clueless as to how this would all work.
I have done this several times myself. Yes you can use the 3 part order forms and those do count as receipts. Depending on how long you are going to be gone, you might want to just collect all of the orders, total up the shows that then bring them home and enter them on the computer. That way they will be in your system and you can still have that record of them. Personally I take my laptop, so I haven't had to do that one.
Ok for the other side of doing vacation shows. I ususally try to figure out what tools the hosts already have and use as many of those as I can. In the past I have sent the host (friend or family member) a stone or whatever ahead of time. That way I didn't have to pack it, and I let them keep it as a thank you for letting us stay with them. I would be happy to give you more details in you want.. Just let me know.
one thing we talked about in our cluster meeting was to do a scavanger hunt. What you do is you decide what recipe you are going to do, see what the hostess has, then have her put on the invites to bring one of the tools required for the recipe. 1. the people who RSVP'd are going to show up cause they know you need the tool to do the recipe 2. they will also more likely show up on time. Also have the hostess do reminder calls to make sure they remember to bring the cooking tools I hope that makes sense
andiphant said:
I will be vacationing for a couple weeks in July. It will be my SS2 so I am having some shows at the places I am visiting. What would be the best way to go about submitting the shows and which order forms would work best? I am assuming I need to do the long paper order submission form... or could I take the disk with me and install PP on another computer? I don't know how that would work. Also, I'm not clear on how receipts work exactly. Normally I use OOF and mail the receipts I print from PP. If I used the carbon-copy order forms from my starter kit would that act as the official receipt?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm pretty clueless as to how this would all work.
It sounds like you'll be gone for a couple weeks....at what point are the shows you're doing? If they're toward the end, I would just wait until you get home to enter them into PP and submit them. If you have one right at the beginning of the 2 weeks, you could wait to submit it too, but let the guests know it'll take a bit longer to get the orders. That's much easier I think than trying to install PP on another computer. Plus, unless you have a backup of the shows on YOUR computer that you can bring, it would mess up the show numbers. Plus, then ALL that information (including credit card numbers) would be stored on someone elses computer and that is a little scary.

I like the idea in the other post about sending out a stone to someone as a thank you and then using it in your demo. I did that when I did a show for my mom in Florida. Or even bring one of the small bakers and do a recipe using that, since that's pretty easy to transport. Bring what gadgets you have that the host may not have, but keep it REALLY basic. The catalog does a GREAT job of showing the products with the beautiful pictures, so use that to your advantage!! I also like the idea of having guests bring certain tools if they have them! Maybe give a little gift for everyone who brings one of their products from home. IT's a great excuse to have them talk about the product they brought so the guests hear from them and not you all the time.

It's a cool opportunity to make this a fun and unique show!! Good luck!:D
Last summer I traveled quit a bit with just my boys. Dh had to stay home and work. We went to Alabama, Miami and Georgia. I did shows in all of these places. I taught my husband all about PP before I left. After each show I would call him and he would enter it all in for me. It was great!! :D
As long as the computer you put PP on has internet access you can put it on anywhere. Try to get a jump drive and when you are leaving back up PP onto it and then run a back up off it at home so you always have a record of your shows you did. I always use the outside order forms and then give them (or mail them) a printed receipt. I think my sales are higher because I use the OOF's that have the special right at the top, and everyone wants to spend $60 to get the free product. Sales aren't as high when there is a reduced price special instead of free product. Good luck and congrats on getting shows for your vacation time!!

Related to How to Do Shows While on Vacation??

1. How do I plan my Pampered Chef shows while on vacation?

To plan your Pampered Chef shows while on vacation, first determine the dates you will be away and the location you will be visiting. Then, reach out to your customers in that area to see if they would be interested in hosting a show while you are there. Make sure to also reach out to potential hosts in the area and schedule shows accordingly.

2. Can I bring my Pampered Chef products with me on vacation?

Yes, you can bring your Pampered Chef products with you on vacation. However, it is recommended to pack them carefully to prevent any damage during travel. Also, make sure to check with your transportation provider for any restrictions on bringing kitchen tools.

3. How do I manage my orders and deliveries while on vacation?

To manage your orders and deliveries while on vacation, you can use the Pampered Chef app or website to keep track of your customers' orders and delivery dates. Alternatively, you can also arrange for a family member or friend to help with the deliveries while you are away.

4. Can I still earn commission while doing Pampered Chef shows on vacation?

Yes, you can still earn commission while doing Pampered Chef shows on vacation. As long as you are following the necessary steps to plan and execute your shows, you will still earn commission on the products sold during those shows.

5. Are there any special offers or promotions for Pampered Chef shows done on vacation?

Yes, there may be special offers and promotions for Pampered Chef shows done on vacation. Make sure to check with your team leader or the company's website for any current promotions or incentives for hosting shows while on vacation.

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