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How Do You Stop Negative Thoughts?

every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract. This is not quite accurate. Complimenting someone every time you say "Thank you" will not erase their negative thoughts. Saying "Thank you" will simply fill their mind with good thoughts. However, if you focus on negative thoughts, the negative thoughts will become more prominent.
  • #51
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Well, get rid of the darned fish if they can't catch mice!

They can't catch mice but they eat free and live in a small pond most of the year...plus they are Sammie's fish so I'd have a hard time getting rid of them.
  • #52
I was actually talking about Rae's fish but you snuck in between posts.
  • #53
PamperedDor said:
HEY!!!! Colleen - I did a little hijack!! Don't be so mean!!!! LOL!!! (you know I luv ya sista!!)) ;) ;)

btw - I am just joking about the mean part everyone - Colleen doesn't have a mean bone in her body!! She is the sweetest person!!

How is that for positive baby!!!;)

Luv ya back!!
  • #54
This is a good example of being positive. We're all having a positively good time in this thread, chatting about nothin' much. :)
  • #55
Thanks for posting this Lacey! I also want to thank everyone for all their help on this board. It has helped me so much!

Ok, now you all can go back to high jacking the thread. :chef:
  • #56
quiverfull7 said:
Okay... now i'm a bit worried since you've trapped given mice FOOD names...

SORRY... coldn't resist!!!!!!!!

yes, you should worry! :)
  • #57
raebates said:
Any particular reason your mice all have names related to Mexican food? Just wondering.

No, I'm just different that way.

For some reason Chalupa Larry just came out and the "creativity" just blossomed from there!:blushing:
  • #58
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
I was actually talking about Rae's fish but you snuck in between posts.

Sorry, o.k. Rae - you can get rid of your non-mice-catching fish...

Don't feel bad, our old girl (cat) lets the traps do the work instead of her...
  • #59
raebates said:
Any particular reason your mice all have names related to Mexican food? Just wondering.
I do think Antonio Banderas is cute! :)
  • #60
Ok - back to the POSITIVE thread- all this rodent stuff is freaking me out - not POS to me .... I am a LI girl ya know -

SO lets share good thoughts.... who is ready for St Patricks Day??? Gonna be a good day in my house - well - restaurant.. We are Irish and own a Irish Restaurant so - we love March 17th -
  • #61
Not a huge holiday in Holland MI, but there is one Irish pub/restaurant downtown. I think there are two Catholic churches and one Catholic school - K-8th. (For those of you who don't know, this is Dutch/Reformed country.)

I have one green clothing item that I should remember to wear so my kids don't pinch me.

DH is feeling sick upstairs right now, so I don't think I'll have any celebrating to report.
  • #62
DH and I went to a St. Pat's party last night. A former co-worker of DH hosts it. I found a green wig to wear. :)
  • #63
I'm also Irish - I have my best orange shirt ready to wear tomorrow.
  • #64
I think few people know what the deal is with orange on St. Patrick's Day. :) Irish Catholics wear green; Irish Protestants wear orange. The host of the party we attended wore an Irish-themed Hawaiian-style shirt. He also has a hat that looks like a pint of Guinness. (Actually, that reminds me - he's on his way to the bar right now. He has a 20-some year tradition of opening "The Tipp," an Irish pub, at 7am on St. Pat's Day. He'll go and hang out until about noon.)
Last edited:
  • #65
Funny thing is - they don't really get crazy in Ireland today like we do here - the don't even eat corned beef!
  • Thread starter
  • #66
Glad you've all had fun completely high-jacking my thread, LOL!
Happy St Patty's Day:D I've got a little Irish in me; Doreen I'd love to come to your restaurant--I bet it's awesome!
I think the only green shirt I have is my Packers shirt!
  • #67
I had a teacher in high school who accused me of being Polish because I wore orange on St. Paddy's day. I asked him if he had ever looked at an Irish flag and I dropped it at that. You can lead a horse ('s ass) to water but if you can make him roll over on his back and float, well, then you've got something.
  • #68
We had neighbors from Ireland and they were very amused by the way we celebrate St. Pat's Day here.

Have you ever been pinched? I worked for a Catholic Church and the Irish priest would go around and pinch anyone who wasn't wearing green on March 17th. - I always did - opps! I just realized I have to go change - I bet this is the first time I didn't automatically put green on!:eek: ...funny thing is I made sure DH's green shirt was pressed for him to wear today.:rolleyes:
  • #69
lacychef said:
Glad you've all had fun completely high-jacking my thread, LOL!
Happy St Patty's Day:D I've got a little Irish in me; Doreen I'd love to come to your restaurant--I bet it's awesome!
I think the only green shirt I have is my Packers shirt!

Come on over Lacy!! Its fun fun fun!! Its named after my MIL - We have owned 4 thru the years but this is now my favorite (and only TG!!) lilyflanaganspub.com -
  • #70
I'm Irish too- I totally forgot today was St. Patrick's day. Maybe we'll make sugar cookies with green sprinkles with my niece today.

I never knew that about the orange KG and Ann- thanks for the history lesson. My grandmother doesn't talk much about the old country as she calls it- so I only know about their potato farm and her love of emeralds!
  • #71
The Irish don't make a big deal out of St. Patrick's Day, but then, what can you expect from people who think soccer is fun to watch.
  • #72
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
The Irish don't make a big deal out of St. Patrick's Day, but then, what can you expect from people who think soccer is fun to watch.

Hey!!!!! I love soccer - my boys play on 2 teams each -

FYI - they call it football over there!! LOL
  • #73
I'm half Irish, Irish catholic that is (by upbringing, my dad's family. He adopted me when he married my mom)

Very interesting about the Green vs. orange, never knew that! But then odds would have been against it since I also went to St. Patrick's Catholic school K-8!

There is not much for Irish heritage locally. I miss the Irish pub! In my home town there were at least 2!

Down in the cities there was a big festival this weekend. That would have been fun!

Oh and the other half of my upbringing was Italian.... Yeah it was interesting!
  • #74
etteluap70PC said:
Oh and the other half of my upbringing was Italian.... Yeah it was interesting!
That's what the host served at the St. Pat's party we were at this weekend: Gaelic and Garlic! She had a yummy corned beef roll, a veggie roll, and pasta with meatballs. :)
  • #75
Cincinnati really gets into the St. Patty's day thing... big parade downtown over the weekend. And on March 17th, the partners at the accouting firm where I used to work would take everyone out for lunch and ONE green beer... gotta know the majority of the firm were Irish Catholic men.
  • #76
The bars at the University of Illinois had their "unofficial" St. Patricks party last weekend because of spring break.

Ann R.
  • #77
katie0128 said:
Cincinnati really gets into the St. Patty's day thing... big parade downtown over the weekend. And on March 17th, the partners at the accouting firm where I used to work would take everyone out for lunch and ONE green beer... gotta know the majority of the firm were Irish Catholic men.
Only one glass? Okay.

  • #78
PamperedDor said:
Hey!!!!! I love soccer - my boys play on 2 teams each -

FYI - they call it football over there!! LOL
Q: Why do fights often break out between fans in the stands at soccer games?

A; Because they're all BORED TO DEATH!
  • #79
Happy St. Patty's Day! :D


Look - each one has ONE green beer! Maybe they worked at that accounting firm too! :D
  • #80
That would be what the firm looked like at the AFTER tax season party. Only one green beer (even if it was free and consumed on company time) wouldn't be enough to make accountants that happy before April 15th!
  • #81
LOL! Good point! :D
  • #82
There is alot of St. Patrick's Day activities here in MA. Especially in Boston. There is a lot of Irish history in Boston. There are a bunch of Pubs that do live music for the night. There is a big parade in Boston and smaller ones in the surrounding towns.
I know Friendly's and McDonalds do the green shakes for St. Patricks's Day too.

This all goes along with the positive vibe of the thread. We are wishing everyone a Happy O'Day!:D
  • #83
There are a lot of Mannings in Boston, there's even a Manning Society. Of course, if you can't trace you lineage back to a couple of high fallutin' Boston Mannings, your name might as well be Koresh Burazewski.
  • #84
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Only one glass? Okay.

Nice self portrait! Or did the Kat Lady take it?
  • #85
We have a couple big clans of Dooleys runnin' around in Cincinnati. Unfortunately, they all decided to be "original" when naming their kids... so there are a couple Michaels, Brians, Johns and they are mixed up regularly!
  • #86
Anyone named Doggy?I saw one of those in a catalog once.(You can expect to hear from Janet on that particular gag.)
  • #87
Great - maybe Janet can explain it to me.
  • #89
I'm so glad Dooley is my married name and I can claim no acutal relation!

Of course, my maiden name is Adams... and that isn't much better. I'm gonna go change my name now!
  • #90
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Anyone named Doggy?

I saw one of those in a catalog once.

(You can expect to hear from Janet on that particular gag.)

Yup, got one of those buried in my back yard...don't use it much though...
  • #91
John Adams? Abagail Adams? John Quincy Adams? Nuthin' there to shy away from.The weird ones were from the (Charles) Addams Family. (snap, snap)
(Actually, Charles Addams was related to John and John Quincy Adams despite the different spellings.)
  • #92
Yeah - its the "snap, snap" that gets to me.
  • #93
I have this great Irish Pie recipe and it calls for Irish Whiskey - of course we have an Irish Coffee with the leftover whiskey...

Well, anyway, I went to the liquor store to pick up the IW and the clerk pointed to a piece of a green chipboard he had stuffed in his shirt pocket and said that he forgot to wear green so he stuck it there so he wouldn't get pinched.:D
  • #94
love it! Thank you for sharing
  • #95
St. Paddy's Day!!!:D
<h2>1. How do I stop my negative thoughts?</h2><p>The simple answer is to plant good thoughts. When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are still focused on them and will attract more. Instead, make it a daily practice to appreciate all the good things in your life and deliberately think positive thoughts.</p><h2>2. What happens if I try to control or push away negative thoughts?</h2><p>The result will be the same: you are still focused on negative thoughts and will attract more. Don't give attention to them and instead focus on planting good thoughts.</p><h2>3. How do I plant good thoughts?</h2><p>Make it a daily practice to appreciate and give thanks for all the good things in your life. Compliment, praise, and express gratitude for everything, big or small. Every time you say "thank you," it is a good thought.</p><h2>4. What will happen if I plant more good thoughts?</h2><p>Your life will be transformed into all good. Your focus on good thoughts will attract more good things into your life. It's like planting seeds, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise.</p><h2>5. What is the effect of deliberately thinking good thoughts?</h2><p>Your life will be filled with joy and positivity. As you think good thoughts, you are planting good seeds within yourself, and the Universe will manifest those thoughts into your reality. Your life will become a garden of paradise.</p>

Related to How Do You Stop Negative Thoughts?

1. How do I stop my negative thoughts?

The simple answer is to plant good thoughts. When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are still focused on them and will attract more. Instead, make it a daily practice to appreciate all the good things in your life and deliberately think positive thoughts.

2. What happens if I try to control or push away negative thoughts?

The result will be the same: you are still focused on negative thoughts and will attract more. Don't give attention to them and instead focus on planting good thoughts.

3. How do I plant good thoughts?

Make it a daily practice to appreciate and give thanks for all the good things in your life. Compliment, praise, and express gratitude for everything, big or small. Every time you say "thank you," it is a good thought.

4. What will happen if I plant more good thoughts?

Your life will be transformed into all good. Your focus on good thoughts will attract more good things into your life. It's like planting seeds, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise.

5. What is the effect of deliberately thinking good thoughts?

Your life will be filled with joy and positivity. As you think good thoughts, you are planting good seeds within yourself, and the Universe will manifest those thoughts into your reality. Your life will become a garden of paradise.

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