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How Do You Stop Negative Thoughts?

every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract. This is not quite accurate. Complimenting someone every time you say "Thank you" will not erase their negative thoughts. Saying "Thank you" will simply fill their mind with good thoughts. However, if you focus on negative thoughts, the negative thoughts will become more prominent.
With the negativity that pops up on this board from time to time; I just thought I'd share this email I received.....
We've talked about "the Secret" here before; this email is from the "secret scrolls". I recently subscribed to them; basically about once a week I get one. They're great inspirational stories usually. My director first introduced me to The Secret, and also these stories.
Anyway, just wanted to share this with you all.....now I gotta get off here & get some laundry done, LOL!

"A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret

"How do I stop my negative thoughts?" - is a question that I have been asked many times. If you have ever asked this question then you will feel such enormous relief in knowing the answer, because it is so simple. How do you stop negative thoughts? You plant good thoughts!

When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are focusing on what you don't want - negative thoughts - and you will attract an abundance of them. They can never disappear if you are focused on them. The "stop" part is irrelevant - the negative thoughts are your focus. It doesn't matter if you are trying to stop negative thoughts or control them or push them away, the result is the same. Your focus is on negative thoughts, and by the law of attraction you are inviting more of them to you.

The truth is always simple and it is always easy. To stop negative thoughts, just plant good thoughts! Deliberately plant good thoughts! You plant good thoughts by making it a daily practice to appreciate all the things in your day. Appreciate your health, your car, your home, your family, your job, your friends, your surroundings, your meals, your pets, and the magnificent beauty of the day. Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.

So don't give any attention to negative thoughts. Don't worry about them. If any come, make light of them, shrug them off, and let them be your reminder to deliberately think more good thoughts now.

The more good thoughts you can plant in a day, the faster your life will be utterly transformed into all good. If you spend only one day speaking of good things and saying "Thank you" at every single opportunity, you will not believe your tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts is exactly like planting seeds. As you think good thoughts you are planting good seeds inside you, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise. How will the garden of paradise appear? As your life!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions "
Lacy I love this thanks for sharing.
That reminds me of a passage from the New Testament.

Phillippians 4:8b&9
"Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you have learned from me and heard from me and saw me doing, and the God of peace will be with you."

Hee hee, I'm home today with a sick son, so I guess I just got my scripture reading in!:D Wonder what the scripture is at church today?

Thanks for starting this thread Lacy!
Funny you'd mention this topic, Lacy - for the last hour or so, I've been trying to figure out how to address this same issue. You're much more positive about it than I was going to be.
The easiest way, around here anyway, to get rid of negativity is to put the Nattering Nabob of Negativity on your ignore list.Most of us have her there, but there are still a few unwitting members who don't. Even worse, they continue to have dialog with her, which just encourages her to keep posting her drivel.
I thought posting drivvel was my job.... Oh yeah I finally got my star. I don't need to do that any more LOL!

Any how..... yeah, I am finally embracing my "Iggy button" I just hate seing people I respect attacked.

Thanks for the great post Lacy
Thanks for sharing! I always say "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!"
I totally agree with the concept of that email...thanks for sharing it and reminding all of us to be much more conscious of our thoughts and how they affect our lives!

This part (and some of the other semantics) is what I have a bit of a problem with: Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. I agree that we should be giving thanks FOR all things, but not TO all things. I love the scripture you quoted, Becky! If we fill our minds with good things there is no longer room for the negative things!
Compliment, praise, and give thanks to all things. Every time you say "Thank you" it is a good thought! As you plant more and more good thoughts, the negative thoughts will be wiped out. Why? Because your focus is on good thoughts, and what you focus on you attract.

I totally agree with this. One of things I like about being in this business is 'we get paid to be nice.' I don't mean that trivially...the truth is you never know when the person who bugs you in traffic, at the store, etc is going to be sitting at your next show. I've found by choosing not to get angry (most of the time:eek:), my days are also much more enjoyable.

In my last career (military) I wasn't paid to be nice. In fact, I was paid to be a butt-head (it was practically in my job-description and my staff would probably say I was pretty good at it :blushing:.) I wasn't a jerk or insulting, but I was the one who set standards and had to let folks know when they weren't meeting them. It was the role that had to be played.

This is so much more fun (and there are no bullets!). Anyway, how many 'jobs' out there truly pay better the more pleasant you are?
legacypc46 said:
This is so much more fun (and there are no bullets!). Anyway, how many 'jobs' out there truly pay better the more pleasant you are?

And if there are, you can choose NOT to do that show!:rolleyes:
  • #10
Actually, my first recruit was doing her second show when gun-fire broke out across the street. She quickly stopped and got everyone out the backdoor and to safety! Crazy, crazy stuff out there.
  • #11
Love that passage Lacey!! Thanks for starting the thread!

Being fairly new to this board, I started reading and wondering about certain individuals, some of which I felt were rude. ALways being the type to not judge immediately, I continued to read posts by them and finally today came to the conclusion that not only are they rude, but most likely a very sad and unhappy person with themself that they feel the need to make others feel like that. I came to this board to get useful information for my business, share my ideas and thoughts to help others, not to see others just degrade people for their own personal high. I am sure there are other boards out there that people can lash out at others for the fun of it. I have chosen to ignore her posts, not comment on them, since it seems that this sad individual gets happiness out of hurting others.

So Thank YOU to all of you who HAVE helped me with advice, flyers, etc. (OH and those awesome comments on the marriage thread!!;) ) Lets all continue to post positive, helpful comments and simply ignore anything negative!

Wow that feels better!!!
  • #12
legacypc46 said:
Actually, my first recruit was doing her second show when gun-fire broke out across the street. She quickly stopped and got everyone out the backdoor and to safety! Crazy, crazy stuff out there.

Get out - That is scary stuff!! :eek:
  • #13
I certainly want to say thank you to everyone who continues to give ideas and support - both business-related and personal.
  • #14
Ok - NOW I need to learn how to get those cute little smilies that Ann, KG and others do.... Lets share the cuties info!!!
  • #15
Thanks Lacey for starting this thread :)
  • #16
PamperedDor said:
Ok - NOW I need to learn how to get those cute little smilies that Ann, KG and others do.... Lets share the cuties info!!!
Google 'smilies' and you'll find a bunch. If you add them to your own Photobucket account, then you'll be able to access it even if the place you found it closes down. If you want one that someone here has used, you can copy it directly from here into your Photobucket album.
  • #17
Nope. The gunfire thing is still not nearly as shocking as the potty show. What do you think Ann?
  • #18
They're both scary in different ways. ;)
  • #19
Here are links to some of the sites I use. When you see a smiley you like, just click it and look for the box that has the url address in it. Copy and paste. (All of these I got from previous posts here.)

Expressive Smilies
Free Smilies and MySpace Graphics
FreeSmileys.org :: Free Smileys Animated Emoticons Smiley Faces GIF
planet smilies: free smilies, also known as emoticons.
ø Smileys - Thousands of Free Forum Smileys ø
Smilies Smiley Emoticons - Collection of free animated smilies, animated smiley , emoticons , smiley - emails, forum and board
  • #20
PamperedDor said:
Ok - NOW I need to learn how to get those cute little smilies that Ann, KG and others do.... Lets share the cuties info!!!



What smilies? I don't see any smilies.


Oh, THOSE smilies.

Just remember, google is your friend - there are about a bazillion of 'em out there. After you start finding ones you like, read The Photo Thread on how to store them in a repository, like photobucket, so you have them when you need them.

End of
  • #21
I'm telling YOU....... You guys are the BEST!!!!! Thanks - now I just need to know what a photobucket is ...LOL

BTW - I really not as much of a airhead as I might sound!!:blushing:
  • #23
Photobucket is a website (free) where you can store images. It's at photobucket.com
  • #25
Oh, BTW, if you see a smiley here you really like, just right click on it to steal it.
  • #26
Thank you again -

BTW - You two crack me up!! I am going to start playing and see what I can come up with - You might just have created a monster!
  • #27
Lacey - thanks so much for the thread!! I think it was such a good (and much needed) message. I love it! :love:

KG and Ann - I've been wondering how to get the super cool smileys into my messages...thanks!! :D
  • #28
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Funny you'd mention this topic, Lacy - for the last hour or so, I've been trying to figure out how to address this same issue. You're much more positive about it than I was going to be.

The easiest way, around here anyway, to get rid of negativity is to put the Nattering Nabob of Negativity on your ignore list.

Most of us have her there, but there are still a few unwitting members who don't. Even worse, they continue to have dialog with her, which just encourages her to keep posting her drivel.

That's exactly my train of thought on this issue.

Love the silliness mixed in with serious stuff. Appreciate the smilies. I'm usually too lazy to add any. I like this one:)
  • #29
I think I missed something, because I have NOOOOOOOOO idea who your talking about and what the heck happened??!!??!!

But yes, thanks for the negativity POSITIVE reminder!
  • #30
Great thread Lacey!!!
And don't worry Vanessa, you didn't miss anything worth seeing...
  • #30
<a href="http://s252.photobucket.com/albums/hh22/kacey1972/?action=view&current=one_bad_apple_sm_nwm.gif" target="_blank"><img src="http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh22/kacey1972/one_bad_apple_sm_nwm.gif" border="0" alt="bad apple"></a>

Sometimes people go bad...just like apples!
  • #30
  • #31
sadly, there are some bad apples out there...
  • #32
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Oh, BTW, if you see a smiley here you really like, just right click on it to steal it.


But make sure no one sees you stealing it!
  • #33
JAE said:
That's exactly my train of thought on this issue.

Love the silliness mixed in with serious stuff. Appreciate the smilies. I'm usually too lazy to add any. I like this one:)

And I like this one....
  • #34
I'm getting ready for a Cub Scout pack meeting and that is what I'm going to look like when this meeting is done!
  • #35
vwpamperedchef said:
I think I missed something, because I have NOOOOOOOOO idea who your talking about and what the heck happened??!!??!!

But yes, thanks for the negativity POSITIVE reminder!

That's ok, PamperedDor just highjacked this thred with smiles! LOL
  • #36
letscook04 said:
That's ok, PamperedDor just highjacked this thred with smiles! LOL

HEY!!!! Colleen - I did a little hijack!! Don't be so mean!!!! LOL!!! (you know I luv ya sista!!)) ;) ;)

btw - I am just joking about the mean part everyone - Colleen doesn't have a mean bone in her body!! She is the sweetest person!!

How is that for positive baby!!!;)
  • #37
letscook04 said:
That's ok, PamperedDor just highjacked this thred with smiles! LOL

Actually, I think I hijacked it with my newly aquired skill of posting pictures to my posts! I am just so doggone proud of myself that I keep posting pictures......

Sorry! I am positive that I will stop eventually!
  • #38
Post away Kacey - they are very positive and enjoyable -

And I will give you credit for the hijack too!!! LOL -

SO HA Colleen!!! LOL!!!
  • #39
Kitchen Diva said:

But make sure no one sees you stealing it!

So, KG, when did you get a chance to photo the mice in my house? The Furry Guy will love this picture.
  • #40
That wasn't KG, that was KD who posted it (KitchenDiva). :D
  • #41
Oops, my bad. Sorry about that, Kacey. I'm just so used to KG posting great photos.I also just realized that it couldn't have been taken in my house. The Furry Guy uses peanut butter, not cheese.
  • #42
raebates said:
Oops, my bad. Sorry about that, Kacey. I'm just so used to KG posting great photos.

I also just realized that it couldn't have been taken in my house. The Furry Guy uses peanut butter, not cheese.

Not to worry- KG does post great photos! I have quite a few as well- most not even worthy to be posted in the same thread as KG's but good ones non-the-less. :)

That is one of my favorite pics. Looks like Chalupa Larry...the first mouse we caught in our garage last spring...then came Taco Bob, Churro Betty and Burrito Jim- little did we know there was a whole family living in the sleeping bags in our crawl space. Who knew Mice liked camping.
  • #43
Okay... now i'm a bit worried since you've trapped given mice FOOD names...

SORRY... coldn't resist!!!!!!!!
  • #44
Any particular reason your mice all have names related to Mexican food? Just wondering.

We live out the the boonies, so we get mice on a fairly regular basis. Whenever we catch one in a trap, I sing this song to the tune of Ding, Dong the Witch Is Dead:

:sing: :sing:
Ding, dong, the mousey's dead!
The mousetrap, it snapped his head.
Ding, dong, the little mousey's dead!
:sing: :sing: :sing:

It makes The Furry Guy laugh, then he feeds the dead mousey to the cats. I know they think we have a never-ending supply of mice, and we're just holding out on them.
  • #45
If you have to feed trapped mice to cats, it's time to fire the lazy cats!Or get a ferret - the best mouser I ever had around here was Squeaky, the Ferret. He'd even eat his catch, except the head, for some reason. A severed mouse head is not fun to step on in the middle of the night.
  • #46
The cats are outside. They keep most of the rodent population under control. The only inside pets we have are a few fish.
  • #47
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
If you have to feed trapped mice to cats, it's time to fire the lazy cats!

Or get a ferret - the best mouser I ever had around here was Squeaky, the Ferret. He'd even eat his catch, except the head, for some reason. A severed mouse head is not fun to step on in the middle of the night.


Oooh ferrets are SO much fun - very playful and curious critters...of course, with 2 dogs, 1 cat, 3 large Koi and a golfish, 2 kids, and numerous large instruments, our house is pretty full!!!!

Who needs a garage sale, I need a HOUSE sale this spring!
  • #48
Well, get rid of the darned fish if they can't catch mice!
  • #49
Ok - Yuck - I am like so not a mouse person - thankfully we don't get any - maybe 4 in 19 years...

AND I don't name them - that is funny! Just don't name any Mickey ok???

Love the song.........
  • #50
The really fun thing about our pets (1 cat, 2 kittens, and 3 fish), is that we feed them all high-protein dog food. I told The Furry Guy that we need to get a dog fish just so we'd have a good excuse.BTW, we've talked with vets about this, and we're not harming the pets. We're just saving money. :)
<h2>1. How do I stop my negative thoughts?</h2><p>The simple answer is to plant good thoughts. When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are still focused on them and will attract more. Instead, make it a daily practice to appreciate all the good things in your life and deliberately think positive thoughts.</p><h2>2. What happens if I try to control or push away negative thoughts?</h2><p>The result will be the same: you are still focused on negative thoughts and will attract more. Don't give attention to them and instead focus on planting good thoughts.</p><h2>3. How do I plant good thoughts?</h2><p>Make it a daily practice to appreciate and give thanks for all the good things in your life. Compliment, praise, and express gratitude for everything, big or small. Every time you say "thank you," it is a good thought.</p><h2>4. What will happen if I plant more good thoughts?</h2><p>Your life will be transformed into all good. Your focus on good thoughts will attract more good things into your life. It's like planting seeds, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise.</p><h2>5. What is the effect of deliberately thinking good thoughts?</h2><p>Your life will be filled with joy and positivity. As you think good thoughts, you are planting good seeds within yourself, and the Universe will manifest those thoughts into your reality. Your life will become a garden of paradise.</p>

Related to How Do You Stop Negative Thoughts?

1. How do I stop my negative thoughts?

The simple answer is to plant good thoughts. When you try to stop negative thoughts, you are still focused on them and will attract more. Instead, make it a daily practice to appreciate all the good things in your life and deliberately think positive thoughts.

2. What happens if I try to control or push away negative thoughts?

The result will be the same: you are still focused on negative thoughts and will attract more. Don't give attention to them and instead focus on planting good thoughts.

3. How do I plant good thoughts?

Make it a daily practice to appreciate and give thanks for all the good things in your life. Compliment, praise, and express gratitude for everything, big or small. Every time you say "thank you," it is a good thought.

4. What will happen if I plant more good thoughts?

Your life will be transformed into all good. Your focus on good thoughts will attract more good things into your life. It's like planting seeds, and the Universe will transform those seeds into a garden of paradise.

5. What is the effect of deliberately thinking good thoughts?

Your life will be filled with joy and positivity. As you think good thoughts, you are planting good seeds within yourself, and the Universe will manifest those thoughts into your reality. Your life will become a garden of paradise.

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