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How Can We Overcome Our Sales Shortfall This Month?

In summary, Meg is facing the big R this month and she is only $1200 short. She needs to send out an email to her team asking for their show schedule for this month and the next two in order to make sure they don't submit anything late. Meg also has one more show to submit and she just might hold it for another day so it counts for August.
  • #51
Great words Ann! I took the initiative too and learned what I need to know (CS helped!). I also had a fabulous hospitality director. She gave me as many hours of training as I wanted (and !was willing to then act on)...and in return I did everything I could to support her and her cluster. It was an awesome experience. I just don't understand directors who aren't willing to truly support hospitality.

Deb, I was in serious 'lack of time' mode last night and couldn't respond like I wanted. But then, Janice pretty much said it way better and more to the point than I could have! Some consultants stay and some go. Of those that stay, most view this as a secondary (or third-ary') source of income. It isn't a priority for them (which is their choice and ours to respect). That can make it tough for us, but you nailed the answer on the head: continue to share the business. Sooner or later, you will find someone who 'gets it' and wants to fully leverage what PC offers. And they will have you as an example to emulate...you cover girl, you!
  • #52
I just don't get it sometimes....they "want" to do this business, but they don't want to work....well, I would love to see them get a job at Target and tell them that they won't be showing up because they don't feel like it, or that they don't want to be trained (which is what they are saying when they don't call you back).

Can we say FIRED?

I think that as for all the Directors here (especially Deb), we all give everything to them and have to weed out the ones who want to work. Nancy Jo says to not discount your hobbyists, they are a great asset to your business, but work with the ones who want to work with you -- and recruit, recruit, recruit!

I have such admiration for you, Deb. You are such an amazing woman, both in business and personally.

I think being a socializer, though, I just feel the need to pick you up and dust you off and give you a push back in the right direction. I think you would do the same for me. ;)
  • #53
baychef said:
I am still laughing...if you were on CS your hinny would be tarred and feathered by now!!

That totally made me laugh outloud! So TRUE!!!!
  • #54
baychef said:
I am still laughing...if you were on CS your hinny would be tarred and feathered by now!! :bugeye:But your words are so true.

That is SO true!!

Well, I called my host and she said she has NO orders! NONE!! I asked her much her order is and she said @ $100. I told her I'd see what I could do to help her turn in a show. I have NOTHING here though. I just checked to see if I had any online orders today and I have ONE for $55.50~:):):party: So to hit my $4k, I'm less than $50 away. My host is NOT calling me back with her order and we're going out tonight for our anniversary so I need to take care of this NOW! And, it's just about to storm really badly so I may lose power. UGH!! Please pray for me that she calls me back soon!!

Oh, my girl who turned in her $370 show, it's on hold b/c of a declined CC payment but thats okay right?
  • #55
Oh, by the way, ONLY good things now, OK? I want to hear everyone's cheers!!!!! Hills and valleys, to have a peak, you must have valleys, right?

Onward from here -- how's everyone doing........
  • #56
pampmomof3 said:
That is SO true!!

Oh, my girl who turned in her $370 show, it's on hold b/c of a declined CC payment but thats okay right?

I THINK SO, as long as it's reconciled by the 4th. If not, see if you can help her work it out (and if you have to have the products sent to you to hold until payment arrives, do that).

YEAH Kristi!
  • #57

Looks like most of you will make it. I know I will not but I'm not going to stress. I'm starting off the month with a show tomorrow and I will make it count.

We got an e-mail from our Exec Cindy Langford and she shared this:

Hi Cindy,

Just had to share. Remember the other day I was telling you I was stressed and down because I had only 2 bookings for August? And "hello", its the end of July??

Well....next time I tell you that remind me that it only takes 1 little ole show to turn everything around. I've had 3 shows since we talked and did get 2 bookings that helped.

But my show tonight was awesome. I really tried to have the "can do" attitude instead of desperation. It was a fun show, she really tried to get a full house, (actually beauty salon.)

She had 8 people in attendance. Are you ready for this? Every single person booked a show and 3 people are interested in our consulting opportunity!!!!!! 8 BOOKINGS!!! I am so excited and my belief is renewed again. So thanks for the tip of changing my attitude.
  • #58

Whew! :) My host felt bad so she turned in a order totaling $150 herself!! I hit my $1250 and my team and I made the $4k! Now I need to get ready for my date!!

Thank you god!! Thank you my director friends as well!
  • #59
That's enough to make Jean Jonas say WOO HOO twice!!!

My ED sent me a card a few months ago when I was in the Debbie Downer mode (Saturday night live skit).

It had a AA battery drawn on the front of the card. On the inside it said...Things you can learn from a dead battery...every negative needs a postive!!!
  • #60
Have fun tonight Kristi!!!!
  • #61
Awesome everyone!!! That's great, Kristi, that you made it.

Now I need to get out of downer mode and get on the phone for August shows. I had one cancel today and she's rescheduling for OCTOBER. Ick. My August is looking horrible. I may have to have a show myself, but I wanted to wait until September and/or see if a neighbor wants to host. I live in a neighborhood that's GREAT and lots of people have had shows so I don't want to schedule something myself if I can get a neighbor to host and I know if a couple who want more cookware.

I just want someone to book August!! I see the reason it's such a great month to host, but nobody else seems to see that. Maybe I'll offer to bring the ingredients if they host a show. I don't know. That seemed to work last time I did that and I"ve also decided to start sending my hosts' invites for them so at least that part will already be in place.

My July ended up ok, but my August sucks. I'm holding a $300 catalog show to submit tomorrow just incase I need a little extra help with sales. I know it won't apply to the double points for the bags but oh well.

You guys are an inspiration so I need to get on that phone TONIGHT!
  • #62
Okay, good news here. I will be over 4K and my team has submitted 4 shows so far totaling another 2K. So we are good.

I may hit the 8 shows mark if I can track down my one remaining host. She had a small show (1 combined order and a couple outside ones). Nice gal, just focused on other things. I so want to hit that 8 shows goal!
  • #63
legacypc46 said:
Okay, good news here. I will be over 4K and my team has submitted 4 shows so far totaling another 2K. So we are good.

I may hit the 8 shows mark if I can track down my one remaining host. She had a small show (1 combined order and a couple outside ones). Nice gal, just focused on other things. I so want to hit that 8 shows goal!

Yeah, Kris!! Yeah, Kristi!!

I knew you could do it!!

Wa hoo to YOU!
  • #64
I was reading this post this morning. I looked and said, ok I will be ok for this month.
Well now it is that time. The evening of the last day of the month.
I have 1 show left to close and she hasn't called back.( I left a message).
My team. I think are all ghosts this month. LOL
I know 2 are planning to submit at least $200 to stay active.
But the rest, no response.
I have $3300 of my own so far without that show I'm waiting on. My team so far has only done $669. So there is no way I'm going to miss 4000 as a cluster over $31.
I pray that my host calls back. It is still early enough. I made sure when I left the message, I stressed I would be waiting up for her call to close her show tonight.
I'm just so glad to read this and know I'm not alone.
I worry too about August. I do 8-10 shows per month. I only have 5 shows and 1 caddy for August. I have a new consultant who set a personal goal to do 2000 in her first month. So I hope she does.
  • #65
Well as of tomorrow I'll officially be in month 1 of the "big r":cry:. I'm really upset about it, but at the same time, being upset isn't going to do anything. My team has been non existant this month and I have officially had my lowest sales month in my business...didn't even hit $1000. I know next month will be better. I'm bound and determined to have at least 4 cooking shows. I'm really pushing 321 with my team (we are having a contest) and I know of at least 4 who are truly participating. They all have shows on their calendars for next month too. I'm bummed, but you know what, tomorrow is a new month :chef: Time to get out and do what I know needs to be done!!
  • #66
iteachurkid said:
Well as of tomorrow I'll officially be in month 1 of the "big r":cry:. I'm really upset about it, but at the same time, being upset isn't going to do anything. My team has been non existant this month and I have officially had my lowest sales month in my business...didn't even hit $1000. I know next month will be better. I'm bound and determined to have at least 4 cooking shows. I'm really pushing 321 with my team (we are having a contest) and I know of at least 4 who are truly participating. They all have shows on their calendars for next month too. I'm bummed, but you know what, tomorrow is a new month :chef: Time to get out and do what I know needs to be done!!

That's a great point - tomorrow IS a new month. There's no looking back - let's just make the most of it.

I'm sorry this month sucked for you. You're doing great things with your team by having the contest and being determined yourself. Next month WILL be better!!!
  • #67
I love that... it is a new month and we can do anything we want with it! :)
  • #68
This has been a good thread for me to see. Sometimes I feel like I have to be the only one who is struggling with this issue! Most of the year, I can carry the team with my sales, but in the summer, I do a lighter show schedule, so it's not always possible. July was one of those months! I am in the process of blessing and releasing 3 of my consultants who just do not return my calls or emails. I'll keep them on the email list until they are ineligible to re-activate and I'll put them on my customer list.
Now I'm putting on my Scarlett O'Hara bonnet, since after all, tomorrow is another day!
  • #69
I think we all hit rocky waters...the support here makes rowing through it easier. :)
  • #70
true. very true.
<h2>What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?</h2><p>"Note to Team Re:relinquishment" is a message that is sent to your team at Pampered Chef to inform them about the current sales situation and to request their help in reaching the goal.</p><h2>Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?</h2><p>You need to send a note to your team about relinquishment because you are facing the big "R" this month, which means you are short on the required sales amount. In order to reach the goal, you need the support and help of your team members.</p><h2>What are the top 5 most frequently asked questions about "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?</h2><p>1. What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?<br>2. Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?<br>3. What is the current sales situation that you are facing?<br>4. How can my team help in reaching the sales goal?<br>5. How much more sales do we need to reach the goal?</p><h2>What should I include in the note to my team?</h2><p>In your note to your team, you should include the current sales situation, the amount of sales needed to reach the goal, and a call to action for your team to help in reaching the goal. You can also explain why reaching the goal is important for the team and the company.</p><h2>What can I do if my team is not responding to my calls?</h2><p>If your team is not responding to your calls, you can try reaching out to them through other channels such as email or social media. You can also try reaching out to individual team members to check on their progress and ask for their help in reaching the sales goal. Additionally, you can ask for support from your upline or other team leaders for ideas on how to motivate your team to help reach the sales goal.</p>

Related to How Can We Overcome Our Sales Shortfall This Month?

What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?

"Note to Team Re:relinquishment" is a message that is sent to your team at Pampered Chef to inform them about the current sales situation and to request their help in reaching the goal.

Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?

You need to send a note to your team about relinquishment because you are facing the big "R" this month, which means you are short on the required sales amount. In order to reach the goal, you need the support and help of your team members.

What are the top 5 most frequently asked questions about "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?

1. What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?
2. Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?
3. What is the current sales situation that you are facing?
4. How can my team help in reaching the sales goal?
5. How much more sales do we need to reach the goal?

What should I include in the note to my team?

In your note to your team, you should include the current sales situation, the amount of sales needed to reach the goal, and a call to action for your team to help in reaching the goal. You can also explain why reaching the goal is important for the team and the company.

What can I do if my team is not responding to my calls?

If your team is not responding to your calls, you can try reaching out to them through other channels such as email or social media. You can also try reaching out to individual team members to check on their progress and ask for their help in reaching the sales goal. Additionally, you can ask for support from your upline or other team leaders for ideas on how to motivate your team to help reach the sales goal.

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