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How Can We Overcome Our Sales Shortfall This Month?

In summary, Meg is facing the big R this month and she is only $1200 short. She needs to send out an email to her team asking for their show schedule for this month and the next two in order to make sure they don't submit anything late. Meg also has one more show to submit and she just might hold it for another day so it counts for August.
I'm facing the big R this month. We are only $1200 short. I usually do the sales myself, but had 3 cancellations this month, so here we are.

I have NO IDEA what my team might be holding. They do not return my calls.

Anyway, I wanted to send out a note to them about the sales we need and why. We still have a day left! I know I've seen similar things here but a search didn't find it for me.

Any ideas?
I don't have anything good for that, but I just wanted to wish you luck!!!! I hope they pull through for you. I hear ya about cancellations. That sucks.
Are you in month 3?
When I have been under the $4000 by this point I started by emailing everyone asking them to please let me know what they will be submitting by the last day of the month. I tell them that I need to know because I would be just sick if we missed our minimum by just a few dollars. I make a point of saying that I am not asking them to buy anything but I NEED to know what everyone is doing so I know if I need to put an order in and that I will not see the orders that go in on that last day until it's too late so they need to let me know.

I follow up with those who tell me they will be submitting to make sure they did and get their total commissionable from them.

I follow up with those who don't respond to the email with a phone call and if I get a machine I leave pretty much the same message.

You'll make it Debbie!

...and it looks like I may need to send that email this month too. I am less than $500 from the $4000 but I do have a show that I'm waiting to close (hopefully today) so I'm hoping it closes at enough or a show shows up so I don't have to.
You are talking to the BIG R queen here! I always call with about 3 days left in the month. If I don't get a live person, I send the kind of email that Beth is talking about...I don't ask them to DO anything except let me know what they will be submitting by midnight on the last day of the month.

My problem now is I am down to only 2 active recruits......I personally am working on that!
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  • #6
cmdtrgd said:
Are you in month 3?

No, this is month 1. I know, I know....
chefmeg said:
You are talking to the BIG R queen here! I always call with about 3 days left in the month. If I don't get a live person, I send the kind of email that Beth is talking about...I don't ask them to DO anything except let me know what they will be submitting by midnight on the last day of the month.

My problem now is I am down to only 2 active recruits......I personally am working on that!


Meg, here's recruiting vibes going your way! (I'm not the best one to do that for you since my recruiting hasn't been that good myself but I'll share any vibes I happen to have. :p) :sun::pray::chef:
Deb,I know it is a big deal, but at least it isn't the very last day!!! Keep going, but realize that you might want to let this month go and work on next month.
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  • #9
cmdtrgd said:

I know it is a big deal, but at least it isn't the very last day!!! Keep going, but realize that you might want to let this month go and work on next month.

I know. My director and I had that conversation. I have one more show to submit and I just might hold it for another day so it counts for August.
  • #10
Just an idea that I do so that I know what my team has on the calendar for shows...no surprises at the end of the month. I hold a drawing. At the beginning of the month I send out an email to everyone asking for their show schedule for this month and the next two. At our August meeting I do a drawing and whoever had a show in July on the date drawn gets a gift. I usually make it a nice gift, $20-30 product, pack of catalogs, table gifts from conference that I don't want...etc. They do not need to attend the meeting to win, so it includes long distance consultants too and then I just mail the gift.

AFter the meeting I will send out an email to everyone who the winner was and the date that was drawn. Not everyone responds, but I hope that by posting the winning date they will next month.

I don't want catalog shows, just cooking, fundraisers and wedding. They can also update me as their calendar changes throughout the month.

What is also nice about knowing everyone's schedule is that I can compare it to the IPT to see if they have submitted the shows that are on the calendar. If they have three shows that were not submitted I can call to see if they need any help. It helps to head off any problems before they are huge.

  • #11
cmdtrgd said:

I know it is a big deal, but at least it isn't the very last day!!! Keep going, but realize that you might want to let this month go and work on next month.

I had one month that I was a few hundred dollars from $4000. One consultant was waiting to submit a $500+ show (waiting for host payment) and I had a $800+ show to submit. No one else had sales but two consultants offered to put orders in to help me (how sweet :love0010:).

My husband and I discussed my offering to pay for the team member's show so it could be in on time - then she would pay me when the check came - and gift shopping if my team got me within about $200. Well, it was more like $400 in the end even with that $1300+ that was sitting there.

I decided to let it go. I waited to submit my $800 show until the next day/month so that it would give us a head start for that month. My team member got her check on the 1st or 2nd and we were more than 1/4 of the way there by the 3rd of that next month.

It didn't cause me any problem. I lived through it and I won't worry about that again - at least not the FIRST month.

BUT, that being said, I just sent this email out to my team (with pleasantries added at the beginning and salutations at the end) - I would hate to not make it by just a little. I can fix THAT.

In the last year or more we have been submitting team sales in the range of $8-12,000 and for a long time now we have met our require minimum way before the last week of the month. You guys are AWESOME!!

July is a month that is often skipped by consultants because of summer commitments and vacations and this month our sales have been down as well. We need a total of $4000 for our minimum sales every month and we are currently at $3500 submitted. I have a show that is supposed to close and be submitted today or tomorrow but I am not sure of the final commissionable sales yet. My show will be close but may not make the total we need.

Please let me know as soon as possible if you have a show going in today or tomorrow. I am not asking anyone to do anything extra. I just need you to tell me if you have orders going in and what the COMMISSIONABLE sales for those orders are. Please be sure you give me commissionable and not "guest" or "total" sales. I can not see orders that are placed at the very end of the month on the tracker until it is too late for me to do anything about it so please email or call!!

We will be too close to miss it so I would place an order if I need to (but I'd rather wait to order those things if I don't need to) so I just ask that you let me know.
  • #12
wdpmap said:
Just an idea that I do so that I know what my team has on the calendar for shows...no surprises at the end of the month. I hold a drawing. At the beginning of the month I send out an email to everyone asking for their show schedule for this month and the next two. At our August meeting I do a drawing and whoever had a show in July on the date drawn gets a gift. I usually make it a nice gift, $20-30 product, pack of catalogs, table gifts from conference that I don't want...etc. They do not need to attend the meeting to win, so it includes long distance consultants too and then I just mail the gift.

AFter the meeting I will send out an email to everyone who the winner was and the date that was drawn. Not everyone responds, but I hope that by posting the winning date they will next month.

I don't want catalog shows, just cooking, fundraisers and wedding. They can also update me as their calendar changes throughout the month.

What is also nice about knowing everyone's schedule is that I can compare it to the IPT to see if they have submitted the shows that are on the calendar. If they have three shows that were not submitted I can call to see if they need any help. It helps to head off any problems before they are huge.


I've tried that but so many of my team are hobbyists and don't KNOW their show dates ahead of time. That would drive me crazy but it's how they want to do things. We have done SO much training on that and I can't seem to get it through their heads.:rolleyes:

Any advice is appreciate.
  • #13
Deb, I am pulling for you!! I have a consultant who is soooo close to Director and she is trying to reach her team. They too are not answering or calling back. I don't get that...AT ALL!

Michele, thanks for that great activity that you do with your team.

Does anyone think, as I do...that this is the dark lull before the fall selling season? I am hoping that is all it is.
  • #14
Oh Deb... I feel for you!!!! I think we're going to make this this month... I'm hoping... I need to call one and see... And if we do, we'll just squeak by!August isn't looking good for me or the TEAM so I think next month will be month one of "R". I have mostly hobbyists... one super strong one with a very low show average and another who will pull out a $2500 month and then <$200 the next. She's too unpredictable to count on. Sooooo.... I'm focusing on recruiting!!!!!Sending {{HUGS}} your way... let us know what happens. :)
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  • #15
finley1991 said:
Oh Deb... I feel for you!!!! I think we're going to make this this month... I'm hoping... I need to call one and see... And if we do, we'll just squeak by!

August isn't looking good for me or the TEAM so I think next month will be month one of "R".

I have mostly hobbyists... one super strong one with a very low show average and another who will pull out a $2500 month and then <$200 the next. She's too unpredictable to count on. Sooooo.... I'm focusing on recruiting!!!!!

Sending {{HUGS}} your way... let us know what happens. :)

And that was the other part of the conversation with my director. I can't change my team, so I have to change my team. :)
  • #16
Deb, I'm right there with ya!
I've been done with this month since after Conference. My sales are horrible so I expect the same from my team. I have the number of recruits but only 2that are ever really working their business. My goal is changing my team. Added 2 more so far this month. I hope to have a whole new team by September by either new faces or new attitudes.

I never tell my team anything as far as falling short. As it is, I always hear the "well, you make $$ off of us" Uh hello, 3% of nothing is still nothing! And I sure as heck do alot more work to train/encourage/support them than I have ever received in overrides. I can't imagine what I'd hear if they ever knew that their ONE show saved the team for the month.
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  • #17
The other part is the income for me. I've gotten used to the paycheck. And coming off conference, the checking account is looking bare... :D
  • #18
Looks like I'm in the same boat but I'm just letting this be the first month and not stressing over it. I had $500 in sales from my team yesterday. I have shows for next month and quite a few on my team do too so I know that will be a good one. This morning I check my IPT and my star that's jumping ship's consultant turned in 1,500!! Nooooooo!!! :) She couldn't have waited till the 1st? :)

I know what you mean about the paycheck too!!

Don't stress too much and just think that you will work to double that check next month.
  • #19
I'm hoping it's just because it's July too. This is my team's lowest sales month since January. :(

Let's all hope this picks back up in the fall for all of us to make up for all this!!! I personally need to get my butt in gear for August. It's looking very SAD right now, but there are a few potential bookings hanging around out there.
  • #20
DebbieJ said:
And that was the other part of the conversation with my director. I can't change my team, so I have to change my team. :)

Oh, Deb....she is sooooo right, I was in month 3 and made it on the last day (my problem was active recruits, not sales).

It's only month one, the fall season is coming, and yes, there are MANY more fish in the sea. If you purpose yourself to recruit, you know you will, so go at it! I would definately send a note to the team -- explaining how it works -- and ask them if they are having problems with bookings, or need help from you in any way.

Give them a challenge, a FREE New Fall product for their commitment to sales in August!

And most of all, remember that you are a PAMPERED CHEF DIRECTOR and you know how to RECRUIT!! You are great at sharing the business and you know that others out there need this.

It's so not about you. YOU are amazing! If others don't believe in themselves enough to discover what this business can do for them, then Bless and Release. There are so many out there that NEED YOU!

We're behind you all the way! :)
  • #21
yeah, what Janice said!
  • #22
Awesome words Janice!
  • #23
YES!!! We need some pom poms to make a cheer out of what Janice just said!!! I needed to hear that too thanks Janice!!!
  • #24

  • #25
chefmeg said:


There you go!!! LOL
  • #26
Janice you are SOOOOO right. My recruiting this year has (to quote the Grinch) stink, stank, stunk!!! :grumpy:So before conference, that was a reflection of attitude too!

Upon returning from conference, I still have not recruited BUT I have been trying and making contacts. Talking about it with everyone and trying to be more "teflon" with the word no. I came across Scottie Brister's "100 recruiting NO'S) and printed it off. I had one past HO lead that was hestitant on the kit cost and "Avon only cost me...blah, blah, blah". When I called her, I got a definate no. (not a rude one, but a firm one) I was excited to put her on my list...only 99 more no's to go. :D

For me, when I become more accomplished in one area (such as bookings or sales) then I get over confident and feel like I will never be challenged in that area again.:( I felt the same with recruiting. Recruiting takes more "guts" to be consistant and it is not second nature to me (yet!). I now am having the same attitude with recruiting as I did with bookings and must keep with the 100 no's. And I did contact someone I spoke to in March...they said that this is the best time as ever with our great rebate so she is supposed to sign this weekend!:approve:

Also, with our downline...do you think they are "talking" themselves out of bookings? :confused:Such as..."things are SO expensive, people will NEVER want to buy our products. These aren't necessary and people's budgets are just too tight." Therefore, they don't even ask.

I think along with our customers, we have to SHOW even our team members how our tools are an investment in time and money (you know...more time so they can take on a third job:cry:) Our products don't hang on the wall, stay in the jewelry box, etc.

My ED has always told me the solution to ANY problem in our business is recruiting! Darn she is such a wise woman!!!:party:
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  • #27
Thanks Janice! My director advised me to focus on my new people and those that are performing and to find others to join my team. Forget about those who are fading away. Of course I know that and I do intend to recruit. In fact, I'm closing a show today and my host is using kit credit and is all about getting half her cost back. :)The thing is--I feel like I've failed them. They don't have bookings because I didn't train them in how to get them. I also know what the PC opportunity can do for them, how it can change their life! And I feel guilty that they are not experiencing that because I think I didn't train them well. I suppose you can lead a horse to water.... :)This is just a horrible month personally too (too much family drama), so it all adds up. Thanks everyone!
  • #28
Geez Deb, I'm sorry!! We're all going through those cancellations so don't fret, it WILL pick up!!!

I Love what Janice said!!!

Right now we're $600 away from making the $4k as a team! ugh!
  • #29
DebbieJ said:
The thing is--I feel like I've failed them. They don't have bookings because I didn't train them in how to get them......And I feel guilty that they are not experiencing that because I think I didn't train them well.

Ok, Deb-- that is just a bunch of BULL! Come on, girl, you and I BOTH know that anyone could do this job WITHOUT us training them!!!

How many CDs have we listened to and how many meetings have we gone to??? How many calls have we listended to?? How many online training classes have we taken and buisness building books have we read??

I bet NONE of them took this business seriously enough to attend conference, am I right?

THIS is a serious business to me. It's income, it's freedom, it's the only way I can keep from going back to a healthcare world that didn't give 2 cents about me. I WON'T let that happen. That's where my sales come from....the recruiting, well, it's because I want others to know that they don't have to stand for that type of treatment either. I tell my recruiting prospects "There is a choice and if you will just give it a chance (and do what I tell you to), it CAN work."

I can only tell you that I have been where you are. I have recruited 22 and have 8 active right now. NONE were my first 5.

You work with the ones who want to be worked with -- and if they AREN'T RETURNING CALLS....what does that tell ya? Give them a quick boot to the curb and get on with the new ones!

Come on Deb, you are GREAT and you know it. You can't want it more than they want it for themselves.
  • #30
jwpamp said:
Ok, Deb-- that is just a bunch of BULL! Come on, girl, you and I BOTH know that anyone could do this job WITHOUT us training them!!!

How many CDs have we listened to and how many meetings have we gone to??? How many calls have we listended to?? How many online training classes have we taken and buisness building books have we read??

I bet NONE of them took this business seriously enough to attend conference, am I right?

THIS is a serious business to me. It's income, it's freedom, it's the only way I can keep from going back to a healthcare world that didn't give 2 cents about me. I WON'T let that happen. That's where my sales come from....the recruiting, well, it's because I want others to know that they don't have to stand for that type of treatment either. I tell my recruiting prospects "There is a choice and if you will just give it a chance (and do what I tell you to), it CAN work."

I can only tell you that I have been where you are. I have recruited 22 and have 8 active right now. NONE were my first 5.

You work with the ones who want to be worked with -- and if they AREN'T RETURNING CALLS....what does that tell ya? Give them a quick boot to the curb and get on with the new ones!

Come on Deb, you are GREAT and you know it. You can't want it more than they want it for themselves.

Well said Janice! Can u pick up the phone for me tonight? :pIt seems as if I'm stumbling over my words!
  • #31
Ok, now that I have read over that, it sounds a bit harsh, but we love ya, Deb, and you know how much!!!! :love0010: :love0010: :love0010: :love0010: :love0010: :love0010: :love0010: :love0010:
  • #32
pampmomof3 said:
Well said Janice! Can u pick up the phone for me tonight? :pIt seems as if I'm stumbling over my words!

Who, me? :p

I write it out before I call. Otherwise I talk to much....CAN YOU TELL???? :D
  • #33
jwpamp said:
Who, me? :p

I write it out before I call. Otherwise I talk to much....CAN YOU TELL???? :D

yeah you!! I should write it out and I"m not getting anyone live so I"ll just stumble on their machines! :eek:
  • #34
Wow, everything Janice said! (I can't add to that or what the others have said....just {{{hugs}}})
  • #35
How funny! I was going to type more, then just settled for echoing Janice...and missed all the posts after her first one. WOW
  • #36
I am, again, with Janice on this, Deb! Family drama aside, you have to know you have given each person the start that they needed...you cannot do the rest for them! I NEVERhad 'new recruit training"....I read everything that came with the kit 8 years ago, and let me tell ya, it was a boatload! I called my Director and asked questions (that was when is cost $$ to call HO). New Director Academy didn't even exist when I promoted....

PC gives us all every tool possible to be successful...some are willing to take the opportunity and run with it, some are not....BLESS & RELEASE!!!!

Chin up, girl! You WILL find new team members and things will start looking up!
  • #37
Thanks for all of your encouraging words. July is my month 2 of the big R. I put my back out in June and had to cancel shows (none of my consultants would take them). So of course we didn't make 4k that month. Now I am down a consultant and July is an improvement for me, but not my team (so far they have a total of $18.00 submitted). I have my top performers ready for August (month 3). We should make it, but I am still nervous. I have a booth at a great fair this weekend so I am saying prayers for recruits and bookings.

I appreciate that you are all so encouraging. My director is not always the most supportive and I like hearing how you all encourage each other.
  • #38
We not only support each other. We beat each other up when needed. http://smileydatabase.com/s/94.gifIsn't this a great site?!
  • #39
Well, I sent the email out to my team and right now, we're $173.16 short but I have a show that needs to be submitted. The thing is they have a show once a month but I always leave with no orders. They usually turn in $3-400 in orders so I'm praying they at least have $173.16! Praying here!! It'll be month one if I don't! But I WILL!!!
  • #40
So far the response from my team is: 2 have told me they have no sales. No other response.

My host is not returning my calls. Her show is now at $227 so that still would leave me @$203 short if she doesn't have any more orders. I still need $430 as of submitted right now.

I sent my newsletter out yesterday and only got a $35 order so far (well, and a booking).:cry:

I still have faith that we'll pull it out though. :pray:

My sales are currently at only $1230 so even if that host doesn't close her show I need to put in at least $20 to get to the $1250 commission level but I am hoping to get some kind of response first so I know if I need to add a little more or just give up for this month.

On top of this my meeting is tonight and I need to get my house bulldozed and finish planning the meeting - I have ideas but nothing is set yet. :rolleyes: :yuck:
  • #41
One of my team just emailed that her show should close today at about $450. I am not counting my chickens until she tells me she has submitted but there's renewed hope!!
  • #42
bethcooks4u said:
So far the response from my team is: 2 have told me they have no sales. No other response.

My host is not returning my calls. Her show is now at $227 so that still would leave me @$203 short if she doesn't have any more orders. I still need $430 as of submitted right now.

I sent my newsletter out yesterday and only got a $35 order so far (well, and a booking).:cry:

I still have faith that we'll pull it out though. :pray:

My sales are currently at only $1230 so even if that host doesn't close her show I need to put in at least $20 to get to the $1250 commission level but I am hoping to get some kind of response first so I know if I need to add a little more or just give up for this month.

On top of this my meeting is tonight and I need to get my house bulldozed and finish planning the meeting - I have ideas but nothing is set yet. :rolleyes: :yuck:

Oh Beth, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

You CAN and WILL do it!! Have you talked to your host yet today? I'd call her and give her a time that you'll close her show out today that way you know where you're at.

It's sad that only 2 people responded to your email. Out of 11, I had ONE respond back! ONE! Ugh!

I under stand completely the bulldozed part! I've been bulldozing my house all week!! I have my mtg here on tuesday so right now I'm in good shape but I have 3 kids and a hubby!!
  • #43
bethcooks4u said:
One of my team just emailed that her show should close today at about $450. I am not counting my chickens until she tells me she has submitted but there's renewed hope!!

YAY!!! Great Job!!!:party:
  • #44
pampmomof3 said:
Oh Beth, {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

You CAN and WILL do it!! Have you talked to your host yet today? I'd call her and give her a time that you'll close her show out today that way you know where you're at.

It's sad that only 2 people responded to your email. Out of 11, I had ONE respond back! ONE! Ugh!

I under stand completely the bulldozed part! I've been bulldozing my house all week!! I have my mtg here on tuesday so right now I'm in good shape but I have 3 kids and a hubby!!

I called the host twice yesterday and this morning as well. Got her machine all 3 times and left messages. Her friend is telling me that she plans to sign tonight (YEAH! (but I lose 1 August and 2 September shows - they are her bffs.)) and we talked this morning. She said she would have the host call me but still nothing.

I have 17 active and 6 have submitted this month and now only 3 have replied to my request which I flagged as urgent. lol
  • #46
Wow... so many of us are down to the wire! I'm $197 away from the $4k... doing my math. I have a $400 show that is supposed to be turned in by one of my consultants. So we SHOULD make it! :pray:

Trying not to stress because other things have already stressed me out today and I really need to get on the phone this afternoon and have such a hard time doing it when I feel stress and pressured. :sick:

Off to give myself a peptalk!!!!
  • #47
In canada we need $5000. I'm $900 away!! But my best performer tells me she has over $1000 to submit tonight. I know I can count on her!

I'm still in my first 3 months, thankfully but I will earn New Director Fast Track if I maintain so...yeah I need to maintain.
  • #48
My host just called me back with additional orders! She got to $500 ($488 commissionable)!! She said she'd call me back in 20 minutes to tell me what she wants with her $140 free and payment of those orders! Looks like we will definitely make it! WHEW!:party:
  • #49
bethcooks4u said:
My host just called me back with additional orders! She got to $500 ($488 commissionable)!! She said she'd call me back in 20 minutes to tell me what she wants with her $140 free and payment of those orders! Looks like we will definitely make it! WHEW!:party:

Great Job Beth!! Awesome! I'm only $99 away!!
  • #50
jwpamp said:
Ok, Deb-- that is just a bunch of BULL! Come on, girl, you and I BOTH know that anyone could do this job WITHOUT us training them!!!

How many CDs have we listened to and how many meetings have we gone to??? How many calls have we listended to?? How many online training classes have we taken and buisness building books have we read??

I bet NONE of them took this business seriously enough to attend conference, am I right?

THIS is a serious business to me. It's income, it's freedom, it's the only way I can keep from going back to a healthcare world that didn't give 2 cents about me. I WON'T let that happen. That's where my sales come from....the recruiting, well, it's because I want others to know that they don't have to stand for that type of treatment either. I tell my recruiting prospects "There is a choice and if you will just give it a chance (and do what I tell you to), it CAN work."

I can only tell you that I have been where you are. I have recruited 22 and have 8 active right now. NONE were my first 5.

You work with the ones who want to be worked with -- and if they AREN'T RETURNING CALLS....what does that tell ya? Give them a quick boot to the curb and get on with the new ones!

Come on Deb, you are GREAT and you know it. You can't want it more than they want it for themselves.

I am still laughing...if you were on CS your hinny would be tarred and feathered by now!! :bugeye:But your words are so true.

I started 8 years ago and my recruiter didn't train me. We were on a hospitality team that did well, but they would only train their own team members. Long story short...I realized that if I wanted to make it with PC as a strong second job, it was totally up to me!

We now have training for everything! It is wonderful training. I purchased Belinda Ellsworth and just soaked it up. How many of your team have actually taken all of the online courses? Yet they will tell you how they just can't seem to find anyone to do a party?:grumpy:

Yes, we have a responsibility as a director to offer training and coaching, but they are ultimately responsible for their own destiny. Whether it is PC or any other thing in life. I always tell my downline that I am not the only person they should be learning this business from. If that is the case, then they are going to be at a disadvantage because my weakness maybe another's strength.

You can do it, Deb and please don't kick yourself for other's shortcomings.
<h2>What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?</h2><p>"Note to Team Re:relinquishment" is a message that is sent to your team at Pampered Chef to inform them about the current sales situation and to request their help in reaching the goal.</p><h2>Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?</h2><p>You need to send a note to your team about relinquishment because you are facing the big "R" this month, which means you are short on the required sales amount. In order to reach the goal, you need the support and help of your team members.</p><h2>What are the top 5 most frequently asked questions about "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?</h2><p>1. What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?<br>2. Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?<br>3. What is the current sales situation that you are facing?<br>4. How can my team help in reaching the sales goal?<br>5. How much more sales do we need to reach the goal?</p><h2>What should I include in the note to my team?</h2><p>In your note to your team, you should include the current sales situation, the amount of sales needed to reach the goal, and a call to action for your team to help in reaching the goal. You can also explain why reaching the goal is important for the team and the company.</p><h2>What can I do if my team is not responding to my calls?</h2><p>If your team is not responding to your calls, you can try reaching out to them through other channels such as email or social media. You can also try reaching out to individual team members to check on their progress and ask for their help in reaching the sales goal. Additionally, you can ask for support from your upline or other team leaders for ideas on how to motivate your team to help reach the sales goal.</p>

Related to How Can We Overcome Our Sales Shortfall This Month?

What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?

"Note to Team Re:relinquishment" is a message that is sent to your team at Pampered Chef to inform them about the current sales situation and to request their help in reaching the goal.

Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?

You need to send a note to your team about relinquishment because you are facing the big "R" this month, which means you are short on the required sales amount. In order to reach the goal, you need the support and help of your team members.

What are the top 5 most frequently asked questions about "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?

1. What is "Note to Team Re:relinquishment"?
2. Why do you need to send a note to your team about relinquishment?
3. What is the current sales situation that you are facing?
4. How can my team help in reaching the sales goal?
5. How much more sales do we need to reach the goal?

What should I include in the note to my team?

In your note to your team, you should include the current sales situation, the amount of sales needed to reach the goal, and a call to action for your team to help in reaching the goal. You can also explain why reaching the goal is important for the team and the company.

What can I do if my team is not responding to my calls?

If your team is not responding to your calls, you can try reaching out to them through other channels such as email or social media. You can also try reaching out to individual team members to check on their progress and ask for their help in reaching the sales goal. Additionally, you can ask for support from your upline or other team leaders for ideas on how to motivate your team to help reach the sales goal.

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