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How Can I Send a Newsletter to 100 Recipients via E-Mail Without Issues?

Hi, I'm trying to send a newsletter via Window's mail and I have about 100 recipients and it won't sent it because i have too many people on the list. Split your mailing list into 2 or more groups and send to the groups individually. For example, names A-G, H-P, and Q-Z.
  • #51
Being able to track is really SO nice! I may have to try out another program. I'm signed up for a free on through Bravenet, but I don't think it has all of the bells and whistles that yours does. Guess I may need to dig deep.
  • #52
Can I see your newsletter as well? I'm having "it went to my spam folder" problems...
[email protected]
  • #53
Thanks for the email Ann!
  • #54
Ann, I would love to see the newsletter you send to your consultants too!

Thanks, [email protected]
  • #55
Sent it! The week of Halloween I used a Halloween template for my team, and I have one started in a Thanksgiving template for that week.
  • #57
Hi Ann,
Could you send me your newsletter too... [email protected]
I'm going to check out that websited now.

  • #58
Poor thing! This could be never ending. :rolleyes:

I also signed up for the 60 day trial through your link. Could you send me your Newsletter too? I'm not good at creating from scratch.

Thanks a bunch! :D
[email protected]
  • #59
Ok, got your e-mail. I just spent forever putting together my own and it won't let me save it!! I confirmed my e-mail address like they told me to. Why won't it let me save my Newsletter? I'm so afraid that if I back out it will lose everything. Has anyone else had problems?
  • #60
There's a little save button, but it doesn't give you a confirmation that it saved. And when you click to leave the screen, it will tell you that you'll lose changes since you saved, even if you JUST saved.
  • #61
The great thing about Constant Contact is that it's a smaller email even with pictures. When you bcc to a bunch of people, even THAT increases the size of your email! Those with dial-up do notice that and don't like the super long download time. This avoids that. Plus, I completely 100% agree that the biggest plus is seeing what people click on and that they ARE getting it. We can't tell if they are reading it, but at least it's not spam. I just wish they had a report for the recipient list with what emails they've opened. That way I can contact people who haven't opened anything. Not to bug them, but to verify they are getting the email and would like to continue to_Okay...enough procrastinating. I have cleaning to do!
  • #62
All of those buttons are disabled. They are kind of clear and I can't click on them.
  • #63
That's weird, Cindy. Maybe because you're in the trial period it won't let you save. (I skipped the trial and just signed up, so I didn't encounter that.)
  • #64
I'm just not computer savvy enough. :eek: I finally got the e-mail saved and I sent it to myself to see how it looked. Now it won't let me resend it to my other contacts.
  • #65
Click the "forward" link at the bottom of the note that arrived in your inbox.
If you want to send it to other people from within Constant Contact, I think you have to copy it, then select the distribution list from within Constant Contact.
  • #66
Hey ann, I love constant contact i signed up after i got that email from you it was amazing... It is really nice they making sending out newsletter so easy and simple and fun lol thanks again Ann.
  • #67
You're welcome. I love that they look so professional - just sent a mid-month newsletter this morning to my customer list, and I used the Thanksgiving template.
  • #68
Hi Ann...can you please send your newsletter to me also as I'm new and trying to get various ideas and yours sounds great...Thanks! [email protected]
  • #69
Ann, I'm sorry to be a bother...but could you send it to me too? My email addy is [email protected]
  • #70
sent and sent!
  • #71
chefann said:
I had a past host reply to the newsletter I sent yesterday. She wants to book, but she wants to book from a friend who wants a show. So that's 2 bookings from about 15 minutes of work to put the newsletter together. :) Can't beat that!

Do you want me to forward you my newsletter? PM me your email address...


Do you happen to know it CC allows the subscriber to know if the received email/newsletter was deltted before the recipient even opening it? I would like to be able to track those that aren't even bothering to open it and eliminate them after a quarter. I always have the disclamer at the bottom with an opt out link - but I have very few of those each month. I used email brain for a while (it has similar features) but it did not have the above feature that I wnat.

Was just curious;)

Do you prep your own newslwetter or subscribe to one?

  • #72
PCGINA said:

Do you happen to know it CC allows the subscriber to know if the received email/newsletter was deltted before the recipient even opening it? I would like to be able to track those that aren't even bothering to open it and eliminate them after a quarter. I always have the disclamer at the bottom with an opt out link - but I have very few of those each month. I used email brain for a while (it has similar features) but it did not have the above feature that I wnat.

Was just curious;)

Do you prep your own newslwetter or subscribe to one?

I can see how many opened it, but not how many deleted without opening, although you could assume that those who don't open it are just deleting it. Except that some mail services don't return the info back to Constant Contact, so open stats are always lower than actual.

I make my own newsletter using the templates they have. I use the Small Restaurant newsletter.
  • #73
Ann, I don't mean to be a bother but do you mind sending a copy my way? I'm restarting my business in February and looking for a boost I didn't have before -- and this sounds really great! (Not to mention the fact that I'm the type of person that spends all day on a newsletter trying to make it look professional, and this may help cure me of this retentive habit. LOL) Thanks :) Oh, my email is [email protected] Thanks again -- you're probably near ready to have a moderator delete this thread, I'm sure! lol
  • #74
Sent, Amanda. Sorry it took a while - I wasn't online yesterday.
  • #75
I just found this thread...Constant Contact sounds good, but expensive. My computer guy showed me how to do an e-mail merge via Word and my list (which I keep in Excel because it's easier for me to sort through them). Then my Outlook sends out one e-mail per address and I never get rejected as Spam.

I can send out details on how to do it if anyone is interested.

  • Thread starter
  • #76
Chefstover2 said:
I just found this thread...Constant Contact sounds good, but expensive. My computer guy showed me how to do an e-mail merge via Word and my list (which I keep in Excel because it's easier for me to sort through them). Then my Outlook sends out one e-mail per address and I never get rejected as Spam.

I can send out details on how to do it if anyone is interested.


i'm definitely interested if you wouldn't mind... my e-mail address is [email protected] thanks so much!
  • #77
Can you send me a copy also, I would like to check it out? My email is [email protected].

  • #78
Annie, I sent you my December newsletter. Enjoy!
  • #79
News for a NewbieHi Ann,
I just finished my 1st 30 days and would love to get going on a newletter.
would you share it with me too? [email protected]
  • #80
Ellen, I just sent you my December newsletter. It's a little more "festive" than my usual one, but it has all the typical parts I include.
  • #81
Chefstover2 said:
I just found this thread...Constant Contact sounds good, but expensive. My computer guy showed me how to do an e-mail merge via Word and my list (which I keep in Excel because it's easier for me to sort through them). Then my Outlook sends out one e-mail per address and I never get rejected as Spam.

I can send out details on how to do it if anyone is interested.


I would like the detais on how to do this. My email is [email protected].

  • #82
Ann, I am new to both Pampered Chef and the group, and I am in a show slump. I would love to see your newsletter. If you could send it to me. Thank you. [email protected]
  • #83
Its on it's way to you, Kara.Edited to add: To all the people who are considering using Constant Contact.... You can sign up for a free trial and test it out. Currently, they're running a contest/promo for the person who gets the most referrals by February. I'd LOVE to be in the running for that. So if you do decide to sign up, please use the Constant Contact link in my signature to sign up. Thanks! (And if I win, I'll be eternally grateful!)
Last edited:
  • #84
I have been kicking around the idea of using this service. Can I see a sample...
[email protected]
  • #85
I am sorry but I didn't recieve your email could you please try again? [email protected]
  • #86
No problem, Kara. I just sent it to you again.
  • #87
Ann, can you send me a copy of the newsletter you did for constant contacts. I am thinking about using it also.
I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks Debbie
  • #88
What's your email, Debbie?
  • #90
Just sent it.
Where in MI are you? I'm in Southfield - just outside Detroit.
  • #91
Muskegon, a few hours away. On Lake Michigan. I have no bookings for 2008 and I need $900.00 more to reach my $15,000 in sales. I need desperate help now...
  • #92
Call the stoneware fans in your customer list to tell them about the January specials. And then call people who were interested in big-ticket items (cookware, SS Bowl set, forged cutlery, etc) for February. Good luck!!
  • #93
Ann the newsletter is awesome. How did you upload the images using pc images? I signed up and waiting for verification. Looks awesome. Hope this boosts my bookings.
Thanks again for sharing your ideas. Debbie.
  • #94
You can have up to 5 images in your image library for free. I pay a little more for the expanded image library, so I can have whole bunches. :) I just download the pics from CC, save them to my computer, and then upload them to Constant Contact.BTW- that newsletter is done with the newsletter from the "Restaurant Pack." In case you're looking for it.
  • #95
I am interested in using this but would also like to see how it looks.
[email protected]


  • #96
Sent, Lisa.
  • #97
Ann-can you send again please? Did not show up.

Sorry and thanks again!!

  • #98
No problem. Just resent it.
  • #99
Chefstover2 said:
I just found this thread...Constant Contact sounds good, but expensive. My computer guy showed me how to do an e-mail merge via Word and my list (which I keep in Excel because it's easier for me to sort through them). Then my Outlook sends out one e-mail per address and I never get rejected as Spam.

I can send out details on how to do it if anyone is interested.


Hi Kristen!

Could I get the details on how to do the merge? my email is [email protected]

Thank you!!

  • #100
I'd love to see your newsletter you use on constant contact...do you mind sending it to me? Thanks! [email protected].
<h2>1. How can I send a newsletter to 100 recipients via e-mail without issues?</h2><p>To send a newsletter to 100 recipients without any issues, we recommend using an email marketing platform such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact. These platforms allow you to easily create and send newsletters to a large number of recipients without running into any limitations or technical difficulties.</p><h2>2. Can I send a newsletter via Windows Mail to 100 recipients?</h2><p>Windows Mail has a limitation on the number of recipients you can send an email to at once. If you have 100 recipients on your list, it is likely that you will encounter issues when trying to send the newsletter. We suggest using an email marketing platform instead for a smoother and more efficient sending process.</p><h2>3. Why won't Windows Mail send my newsletter to 100 recipients?</h2><p>As mentioned before, Windows Mail has a limitation on the number of recipients you can send an email to at once. If you have 100 recipients on your list, it is likely that the email will not send due to this limitation. It is best to use an email marketing platform for sending newsletters to a large number of recipients.</p><h2>4. How can I fix the issue of not being able to send my newsletter to 100 recipients on Windows Mail?</h2><p>The best solution to fix this issue is to use an email marketing platform. These platforms are designed for sending mass emails and have features that help prevent technical issues, such as being blocked from sending to a large number of recipients. You can easily import your recipient list and send your newsletter hassle-free.</p><h2>5. Can you recommend a reliable email marketing platform for sending newsletters to 100 recipients?</h2><p>Some popular and reliable email marketing platforms include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor. These platforms have user-friendly interfaces, advanced features, and support for sending to a large number of recipients without any issues. We suggest researching and comparing these platforms to determine which one best fits your needs.</p>

Related to How Can I Send a Newsletter to 100 Recipients via E-Mail Without Issues?

1. How can I send a newsletter to 100 recipients via e-mail without issues?

To send a newsletter to 100 recipients without any issues, we recommend using an email marketing platform such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact. These platforms allow you to easily create and send newsletters to a large number of recipients without running into any limitations or technical difficulties.

2. Can I send a newsletter via Windows Mail to 100 recipients?

Windows Mail has a limitation on the number of recipients you can send an email to at once. If you have 100 recipients on your list, it is likely that you will encounter issues when trying to send the newsletter. We suggest using an email marketing platform instead for a smoother and more efficient sending process.

3. Why won't Windows Mail send my newsletter to 100 recipients?

As mentioned before, Windows Mail has a limitation on the number of recipients you can send an email to at once. If you have 100 recipients on your list, it is likely that the email will not send due to this limitation. It is best to use an email marketing platform for sending newsletters to a large number of recipients.

4. How can I fix the issue of not being able to send my newsletter to 100 recipients on Windows Mail?

The best solution to fix this issue is to use an email marketing platform. These platforms are designed for sending mass emails and have features that help prevent technical issues, such as being blocked from sending to a large number of recipients. You can easily import your recipient list and send your newsletter hassle-free.

5. Can you recommend a reliable email marketing platform for sending newsletters to 100 recipients?

Some popular and reliable email marketing platforms include Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and Campaign Monitor. These platforms have user-friendly interfaces, advanced features, and support for sending to a large number of recipients without any issues. We suggest researching and comparing these platforms to determine which one best fits your needs.

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