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Help! Husband Soap Washed Stone: Now What?

In summary, the host called me in distress. They had a mutual understanding/agreement in their household that the host cooks and the other night, her husband was loyally washing up after dinner. When she walked back, there he was, standing at the sink, soapy sponge in hand, working away at one of her stones. She screamed at him to stop, and ran (she said it was like the movies, where it was all slow motion) over to the disaster. The stone will probably be fine since it was just washed once in soap. Was it a brand new stone? or a used stone? I have people, believe it or not, that was their stone with soap everytime once they get it seasoned
A host called me in distress.

There is a mutual understaning/agreement in her household. She cooks. He cleans. The other night, her husband was loyally washing up after dinner. She happened to walk out of the room. When she walked back, there he was, standing at the sink, soapy sponge in hand, working away at one of her stones. :eek: She screamed at him to stop, and ran (she said it was like the movies, where it was all slow motion) over to the disaster......

This is where I hope you can help. What can she do now? (other than order a new stone) I know baking soda and water paste work on bad stains. But what do you do about a soap washed stone?

Thanks all.
I think she can bake a package of crescent rolls on them and then throw them out. They should pull the soap out of the stone. Hopefully someone else can confirm this. :)
I chuckled to myself as I read the post. I could see it all in slow motion, as the music plays in the background. I laugh, because it almost happened to me, and I screamed at my husband "NO, NO, DON'T DO IT"!!! I said I scared the crap out of him !!!! I am sure that we all can relate.
It should be fine...Her stone will probably be fine since it was just washed once in soap. Was it a brand new stone? or a used stone? I have people, believe it or not :eek: , that was their stone with soap everytime once they get it seasoned! Seems like once it is seasoned the soap doesn't get absorbed or so they say!
I wash my stones with soap whenever I think it's gotten too greasy feeling (I would never tell my customers this). It's usually fairly well diluted soap and nothing I make on them ever tastes like it afterward. My stones are pretty well seasoned though so maybe that's why. I think people tend to make way too big a deal over how the stones are washed. My mom has a loaf pan that she puts in the dishwasher everytime she uses it and it's been fine. A neighbor of mine put her flat stone in the dishwasher and it broke right in half. You never know.
I have also been told that if you bake crescent rolls on them and throw them away that it will take the soap out of them.

At one of my shows in Oct., I had a girl tell me and about 15 other ladies that she ALWAYS washes her stones in the dishwasher. She is a nurse and is a freak when it comes to cleanliness. I had another consultant there and we both gulped at the idea of what she was saying. I told her she could do that if she wanted and it worked for her, but it was totally not recommended. I have had a couple of host graciously trying to help me clean up and stick a stone in their dishwater. I think as long as it is not for a long time it won't hurt them, because mine have all came out fine with no problems. I have also had a lady refuse to purchase the stone, becuase they could not be immersed in soapy water to get them clean. She said she is not eating off something that is ate up with germs. Go figure!?
I also wash mine with soap, but it is mostly the foam, I don't put pure soap straight on it. I use it on both new and seasoned stones and have never had a soapy taste.

I've also been told that if she soaks the stone in water overnight that should take most of the soap out too.

Hope that helps!

PamperedPrincess74 said:
I wash my stones with soap whenever I think it's gotten too greasy feeling (I would never tell my customers this). It's usually fairly well diluted soap and nothing I make on them ever tastes like it afterward. My stones are pretty well seasoned though so maybe that's why. I think people tend to make way too big a deal over how the stones are washed. My mom has a loaf pan that she puts in the dishwasher everytime she uses it and it's been fine. A neighbor of mine put her flat stone in the dishwasher and it broke right in half. You never know.

Me too. If I've made chicken with the skin on or bacon, something really greasy, I will use a little soap. I don't stick the stone in the water, I just stick my dish rag in the water and ring it out a little and then wash it off. I actually learned this years ago from a lady who uses her pizza stone at least twice a day (she has 4 teenage sons, she cooks a lot). I was horrified at first, but finally tried it myself. Never tasted soap.
  • #10
Cleanliness IssueOne thing I tell my guests if they question the "cleanliness issue" is that nothing left on the stone would survive cooking temperatures anyway. Plus, the soap we use on dishes is mainly for loosening the food, not for killing germs (unless you use the anti-bacterial soap, but don't get me started on that one!)

So, using the hottest water you can stand and the friction from washing the stone, plus the next baking, will take care of anything!

Happy selling!
  • #11
Well first off about the 'germs' left on the stones at National Conference in one of the classes one of the ladies said that if you are really worried about it after you rinse it off with the water and scraper then dry it you can pop it back in your warm oven even if it's been 30 minutes after you finished it's still warm enough to kill whatever is on it you are scared of.

And ever since I told my grandmother DO NOT wash my stones every time we do family cooking she asks me can I wash this before she puts ANYTHING in the sink, lol, bowl, can I wash it, cup, can I wash it......... :rolleyes:
  • #12
From PC Test KitchenI ALWAYS have guests asking me about washing the stone with soap because they don't feel it's "CLEAN" if they just wash with hot water. I emailed Pampered Chef directly and this is what was sent to me from their Test Kitchens.

If you follow the cleaning
instructions in the Use and Care card that comes with the Stone, the
Stoneware cannot harbor any harmful bacteria that would pose a threat to
food safety. Because the surface of the stoneware is nonporous, no food
particles or juices can be imbedded in the stoneware. Stoneware is safe
to use as long as all food particles are removed from the surface and it
is dried thoroughly before storing. Please note that more food borne
illnesses occur from failing to cook food to adequate internal

Please be assured that our stoneware, when cared for properly, is safe
and sanitary. Bacteria must have three elements to thrive in an
environment. Those three elements are: proper temperature, moisture,
and food. When any of the three elements are eliminated, it is
impossible for bacteria to sustain life. The cleansing method we
support removes food particles from the stoneware with the action of the
Pan Scraper, and running hot water, thus eliminating the food particles
necessary for bacteria to grow.

Soap, including anti-bacterial varieties, do not kill bacteria.
Antibacterial soaps will halt the growth of existing bacteria but will
not eliminate bacteria. When soap is combined with water molecules, it
penetrates the pores of food and softens it; making it easier to remove
the residue. Hot water alone acts much in the same way, softening
particles and allowing them to be dislodged from the surface. A good
analogy to use when explaining this to customers is; when a surgeon
washes their hands before an operation, they do not depend on the action
of the soap to remove bacteria, but the agitation caused by rubbing and
rinsing their hands under hot water. If soap were what was killing the
bacteria, they would not have to scrub and rinse for a pre-determined
amount of time.

I hope this information helps, and if you have further questions, please
let us know.

The Pampered Chef
Test Kitchens
1 Pampered Chef Lane
Addison, IL 60101
  • #13
Iam still hereLOL ! I have washed my well seasoned stones with soap for years, there fine and iam fine.I do not pour soap on them directly just use the sponge. All of our food is fine , i own nothing but stoneware, iam happy to say i own every piece ! In a lot of colors too !! LOve my stones !!

Related to Help! Husband Soap Washed Stone: Now What?

1. What should I do if my husband accidentally washed my Pampered Chef stone with soap?

Don't panic! The good news is that most Pampered Chef stones are dishwasher safe, so washing it with soap won't damage it. However, it's important to properly clean and season your stone after this happens.

2. How do I clean my stone after it has been washed with soap?

To clean your stone, simply soak it in warm water for 10-15 minutes and then scrub it with a soft sponge or nylon brush. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. Rinse the stone thoroughly and let it air dry before using it again.

3. Will washing my stone with soap affect its performance?

No, washing your stone with soap will not affect its performance. However, it's important to properly season your stone after cleaning to ensure optimal cooking results.

4. Can I still use my stone if it has soap residue on it?

It's best to remove all soap residue from your stone before using it again. Soap residue can affect the taste of your food and may cause the stone to smoke and create an unpleasant smell while cooking.

5. How do I season my stone after it has been washed with soap?

To season your stone, preheat your oven to 400°F. Place the clean and dry stone in the oven for 15 minutes. Remove it from the oven and lightly brush it with vegetable oil. Put it back in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove and let it cool before using it again.

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