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Have You Seen Myspace.com Lately?

In summary, many PC consultants are advertising their businesses on myspace.com in violation of PC policy.
  • #101
etteluap70PC said:
I soooo want to report them but still feelong pretty burned by my last experience.

Report them directly to the HO...no getting burned :)

Rae....what's a Sur le Table?
  • #102
Does anyone know what happens to these people who violate the rule? If nothing, than that explains why it continues. I personally think these people should be fined or sanctioned some way.
  • #103
raebates said:
Since this is about people breaking the rules, I'm only going to slightly highjack this thread.

A guest at my show on Saturday told me that she didn't need to fill out the survey slip because she lives in California and they have a Pampered Chef store there. (I ignored the fact that the survey slip entitles you to a chance at a door prize.)

I said, "A Pampered Chef store?"

And she said, "Yes."

I said, "Really? Because we're not supposed to do that."

She said, "Oh, it's just a little store."

I said, "Hmmm. Our contact specifically states that we will not sell from a retail establishment."

She said, "Oh, well, maybe it's a Sur le Table or something."

So, anyone out there in California come across a PC store?
None that I know of, it woudl be interesting to see it though!:eek:
  • #104
Maybe it is similar to this establishment, that is in a town near by?

  • #105
koeverson said:
Does anyone know what happens to these people who violate the rule? If nothing, than that explains why it continues. I personally think these people should be fined or sanctioned some way.

The Home Office will randomly audit links to Personal Web
Sites to ensure these guidelines are being followed. If you
wish to report a violation, please e-mail Consultant Career
Solutions at [email protected].
Anyone in violation of any communications policy will be
notified via phone and e-mail that they must correct the
violation. Additionally, their upline Director will be notified.
If the Consultant fails to comply within the time specified by
Consultant Career Solutions, action will be taken.
After the first failure to comply, the individual ordering
option on their Personal Web Site will be disabled.
After the second failure to comply, their individual ordering
option will be permanently disabled.
Finally, after the third failure to comply, the Consultant’s
Personal Web Site will be permanently disabled.
There are also penalties for repeat violations, even if the
person complies each time they are contacted. If a person
commits three violations, individual ordering will be
permanently disabled on their site.

This is from the policy and procedures manual. Personally, I think taking away individual ordering is just a slap on the wrist. This policy also doesn't cover those that sell on ebay, etc. This is just for those that put their link on myspace, facebook, and other places.
  • #106
GeorgiaPeach said:
Report them directly to the HO...no getting burned :)

Rae....what's a Sur le Table?
Sur le Table is "under the table".
  • Thread starter
  • #107
OMG - Rae, I was in that store in March when my family I went to Carmel/Monterey for the weekend. I didn't really stop and look because I'm so into PC but I'm sort of freaking out that I saw the store. They really sell PC stuff? They have a website: http://www.surlatable.com/home.do . I just checked it out and I don't see (at my first glance) PC items. I see cooking gadgets that look similar....sigh.
  • #108
There's "Sur La Table" around here (Chicagoland) and it's similar to Williams-Sonoma. Although they seem to have more and fancier stuff to choose from. They wouldn't carry PC stuff, but they sure have similar things. THey also have cooking classes, which are great. I took a Knife Skills Class after getting the Forged Cutlery. They periodically offer FREE knife sharpening, just FYI. I won't need mine for another year or 18 months since we don't have to professionally sharpen our forged cutlery more than every two years.:)
  • #109
Your contract will be terminated if you are caught selling on ebay, I had a consultant that happened too. She was first warned in October, again in March and terminated in the middle of April. She can not sell PC again. The person who signed her, looked at her history and she sold alot and made alot of money, maybe that is why she was fired! Not worth the risk if you ask me.
  • #110
Sur le Table does not sell PC products. It's just a great, high-end kitchen store. As a confirmed kitchen gadget junkie, I love all those stores: William Sonoma, The Chef Store, etc.

I just wonder if someone has really set up a little place at a flea market or little farmer's market and is selling PC products from that.
  • #111
GeorgiaPeach said:
Report them directly to the HO...no getting burned :)


I just worry about reporting a bunch of people then HO looking at me wierd. I don't want to look like a troubble maker.
  • #112
ok did anyone call the HO on the girl on myspace?? I have messaged her a few times and I even quoted what the wekly bites says and told her what page it is on in the policies and procedures. and she was VERY rude in her response to me. I told her that I was trying to help her, but she must not have read that part, because her responses to me were RUDE. So if no one has called I am going to. Beacuse me helping went right out the door when she said the things she said.
  • #113
To me, her rude responses indicate that she knows what she's doing. Go ahead and contact the HO, and include her responses.

My DS set up my myspace. He put "Pampered Chef Consultant" as my job. I didn't realize he had done that, and even if I had known, I'm not sure I would have realized it was a breach of policy. As soon as I became aware that it was, I double-checked my homepage. Sure enough, there it was. I changed it immediately. If someone had contacted me about it, I would have changed it and thanked them. That is the response of someone who has unintentionally broken a rule.
  • #114
Amberd said:
ok did anyone call the HO on the girl on myspace?? I have messaged her a few times and I even quoted what the wekly bites says and told her what page it is on in the policies and procedures. and she was VERY rude in her response to me. I told her that I was trying to help her, but she must not have read that part, because her responses to me were RUDE. So if no one has called I am going to. Beacuse me helping went right out the door when she said the things she said.

It is my personal opinion that when you contact someone on myspace/facebook/ebay informing them of the violation of policy and they respond to you in an ugly way, that email should be forwarded to HO with a report of their violation. I know that there are plenty of people out there that just don't have a clue but the one's that respond in that way will continue breaking the rules until someone higher up puts a stop to it.

I think it's human nature when an equal tries to point out something we did wrong we get all defensive....if someone in authority says that same thing, we are apologetic :)
  • #115
OK I know its on here somewhere, but who do i contact about that??
  • #116
This is the place to send complaints.

[email protected]

Yes definetly include all corespondance including your initial msg. That is what I did. I was not ashamed at what I wrote but the person who responded to me should have been.

Do we really want these people working with customers. What if a customer made them mad???? Would they be as rude?
  • #117
I know I think if I was as rude as this woman then I wouldnt have any customers at all!!
  • #118
Oh my goodness, its only getting worse with this woman, I did contact HO especially after this last message she sent me. I would post it on here but I am positive that her language is not allowed on this site. I'm sure you all could imagine. I really dont know how people in our business can have that kind of attitude and succeed
  • #119
I got b*&$@YI printed about 25 pages of MySpace stuff after keying in the words Pampered Chef.

I converted them to .pdf and sent them to the home office.

I'm sorry but that is a blatent breaking of the rules. I plain and simply told them that if a lot of people - even directors who know better- are taking unfair advantage, then they should let all of us do it.

I am really sad that the company that I love has such a bunch of rotten, low down, scheming, self centered, two faced, back stabbing S*B A***@#s in it!
  • #120
BethCooks4U said:
Sur le Table is "under the table".

Hi Beth,
Just so you know and don't think they are crazy: sur means on; sur la table means "on the table" sous is the word for under and like in spanish table is femanine so it's la not le. 7 years of french education and this is the first time I've used it in about 4 years-LOL.
  • #121
MGG said:
Hi Beth,
Just so you know and don't think they are crazy: sur means on; sur la table means "on the table" sous is the word for under and like in spanish table is femanine so it's la not le. 7 years of french education and this is the first time I've used it in about 4 years-LOL.
Oh! Thanks! I tried to learn French before I went there for a visit but it was hopeless (as you can see). My son said I spoke "Redneck French" - lol.

He even taught me a not nice word and told me it was something else. I believed him but I was trying to say that (I forget now what it was) to my friend and said that my son had taught me that word. And then I said it. She looked a little shocked and then laughed and told me what it meant (nothing dirty but not nice). No surprise that he did that to me though.
  • #122
Go John! WooHoo!!!
  • #123
Way to go John!!!!
  • #124
I have an idea...Doesn't matter what wave you are in because it can work.
You really want to get the point run home? Everyone of us should go out to MySpace. Pick one person out there who comes up in the Pampered Chef listing. PRINT THEIR NAME on a large sheet of Poster board. Then while running around or during General Session, Hold up that sign! Under their name of course goes the words:

They became a liar when they went against the very contract they signed.

I am that PO'd. And don't tell me it does not effect your business. Even if you loose one customer or host, even unknowingly to any one on My Space, THEY HAVE S*&E(#D YOU OUT OF BUSINESS! AND THAT IS NOT FAIR!
I'm ticked because a host I tried contacting from the past, and I have once a year for about 4 years finally told me not to contact her any more. She was doing business with someone else. She decided to contact someone out there to do show for her. She would not, of course, tell me the consultant's name. I simply told her about the advertising rule and could not keep my mouth shut. I simply asked if she liked doing business with a liar and a cheat? She never responded. Fine. I don't care. I WANT THEM ALL TO BURN AS THE WITCHES AND/OR WARLOCKS THEY ARE.
I have to laugh though. they must be pretty lousy consultants if they have to go to "illegal" methods to get shows or sales. Crap. Now I pitty the poor suckers! NOT!
  • #125
I don't know if you caught this or not John, but on one of the pages there is actually a link that takes you to PC items on eBay!

I'm really sorry that you lost a client to that. :(

And you are right - it hurts ALL of our businesses. Selling that way lacks one of the things that makes PC PC - personal service. Customers will end up with a bad taste in their mouth, and we all know that an unhappy customer will tell 250 other people about their bad experience.

I really do hope the company acts on all of this quickly.
  • #126
If we're lucky it will only be250. The way it is running, it will effect the entire company. The more these idiots advertise like this, the more of the good Consultants will fall by the way side. PC will fall. I haven't told anyone this but, I am thinking of getting out. It makes me that sick to my stomach. I love this company. They are ruining that feeling. And it's not just one but there has to be at least 200 plus out there.
I have known all about all this for about 4 months but wanted to see what PC would do. Apparently nothing.

Then we all loose.

And yes, I have been out to E-bay. I actually have a bidding account out there. But not for PC stuff. I won't support cheaters and I don't lknow who is and isn't. Except you know the ones with new products and paper work are crooks.

OK I have too much energy now and too much time on my hands. How about a few thousand flyers.

I gotta get out of here before I get to upset and can't sleep. It wouldn't do me much good to loose my full time job for falling alseep at my desk. ESPECIALLY SINCE I SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF ABOUT 30 PEOPLE! AND DANG IF I DON'T SNORE LOUDLY WHEN I DON'T HAVE MY CPAC MACHINE!

If I am not mistaken, PC could take all of these people to court as breach of contract is ILLEGAL!!!
Sorry removed the list.
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  • #127
pampered1224 said:
250. The way it is running, it will effect the entire company. The more these idiots advertise like this, the more of the good Consultants will fall by the way side. PC will fall. I haven't told anyone this but, I am thinking of getting out. It makes me that sick to my stomach. I love this company. They are ruining that feeling. And it's not just one but there has to be at least 200 plus out there.
I have known all about all this for about 4 months but wanted to see what PC would do. Apparently nothing.

Then we all loose.

And yes, I have been out to E-bay. I actually have a bidding account out there. But not for PC stuff. I won't support cheaters and I don't lknow who is and isn't. Except you know the ones with new products and paper work are crooks.

OK I have too much energy now and too much time on my hands. How about a few thousand flyers.

I gotta get out of here before I get to upset and can't sleep. It wouldn't do me much good to loose my full time job for falling alseep at my desk. ESPECIALLY SINCE I SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF ABOUT 30 PEOPLE! AND DANG IF I DON'T SNORE LOUDLY WHEN I DON'T HAVE MY CPAC MACHINE!

If I am not mistaken, PC could take all of these people to court as breach of contract is ILLEGAL!!!

Your flyer is hilarious! LOL
You should hand it to Doris at National Conference!!
  • #128
Who knows...Probably not Doris as she seems to be inaccessable but Jean or Lisa or well, somebody will always be around. I could even hand to our new sales rep Michelle. At least I know her a little better than the others.
Wouldn't that be a trip and half though. I wonder these peoples directors would do?
  • #129
why do people care? its stupid to get mad at.. & 34yrs old on myspace who is married with kids-thats sad.
  • #130
pampered1224 said:
250. The way it is running, it will effect the entire company. The more these idiots advertise like this, the more of the good Consultants will fall by the way side. PC will fall. I haven't told anyone this but, I am thinking of getting out. It makes me that sick to my stomach. I love this company. They are ruining that feeling. And it's not just one but there has to be at least 200 plus out there.
I have known all about all this for about 4 months but wanted to see what PC would do. Apparently nothing.

Then we all loose.

And yes, I have been out to E-bay. I actually have a bidding account out there. But not for PC stuff. I won't support cheaters and I don't lknow who is and isn't. Except you know the ones with new products and paper work are crooks.

OK I have too much energy now and too much time on my hands. How about a few thousand flyers.

I gotta get out of here before I get to upset and can't sleep. It wouldn't do me much good to loose my full time job for falling alseep at my desk. ESPECIALLY SINCE I SIT IN THE MIDDLE OF ABOUT 30 PEOPLE! AND DANG IF I DON'T SNORE LOUDLY WHEN I DON'T HAVE MY CPAC MACHINE!

If I am not mistaken, PC could take all of these people to court as breach of contract is ILLEGAL!!!

I cannot for the life of me understand why yall are getting upset. Let HO handle it.. Put all that wasted time on your hands to something useful like booking shows.. And I think its wrong for you to blast out peoples names-your as bad as they are quite frankly!
  • #131
Sad!I am bothered by the fact that this flyer was even made up. You all are like the Salem witch hunters! Mind your own BUSINESS and let others do what they will with their business - if they cheat, it's on them and they will lose in the end.
I am ashamed right now of this group.
  • #132
chefhorton said:
I am bothered by the fact that this flyer was even made up. You all are like the Salem witch hunters! Mind your own BUSINESS and let others do what they will with their business - if they cheat, it's on them and they will lose in the end.
I am ashamed right now of this group.
... and a few others.

AGAIN, some people feel the need to put others down because they expressed their opinions. We are in America, folks. Freedom of speech.

If you don't like what you read, state your opinion but don't call others names ("witch hunters") and if it REALLY bothers you then don't read those threads. If it all shames you that much then find another group.

JMHO. Take it or leave it.
  • #133
ChefBurke said:
why do people care? its stupid to get mad at.. & 34yrs old on myspace who is married with kids-thats sad.

I think that's a pretty general statement since many people are on myspace for many different reason and not all are "Sad" and I find that generalization insulting and not at all productive or helpful to the discussion at hand.

I have a myspace account because my younger sisters have one and helps me keep tabs on what they are doing online. It's a great way to keep in touch with my teenage neices and nephews and I have quite a few friends who also have myspace accounts...

AND I'm married with a child and over 34 years old. My site and reasons for having one are anything but "sad" My site also has NO mention of PC anywhere one it (my occupation is listed as a consultant for one of the top direct sales kitchen tools company).

Now I do think that people are focusing a bit too much on the myspace infractions. Yeah, I think that they are blatently violating rules and that that is wrong (I also think that things work out in the end and HO will crack down on them), but I don't think they are worth obsessing over. Are they hurting all consultants, probably, but the effect is still minor.

Rather than getting ready to quit over someone violating policies, work your business and make it the best you can do and then stop obsessing and checking up on other people and let the HO handle it.

I don't do those searches for that exact reason.
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  • #134
chefhorton said:
I am bothered by the fact that this flyer was even made up. You all are like the Salem witch hunters! Mind your own BUSINESS and let others do what they will with their business - if they cheat, it's on them and they will lose in the end.
I am ashamed right now of this group.

Actually, no.
If they cheat, it's not only on them -- it is a reflection on all of us. Yes, they will lose in the end, but so will the rest of us.
So...you call it a witch hunt - I call it demanding an even playing field for all consultants.
  • #135
I am all for an even playing field, but you must also have fair players, which is something that cannot be guaranteed in any aspect of life.
  • #136
ivykeep said:
I think that's a pretty general statement since many people are on myspace for many different reason and not all are "Sad" and I find that generalization insulting and not at all productive or helpful to the discussion at hand.

No offense to all the writers of this thread, but, is this post productive or helpful? Honestly, If you feel this way about the abusers send a list to HO, but what exactly is helpful about a 9 page angry thread?
Personally, I think they'll get whats coming to them and I'm not bothered by it. I do understand that a lot of you are angry over it, so do something productive to help.
Just my opinion.
  • #137
vangogirl said:
No offense to all the writers of this thread, but, is this post productive or helpful? Honestly, If you feel this way about the abusers send a list to HO, but what exactly is helpful about a 9 page angry thread?
Personally, I think they'll get whats coming to them and I'm not bothered by it. I do understand that a lot of you are angry over it, so do something productive to help.
Just my opinion.

I think it can be productive and helpful to give people a place where they can vent about something that bothers them (and anyone who might be slightly breaking the rules by simply saying PC in the online sites might go and fix it after reading the passion here.

I do think that it goes a bit far for people to discuss quitting PC over what a handful of people are doing. (and yeah, it is a handful -- 250 Myspace violations is a drop in the bucket when you count the number of consultants worldwide).
  • #138
dannyzmom said:
Actually, no.
If they cheat, it's not only on them -- it is a reflection on all of us. Yes, they will lose in the end, but so will the rest of us.
So...you call it a witch hunt - I call it demanding an even playing field for all consultants.

No, it's not a reflection on all of us -- it's a reflection of those individuals.

There are plenty of ways that consultants can be a bad reflection on all of us without violating the online rules. I've seen flyers (posted both on-line in news forums and on bulletin boards in community centers) full of typos and poor grammar. Anyone who is rude to a customer is a bad reflection on all of us. I've seen ads in the local papers that promise the world. I've seen lead boxes that skirt the line of misrepresenting what you get at a show. (Earn $200 in free products without mentioning that there are sales requirements to that)

If you lump all PC consultants together then anything anyone says or does is a reflection of all of us -- yet Pampered Chef is very careful to be clear that we are INDEPENDENT consultants and not representatives of the company or other consultants.

Honestly, I doubt that the people with links on their myspace accounts are even generating that much income (if any). It's against policy so should be addressed, but they aren't becoming rich off of it. The majority of the people who add random people to their friends list aren't usually searching for Pampered Chef products -- I would say that ebay is a much worse situation than Myspace -- but you can't control what a customer or a former consultant does. It's even hard to police active consultants who aren't doing the selling themselves. I know LOTS of people who sell on ebay (not PC stuff) that part of their business is taking consignments from other people.

It's fine to vent and definitely good to report the blatent stuff (like the person selling start-up kits on ebay), but absolutely not worth getting so worked up over that you are going crazy with it.

Some people will ALWAYS take advantage and as soon as you stop one, another one will step in to take their place.

I understand PC's reasons for not allowing on-line advertising (particularly banner ads), but expect that over time it is going to change -- after all this is my PERSONAL, INDEPENDENT business so I should be free to advertise however I see fit. But since that isn't the current policy right now, I will abide by the rules.
  • #139
chefhorton said:
I am bothered by the fact that this flyer was even made up. You all are like the Salem witch hunters! Mind your own BUSINESS and let others do what they will with their business - if they cheat, it's on them and they will lose in the end.
I am ashamed right now of this group.

It is very short sighted to believe that people practicing this sort of behavior does not have an adverse affect on the business of all of the rest of us. It is no "witch hunt" to forward knowledge of those violating the same contract all of us signed to the HO.
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  • #140
OK now it's time to stop.We all remember the other thread that was SHUT DOWN by Greg. I really got to everyone out here and I am sorry I stirred up such a harnets nest. The whole point of my ranting was simply to vent a frustration. A frustration at having to work so hard to get bookings, at getting sales and well, no it's not fair to those of us who follow the rules. Yes, I did put together the flyer on purpose too. The purpose was to get it out of my system. And I am was not violating anyones persoanl space because all that info is publicly available. If they can post it for the public to see, I can certainly use the public info. It was not a witch hunt or a lynch mob or anything as STUPID as that. If I can't bring my PC baggage here without getting shafted from both ends, then what good does this site do? We all have times when we are majorly bummed about our businesses. I had to blame someone else because it certainly isn't me whose at fault. YEAH RIGHT!
Talking it out, getting it out and letting it go. That's right. Letting it go happened between my last post and this one. I would not have been able to without getting it out of my system. I couldn't do that at home. My other half rarely even wants to hear about PC let alone my PC problems. Apparently none of the people who think I was on a "witch hunt" or whatever have had problems with their business. So with a deep breath, I removed the flyer, and I am leaving for the day and I am not posting here again. I am done venting. Thank you to those of you who understand and sympothise and shame on those of you who don't get it. Amen!
  • #141
pampered1224 said:
We all remember the other thread that was SHUT DOWN by Greg. I really got to everyone out here and I am sorry I stirred up such a harnets nest. The whole point of my ranting was simply to vent a frustration. A frustration at having to work so hard to get bookings, at getting sales and well, no it's not fair to those of us who follow the rules. Yes, I did put together the flyer on purpose too. The purpose was to get it out of my system. And I am was not violating anyones persoanl space because all that info is publicly available. If they can post it for the public to see, I can certainly use the public info. It was not a witch hunt or a lynch mob or anything as STUPID as that. If I can't bring my PC baggage here without getting shafted from both ends, then what good does this site do? We all have times when we are majorly bummed about our businesses. I had to blame someone else because it certainly isn't me whose at fault. YEAH RIGHT!
Talking it out, getting it out and letting it go. That's right. Letting it go happened between my last post and this one. I would not have been able to without getting it out of my system. I couldn't do that at home. My other half rarely even wants to hear about PC let alone my PC problems. Apparently none of the people who think I was on a "witch hunt" or whatever have had problems with their business. So with a deep breath, I removed the flyer, and I am leaving for the day and I am not posting here again. I am done venting. Thank you to those of you who understand and sympothise and shame on those of you who don't get it. Amen!

Vent here anytime...we've got your back :)
  • #142
pampered1224 said:
We all remember the other thread that was SHUT DOWN by Greg. I really got to everyone out here and I am sorry I stirred up such a harnets nest. The whole point of my ranting was simply to vent a frustration. A frustration at having to work so hard to get bookings, at getting sales and well, no it's not fair to those of us who follow the rules. Yes, I did put together the flyer on purpose too. The purpose was to get it out of my system. And I am was not violating anyones persoanl space because all that info is publicly available. If they can post it for the public to see, I can certainly use the public info. It was not a witch hunt or a lynch mob or anything as STUPID as that. If I can't bring my PC baggage here without getting shafted from both ends, then what good does this site do? We all have times when we are majorly bummed about our businesses. I had to blame someone else because it certainly isn't me whose at fault. YEAH RIGHT!
Talking it out, getting it out and letting it go. That's right. Letting it go happened between my last post and this one. I would not have been able to without getting it out of my system. I couldn't do that at home. My other half rarely even wants to hear about PC let alone my PC problems. Apparently none of the people who think I was on a "witch hunt" or whatever have had problems with their business. So with a deep breath, I removed the flyer, and I am leaving for the day and I am not posting here again. I am done venting. Thank you to those of you who understand and sympothise and shame on those of you who don't get it. Amen!

Don't worry about it John, this is way different from the 'shut down' thread. We are all entitled to an opinion and there will always be some who do not agree with others. Chef Success is here for us to share, teach, celebrate, vent, b1tch, laugh, cry.......whatever.....I'm just glad we have this outlet. I have learned so much from this site and I've made friends (and probably some enemies) too. You can't please everyone all of the time.
  • #143
Can someone please explain the rules specific to Myspace? I have a Myspace account and listed that I'm a Pampered Chef Consultant. I don't have a link to my PWS.
In May I made a slideshow (on One True Media) about the HWC campaign. I e-mailed it to everyone on my e-mail list and basically thought of it as e-mailing a flyer to customers, hosts, friends, family. I also posted it as a bulletin (only viewed by friends) on Myspace and in a blog.
Am I in violation of the rules? I certainly don't want to be.
With that said I have seen people advertising online but I don't feel that it takes away from my business. If I have a good rapport with my hosts and customers I'm not going to worry about someone online.
I will admit I did not read every post in this thread but some of the ones I did read were pretty heated and I'm not trying to cause "heat" but do you really think the "rulebreakers" are getting that much business this way? I'm not condoning rule breaking, but I just can't help wondering how well they are doing with their business when they are advertising on Myspace and not talking to actually working with individual customers?

**I did have a Director try to recruit me on Myspace. When was looking into becoming a consultant I "researched" first (that's how I ended up on here). Well I did find a few people on Myspace to ask what they thought of Pampered Chef and how hard it was? Do you make money, etc? Well this Director responded with me wanting to sign up under her...I still ended up going through Home Office. I guess I'm not sure what the point of that story is...and I'm rambling ...sorry
  • #144
to keep it easier for myself to refer to I pulled this info directly from Policies and precedures.

Consultant Agreement
Terms and Conditions
A. As a Pampered Chef® Consultant, I understand and agree:

1. I will promote and sell Company products to customers by regularly holding Cooking Shows. I will not sell Company products on the Internet or in any public, retail or service establishments. I will not sell Company products for resale. I will present Company products in a truthful, sincere and honest manner, and I will conduct myself in a manner that reflects the highest standards of integrity and responsibility in keeping with the reputation of the Company.
2. I will protect the Company’s trademarks and trade name by not reproducing the Company’s name and/or trademarks or copy any of the Company’s materials for use in any advertising without the prior written approval of the Company

PC Policies and procedures pg 21:
“Consultants of any level are prohibited from linking to their Pampered Chef® Persona Web Sites. “…… “Additionally, any other form of advertising on the Web is prohibited.”
Consultants and above
“Other than signing up for a Pampered Chef® Personal Website or approved vendor sites like Visual Impact Products, do not list the company name when filling out personal profiles on the Internet.”

Pg 23
The Home Office will randomly audit links to Personal Web Sites to ensure these guidelines are being followed. If you wish to report a violation, please e-mail Consultant Career Solutions at [email protected]

Personal opinion:If you want friends and family to know whats going on with your business via myspace keep it set to private.
  • #145
vangogirl said:
No offense to all the writers of this thread, but, is this post productive or helpful? Honestly, If you feel this way about the abusers send a list to HO, but what exactly is helpful about a 9 page angry thread?
Personally, I think they'll get whats coming to them and I'm not bothered by it. I do understand that a lot of you are angry over it, so do something productive to help.
Just my opinion.
  • #146
I think if people spend hours of time scouring eBay, Myspace, Friendster, etc., for PC contract violations, you are just doing your own business a disservice. Instead, spend that time making phone calls, finding recipes, making host packets, following up on leads!It really saddens me when mature, grown adults revert back to elementary tattle-tales.
  • #147

People should be allowed to spend their time however they want without someone calling them things like elementary tattle-tales and other demeaning things that some have felt compelled to say. We are ALL adults and this forum allows us to vent if we need to. OF COURSE we all need to be spending time on our businesses but we don't have to be chastized like we are 3rd graders not doing our homework.

If you don't like a thread DON'T READ IT!

There are a ton of threads on this forum that will help build our businesses. Read those or get on your phone and work on your business. I am so tired of people stepping on others just because they don't like something. Would you talk like this if you were sitting across from each other?
  • #148
Thank you beth!

I was trying to figure out a way to say exactly what you did. I do get tired of people telling each other how to feel and react. We are all adults... We just need to be here for eachother...
  • #150
Oh, and what is this? I can't figure it out??

<h2>1. What is MySpace.com and why is it relevant to Pampered Chef?</h2><p>MySpace.com is a popular social networking website where users can create a personal profile, connect with friends, and share content such as photos and messages. It is relevant to Pampered Chef because some consultants are using the platform to market their business, which goes against company policy.</p><h2>2. Is it against Pampered Chef's policy for consultants to advertise on MySpace.com?</h2><p>Yes, it is against Pampered Chef's policy for consultants to advertise their business on MySpace.com or any other social media platform. Consultants are only allowed to market their business through approved channels, such as their personal website and in-person events.</p><h2>3. What should I do if I come across a Pampered Chef consultant advertising on MySpace.com?</h2><p>If you come across a Pampered Chef consultant advertising on MySpace.com, it is recommended to report it to the company's Head Office. You can do so by sending an email or contacting them through their website. They take these violations seriously and will address the issue accordingly.</p><h2>4. Can consultants have a personal MySpace page without violating company policy?</h2><p>Yes, consultants are allowed to have a personal MySpace page as long as they do not use it to advertise their Pampered Chef business. It is important to maintain a clear separation between personal and business content on social media platforms.</p><h2>5. Are there any other social media platforms that Pampered Chef consultants should avoid using for business marketing?</h2><p>Aside from MySpace.com, Pampered Chef consultants should also refrain from using other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to market their business. The company has specific guidelines and approved channels for marketing and it is important for consultants to follow them to avoid policy violations.</p>

Related to Have You Seen Myspace.com Lately?

1. What is MySpace.com and why is it relevant to Pampered Chef?

MySpace.com is a popular social networking website where users can create a personal profile, connect with friends, and share content such as photos and messages. It is relevant to Pampered Chef because some consultants are using the platform to market their business, which goes against company policy.

2. Is it against Pampered Chef's policy for consultants to advertise on MySpace.com?

Yes, it is against Pampered Chef's policy for consultants to advertise their business on MySpace.com or any other social media platform. Consultants are only allowed to market their business through approved channels, such as their personal website and in-person events.

3. What should I do if I come across a Pampered Chef consultant advertising on MySpace.com?

If you come across a Pampered Chef consultant advertising on MySpace.com, it is recommended to report it to the company's Head Office. You can do so by sending an email or contacting them through their website. They take these violations seriously and will address the issue accordingly.

4. Can consultants have a personal MySpace page without violating company policy?

Yes, consultants are allowed to have a personal MySpace page as long as they do not use it to advertise their Pampered Chef business. It is important to maintain a clear separation between personal and business content on social media platforms.

5. Are there any other social media platforms that Pampered Chef consultants should avoid using for business marketing?

Aside from MySpace.com, Pampered Chef consultants should also refrain from using other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to market their business. The company has specific guidelines and approved channels for marketing and it is important for consultants to follow them to avoid policy violations.

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