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Fabulous Folder for Host Packets - Pics Included!

In summary, the author found the most fabulous folder for host packets and took pictures to show. The folder has a place for a business card and next to it, a show strategy sticker. There are two clear pockets in the middle, and plenty of room for flyers. The back of the folder is perfect for putting the YOUR LIFE, YOUR WAY FLYER and the new contents we got in the mail. The author is in love with the way the folders look and may invest in getting more.
  • #151
I'm a little new at this ... could you please show me the host packets you were talking about? Am I missing them?
  • #152
FransPans, start over at the beginning of this thread. All the info you're looking for is on the first few pages. :)
  • #153
Does anyone have suggestions on mailing your long distance host packets?

I'm still hunting for the "Fabulous Folders", but the ones I bought until I can find them don't fit in my Priority Mail envelopes! (FYI - These are free from the post office, and ship for $4.05 and are 9-1/2 X 12-1/2 inches, so I'm saving on shipping and envelopes!)

Thanks so much for the inspiration to Spring Clean My Business!!! :D
  • #154
Marcia,Have you tried the tyvek priority envelopes? I know the other ones are flat rate, but I wonder if you put your hostess packet in the tyvek one and had it weighed and figure out which is cheaper... it might not be much different!I'm not sure because I haven't tried it yet. That's what I'm hoping to do anyway.
  • #155
Your Life Your way flyerJillysue
The your life, your way flyer, could you e-mail me a copy?
It looks really great.
[email protected]:)
  • Thread starter
  • #156
Um, I got it off here somewhere. I 'll have to find it in the morning. If I have it saved, its on my other computer. I am laying in bed. I'll find it though unless someone beats me to it.
  • #157
Your folders look great. I use the colored ones though. I also have 20 made up for guests at the show. I use page protectors - enough for the catalog and 3 months worth of Host and Guest specials. Then in the front pocket I put the order form, FR flyer, Wedding flyer, business flyer, and drawing slip along with a pen. My business card is stapled to the customer's page of the order form. On the front of the folder I have a Pampered Chef sticker. It looks great and has everything in one place.

  • #158
I forgot, I also put a copy of the recipe I make with a blank postcard for the guest to write on.
  • #159
Very impressive! You appear to be a very organized, efficient gal!
  • Thread starter
  • #160
Thank you I try. My newest things are planning all aspects of weddings. That is what I am in the middle of now....
  • #161
Jill if you ever get sick of being a compliance director you could always make a career out of wedding planner :) I can totally see you rockin' it as a wedding planner! and of course registering each bride for a PC registry while your at it :)
  • #162
Jilleysue... I <3 you (that's a heart... tilt your head to the right and look at it sideways. We need a heart icon in the smiley section.)

I used to work as a Quality Assurance Manager, ISO Auditor and Corporate Trainer. Your never ending quest for complaince an is always shared in my heart.

I bought out CVS of their folders and they make me verra happy. :)
Thank you for sharing.
  • #163
Jilley Sue,
Thanks so much for this hostess packet idea. I had a show last night and gave two out for my May and July hostesses. I actually have 2 more bookings but didn't get the dates on my calendar.

I think it impresses the potential hostess since it's so organized.

Thank you :)

P.S. Does anybody give the hostess a bonus for 4+ bookings at her show???
  • #164
Jilleysue said:
A couple more pics of the folders I am in love with...
To invest or not to invest...LOL:confused: :confused:

They do look really good! I just don't think you need them. You might scare potential recruits from signing because it seems like too much work, and/or that you need to be polished/professional. I also want to remind you that these host folders get damaged with use (Your host might not treat them with care) and you might not get them back from those that cancel on you.

Spend the extra $$ on Logowear and fairs.... You'll get your investment backs in bookings and recruit leads.

I use just the double-pocket folders you can get for 10-cents each in September. You can buy them in packs of 10 (one color) inexpensively throughout the year. A small Nancy's Pampered Chef rectangular sticker on the front makes it look professional. Only having the 2 pockets really helps me from putting too much in. I've found my hosts do a better job looking through the packets when there is less in there - and found most of the directors up in our cluster just toss in a planner, career flyer, 50 in 5, catalogs and order forms. So I've started to minimize myself, and don't even send the monthly flyer (I do write it out on the front of the planner, and email them the link to the special). There is a place for business cards (see the attachment for what I cut and tape with clear mailing tape near the card area). On the other side I put that sticker you have), and OOF. I tuck the career opp with the starter kit hanging down so they see it.

Again, I do agree it looks beautiful. It looks corporate too ~ and I'm sure you will impress your hosts too. Good luck deciding. The best part of this company is that we can all do different things and be successful. I appreciate that you took the time to post pictures.

Susan :)
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  • #165
Jilleysue said:
I found it.:D

Jill what do you give them? When are you using this? I love the idea of it and the way it looks. :)
  • #167
I am currently sing th Host Packet envelope avaliable from Merrill and I like it! I find it easier and time saving compared to the "folders' I use to do. I include all the same materials but I just slide them in and they all fit without falling out etc...
  • #168

I too must agree with Susan... the folders are great, professional and well organized. However, they DO look very professional and organized...could a potentila recruit be scared away because she felt she could not muster up to what you are presenting?

I think these folders would be PERFECT for recruit information folders. As a matter of fact, that is what i use them for now after first reading this thread...

Just my .02
  • #169
I am thinking about redoing my hostesst packets and my recuriting packets completly this gives me some ideas of what I want to do.... I really like the way that you have them done Jill..... how long does it take you to put these together???

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