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Director Expert Tips for Helping a Challenging Consultant Boost Bookings

In summary, a consultant is struggling to get bookings and is resistant to suggestions from her director and other consultants. She has a negative attitude and is not well-liked by potential hosts. Despite receiving advice and support, she continues to struggle and frequently seeks help from her director. The director suggests that the consultant needs to be more open to different methods and approaches in order to succeed.
:help: I'm hoping some of you can give me some suggestions on this... being 'in' it makes it hard for me to be objective as to what to offer/do.

I have a consultant who signed in July. I met her about 5 years ago when she came to me via hospitality. She had signed with a friend from out of state and never met her director. She told her her recruiter and director were zero help. She did 3 shows and quit. She did attend conference that year though.

Fast forward to this year.. in the spring she contacted me because she was moving and wanted to get rid of some PC paperwork and such. It was all outdated but she had some logowear and other things. She mentioned she still wanted to do PC but had such a bad experience that she wasn't sure. I suggested she hang on to the stuff that wasn't outdated and use it in case she decided to come back. I met with her and she attended a few meetings and then booked for May planning to sign at her show. She cancelled in May and rebooked for June. She cancelled in June because she didn't have enough time to clean her house (she cancelled 3 weeks prior to her show). I told her I wouldn't reschedule with her unless she was serious about her show because I do this to make a living and will only work with serious consultants. She told me that she never thought of it from my point of view, apologized and rebooked for July.

We did her intro show and it went well. We didn't get any bookings though. She did 2 shows in August, 1 where only 3 people attended and again, didn't get any bookings.

I've been coaching her as best I can... using the questions that HO suggests, etc. She's pretty resistant to any ideas and she's VERY whiny.

She came to our meeting on Saturday and we talked bookings for the entire 90 minutes. There were 4 other consultants here who offered ideas. The best thing was that they ALL said to do the 3-2-1 and follow what HO says to do and use the words they say. I didn't coach them to say that, they said it on their own. She was a little frustrated by it because she said she was hoping to get ideas other than the ones I gave her which of course was to use what we get from HO!

2 consultants stayed after the meeting and we were just shooting the breeze and one asked about her. She mentioned that this particular consultant kept going on and on about what a positive person she is (and she's SO NOT!) and how she doesn't 'get' why no one will do a show for her. We talked about that point of view (people doing favors for her, etc) and the consultants basically came right out and said that they can see why people won't book with her... she's whiny and just really not a very likable person. And I'm sure that's why people won't book shows. They will buy, but not book.

She insists she's making the calls and using the words HO says to use but no one says they will have a show when asked (and she insists that she's actually asking). She qualified and I got my 2k points for her and I could just wipe my hands of this whole thing but she calls me 3-4 times each week asking advice and what she's doing wrong.

Sorry this is so long and such a saga... any suggestions??? :help:
Doesn't sound like a Colleen issue to me. Sounds like an "I'm to hard headed to work for success issue".

Since you are fine with washing your hands of her, I'd say this to her (she'll either learn & improve or throw up her hands & walk away):

When everyone else is succeeding except you, there's SOMETHING those people are doing that you are not doing. There's no ONE way to do Pampered Chef. Very successful people succeed with very different methods. But when what you are doing is not working, it's time to step back, observe & see what others ARE doing that's working for them & see what might work for you. You want to see what things you could do to improve your methods and your outcome. Where there's a will to succeed, there's a way. But you have to have the desire to succeed AND you have to have the follow through to make the changes necessary to succeed. I'm here to support you and help you as much as I can, but I can't do the work for you. The 3-2-1 plan works. It's been proven time & time again. There's really no reason to re-invent the wheel. You have to find your groove and I assure you that once you do, you'll enjoy the rewards of success. ;)
I let these people go... I can GUARANTEE she is not working "the program" and is not using the words that are successful. I find that people sabotage their own success because they are afraid of success. Success means you have to work, not whine , not complain, not B@tch... you have to work.. so "see I am doing everything and I am not successful, so it is not ME.. it is that the economy is bad, the products are too expensive, my friends do not have money. So it is the business that is flawed not ME"

They are emotional, time and energy vampires. I had one who told me to my face, that it was MY fault that she is not successful because I won't give her enough training. Ok, let's review this.. I am top seller, top recruiter and I have chosen YOU not to help versus the other 80 people on my personal team that I do help and who are making money and have businesses... clearly I am flawed and you have it all figured out..
LOL Tell her Jenni! ;)
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Thank you Jenni! You are so right and your post cracked me up!Thanks very much for the support... it's been what I've been thinking but being 'in' it makes me question my judgement sometimes! :)
Sorry if I came off harsh... I get sucked into the "vortex" of these type of people too.. and I kick myself for it afterward. I could have spent my time with someone who does want MORE from their business. It is like a co dependent love relationship where you feel like if you just give more, just be more.. and really there more has to come from the other person.

Related to Expert Tips for Helping a Challenging Consultant Boost Bookings

What is a "Challenging Consultant"?

A "Challenging Consultant" is a professional who works with individuals or organizations to identify and overcome challenges and obstacles in order to achieve their goals and improve their overall performance.

What are the key skills and qualities of a successful "Challenging Consultant"?

Some key skills and qualities of a successful "Challenging Consultant" include strong communication and interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and the ability to think critically and creatively.

What types of challenges can a "Challenging Consultant" help with?

A "Challenging Consultant" can assist with a wide range of challenges, including personal development, career advancement, team dynamics, strategic planning, and organizational change.

What is the process for working with a "Challenging Consultant"?

The process for working with a "Challenging Consultant" typically involves an initial consultation to discuss goals and challenges, followed by the development of a customized plan and ongoing support and guidance to overcome obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.

How can I find a reputable "Challenging Consultant"?

You can find a reputable "Challenging Consultant" by asking for referrals from trusted sources, researching their qualifications and experience, and conducting interviews to ensure a good fit for your specific needs and goals.

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