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Do You Get Your Stripper Star at 800 or Higher??

Lol... I have no idea. I've never heard of it. Must be an American thing. :eek:They think those are Bugs Bunny cartoons.Folks down here don't know about Loonies and Twonies.
  • #10,001
ok...my work here is done.........

just kidding.
  • #10,002
and isn't it cool that the 10,000th post came on page 500??

I should get some kind of award. (j/k)
  • #10,003
I'm gonna do 4 more posts to get to 2200...and then I got work to do.
  • #10,004
this will help to make up for the marathon last night that I had to read to catch up!!
  • #10,005
but if i keep it short, it's wont take up too much space.
  • #10,006
I'd hate to take up 3-4 pages of my own mindless drivel.
  • #10,007
Well, here is # 2200 for me....................500 to go to get my pink star.
Don't know if I'll be on tonight or not...but I'll try.

Talk to you later!!!
  • #10,008
pcchris said:
Yep. VERY boring. I do have color in my kitchen though...one wall is yellow. And not too much to that particular wall. Cabinets and windows pretty much cover that one.

Then I suggest lots of colours in the flooring, window treatments, fabrics etc... what else can you do? Are you in a rental? All white walls remind me of a rental. Maybe thats just me.
  • #10,009
Congrats on #10,000 Chris. The potty is cleaned, another load of laundry on the line. Now to the painting. I have been procrastinating on this for TWO weeks... sigh...
  • #10,010
friday said:
Then I suggest lots of colours in the flooring, window treatments, fabrics etc... what else can you do? Are you in a rental? All white walls remind me of a rental. Maybe thats just me.

Nope - not a rental. It's our house. I agree...makes it look like a rental.
  • #10,011
friday said:
Congrats on #10,000 Chris. The potty is cleaned, another load of laundry on the line. Now to the painting. I have been procrastinating on this for TWO weeks... sigh...

Have fun painting. I always enjoy painting...but I like to paint with a brush. Rollers suck. That's just me. :rolleyes:
  • #10,012
Seriously...I gotta get out of here. I could dit and read all the threads all day on this website...I love it so!

But I have SO much I have to do that I am forcing myself to log out and get stuff done. Isn't that horrible?????

So, until later on, buh-bye, my friends!!!
  • #10,013
friday said:
I'm here but intermittently. I got the toilet all fixed- no more leaks or sprays and it all goes down the way it is supposed to. That is the first time that potty has worked in about 5 years.

I have a load of laundry in the wash, a load in the dryer, and a load on the line in the yard.

Now I need to get my butt into that bedroom and paint until the fumes make me pass out....:yuck:

YAHOO!!! I got my toilet fixed too, I think, I hope anyway. It has flushed several times with no problems and doesn't seem slow. I got one thing out but was thinking other things went in at the same time - maybe they made it all the way down.

Door handle fixed too!
  • #10,014
friday said:
How many posts to fill a page? Is it a set number or does length make a difference?

I am thinking it is around 20 per page but just because I think I saw it somewhere. Also, one time was trying to find a post and was going backwards - they seemed by 20s
  • #10,015
pcchris said:
I think pretty soon Greg is going to shut this one down....it's got to be taking up a lot of space!!

I actually had wondered why Greg hasn't said anything. He could shut it down to get rid of space and we could start another "chat room".

BTW: I was thinking about it the other night. Doesn't Chef Succes just have a chat room or am I dreaming about some place else? Will have to look around some time to see.
  • #10,016
I am so proud of you two for getting it up to 10,000. I was kind of hoping to come back after finishing the toilet and help but I was too slow. :( It was because I stopped to look at sheds. Oh well, job well done.
  • #10,017
friday said:
When I get to 750 I am going to go finish the bathroom, and I am not going to criticize or comment in any way. I will be the good wife (HA!)

Are you sure about that?! :D

Maybe he will keep the baby distracted so you can do it.

Or maybe you will hit 750 and he will have done it. (ok, ok, ok you can pick yourself up off the floor from laughing so hard - I thought I would try!) :D
  • #10,018
OK, I am off to do the bottoms of the chairs, the floor transitions and clean kitchen.

Talk to you all later.
  • #10,019
Ooops, need to make it even.

I think folding laundry that has been piling up will be next on my list.
  • #10,020
I sure do love checking things off. The laundry will have to be several checks. Some of it hasn't been put away for so long because I was getting some dressers that it has been stacked.
  • #10,021
I will be SOOoooooo excited when that is all caught up. To actually find match socks easily (like in a drawer). What a concept!!
  • #10,022
Or should I just sit here and babble to get to 1750?
  • #10,023
Maybe I will take few minutes to read what I have missed and just didn't ever get too. Don't think I will respond - unless said to me.
  • #10,024
missydivine said:
Look I did a post with two quotes! Thanks Kim!

Yay, I am glad I could contribute something
  • #10,025
missydivine said:
Look I did a post with two quotes! Thanks Kim!

Yay, I am glad I could contribute something

(this is how far back I was - that was post 5067 that I just responded to! :D)
  • #10,026
chef_kimmo said:
I actually had wondered why Greg hasn't said anything. He could shut it down to get rid of space and we could start another "chat room".

BTW: I was thinking about it the other night. Doesn't Chef Succes just have a chat room or am I dreaming about some place else? Will have to look around some time to see.

If it doesnt it should. This 30 second wait to post a thought is just icky. But a chat room wouldnt improve our star rating...
  • #10,027
chef_kimmo said:
Are you sure about that?! :D

Maybe he will keep the baby distracted so you can do it.

Or maybe you will hit 750 and he will have done it. (ok, ok, ok you can pick yourself up off the floor from laughing so hard - I thought I would try!) :D

ha! I decided to take the seat and ring off to soak them and clean them properly- thus rendering that bathroom significantly less useful. Ha ha! I also neglected to mention to anyone that the downstairs bathroom is now fixed. I should go put the seat back on. Eventually....:D
  • #10,028
LOL... But for guys - no seat isn't a big deal unless they have certain business to do. (I guess some guys sit to Pee but generally).

I can just picture them walking up wondering, waiting, wondering, and waiting some more.
  • #10,029
missydivine said:
:eek: Okay, I tried to show you and put my info in a quote, what am I thinking!

Here we go (QUOTE=person)quote (/QUOTE) instead of ( use [ and ) use]

now do I have you all confused?

Did you all ever get the 2 quote thing figured out? I think I saw someone use it recently. I am kind of giggling at the different attempts.

I can try to explain it again differently but it looks like Mary has it.
  • #10,030
The main way I figured it out was looking at what pops up with I click on "quote".

I figured the same thing needs to be at the end and the beginning. At the beginnig I just replace the quote part and delete the "Originally posted by".
Although, any smilies that were inthe one you are just copying forward won't be there.
  • #10,031
chef_kimmo said:
LOL... But for guys - no seat isn't a big deal unless they have certain business to do. (I guess some guys sit to Pee but generally).

I can just picture them walking up wondering, waiting, wondering, and waiting some more.

Maybe someone will fall in, thus ending the PUT THE RING DOWN fight.
  • #10,032
dh cooked dinner for me. A flash of brilliance and consideration... could go a long way for him the next time he wants to go bowling.
  • #10,033
I think I am going to put the baby in clean clothes and go for a walk to the grocery. I think I need to make a new cherry pie. He says it was his favourite and I ate pretty much all of it.
  • #10,034
I never did get the darn painting started. I AM GOING TO DO IT NOW.... forget the stupid pie. I have GOT to get this painting done. BACK LATER- when there is paint on the walls!!!
  • #10,035
friday said:
I'm here but intermittently. I got the toilet all fixed- no more leaks or sprays and it all goes down the way it is supposed to. That is the first time that potty has worked in about 5 years.

I have a load of laundry in the wash, a load in the dryer, and a load on the line in the yard.

Now I need to get my butt into that bedroom and paint until the fumes make me pass out....:yuck:
Good for you! You've been really busy today. I've folded a load of laundry, put one in the dryer. I need to get the dirty cloths from upstairs and start another load. I've picked up a little in the catch all room. You can see part of the floor. I worked in the livingroom and did dishes. I even washed some of my new SS cookware that we are making dinner in tonight.:D :D :D
  • #10,036
pcchris said:
My DD had to bowl this morning (yes, the REAL bowling)...got a 144! She was pretty happy. The other 2 games weren't great, but her last game was awesome! (BTW - she's 13, so a 144 is pretty good for only the 2nd week in her league!!)
Good for her!
  • #10,037
friday said:
Thank you for being proud of me. My dh has decided that since I am not in a chipper mood he will be in a BAD mood. Twit. I am going to cook something he hates for dinner to get back at him I think...
LOL!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
  • #10,038
pcchris said:
I think pretty soon Greg is going to shut this one down....it's got to be taking up a lot of space!!
That would be sad, we would have to start another one.
  • #10,039
pcchris said:
It's me!!!! I got it!!!! 10,000!!!! yipee!
WOO HOO! You got the 10,000th post!!!:thumbup:
  • #10,040
chef_kimmo said:
YAHOO!!! I got my toilet fixed too, I think, I hope anyway. It has flushed several times with no problems and doesn't seem slow. I got one thing out but was thinking other things went in at the same time - maybe they made it all the way down.

Door handle fixed too!
Good for you Kim!:thumbup:
  • #10,041
friday said:
I was online paying bills and I appear to have gotten a child support increase of about $200 a month. That relieves some stress I have to say!

I know this was posted about a week ago but I am playing catch up (yes, I need to work on that check off list but it seemed like the thing to do when no one is in here).

I just received a letter from the State of Wyoming - forwarded from Wisconsiin saying my ex was in contempt of court and that he had to start paying. I will be surprised if something starts showing up but it couldn't be better timing.
  • #10,042
chef_kimmo said:
I know this was posted about a week ago but I am playing catch up (yes, I need to work on that check off list but it seemed like the thing to do when no one is in here).

I just received a letter from the State of Wyoming - forwarded from Wisconsiin saying my ex was in contempt of court and that he had to start paying. I will be surprised if something starts showing up but it couldn't be better timing.

I don't know how it works THERE, but here, by the time my ex got his contempt of court order to pay support, he was more than 15,000 in arrears. They cancelled his drivers licence, hunting licences, threatened to seize his guns because they cancelled his gun registrations... they ordered him to file his 5 years in back income taxes and seized 100% of the returns, and- this was fun- he won $1000 in a Tim Hortons roll up the rim to win thing- and they seized his winnings. They garnised his wages, allowing him only what he would have got from welfare every month- with the promise that if he quit his job to avoid paying he would go directly to jail.

And now, he was supposed to be filing his income tax statement for legislated increases every year, and he hasn't been. So I informed him that the INSTANT I could afford a lawyer, I was going to get retro increases- OR he could do it himself and save himself the trouble of another round like before. $200 a month is a long shot from where he needs to be. According to the income he brags about having, he would need to increase by about $800 a month to be in the right place,

Darn it I am having pity parties all over the place!!!
  • #10,043
I got the north wall painted. I am waiting for the hand cramps to ease up, then I am going to go up again and paint the east wall.
  • #10,044
My middle son has been sleeping in that room- I will have to make him sleep on the couch tonight.
  • #10,045
Ok, back up to do the east wall. Maybe someone will be here tonight so I don't get my star all alone?
  • #10,046
Phew,,, you may all laugh at me but I just read from Sept. 19th through to where I started posting on Sept 22nd (that night).

No more babbling about catching up - just staying current.
  • #10,047
friday said:
I don't know how it works THERE, but here, by the time my ex got his contempt of court order to pay support, he was more than 15,000 in arrears. They cancelled his drivers licence, hunting licences, threatened to seize his guns because they cancelled his gun registrations... they ordered him to file his 5 years in back income taxes and seized 100% of the returns, and- this was fun- he won $1000 in a Tim Hortons roll up the rim to win thing- and they seized his winnings. They garnised his wages, allowing him only what he would have got from welfare every month- with the promise that if he quit his job to avoid paying he would go directly to jail.

And now, he was supposed to be filing his income tax statement for legislated increases every year, and he hasn't been. So I informed him that the INSTANT I could afford a lawyer, I was going to get retro increases- OR he could do it himself and save himself the trouble of another round like before. $200 a month is a long shot from where he needs to be. According to the income he brags about having, he would need to increase by about $800 a month to be in the right place,

Darn it I am having pity parties all over the place!!!

It sounds like Canada is more agressive than Wyoming. We got divorced in Wyo but he moved back home to WI. I was surprised that WI filed anything on him but this is the second time they have done so.

I had tried to get it moved to Texas since I don't live in Wyo anymore. One main benefit about it being in TX besides I can deal with courts here and not long distance is that when they don't pay here they are charged interest. I think he should at least get that.
  • #10,048
second coat on the north wall- that is done now. First coat on the east wall. Now I am letting the hand cramps fade away before going back and doing the second coat on the east wall, and the entry way and south wall. I hope to be able to do the west wall totally by midnight tonight- it is the big wall in that room. But it has no obstructions like the other walls. North wall has a window, east wall has a door, south wall has a closet. West wall- nothing. Just a big wall.
  • #10,049
Ok- going in for another wall....
  • #10,050
You are really getting busy today Al. I'm doing a little laundry, a little cleaning. DH is giving the girls baths. I should be picking up more. I may go do that now.
<h2>1. What is a "stripper star" at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>A "stripper star" at Pampered Chef is a recognition program that rewards consultants who have achieved a certain level of sales and performance. It is a symbol of success and dedication within the company.</p><h2>2. How do I earn my stripper star at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>To earn your stripper star at Pampered Chef, you must reach a minimum sales goal of $800 in a single month. This goal may vary depending on your region and current promotions, so be sure to check with your team leader for specific details.</p><h2>3. What happens when I reach my stripper star goal?</h2><p>When you reach your stripper star goal, you will be recognized and celebrated by your team and the company. You will also receive a special badge or pin to wear, as well as other rewards and benefits depending on your specific region and promotions.</p><h2>4. Can I still earn my stripper star if I am a part-time consultant?</h2><p>Yes, part-time consultants are eligible to earn their stripper star at Pampered Chef. The sales goal of $800 is based on a monthly basis, so as long as you reach that goal within a single month, you can earn your stripper star.</p><h2>5. Is the stripper star program available in all regions?</h2><p>Yes, the stripper star program is available to consultants in all regions where Pampered Chef operates. However, the specific sales goal and rewards may vary depending on your region and current promotions.</p>

Related to Do You Get Your Stripper Star at 800 or Higher??

1. What is a "stripper star" at Pampered Chef?

A "stripper star" at Pampered Chef is a recognition program that rewards consultants who have achieved a certain level of sales and performance. It is a symbol of success and dedication within the company.

2. How do I earn my stripper star at Pampered Chef?

To earn your stripper star at Pampered Chef, you must reach a minimum sales goal of $800 in a single month. This goal may vary depending on your region and current promotions, so be sure to check with your team leader for specific details.

3. What happens when I reach my stripper star goal?

When you reach your stripper star goal, you will be recognized and celebrated by your team and the company. You will also receive a special badge or pin to wear, as well as other rewards and benefits depending on your specific region and promotions.

4. Can I still earn my stripper star if I am a part-time consultant?

Yes, part-time consultants are eligible to earn their stripper star at Pampered Chef. The sales goal of $800 is based on a monthly basis, so as long as you reach that goal within a single month, you can earn your stripper star.

5. Is the stripper star program available in all regions?

Yes, the stripper star program is available to consultants in all regions where Pampered Chef operates. However, the specific sales goal and rewards may vary depending on your region and current promotions.

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