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Do You Get Your Stripper Star at 800 or Higher??

Lol... I have no idea. I've never heard of it. Must be an American thing. :eek:They think those are Bugs Bunny cartoons.Folks down here don't know about Loonies and Twonies.
  • #9,801
Good job Angela on getting your 2000. Good night!

5 seconds
  • #9,802
i might be reduced to hauling out the stroller at 2.18am
  • #9,803
night angela
  • #9,804
Carissidy said:
But I really am ok with that.... it's a hobby/business and I love it! I can work harder sometimes and others I can kick back a bit...

I have gone through many phases in my business and even though in the beginnig I was thinking a couple shows a month but really for the money I want to be making I should be getting a minimum of 4 shows/month.
  • #9,805
My phase right now is saying to myself is for me to step and get with it. If I don't I need to really figure out what I am getting out of it and is it worth the extra time and effort I am putting into it.
  • #9,806
I love earning the incentives and that helps me to stay in the business. I enjoy the shows so I just need to make it work and be more CONSISTENT.
  • #9,807
Ok, while I am by myself I am going to read old posts and respond. It will make it easier to catch up - right?!
  • #9,808
Yes, Kim - whatever you think. You are talking to yourself at 1:30 in the morning.
  • #9,809
You left me 25 pages again!!!:cry:
  • #9,810
Ok, be back when I respond to some one elses posts from earlier. (and look the mindless chatter I was just doing has me down to 20 posts from yellow.)
  • #9,811
Christ Follower said:
You left me 25 pages again!!!:cry:

Not me, I got the 25 pages when I logged in - we can both read and catch up!!
  • #9,812
Chef_2_Four said:
I haven't been on here in forever! I can't believe this thread is still going strong!!

You may have started the thread that will never die!:D
  • #9,813
chef_kimmo said:
Not me, I got the 25 pages when I logged in - we can both read and catch up!!

LOL!!!! Okay Kim. How long have you been on here?
  • #9,814
pcchris said:
Ellen and Mary.....

Congrats for being Pretty in Pink!!!

Thank You! You're next right?
  • #9,817
friday said:
There has to be a better solution to this problem... fingerprint resistant fridges don't work, but maybe a self cleaning fridge could be developed?

Shoot, I am hoping for the day of the self cleaning kitchen. I think sometimes I would rather not cook just because I know I will need to clean too.
  • #9,818
Ok, not really but it seemed like it sounded good.
  • #9,819
:cool: Ellen is reading from later in the day than me
  • #9,820
Carissidy said:
:eek: I HATE getting burned! It is one thing that I am extremely frightened about! When I was about five years old my brother took us for a tractor ride (us kids sat in a wagon pulled behind my grandfathers riding lawn mower) Anyways, we went through the trails in the woods and I guess the tractor overheated from being run for so long and so hard! We were about 1000 feet or more away from the house so my brother left me and my two other cousins there and said don't touch this (pointing to an overheated muffler). Well, when you tell a child that age not to touch something, what do they do? I wrapped my fingers tight around that muffler and melted my fingers together.... I had to go to the hospital to have them cut apart and wrapped... so needless to say I don't do well with heat especially on my hands! :eek:

:eek: :eek: :eek: OUCH!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #9,822
Carissidy said:
I know I am a little late with this but I wouldn't miss it for the world!
I would like to send a very special congratulations out to Mary & Ellen for FINALLY becoming part of that Wonderful Pretty in Pink Club! Great Job Ladies!!​

Applause! Applause! Standing Ovation! WOO HOO!!

AAWWwwwwwwww! That is sooooo sweet! ......and pretty!:)

Thank you Ang!
  • #9,823
Carissidy said:
Ok so here I sit eating my lunch....
and here comes my youngest running down the hall way and right past me.... with NO clothes on and NO diaper!
I said "who took your diaper off?"
She said "dee dee do" (dee dee is cassidy)
So I yelled "Cassidy! Come here!" and she did... naked too...
"where are your clothes and what are you doing taking your sister's diaper off??"
She starts dancing around the kitchen with Carissa in tow
singing "we want to have a naked bum party!"

Where in the heck did they get that... IT WASN'T ME!!!!
Oh the things kids will do LMAO

That is the cutest thing!!!
  • #9,824
friday said:
my oldest boy came down for a midnight snack. I was so engrossed in this board that I didnt hear him behind me. He SAYS he was saying mom mom but I didnt hear a thing. He scared the CRAP out of me. He is having some brownies now.

ROTFL!!!! My DH does this to me ALL THE TIME!!! I nearly jump out of my skin b/c he's so stealth when he walks into a room.
  • #9,826
Christ Follower said:
I might have to suddenly leave if DH walks in though! That's bad, I'm having an affair with the Chef Success message board!

That is so funny!! You all are having an affair - I don't know what I would call it. Unless CS is married too - maybe I am stalking! :D
  • #9,827
friday said:
This was the day I got home from Leadership, at about 4am. I couldnt sleep because I was so sure.http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c398/thirteenfridays/HPIM1266New.jpg

  • #9,828
chef_kimmo said:
That is so funny!! You all are having an affair - I don't know what I would call it. Unless Chef Success is married too - maybe I am stalking! :D

friday's not having an affair b/c her DH knows about it and is okay with it. I literally have to have another program running on my pc at the same time so I can click off CS really fast if he walks in.
  • #9,829
missydivine said:
:eek: She has her hair up on one side, bangles and a necklace. Oh and dino stickers on her dress!:eek: She's dancing right now. It just makes me smile:D

Don't you love those kiddos. They sure can make us smile. Keep that image in your head.
  • #9,830
Carissidy said:
OMG Chris!! How could you possibly forget your ice cream! In the policy book on page 3227 paragraph 4 section C it states that "None shall forget the cream that is iced...." and it goes on but if you want to read it you'll have to yourself because it is just to darn long LOL

OMGosh.... I think I might have just peed my pants just now! ROTFL!!!
  • #9,831
Christ Follower said:
friday's not having an affair b/c her DH knows about it and is okay with it. I literally have to have another program running on my pc at the same time so I can click off Chef Success really fast if he walks in.

You mean like I do at work? I am really trying to not do it at work because I tend to just get stuck in here and don't leave for a lot longer than I plan to be in.
  • #9,832
missydivine said:
:cry: I guess Ellen had to leave.:cry:

I bet she was cleaning her bathroom.
  • #9,833
friday said:
do you miss this: day 1: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c398/thirteenfridays/martin1-1.jpg

Those are the cutest stinkin' pictures!:angel:
  • #9,834
friday said:
I believe I am sick of my carpet. I want a wood floor installed THIS year. It is so very very ugly and I really don't like how it always is dirty no matter what I do.

We have carpet upstairs where the bedrooms are and it is filthy! I should be better about locking the dogs downstairs but I love having them by my side.
  • #9,835
One of those things that is on my list. Once I get the rooms cleaned of stuff on the floors, I will get it cleaned.
  • #9,836
I have such high hopes of getting so much done so soon.

Organizing, cleaning & getting the phone calls and bookings going.
  • #9,837
That should help my self esteem. Feeling like I have accomplished things that I have been wanting to for a long time.
  • #9,838
friday said:
here are me and my baby- he is in chocolate bliss...


That is hilarious!
  • #9,839
chef_kimmo said:
I have such high hopes of getting so much done so soon.

Organizing, cleaning & getting the phone calls and bookings going.

Join the high hopes club.
  • #9,840
Christ Follower said:

AND AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!! :thumbup:


:balloon: :thumbup: THAT WAS SO AWESOME TO READ.

:thumbup: :balloon:
  • #9,841
Carissidy said:
No I had to miss because my grandmother that I take care of was ill.. but this year (god willing) I am going and my husband insists!

Can you have your husband talk to my husband?
  • #9,842
chef_kimmo said:
:balloon: :thumbup: THAT WAS SO AWESOME TO READ.

:thumbup: :balloon:

Thanks Kim! It was special 'cause we actually went pink at the same time!

(technically, Mary went first b/c it took me so long to make my page pretty)
  • #9,843
missydivine said:
How is everyone's ice cream? I tried to post awhile ago and my computer decided it didn't like me.

I hate it when that happens!:grumpy:
  • #9,844
pcchris said:
I'm on early tonight...had a pretty emotional day. And even had the day off from school! Long story...

Chris, I am sorry you had a bad day. I hope your evening went better.
  • #9,845
Hey Ellen, I neglected to ask... How was your Open House? I hope it was a good one.
  • #9,846
Carissidy said:
I just might make it over 2,000 tonight

Yep, you did! Well, not OVER 2,000, but you hit your goal!:thumbup:
  • #9,847
chef_kimmo said:
Hey Ellen, I neglected to ask... How was your Open House? I hope it was a good one.

I actually almost cried!:cry: An hour after it started, no one had shown up!
  • #9,848
My brother and SIL came, and two of my friends came. One lady who had to cancel at the last minute b/c she got free tickets to the Tom Jones concert stopped by before the open house to give me her $60 order. Then a couple that goes to my church came and ordered about $40. She said she'd do my mystery host catty show in November if I do it.

Another lady that was supposed to bring a bunch of her friends showed up alone BUT she brought $200 worth of orders so I put it in as a catty show for her. I should have put it on my Open House show and just gave her the $10 but oh well.

  • #9,849
Oh ya, I am still collecting orders for it and will close it on Sunday. My almost inactive recruit might be getting some of my sales so she can submit her $200 to stay active. She has $130 collected and so I told her to TRY really hard to get the rest by tomorrow. If she doesn't, I'll give it to her b/c it will be her 4th show and I'll get my 2000 points. Then if she goes inactive, oh well.
  • #9,850
So if I had to close it tonight (which I'm not) the sales would be $463.
<h2>1. What is a "stripper star" at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>A "stripper star" at Pampered Chef is a recognition program that rewards consultants who have achieved a certain level of sales and performance. It is a symbol of success and dedication within the company.</p><h2>2. How do I earn my stripper star at Pampered Chef?</h2><p>To earn your stripper star at Pampered Chef, you must reach a minimum sales goal of $800 in a single month. This goal may vary depending on your region and current promotions, so be sure to check with your team leader for specific details.</p><h2>3. What happens when I reach my stripper star goal?</h2><p>When you reach your stripper star goal, you will be recognized and celebrated by your team and the company. You will also receive a special badge or pin to wear, as well as other rewards and benefits depending on your specific region and promotions.</p><h2>4. Can I still earn my stripper star if I am a part-time consultant?</h2><p>Yes, part-time consultants are eligible to earn their stripper star at Pampered Chef. The sales goal of $800 is based on a monthly basis, so as long as you reach that goal within a single month, you can earn your stripper star.</p><h2>5. Is the stripper star program available in all regions?</h2><p>Yes, the stripper star program is available to consultants in all regions where Pampered Chef operates. However, the specific sales goal and rewards may vary depending on your region and current promotions.</p>

Related to Do You Get Your Stripper Star at 800 or Higher??

1. What is a "stripper star" at Pampered Chef?

A "stripper star" at Pampered Chef is a recognition program that rewards consultants who have achieved a certain level of sales and performance. It is a symbol of success and dedication within the company.

2. How do I earn my stripper star at Pampered Chef?

To earn your stripper star at Pampered Chef, you must reach a minimum sales goal of $800 in a single month. This goal may vary depending on your region and current promotions, so be sure to check with your team leader for specific details.

3. What happens when I reach my stripper star goal?

When you reach your stripper star goal, you will be recognized and celebrated by your team and the company. You will also receive a special badge or pin to wear, as well as other rewards and benefits depending on your specific region and promotions.

4. Can I still earn my stripper star if I am a part-time consultant?

Yes, part-time consultants are eligible to earn their stripper star at Pampered Chef. The sales goal of $800 is based on a monthly basis, so as long as you reach that goal within a single month, you can earn your stripper star.

5. Is the stripper star program available in all regions?

Yes, the stripper star program is available to consultants in all regions where Pampered Chef operates. However, the specific sales goal and rewards may vary depending on your region and current promotions.

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