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Did You Gain New Leads at the Chicago Conference?

In summary, many PC consultants recruited new leads while at the conference. Bring catalogs, business cards, and drawing slips to increase your chances of contacting these potential clients.
Gold Member
Have you met new leads in Chicago while at Conference? The Conference packing tips lists suggest bringing catalogs and business opportunity information. (I always have it with me when I am out and about anyhow) I am curious if anyone has gotten new leads while out and about in Chicago, especially if you are with other PC consultants. Just thought it would be an interesting topic for discussion, especially since this is my first Conference! :)
Go For It! So many people working crazy jobs and not looking very happy about it in Chicago. Take prize drawing slips or something you can write leads' information on so you can contact them after conference. I should have done it. I saw one consultant doing it, and she gets it. She listened and learned and worked her business right away.
MANY of the workers at conference are temps hired just for our conference, so they are ripe for the pickin'!
Yep-if they're in a white shirt and their name tag doesn't have a blue ribbon, they're a temp worker. :)
Last year we got delaided in the air port coming home for 6 hrs well what to do walk around talk to people , get catalog bookings, new consultant leads . We all have PC clothes on so the people talk to you all the time like I have the chopper and love it , I have PC products ect
Also remember people are ever where elevators Bus drivers .I got to be a game after a while who would pass out there business card frist ...

Just remember to also get there name and numberso you can comtact them when you get home I did get an order from someone in the airport once
There is another thread discussing success of Wave 1. Definitely bring catalogs, business cards & drawing slips. Even order forms! Best if you leave with their info though b/c if you don't, they probably won't contact you. Good luck!
Yep, recruiting at conferences are great. I recruited a gal from the gift shop at the Dallas Forth Worth Airport when I was at Leadership this year. She's been a great consultant...she's consistantly doing about $2K/month.

I blew it! I saw that the list said to bring catalogs and info but since it was my 1st conference I thought I'd have too much other stuff on my mind! I could have shared with several people!
  • Thread starter
  • #9
Awesome! I can't wait! I am so excited this morning that I have butterflies in my stomach! I am staying at a fellow cluster mate's house tonight, and we leave for the airport at 6am on Sunday. Chicago, here I come! :) :D :D :D
  • #10
I got an order on the plane ride into Chicago and I got a recruit on the way home. My DH knows her hubby and she picked me up in Chicago; I just told her about how great PC was and today I followed up on the opp. I walked her through the online agreement and her sister is joining under her as soon as she gets a consultant number. YEAH!!
  • #11
You go Marisol!! That's AWESOME!!:D
  • #12
Thanks Kristi!
I also called a lady that had emailed me (before NC) that she needed to cancel her show (next weekend). She was abrupt in her email so I had already dismissed her as a host but after talking to a director at conference I called to reschedule her and not only did she reschedule but she gave me a recruit lead. I almost can't wait to get home from vacation with DH to get to work. Thank God I brought my lead and hostess list with me or I'd be going stir crazy right now.

Related to Did You Gain New Leads at the Chicago Conference?

1. How do I follow up with leads I obtained from attending a conference?

After a conference, it's important to follow up with the leads you obtained as soon as possible. Start by sending a personalized email or making a phone call to introduce yourself and thank them for taking the time to meet with you. You can then offer to send more information about your products and schedule a follow-up meeting or demonstration.

2. What is the best way to organize and keep track of leads from a conference?

One effective way to organize and keep track of leads from a conference is by using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool. This allows you to input and store lead information, set reminders for follow-ups, and track the progress of each lead. You can also use a spreadsheet or a physical organizer to keep track of leads if a CRM tool is not available.

3. How can I stand out and make a lasting impression on potential customers at a conference?

To make a lasting impression on potential customers at a conference, it's important to be engaging and enthusiastic about your products. Have a well-rehearsed elevator pitch and be prepared to answer any questions or concerns they may have. Additionally, offering a small gift or sample of your products can leave a positive impression and make your brand more memorable.

4. Is it appropriate to connect with leads on social media after a conference?

Yes, it is appropriate to connect with leads on social media after a conference. This can be a great way to stay in touch and continue building a relationship with them. However, make sure to personalize your connection request and avoid being too salesy. Engage with their content and share helpful information, rather than constantly promoting your products.

5. How can I ensure that leads from a conference turn into actual customers?

Following up with leads in a timely and personalized manner is key to turning them into actual customers. Make sure to provide them with all the necessary information about your products and address any questions or concerns they may have. Offer them a special promotion or discount for being a conference lead, and continue to stay in touch and build a relationship with them. This can increase the chances of them becoming a customer in the future.

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