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Did I Cross the Line with My Game?

So before I play this game I always check with the host to make sure it would be appropiate..ie noone is getting divorced or has a sick husband/boyfriend. So as per usual I check with the host and I get started with my game after the recipe is in the oven. Usually this game is hilarious and everyone is crackig up...this time however goes in the top 10 most cringe worthy moments ever.
So I am telling people how their husbands are dull and stained but no-one is really laughing. I press on knowing that this game is always a hit but the mood is very strained. Before I know it, I have people crying and leaving the room to straighten themselves out. Not knowing what to do I apologize and read the last few. I gave out the prize and went on with the show trying to be as light hearted as possible.

After the show the host runs up too me and apologizes, she didn't think about the fact that her father in law (the hubby of a lady there) passed away in November and that it was still really hard for everyone....JEEEZZZZZ...THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP! Here I am making jokes about how he is warped and sticky and the poor man is dead. NOT GOOD.

so, a word to the wise, ALWAYS check before playing....

tough crowd. Low sales, no bookings...yet....I didn't directly ask as I was kinda wanting to disappear. I figure I will call and ask then.


Vent over and out

OH MIsty! That's terrible!! I however have no idea what the tool spouse game is! Can you share?
OOOMMMGGG!!! She forgot her FIL... I can't believe the host didn't stop you in the middle... especially when people start crying and leaving the room!!!

btw... what is the tool spouse game? is it posted in the files here?
  • Thread starter
  • #4
game is attached...its hilarious...you have to think on your toes a little to make the answers fit but its worth the reaction...just make sure u check its suitable ahead of time.

If no spouse, then they can use the hosts name.



  • Toolspouse.doc
    20 KB · Views: 560
That is hilarious!! :D :D I laughed so hard but then cringed when I thought of your situation!!!:eek: Oh my Misty, I'm a little scared to play it now!!!:p
Misty I just want to cringe for you! How horrible an experience for you and everyone else! May nothing be that bad for you again... ever!
You poor thing. There was no way you could have known.Look at it this way--you now have a really great "bad show" story.
  • Thread starter
  • #8
Rae..the really sad thing is that I have SOOOO MANY bad shows....remember the mooning one....me...the one where the host gave me veelveta for Mozzarella, and chicken dogs for ham...the one where the was cat sick everywhere....the one where...ok i will stop....haha, I do balance them out with some really great 1000 ++++ shows so ya know....I can't complain....

ho hum....I am just in that slump where the last few parties have only just scraped over the show min....really gets ya down ya know....

But then I pull my "big girl panties" up and say..."well.....what the heck else ya gonna do??? Go back to my 9-5??...ahhhhhhh noooo"


Happy Mummys Day
velveeta?? I must have missed that one!I've never played this game for fear of this situation...and a lot of my hosts are younger and unmarried.
  • #10
Forgot you were THAT consultant. So, are you planning to write a book when you retire from PC? I can imagine that most of us cheffers would be interested in purchasing that one. If nothing else, it would prove that we weren't making those stories up.
  • #11
Misty, You sure have had more than your fair share of crazy shows! What a shame the host forgot her FIL. How could you know? Well, at least its over. Maybe there's a way to feel out the crowd beforehand?
  • #12
*snugs* misty you sure do get the most interesting parties. We thank you for taking most of the crazies for us. What a difficult situation.
  • #13
Misty, I feel for you!

I have never played this game, but had the most interesting show recently. It wasn't a bad show, sales were above average, but 3 days before the show, the husband tiled the entire downstairs of their home, so the tile is not sealed or grouted, there is no stove/oven in the kitchen and no water!

I was demoing the Fiesta Salad Turnover, and received a call 5 minutes before leaving my home from the host stating that her oven was in her living room and would I be needing it because she wasn't sure if her husband would be home in time to move it back into the kitchen. No problem, I will back the shell at home and bring it. As the shell is baking, I wondered if it was just the oven, or an oven/range? Of course, it was! Luckily the husband arrived in time to move the range back into place to brown the ground beef.

But just after seeding the jalepeno, I realize there is no water so I could not rinse my hands!

It was definitely a weird show. Kind of makes you wonder what the host was thinking when she booked?!
  • #14
Just think of all the great stories you can tell at your cluster meetings!

Related to Did I Cross the Line with My Game?

1. "Why should I check with the host before playing a game at an event?"

It is important to check with the host before playing a game at an event to ensure that the game is appropriate for the audience and that no one may be offended or uncomfortable with the content. This can also prevent any potential conflicts or awkward situations.

2. "How can I tell if a game is appropriate to play at an event?"

Consider the audience and the purpose of the event before choosing a game. Ask the host for their input and make sure to read the room and gauge the reactions of the attendees during the game.

3. "What should I do if a game I thought was funny turns out to be offensive to some people?"

If you realize that a game is causing discomfort or offense, it is important to apologize and stop the game immediately. Try to diffuse the situation and make amends with those who may have been offended.

4. "Should I always check with the host before playing a game?"

Yes, it is always a good idea to check with the host before playing a game at an event. This can prevent any potential conflicts or uncomfortable situations, and shows respect for the host and their guests.

5. "What can I do if I accidentally offend someone with a game?"

If you accidentally offend someone with a game, apologize sincerely and try to make amends. Offer to talk to the person privately to address any concerns and make sure to be more mindful of people's sensitivities in the future.

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