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Can't Make Conference? See What You're Missing!

lolNo, but she is scheduled to come back on the 15th to close! :)Watermelon slicer, stainless steel watermelon slicer, strawberry slicer, grapefruit slicer, mandarin orange slicer, orange juice squeezerWatermelon slicer, stainless steel watermelon slicer, strawberry slicer, grapefruit slicer, mandarin orange slicer, orange juice squeezerThe stainless steel watermelon slicer looks really cool! I need to buy one! I also want the strawberry, grapefruit, and mandarin orange slicers!Great, can't wait to get one! And I'm excited for the orange juice squeezer! Thanks for the summary!
  • #201
I didn't get close up pics of EVERYTHING, but at least you get a taste!! :)Enjoy!!
  • #202
That was a very big help :) Thank you so much :) At least give us ideas of the new products.
  • #203
oh my word .. I am so excited!! I'm curious what your bag looks like .. I know every year they give you some sort of shoulder bag or tote bag .. did you get a picture of it??
  • #204
Thanks so much to both of you for sharing and thanks also for the pics!

It looks like the spice turnabout will hold the spices but not the wider garlic parmesan etc. Any idea how many spices it holds? And I'm not sure if it was only me or not but I pictured the spice turnabout to have the spices slide in horizontally or at an angle but maybe 4 rows, maybe 5 or six down in each row. Guess it's because that's what my old ugly wooden one use to look like lol
  • #205
Thanks for giving us the inside information!
  • #206
Thank you so much for taking the time to post pics!! How exciting.
  • #207
WOW!! Thanks soooooo much for this! I don't feel like I missed so much now. (Well, I am missing out, but you know it helps!) THANK YOU!!
  • #208
My pics are uploading....all 125 of them. I have a pic of every single new product....I also have the SAT paper. Gotta scan it. Timer for dinner just beeped. Be back soon.....hold tight!
  • #209
DebbieJ said:
My pics are uploading....all 125 of them. I have a pic of every single new product....I also have the SAT paper. Gotta scan it. Timer for dinner just beeped. Be back soon.....hold tight!

Woohoo, that's so sweet of you! Thanks Deb, enjoy your dinner!
  • #210
Thanks everyone for keeping us posted. You are awesome!
  • #211
What an awesome thread. I just joined Chef Success. Wasn't able to attend Conf this year, but I knew about the products before my cluster members could call me! :)
  • #212
Love the Round up trivet!!! AND the new bowls!!!
  • #213
Here's the album....I'll come back later to add captions so you know what you're looking at. Time to eat!http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y283/jenningsdeb/National%20Conference%202010%20Be%20Amazing/ETA: Oh wow, and they're all out of order, too. I'll fix that later as well.
  • #214
Thanks for the pictures and the info!
  • #215
DebbieJ said:
Here's the album....I'll come back later to add captions so you know what you're looking at. Time to eat!


ETA: Oh wow, and they're all out of order, too. I'll fix that later as well.

Out of order, backwards, or upside down I wouldn't care! Thanks Deb! :D
  • #216
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing those Deb! (By the way, who were the people in the photos? Were you in there? :) )
  • #217
Looks like Doris and the gang ... Had to go around the firewall at work but it was so worth it!
  • #218
kcjodih said:
Out of order, backwards, or upside down I wouldn't care! Thanks Deb! :D

Ditto! That was great!
  • #219
some are of the Excellence Awards and Circle of Honor achievers. I'll get to that...
  • #220
wow, just came home from work and read this entire thread...Nene, MountainMama, Debbie J, you all rock,you are heroes! thanks so much!Love the spice rack cause it features the spices instead of hiding them.Noora, very good wording and focus on the DCB price change, and what is expensive.Thanks so much all you cheffers, at NC and at home, you totally made my day!Marghi
  • #221
nene960 said:
Lemon and Rosemary oil dipping seasoning, spinach and red pepper oil dipping seasoning, Buffalo rub, chocolate raspberry sauce, caramel sauce, Cherry almond sauce, spice rack

Wow - I want all of them!
  • #222
Deb..Thanks! You ROCK!
  • #223
I love this site! Thank you all for the info and for posting pictures!
  • #224
Thanks a million for the great photos.
  • #225
THANK YOU to all who contributed and sent us the latest and greatest today - it really helped because a lot of us couldn't be there this year. : ) You guys ROCK!
  • #226
Thanks for the great pics!! Is the SAT paper posted? I didn't know if I missed it. Thanks again!!
  • Thread starter
  • #227
THANK YOU!!!!:love:
  • #228
Thank you thank you thank you to all who posted info. Those of us who couldn't go are living vicariously through your posts and are oh so grateful! Keep 'em coming!
  • #229
Thanks to all who contributed and posted to check here today!!!!!!!!! I don't want to leave anyone out.
  • #230
DebbieJ said:
Here's the album....I'll come back later to add captions so you know what you're looking at. Time to eat!


ETA: Oh wow, and they're all out of order, too. I'll fix that later as well.

Thank you so much for posting your pics. I feel like I no what is going on. I am so excited!! Now to figure out the new can opener!
  • #231
I'm very grateful for those of you who gave us updates, especially the live ones. Thank you for taking time out of your conference experience to think of us.
  • #232
I know it's been said but I'll say it again, thank you to everyone who is sharing information! I hope that you are having a great time at Conference!!
  • #233
Just adding to the "noise" on here but many, many thanks! I hope I can return the favor sometime.​
  • #234
I asked a clustermate what we are getting for the $1,500 level and this is what she said:
Can opener
Cherry almond sauce
Bamboo slotted spoon set
Biscuit cutters
Pie plate
Nylon slice n serve
Twixit set
Lemon and rosemary oil
Snowman round plates
Quikut knife
Microfiber towel weekday dinner two
She did not say if the stuff from the 2 show level is included in this list ... I'm guessing (hoping) not.I have to be honest ... If I were to pick 10 products there is not much I'm looking for that is on this list, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. If it's for free, it's for me.
  • #235
There's never too many thank you's!!!! :sing:
  • #236
I just posted the SAT handout in its own thread.
  • #237
I apologize in advance for the yucky formatting, but I only have Microsoft Works on my netbook. You should get the idea though and can likely improve it pretty easily. I'm brand new to TPC- haven't even had my first show yet, so of course I wasn't at conference. But thanks to our fabulous cheffers who did go and posted pics, I was able to throw together this quick 'handout' of the new products with prices and pics. Hope someone finds it helpful.


  • Fall 2010 New Items.doc
    993 KB · Views: 930
  • #238
So incredibly sad I couldn't make it this year...but you guys are awesome! Thanks so much for sharing all the details and photos! :D
  • #239
I may have missed this, but what is the Spice Turnabout going to sell for?
  • #240
msmileyface said:
I may have missed this, but what is the Spice Turnabout going to sell for?

it is $19.50
  • #241
lkbcovington said:
I apologize in advance for the yucky formatting, but I only have Microsoft Works on my netbook. You should get the idea though and can likely improve it pretty easily. I'm brand new to TPC- haven't even had my first show yet, so of course I wasn't at conference. But thanks to our fabulous cheffers who did go and posted pics, I was able to throw together this quick 'handout' of the new products with prices and pics. Hope someone finds it helpful.

Just hang tight and Joy from Tasty Tidbits will make one up! The general advice is to NOT share this info with your customers until you have your July and August where you want them. Keep booking July and August! Worry about sharing the new products when September gets here.
  • #242
Thank you everyone! And that handy dandy handout rocks! Probably looks even spiffier at home!And I won't hand it out to my customers either .... but it IS nice to know the prices for our own information.
  • #243
DebbieJ said:
Just hang tight and Joy from Tasty Tidbits will make one up! The general advice is to NOT share this info with your customers until you have your July and August where you want them. Keep booking July and August! Worry about sharing the new products when September gets here.

Thanks for the advice. This was mostly just to share with family members and the couple of hosts I have already committed for September shows. My goal is only for 2-3 shows per month b/c I also work a full time job (65+ hrs/wk) and another part-time job that takes about 20 hrs/wk. TPC is mostly stress relief for me and a way to support my addiction to the products.

I could do so much more if I was not on this netbook, but alas, I left the laptop with all the good software at the office today. Oh well- maybe I can work on it tomorrow during lunch.
  • #244
Thanks Debbie! and the others who have been posting the new products info and pics!
I was registered to go and couldn't make it.. had too much personal stuff going on at home and just couldn't swing it this year.. but I will be back next year.. I have only missed 4 conferences in the 11 years I've been selling..
This year was the hardest so far for me! Sure wish I could be there!
and Debbie, Im sorry I couldn't see you this year.. you have always been so much fun to me! will see you next year and again thank you!:love:
  • #245
Thank you so much for all of the info that everyone posted.

I must admit that when nene posted what he new colors were I was not thrilled..BUT..looking at the pics..I kind of like them.
  • #246
chefheidi2003 said:
Thank you so much for all of the info that everyone posted.

I must admit that when nene posted what he new colors were I was not thrilled..BUT..looking at the pics..I kind of like them.

I like the purple on its own, but that thing with the purple and orange towels next to each other... :yuck:
  • #247
Di_Can_Cook said:
I have to be honest ... If I were to pick 10 products there is not much I'm looking for that is on this list, but I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. If it's for free, it's for me.

Di, I have to agree. The only one from this list I wanted is the slotted spoons, but my taste isn't always the same as my customers. I was hoping for one of the new bamboo bowls at least. I have never in my life made biscuits, and would be surprised if there are many that do--but then, I am not a baker, mostly a cook.

Yes, I can't complain about getting anything for free (except the taxes we pay on it). Oh no, am I sounding like Dreaded Dora, or Downer Deb, or whoever that was? Guess I need some more coffee. Sorry.
  • #248
NooraK said:
I like the purple on its own, but that thing with the purple and orange towels next to each other... :yuck:

My first thought when I saw the purple & orange together was a Halloween Theme. :eek:
  • #249
A couple of critiquing thoughts:I wonder what's so special about the biscuit cutters that people would buy them from us as opposed to Walmart or some place? I'm not too excited about these new colors. Do they go well with the dots? I was liking the cranberry stuff, but do these new colors coordinate w/ it okay? Would they look nice next to the glazed stoneware?I think it's neat that they came up with utensils that won't scratch the aluminum pans. Next, they should come up w/ a mini serving spatula made out of the Nylon, too, so it can be used w/ the square pan. ;)I can't wait to look through those cookbooks. (Someone mentioned wishing for a DCB cookbook, but I think now with the status change of the DCB being only for hosts, that it would be put on the back burner.)I wish there were more kitchen/baking/cooking tools and less entertaining pieces. I don't have much luck selling bamboo and the glass plates and such. People still seem to like cooking and baking things. I'm excited about the sauces and rubs/seasonings. I can't wait to try them.
  • #250
babywings76 said:
A couple of critiquing thoughts:

I wonder what's so special about the biscuit cutters that people would buy them from us as opposed to Walmart or some place?

I'm not too excited about these new colors. Do they go well with the dots? I was liking the cranberry stuff, but do these new colors coordinate w/ it okay? Would they look nice next to the glazed stoneware?

I think it's neat that they came up with utensils that won't scratch the aluminum pans. Next, they should come up w/ a mini serving spatula made out of the Nylon, too, so it can be used w/ the square pan. ;)

I can't wait to look through those cookbooks. (Someone mentioned wishing for a DCB cookbook, but I think now with the status change of the DCB being only for hosts, that it would be put on the back burner.)

I wish there were more kitchen/baking/cooking tools and less entertaining pieces. I don't have much luck selling bamboo and the glass plates and such. People still seem to like cooking and baking things.

I'm excited about the sauces and rubs/seasonings. I can't wait to try them.

I was thinking the same thing about the colors. I like the purple (eggplant?) and that will probably match the dots. But not sure about the orange (pumpkin?) which I am not overly thrilled with. Can't remmeber the exact shade of the 3rd color...green?

I DO like the picture of the cranberry funnel.

I am always all about the recipes - so I am chomping at the bit to see the SB and new cookbooks.

I also agree with you on the Bamboo. I think the new pieces are really pretty and I will use them. But, I don't have much luck around here either with selling ANY Bamboo. And I always bring a piece to a show. I know you mentioned in another post about the grocery store selling Bamboo. You aren't too far from me, I think. So are you talking about Giant? I saw them too. So, yes, it is hard to sell our Bamboo when the grocery store has them on special.

And I can't wait to try the Buffalo rub!!
<h2>1. What new products were revealed at conference this year?</h2><p>The new products that were unveiled at conference this year include the Quick Cooker, the Deluxe Air Fryer, and the Mix 'N Scraper®.</p><h2>2. Will there be any new cookware or bakeware released?</h2><p>Yes, there are several new pieces of cookware and bakeware that were introduced at conference, including the Stoneware Large Round Baker and the Rockcrok® Dutch Oven.</p><h2>3. Are there any new kitchen tools or gadgets that we should know about?</h2><p>Absolutely! Some of the new tools and gadgets that were showcased at conference include the Salad Chopper, the Avocado Tool, and the Spiral and Slice.</p><h2>4. Can I still purchase the new products if I couldn't attend conference?</h2><p>Yes, all of the new products that were revealed at conference will be available for purchase on our website or through your consultant. You won't miss out on anything!</p><h2>5. Is there a way to see pictures of the new products and stay updated on conference news?</h2><p>Definitely! Our website and social media pages will have plenty of photos and updates from conference, so be sure to check them out. You can also ask your consultant to share any updates or photos they have from the event.</p>

Related to Can't Make Conference? See What You're Missing!

1. What new products were revealed at conference this year?

The new products that were unveiled at conference this year include the Quick Cooker, the Deluxe Air Fryer, and the Mix 'N Scraper®.

2. Will there be any new cookware or bakeware released?

Yes, there are several new pieces of cookware and bakeware that were introduced at conference, including the Stoneware Large Round Baker and the Rockcrok® Dutch Oven.

3. Are there any new kitchen tools or gadgets that we should know about?

Absolutely! Some of the new tools and gadgets that were showcased at conference include the Salad Chopper, the Avocado Tool, and the Spiral and Slice.

4. Can I still purchase the new products if I couldn't attend conference?

Yes, all of the new products that were revealed at conference will be available for purchase on our website or through your consultant. You won't miss out on anything!

5. Is there a way to see pictures of the new products and stay updated on conference news?

Definitely! Our website and social media pages will have plenty of photos and updates from conference, so be sure to check them out. You can also ask your consultant to share any updates or photos they have from the event.

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