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Can You Share Your Website Address for Inspiration?

In summary, the rules have changed so that we cannot use certain words on our website. I just started my website and would love some ideas. Please take a minute to post your address for us to see and get ideas. I know that some people include recipes and fun information.
  • #51
/marleneskitchen ;)
  • #52
  • #53
  • #54
I take it the rules have changed since Heidi got hers? It won't allow chef in the name now. I had to spell it shef. :yuck: That's bad since I'm a nut about spelling so it bugs me in my sleep even. lol

  • #55
RebelChef said:
I take it the rules have changed since Heidi got hers? It won't allow chef in the name now. I had to spell it shef. :yuck: That's bad since I'm a nut about spelling so it bugs me in my sleep even. lol

Yes, the rules changed. When PWS first came out, we could pick anything. Then HO discovered that some consultants had PWS addresses that they picked so that it looked like customers were on the corporate site (like /main or /order, etc.) Some also had things like /pamperedchef. So HO changed to rules that we can't use certain words and they must include part of our name.

From the policies:
The part of the .biz address you customize may not include The Pampered Chef® corporate name, the tagline, any trademark used by the company or any derivation of such, for instance, the words “pamper,” “pampered,” “chef,” “discover,” “in you,” etc.

Consultants signing up for a new Personal Web Site will see these guidelines in message form on Consultant’s Corner. They will be programmed into our system for automatic enforcement.​
  • #56
but the ones that already have chef will be o.k. to keep it that way, right?
  • #57
Yes. Except in some extreme cases, HO wasn't going to make people who already had their PWS change them.
  • #58
  • #61

I'm a kitchen designer at Home Depot - and now I can fill your new kitchen with great PC products after I help you design it! I didn't want to use my name because there are too many ways to spell Niki Schmidt and I wanted it to be easy to remember.
  • #62
  • #63
Here's mine/CynthiaBorton
  • #64
These websites look great!

I have a question--has anyone put all the power cooking recipes on their website yet? Or know how to since it's a pdf file?? I'm doing a ton of these shows this month & don't want to make copies or have the time to type them all up myself. Thanks!
  • #65
message too short, had to add more.:yuck:
  • #66
  • #67
I must be doing something wrong, I tired to look at some of these sites and can't pull them up. I can't even pull up mine .....any sugestions. I'm kina of illilterate (sp) on the computer.
  • #68
Diana, you need to type www.pamperedchef.biz, then the slash and portion that people indicate here. The .BIZ instead of .COM confuses a lot of people.
  • #69
  • #70

mine used to be my name but when I had to change email addresses I decided to change both so they are the same and would be somewhat easy to remember.
  • #71
Well, that's what I had planned but I had the email address before I signed so didn't know I wouldn't be able to use 'chef' in my PWS addy. lol I had to improvise. It was easier than changing my email addy.

don't want to make copies or have the time to type them all up myself

I copy and paste. If I depended on my typing, Lord only knows how that recipe would come out. :p
  • #72
pamperedgirl3 said:
These websites look great!

I have a question--has anyone put all the power cooking recipes on their website yet? Or know how to since it's a pdf file?? I'm doing a ton of these shows this month & don't want to make copies or have the time to type them all up myself. Thanks!

I send them via email--just attach the pdfs that PC gives us. No need to reinvent the wheel!
  • #73

I LOVE getting new ideas for what to put on mine! :love:
  • #75
lori - you typed your email address...do you have a pc website? I love looking at other people's sites and getting ideas! :chef:

Here's mine...
  • #76
  • #77
  • #78
  • #79
  • #80
can't remember if mine is on this thread or not.../charitybuchanan
  • #81
Mine is my name, for the sake of simplicity...


  • #82
promoting....How does everyone promote their PWS?
  • #83
/marylindI tell everyone....put it on my cards, customer emails, newsletters, catalogs, talk about it at shows....I really like having a website....and try to promote the heck out of it to make it pay for itself!
  • #84
  • #85

Very simple and easy to remember
  • #86
on-line partyHas anyone ever had a on-line party (catalogue party)? How did it work out?
  • #87
One of my regular hosts had an $800 online show. Since most of the people in my tiny little rural area don't really do the internet thing, she was thrilled.I wasn't exactly upset, myself. :)
  • #88
stefani2 said:
Has anyone ever had a on-line party (catalogue party)? How did it work out?

I've done 4 plus a fundraiser. My hosts loved it and they did get a few out of state orders they wouldn't have otherwise. I love the on-line party. :chef:
  • #89
  • #90
website address/ruthiecooks
The first one I tried worked, so I went with it.:sing:
  • #92
I'm just getting ready to set mine up and need some ideas. My name is Rachel VanValkenburgh, not something I really want to use, lol. Should have kept the maiden name.... Oh well, any different ideas?
  • #93
rachelvanThose would be good - and short. :)
  • #94
linking to website?I just got an email from HO saying that I was brought to their attention that I'm linking my website from ChefSuccess. Has anyone else got this message? I don't have my website listed here as per both rules of HO and ChefSuccess. I only have what everyone else has /name . What's the issue? Any ideas?
  • #95
my website is /thecookingconnection. I haven't had an issue yet here or with HO at least.
  • #96
I let Greg know. He said to have HO give the specific thing that they believe is in violation. We'll see what they say. I personally think someone on chefsuccess just wanted to stir up trouble. I follow the policies to "the t".
  • #97
getting 'the call'I haven't had a call from HO yet. but I am honestly scared that I will/have unintentionally violated the policy/procedures. It seems like SO many people are getting 'the call' that I am scared it will happen to me now! :(
  • #98
lockhartkitchen said:
I just got an email from HO saying that I was brought to their attention that I'm linking my website from ChefSuccess. Has anyone else got this message? I don't have my website listed here as per both rules of HO and ChefSuccess. I only have what everyone else has /name . What's the issue? Any ideas?
If you have the entire website in your profile, then there's a link. People can see it when they view your public profile or click on your name and the "visit my webpage" link is there.
  • #99
How's this
emmabelle47 said:
I'm just getting ready to set mine up and need some ideas. My name is Rachel VanValkenburgh, not something I really want to use, lol. Should have kept the maiden name.... Oh well, any different ideas?

I instantly thought of "Rachel Vay" :D
  • #100
emmabelle47 said:
I'm just getting ready to set mine up and need some ideas. My name is Rachel VanValkenburgh, not something I really want to use, lol. Should have kept the maiden name.... Oh well, any different ideas?

My Ob/Gyn is Dr. VanValkenburg (no "h") and everyone in her practice calls her Dr. Van.

Maybe yours could be /RachelVan?
<h2>What is your website address?</h2><p>My website address is https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/cookwithlayla</p><h2>Do you have any ideas for website design and content?</h2><p>My website is still in its early stages, but I plan to include recipes, product information, and fun ideas for using Pampered Chef products. I also hope to add personal touches, such as my own cooking tips and experiences.</p><h2>Why do you include your website address in your signature?</h2><p>Including my website address in my signature allows others to easily access my website and learn more about Pampered Chef. It's also a great way to promote my business and reach potential customers.</p><h2>Can I visit your website to get ideas for my own site?</h2><p>Of course! My website is open to anyone and I would be happy to provide inspiration for others looking to create their own Pampered Chef website. Feel free to visit and browse around for ideas.</p><h2>How often do you update your website?</h2><p>I try to update my website regularly, at least once a week. This ensures that there is always fresh content for visitors to see and keeps my website current and relevant.</p>

Related to Can You Share Your Website Address for Inspiration?

What is your website address?

My website address is https://www.pamperedchef.com/pws/cookwithlayla

Do you have any ideas for website design and content?

My website is still in its early stages, but I plan to include recipes, product information, and fun ideas for using Pampered Chef products. I also hope to add personal touches, such as my own cooking tips and experiences.

Why do you include your website address in your signature?

Including my website address in my signature allows others to easily access my website and learn more about Pampered Chef. It's also a great way to promote my business and reach potential customers.

Can I visit your website to get ideas for my own site?

Of course! My website is open to anyone and I would be happy to provide inspiration for others looking to create their own Pampered Chef website. Feel free to visit and browse around for ideas.

How often do you update your website?

I try to update my website regularly, at least once a week. This ensures that there is always fresh content for visitors to see and keeps my website current and relevant.

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