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Can Co-Hosts Purchase Monthly Specials and Host Specials at Booked Shows?

In summary, co-hosting allows for two hosts to share the benefits of a Pampered Chef show. Only one host can purchase the monthly special at their show, but either one can purchase at shows booked from theirs. For Pampered Bride shows, the bride and the original host are considered co-hosts and both receive the host benefits and 10% off for a year. They must agree on how to divide the free, half-price, and host special items. When inputting orders for co-hosting shows, Pampered Chef will automatically divide the free items between the two hosts.
I'm having my first Co-Host Show and I'm not sure if each Host can purchase the Monthly Special. Also, in addition, would each Host be able to make a Host Special purchase at the Shows booked from them? Just wanted to see if anyone knew before I talked to HO.

If I remember right, only one can purchase the current and future host specials. I don't have my book right here, but it is written out in the New Host Program booklet we all received (also downloadable from the web-site)
co-hosting with new host programHi! I did a show last month on the FIRST day of the new program that was co-hosted- ugh!

Only one may purchase the host special at their show and either one but ONLY one may purchase at shows booked from theirs. Mine worked well because the show was March 1st and they got a booking for Mar 28, so they each got March. Then they also had a booking for April...only one got that.

Hope that helps,

If you have co-hosts, it is REALLY important to coach them to get at least 2 people to book from their show. That way they can share in the host special. It is an even better idea if you can get 3 people to book....one for the same month as the show. That way the person who can't order from the show can get the same host special as the host who ordered.

Good luck with your co-hosting! This should be TWICE the fun!
Pampered Bride host benefitsHow does it work then if it is a Pampered Bride show? I heard the bride usually gets the host benefits....does the original host get the benefits too? I just had a Pampered Bride show on Saturday and wasn't sure about the benefits. The host (bride's sister) was going to use the benefits and credit from the show to get her sister the things she didn't get from the guests. Does the host and Bride get 10% all year? I also had 3 bookings from the show...sorry I'm alittle confused :rolleyes: I just don't want to misinform anyone. Thanks for the help in advance!

Whats the point of co-hosting? I haven't heard of this before.
Pampered Bride SHow benefits
kitchenqueen said:
How does it work then if it is a Pampered Bride show? I heard the bride usually gets the host benefits....does the original host get the benefits too? I just had a Pampered Bride show on Saturday and wasn't sure about the benefits. The host (bride's sister) was going to use the benefits and credit from the show to get her sister the things she didn't get from the guests. Does the host and Bride get 10% all year? I also had 3 bookings from the show...sorry I'm alittle confused :rolleyes: I just don't want to misinform anyone. Thanks for the help in advance!

The bride is considered co-host. Usually the host gives her the free products. They can divide the half price and host bonus any way they want to. They BOTH get the host show discount and 10% off for a year. Now with the new booking benefit they have to decide who will get them.
point of co-hosting
nbittermann said:
Whats the point of co-hosting? I haven't heard of this before.

People might want to co-host if one can't have it at her house or if they "know all the same people". Also, the bride would be co-host for a Pampered bride Show. They both get the show discount and 10% off for a year but they have to agree on how they will divide the free, half price and host special items.
co-hostingHey guys! I am having a co-hosting show tomorrow and this is actually my second kitchen show. My question is when I input their (the host and co-host) orders does PP automatically divide the free stuff onto each of their names? How does it work? I did put the ladies name I know in as the host and put her sister as the co-host. I know that I will need to change it if the sister wants the montly host special but I'm not sure how the free and discounted products work? Please help! :confused:
  • #10
PampMomof3 said:
Hey guys! I am having a co-hosting show tomorrow and this is actually my second kitchen show. My question is when I input their (the host and co-host) orders does PP automatically divide the free stuff onto each of their names? How does it work? I did put the ladies name I know in as the host and put her sister as the co-host. I know that I will need to change it if the sister wants the montly host special but I'm not sure how the free and discounted products work? Please help! :confused:

I put the person to whose home the order will be sent as the host. As far as the benefits goes you have to put in the free products on the correct person's screen before items at the discount are put in. PP automatically deducts the free first - or has someone been able to get around that?
  • #11
Entering CoHost & Discount ItemsNo Beth, I have not been able to get around it. I have emailed HO. An upgrade to Pampered Partner needs to include the ability to "X" column the discount % or $ off value so that easy calculations can be done to the host and co-host orders. As mentioned on this forum before, HO is very appreciative of our feedback and often acts on it. Send an email requesting that this feature be added. Send an email requesting that upcoming monthly specials be added before the 1st day of the month. Truly a disadvantage (such as May) when they offer submitting two shows by the 12th incentive, and guest specials aren't posted for our first week's show.
  • #12
The change to the guest specials has been made. I have an online catalog show working for May and a guest did order the HWC clips yesterday, so that's great news! As for co-hosting, I think we should contact HO about allowing both hosts purchase the Monthly Host specials, as they both bring something to the table (i.e., very often they both have a separate circle of friends who will book shows).

Mary - PA

Related to Can Co-Hosts Purchase Monthly Specials and Host Specials at Booked Shows?

1. How does the New Host Program with Co-Hosts work?

The New Host Program with Co-Hosts allows two or more people to co-host a Pampered Chef party and earn rewards together. Each host will receive their own rewards based on the total sales from the party.

2. Can anyone participate in the New Host Program with Co-Hosts?

Yes, anyone can participate as a co-host in the New Host Program. It is a great opportunity for friends, family members, or coworkers to host a party together and earn rewards.

3. How are the rewards distributed among co-hosts?

The rewards are distributed based on the total sales from the party. Each co-host will receive their own rewards based on their share of the total sales. For example, if there are two co-hosts and the party has $1000 in sales, each co-host will receive $500 in rewards.

4. Can we have more than two co-hosts for a party?

Yes, you can have as many co-hosts as you want for a party. The more co-hosts you have, the more potential sales and rewards you can earn together.

5. How do we sign up for the New Host Program with Co-Hosts?

To participate in the New Host Program with Co-Hosts, simply contact your Pampered Chef consultant and let them know that you and your co-host(s) would like to host a party together. They will help you set up the party and guide you through the process of earning rewards.

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