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Booth Photos - Feel Free to Post Your Photos Too!

In summary, Patty created a bright and colorful booth using a "tri-fold" board, holiday specials, and help wanted sign. She also had a few items for sale, including a tree. Her booth was very popular and she may have picked up a recruit.
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  • #101
Got my digital photo frame working today & took a new photo:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/579435_3745896931185_1389121744_4274180_744619864_n.jpgTomorrow I'll have a booth inside & another one outside. Need to take more stuff! LOL
  • #102
Hi Sheila,
where id you get the flyer- "Take Charge". I am doing a fair this Sat. and would love to use that.

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  • #103
That's one that they had on consultant's corner back in '09. Not sure if it's still online or not.
  • #104
Here are some close-up shots of a smaller tri-board I made- for Recruiting. I had it displayed on one table with JUST items from the New Consultant Kit(s).

I had the front obviously, but because of the setup of our booth, people were able to walk up from the front or the backside of our tables, so I had a display for the back too, to catch their attention.

For the back- those giant $100 bills are a notepad I found at one of the hobby stores I think.
I grabbed the PC logos from the CC website.

And here is the flyer from the Back of the board (Now Hiring).


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  • #105
I just updated my User Photo Album to include I think all the photos i have taken of booths I have set up myself (not ones I've worked with others...although I may have those somewhere to add later). Just click on my username to go to my profile page, then find my photo album along the right side of the page.
  • #106
Your photo album looks great. You put alot of work in them. Thank you for sharing.
  • #107
Has anyone done a booth recently, that could post pictures? I have a large, one-day event next weekend, and would welcome ideas. The booth space is

10' x 10'. I have two tables, but they are only 4' x 2' each, and I don't know if I should buy another one? Also, should I have it in an "L-shaped" design, or one in front, one in back?

I'm not so creative, so ideas are appreciated....thank you!
  • Thread starter
  • #108
Here's my last 2 10X10 booths:I shared my curtains with the neighbor here:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/q80/s720x720/1005315_10201546350285821_1268085949_n.jpgThe kids had to go with me to this one. So the left table is at the front of the booth and the kids are behind the table with a TV and an Air Conditioner! LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #109
1 table, early July 2013:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/q80/s720x720/1002295_10201458219962618_1906072256_n.jpgAnother 2 table design from 2012:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/403438_3866896276093_1524832286_n.jpgA "front & back" table design where the side was open for them to enter. I had a digital photo frame set up in this one rotating through photos of products & current specials.
  • #110
Very nice Sheila! Thanks for sharing!
  • #111
Shelia, Do you think the time and effort in the digital photo frame was worth it? I have a frame that I've had for 3 years now and never used it.
  • #112
Pics from EVENT 1 (At an elementary school)
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Pics from EVENT 2 (At a large church)
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  • #113
Pics from EVENT 3 (At FAVE - Hyner Cultural Center)
1116131021.jpg 1116131022.jpg 1116131022b.jpg My key ideas:
Give it lots of hieght... nobody wants to look at a bunch of stuff just sitting flat on a table. I use the wire grids from Bed Bath and Beyond.
I like to put out lots! I mean LOTS of books. Sure they are expensive but people want to see the whole catalog, not just a little bit of stuff. And besides, this is how we make our money!
I like to attach a candy cane to the back of my business card so that everyone gets just a little something, just like a little extra gift :)
Use a Holiday table for only holiday stuff and maybe put out a sample. Classic party dip works AWESOME!!!! I have sold about 20 Three Onion Rubs (Cash and Carry) just by the sampling and when they run out people will be flocking back for more. I kinda see it as a way to "get my foot in the door"! I use a small 4ft table or a card table.
I also like to use 2 more tables, both 6ft, one for all kinds of cash and carry stuff and books etc... and one for all my display products.
  • #114
This was my first vendor fair. It was at a Arcade store with about 20 other vendors.
I only have my starter kit...
They expected to have a lot of parents from birthday party but had almost none come by. The lady who set up the fair gave us a gift certificate to her company because of this.
I had 2 leads total. :/
  • #115
I want to commend you. Your table looks great. I have been a consultant for over a year now and just did my first vender fair. We had many people come through and I got 5 leads. My table looked christmasy but I like that with your table it is like the "less is more" kind of idea. You did great I hope you are happy with yourself for venturing out already. Way to go!
  • #116
Thats all I have of Pampered chef so thats all thats on the table. I 1 lead and the table was $50. I had two other fairs as well and also very little amount of leads.
  • Thread starter
  • #117
JennyJennJen said:
Shelia, Do you think the time and effort in the digital photo frame was worth it? I have a frame that I've had for 3 years now and never used it.
Sorry, just saw this. I like it, but I'll admit I've been lazy lately & haven't taken it the last few booths. I downloaded some of the PC videos, so it goes rotates through still shots of products to with sporadic quick videos about food prep, our Help whip Cancer program (I only play that one in May & Oct), our Feeding America info, etc. Oh, and I usually have photos of the current & upcoming host/guest specials rotate through there too.
  • #118
So many creative people! K.I.S.S. - Keep It Super Simple. It doesn't have to be complicated.Practice your set up at home a few times, so you can easily set it up when you arrive. I take what is in the kit, and what is on special, plus maybe a couple HOT items from this season or "all time popular" (ie- a DCB, rockcroc, etc).
  • #119
Here is my booth from this last month. I love setting up.


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  • #120
Great booth set up! Thanks so much for sharing. Many consultants are doing their first booth set up this time of year and are looking for ideas.
  • #121
Don't you love those wooden crates! One of these days, I'll stain mine to be a nice color...for now, they are the raw blond color still. Cover with fabric though for seasonal times and color, or use placemats.

Pretty much any craft/hobby store carries them, and watch for coupons for places like AC Moore, Michaels, Joann Fabric's, etc. (and if you are a teacher, you can get a Teacher Discount at most of those places too! as a homeschooling mom, I get that discount all the time..yay!)
  • #122
For our upcoming state fair we are going to paint our wooden crates white.
  • #123
Booth ideas...
  • #124
Outside BoothThis was my first outdoor booth. I've avoided them in the past because I don't do well physically in the sun and heat. We recently came into possession of a canopy, which The Furry Guy adapted for use on pavement. (Usually it has to be pegged into the ground.) I made some adjustments as we got going, but this is essentially how it looked. It's a 10x10 space. And, yes, the street was that slanted.This was a strawberry festival. Most of the attendees view it as an eating event, not a vendor event. Still, I made some good contacts, took a couple of orders, and sold $140 worth of cash and carry. The space only cost me $30, so it was a success in my book.That thing that kind of looks like a Plinko board is a Plinko board. The Furry Guy made that for me for my birthday last year. If someone buys something (via order or cash and carry) or schedules a show they get to play Plinko. The prizes change depending on what I want to do, but this time they were Citrus Peeler, Pan Scraper, or Quikut Paring Knife. For purchases they get the prize right away. For scheduled shows they receive their prize at their show.


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  • #125
I love the Plinko Board Idea! I have a wheel that I bought to use for school (never did), but was going to adjust for something similar. :)
  • #126
Picture of this years state fair booth setup. My white painted crates looked great! fair.jpg
  • #127
Congratulations ladies, thanks for some ideas, i too have a fair coming up in September! I will definitely take pictures!!! Do you sell any products or is it simply show and tell???? Thanks
  • #128
I have small cash and carry at regular prices- no shipping/tax inc. I take orders, get bookings and recruits.
  • #129
Thank you! I hope it goes well! Since i started back in January, business is very slow but i went to National Conference in Toronto,and let's say i am full of ideas!!! So it will be GO-GO-GO!!!
  • #130
Do you happen to have pictures of the side view! I love the professionalism!
  • #131
I don't- posted all the pics I took.
  • #133
I'm looking for ideas for PC coupon . I want to put them in goody bags and want to know what works for you and any ideas you have! Thanks!

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