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Because of the Friendships That I Have Developed on This Board, I

  • #451
Leah--right click on the smiley you like and click on properties. Copy the url and then click on "insert image" here on CS then paste the code. clear as mud? http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/confused0085.gif
  • #452
DanielleQ said:
Leah--right click on the smiley you like and click on properties. Copy the url and then click on "insert image." then paste the code. clear as mud?
Danielle, Yup clear is mud... ....crum I give up!!!! LMAO
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  • #454
  • #455
I dont' know if that works becasue on myside I am only seeing them url..... LOL
  • #456
mommyhugz1978 said:
I dont' know if that works becasue on myside I am only seeing them url..... LOL

Just use copy and not "copy short cut" and it should work.
  • #457
OH boy... all my choices are view image, copy image, copy image location..... uh which one do I pick???? LMAO!!
  • #458
mommyhugz1978 said:
OH boy... all my choices are view image, copy image, copy image location..... uh which one do I pick???? LMAO!!
hmmm, mine is just copy but maybe copy image??
  • #459
okay lets try this...... hehehe http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/char1/character0092.gif
  • #460
ummm I dont' know why it's not working but OH WELL!!! LMAO!! I tired hehe sorry Laura you can have your thread back!! :)
  • #461
Oh hun your hopeless
  • #463
Laura - just wanted to tell you that I am still thinking of you and praying for you that everything works out!
  • #466
mommyhugz1978 said:
I think it might be a Leah/Leea thing hehehehe!!!

Wait I think I may have figured it out - -
  • #469
mommyhugz1978 said:
ummm I dont' know why it's not working but OH WELL!!! LMAO!! I tired hehe sorry Laura you can have your thread back!! :)
Hey Leah.....I guess you need a real 'blonde' to show you how to do this!!!!

Step 1) Go to whatever website you are taking your smilie from. Here are a few choices:

Step 2) Cruise around and find the smilie that you like.

Step 3) Click on the smilie (sometimes you have to double click)
Step 4) There will be a box above the smilies (not the title bar) that will list the code. It will look something like this: URL=http://www.thesmilies.com]http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy0005.][/URL [/COLOR]([I]note, I took away some of the code and brackets so it would copy the code for you to see here and not the image[/I]). You will need to click on the box and copy the entire code - it should automatically hightlight for you

Step 5) Paste that code in your message where you want it to appear.

Simple as that!

  • #470
Pampered Laura said:
Nope, not at all. He came in early for wave 2, and stayed through Friday morning (I think... maybe afternoon?). He attended the CEO Reception. On the first day he was there, a very high level director asked him for more info on PQ. He would not give her a packet or any info because he was at a PC function. He told her to email him, and she did.

I could be wrong but I am pretty sure he did a workshop (taught) on day 3 (saturday) I know one of my cluster mates had him.....i was so jealous:eek:

Anyway I am so sorry this has all happened Laura, I guess I just would never had suspected. Good Luck to you !:) I am sure you will be as successful w/ your new company as you were w/ PC !
  • #471
Part of what is sad about this whole fiasco is that people's naturaly curiosity got you all in trouble! Of course people are curious when high-profile people such as you all take another road. Then with you being the people you are, you answer their questions and then boom, it snaps back on you.....so unfair. I would have thought that the company woud have wanted you to stay on as a consultant and then after you got your feet wet with this other company you would find that you either liked it and eventually left PC on your own (while still making money for the company) or found that this new company was not what you had hoped and you returned back to build another successful team. It's too bad that that option has been taken away from you. I'm sure that you will be very successful once you get past this and get going with your new venture.
  • Thread starter
  • #473
I called my ED before I relinquished and left a voice mail with her about why/what I was doing and told her I love and respect her and thanking her. I also called her the other day after I found out I was terminated. She, who once was very sweet and awesome to me, was very short and gave me the verbal brush off.

I could call my SD/AD, but honestly she is definately not someone I should talk to right now. I'm trying to keep a cool composure, and not say something I'll regret later, and I think if I talk to her I'd blow my cool. LOL

About Tom's termination letter getting cc'd to my ED and SD/AD? That is a huge violation of privacy. Since Tom is not in their lines whatsoever, they have no right to see his personal business. Considering at that time, I had not even signed a paper yet, and they had no idea who I was even talking to, or even if I was just using "another company" as an "excuse" to resign my directorship... they truly terminated and cc'd outside of his line strictly by listening to gossip. They simply should have called me first to find out.

Oh well, I'm getting started. I signed up last night and have been working on my August party schedule. Everyone I've talked to is really excited about this new party being something fresh and different. I'm just more motivated now to build huge and do well. ;)

OhmyDLM said:
Hi Laura, I just got to thinking, wouldn't it make the most sense for you to give both your Director and ED a personal phone call? It may not change things but at least you could clear the air and get things out in the open without all your frustrations of having to assume everything. I've had SO many personal experiences where I re-hash things over and over again in my mind and then when I finally get the courage up to comfront my issues head on, it is usually more helpful than what I had been putting myself through. I know that in the end, it always make me feel better to comfront what makes me uncomfortable... does that make sense? LoL
  • #474
This whole thing makes me want to email Jean and Marla to let them know about all the rumors floating arround and how disconcerting it is. This is just not right! We are independent contractors we should be told what type of things could get us dismissed without notice!

I have known of consultants who were horrible at their job and not nice to customers, do they get "fired" no! And they are the ones giving the CO a bad name! Now we have people high up in PC acting like catty little school girls? That does not make me feel very secure. I got into direct sales to avoud this kind of thing.

I would hope there would be some kind of statement from HO to set the reccord straight especially since Tom's name is so well known to all.

I love PC and can not see myself doing any other DS business but this whole thing to me is very sad!
  • #475
pamperedlinda said:
Hey Leah.....I guess you need a real 'blonde' to show you how to do this!!!!

Step 1) Go to whatever website you are taking your smilie from. Here are a few choices:

Step 2) Cruise around and find the smilie that you like.

Step 3) Click on the smilie (sometimes you have to double click)
Step 4) There will be a box above the smilies (not the title bar) that will list the code. It will look something like this: URL=http://www.thesmilies.com]http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/happy0005.][/URL [/COLOR]([I]note, I took away some of the code and brackets so it would copy the code for you to see here and not the image[/I]). You will need to click on the box and copy the entire code - it should automatically hightlight for you

Step 5) Paste that code in your message where you want it to appear.

Simple as that!


I will have to try it... when I am not at work.....hehehe thanks
  • #476
Laura I am so sorry about the mean spirited posts from Luv'n PC. Good luck to you in your new adventure.

Luv'n PC I asked Laura for more information and never felt like I was being recruited. I would neve think of leaving PC.
  • #477
I do not typically use real world stuff as parts of papers or discussions for school but last night in a employment law class... I decided I will use different names to protect privacy of others...... I didn't' even use the PC name.. just said a Co.....
Basically what we came up with... is that not only did your ED and SD/AD slander your good name as well as Tom's but if they are not careful it could backfire in their own faces.... IE some people get mean back and do things like lawsuits and stuff.. not that you would..... But I am sorry that they have given you the brush off, apparently they really do not care about anything other than themselves and acting like a little JR HIGH kid is way more important than doing a PC business...... thats just horrible!!!

That's my 2 cents worth

Pampered Laura said:
I called my ED before I relinquished and left a voice mail with her about why/what I was doing and told her I love and respect her and thanking her. I also called her the other day after I found out I was terminated. She, who once was very sweet and awesome to me, was very short and gave me the verbal brush off.

I could call my SD/AD, but honestly she is definately not someone I should talk to right now. I'm trying to keep a cool composure, and not say something I'll regret later, and I think if I talk to her I'd blow my cool. LOL

About Tom's termination letter getting cc'd to my ED and SD/AD? That is a huge violation of privacy. Since Tom is not in their lines whatsoever, they have no right to see his personal business. Considering at that time, I had not even signed a paper yet, and they had no idea who I was even talking to, or even if I was just using "another company" as an "excuse" to resign my directorship... they truly terminated and cc'd outside of his line strictly by listening to gossip. They simply should have called me first to find out.

Oh well, I'm getting started. I signed up last night and have been working on my August party schedule. Everyone I've talked to is really excited about this new party being something fresh and different. I'm just more motivated now to build huge and do well. ;)
  • #478
I have not been reading this thread.....didn't like the negative tone and the PC bashing that was beginning to happen. Guess I couldn't stay away from the train wreck any longer though.......
I feel that I need to defend PC a bit though.
I'm sorry that Laura is feeling hurt - it's hard to have misunderstandings and unanswered questions.
But it seems that people are just jumping on a bandwagon of accusing PC of being dishonest, or unethical, etc.......and I think you need to remember that there are ALWAYS two sides to every story. No one here knows the full story, and therefore, it doesn't seem right for anyone to be jumping to conclusions. Laura doesn't know the full story regarding T.M. and what went on with his resignation/dismissal - none of us except Tom and HO know that.....and so it goes on down the line.

It seems to me that we need to heed the old advice "if you are not part of the problem, and you are not part of the solution, then stay out of it!"

Please don't base your feelings about PC, and the type of company it is, or the character of those at HO on half a story!

And does PC need to tell us why they have done what they have done? No. - and for legal reasons, they probably cannot. We are independent contractors, not employees - and for that reason - contracts can be terminated at will and without cause. If they started giving people reasons and explanations - it would open a whole different can of worms.

So many of us came home from conference so excited and feeling so great about PC - and it's disheartening to read so many post blasting The Pampered Chef when just a couple of days ago the same people were posting about how much they loved the company............
  • Thread starter
  • #479
I totally agree. I don't want anything to turn in to a PC bashing on here at all. That's not my intent. My intent was to let yall know what's up with me and how it is being handled.
  • #480
I totally agree Becky and you were much more eloquent than I. I let my emotions get to me!

thanks for being the voice of reason.

I am still sad for Laura and anyone else whom this has happened to though.
  • #481
Hmmmmmmm, I love PC as well. Just cause you love something doesn't mean that you don't have the right to vent about it.

Your right we only have one side of the story. And we are only going to have one side, Laura's side.

:) Laura as part of my online family I am behind you 100%:)
  • #482
I love PC....(lets all make sure we post our undying love for PC because we still don't know who is watching to tattle on us all for being supportive of each other and being honest about our true opinions and feelings)........... does not mean i have to agree with every decision they make. Good Luck Laura! We are all rooting for you!
  • #483
Some may be blasting PC, but I believe you see much support for PC here. Even Laura is supporting PC. She simply would like to have a basic question answered since she has followed the rules.

I believe that PC is extremely generous, supportive and gives us SO much as a company. It has been my only DS company and I can not imagine going to another company. We have it very good with PC.

Since Laura has not been given any indication as to why she is terminated, it only leaves speculation. Once again, she is venting as we all have done. We are lending support of her feelings. I think if you look back you will see more posts with support of PC in them and also support for Laura's frustrating dilema. Laura's first few posts read that she was crying and how hurt she feels.

My day job is managerial and because of slander lawsuits a prospective employer who calls for references does not get the full truth but there are ways to let the new employer that you were not happy without going into a lawsuit situation. I may say...if you are asking me if I would hire this person again.....then my answer is either yes, in a heart beat or no, I would not. If I am asked why, I just repeat that I would not hire the person again. The employee KNOWS before they leave what their "issues" were. I can not help it if they choose not to dicuss their past job performance. Specifics are not given, however, in Laura's case....A) she is not an employee of PC and B) no one is giving her ANY inclination as to why she cannot remain a consultant. How frustrating. And because we are only human, we are left to try and resolve the "why" on our own.

Pampered Chef works hard to protect us, listen to us and try to build our business up. Their product ideas are first rate. Their training, support (I could go on and on) are TOP NOTCH. We are only left with the why in Laura's case.
  • #484
ChefBeckyD said:
I have not been reading this thread.....didn't like the negative tone and the PC bashing that was beginning to happen. Guess I couldn't stay away from the train wreck any longer though.......
I feel that I need to defend PC a bit though.
I'm sorry that Laura is feeling hurt - it's hard to have misunderstandings and unanswered questions.
But it seems that people are just jumping on a bandwagon of accusing PC of being dishonest, or unethical, etc.......and I think you need to remember that there are ALWAYS two sides to every story. No one here knows the full story, and therefore, it doesn't seem right for anyone to be jumping to conclusions. Laura doesn't know the full story regarding T.M. and what went on with his resignation/dismissal - none of us except Tom and HO know that.....and so it goes on down the line.

It seems to me that we need to heed the old advice "if you are not part of the problem, and you are not part of the solution, then stay out of it!"

Please don't base your feelings about PC, and the type of company it is, or the character of those at HO on half a story!

And does PC need to tell us why they have done what they have done? No. - and for legal reasons, they probably cannot. We are independent contractors, not employees - and for that reason - contracts can be terminated at will and without cause. If they started giving people reasons and explanations - it would open a whole different can of worms.

So many of us came home from conference so excited and feeling so great about PC - and it's disheartening to read so many post blasting The Pampered Chef when just a couple of days ago the same people were posting about how much they loved the company............

Amen Becky - very well said!!!!
  • #485
My heart goes out to Laura and I agree with what Becky and Ann had to say.

I would like to add that PC does not do anything lightly and without good reason. Our company is very professional and I cannot believe they would terminate anyone without considering every aspect of the situation. I have to trust that HO made their decisions for valid reasons. I do, though, feel that those terminated should be given the reasons but the rest of us really don't need to be in the loop.

Let's not let this situation diminish the excitement we all got from the conference we just left!
  • #486
Nothing is taking my thunder away!! My team is so excited about the Panorama and my recruit lead from last night is just trying to get parties set up so she can get started.

In trying to encourage my team to attend next year, I started making a list of all of the reasons why attending conference would "pay off" so to speak. I know my list is not done yet but so far it is impressive! PC is certainly generous.
  • #487
When I was refernceing something that I was talking in a class of employment law.... I was nto refering to PC as a Co... but the two people (not Laura or Tom). Who were what I considered bashing on them.....
  • #488
PC not giving a reason is protecting them - they cannot b/c then they open themselves wide up to a law suit. That's just like when a teacher is not rehired in the year that would have given them "tenure" they are not given a reason b/c then they could turn around and sue the school for that reason. In the lawsuit world that we live in today (Yes I work for an attorney) you have to cover yourselves every which way you can especially a business as big as PC b/c if they did not they would be run into the ground with having to pay out lawsuits.

I totally understand the frustration of no answers and would be wanting them myself, but I also completely understand PC not giving them. And do not think anyone is going to break down and give one.

It is a bad situation but that is the contract that we sign and this is why PC has these types of contracts.
  • #489
PC does a great job of proctecting us as Consultants and themselves as well.They can not give a full reason why..... we can either accept at face value and deal with it or we can gripe about it is not fair however the point that I was trying to make is about the ED and AD/SD words towards Laura... that was plain wrong and unethical IMHO :(
  • #490
I am just wondering from an employment law standpoint-I do not know if you covered this in your class, but wouldn't someone need corroborating evidence of the slanderous conversation to pursue a lawsuit? Couldn't the two individuals also counter sue because their reputation has been tarnished by the accusations made on this online public forum and the uncorroborated speculation?

I really think that it is in everyones best interest to find out the facts and if and when they are discovered and Laura wants to share then so be it. However I don't know her upline and I am not comfortable with things being said about people who are not around to defend themselves. IF they are the cause I wish them a Godly justice with 10 fold coming their way.

I hope that Laura gets the answers she DESERVES from HO. I plan to show my support for Laura's new career by being a faithful customer. I have 3 bathrooms I can outfit with great linens and a few other items I am in the market for, but mostly I pray God blesses you and your work with prosperity.
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  • #491
This was just a mere discussion that I had that was one of the suggestion that came across... NOW I am not that far into the class IE only five weeks... it's 10 weeks long:eek: so I do not know all the legalties... but the word slander did come up..... see I dont knwo all the details etc.... maybe I should jsut keep my mouth shut becasue appently I have no clue what I am talking about and everyone is going to get their panites ina waud and lash out against me... why the heck not.... HO already has about something else... and I never said that I wasn't going to support Laura in her new business...... My DH will kill me for buying more stuff but that is his problemo not mine......

MGG said:
I am just wondering from an employment law standpoint-I do not know if you covered this in your class, but wouldn't someone need corroborating evidence of the slanderous conversation to pursue a lawsuit? Couldn't the two individuals also counter sue because their reputation has been tarnished by the accusations made on this online public forum and the uncorroborated speculation?

I really think that it is in everyones best interest to find out the facts and if and when they are discovered and Laura wants to share then so be it. However I don't know her upline and I am not comfortable with things being said about people who are not around to defend themselves. IF they are the cause I wish them a Godly justice with 10 fold coming their way.

I hope that Laura gets the answers she DESERVES from HO. I plan to show my support for Laura's new career by being a faithful customer. I have 3 bathrooms I can outfit with great linens and a few other items I am in the market for.
  • #492
I was not meaning it as an attack. I wondered about the possibility of a counter suit and since you were in the class I was asking you for information. I just wanted to let everyone my worry about the speculation. I was only stating what I was going to do to support Laura and specifically wishing her the best. I am glad you plan to do the same and I am sorry that you've had a situation with HO.
  • #493
This is the second time I have taken this class.... just a differnt level of it.... but I do not know the legalities of how not being a real employee and a contrctor work etc..... but when I do I probley will share!! I am giong to go eat lunch maybe I will feel better!!
  • Thread starter
  • #494
Just wanted to reiterate that this stuff about my SD/AD and ED is all "speculation" still at this point. Even though it's come from multiple unrelated very reliable people, I will really never know the truth. All I know is whats coming down the grapevine... but all the pieces fit... so it's hard not to believe that the "speculation" is solid.
But yes - slander is not how I roll. So I wanted to make sure yall understand that it's not like I got an official notice from home office stating that this speculation is true/false.
  • #495
We support you in what ever you choose todo....... and you have friends no matter which company!! :)

Pampered Laura said:
Just wanted to reiterate that this stuff about my SD/AD and ED is all "speculation" still at this point. Even though it's come from multiple unrelated very reliable people, I will really never know the truth. All I know is whats coming down the grapevine... but all the pieces fit... so it's hard not to believe that the "speculation" is solid.
But yes - slander is not how I roll. So I wanted to make sure yall understand that it's not like I got an official notice from home office stating that this speculation is true/false.
  • #496
Hi everyone, this is my first time ever posting, after a few weeks of trying to take all the posts in and catch up, Hi Kristi if your reading this, yes I am finally posting. Weird I'm kind of nervous as I type. Anyways, I wish now that I never came across this thread as it makes me sad. I am kind of a newbie to PC, just under a year and hate to hear negative talk among a company. I tend to take it to heart and dwell upon it. I'm not talking about bashing PC as after reading this entire thread I never felt that was anyone's intention. I have more of a negative taste in my mouth regarding the bashing of each other on some consultants part and the I'm better than you approach others have taken. The reason I picked PC over other DS companies was because I wanted to stay away from the catty nature that tends to run rampant in them (and I LOVE PC products).

When I came across this thread, I thought I understood it for what it was, a person venting about what was going on in their career, looking for a bit of support from others, and the other people giving their well wishes and "great job!", what it unfortunately turned into was some consultants going after each other and judging one anothers words. That makes me very sad. We should all have a place to go where other woman (or men) support each other and listen to each other even if we don't agree with the venue they are using or particular words they are saying. At times in our lives we just want someone to say "what a bummer", or "I'm so sorry for you" not judge every word or be told we are wrong for feeling that way. I thought this forum was the place for that and I hope I'm not wrong, because I need that kind of support for my business to be successful!

Wow, can't believe I just typed a novel. Thanks for letting me get all this out so maybe I can stop dwelling over the whole thing. And Laura I'm sorry you are going through this and wish you the best in all you do!
  • #497
Welcome to the family! I think most of us feel the same way you do, but typing makes it a lot harder to get across how we truly feel. I know some people were just saying something off the cuff and it got misunderstood. That being said, bashing each other is something that we do not tolerate. We do have good natured "discussions" and sometimes agree to disagree, but what was said by a certain person who prefers not to be named was uncalled for. And you might have noticed that that person hasn't posted under that name for a while. So, I believe that your post is what we normally try to follow - emotions are a bit high right now.
  • #498
pamperedmom24 said:
When I came across this thread, I thought I understood it for what it was, a person venting about what was going on in their career, looking for a bit of support from others, and the other people giving their well wishes and "great job!", what it unfortunately turned into was some consultants going after each other and judging one anothers words. That makes me very sad. We should all have a place to go where other woman (or men) support each other and listen to each other even if we don't agree with the venue they are using or particular words they are saying. At times in our lives we just want someone to say "what a bummer", or "I'm so sorry for you" not judge every word or be told we are wrong for feeling that way. I thought this forum was the place for that and I hope I'm not wrong, because I need that kind of support for my business to be successful!

Wow, can't believe I just typed a novel. Thanks for letting me get all this out so maybe I can stop dwelling over the whole thing. And Laura I'm sorry you are going through this and wish you the best in all you do!

First off welcome to the CS family:) And thanks for such a wonderful "first" post!! I look forward to chatting with you. You will find a wonderful group of people here.
  • #499
Welcome Pamperedmom24!!!

Don't let the recent postings deter you from this site because there is SO much information here and so, so many helpful people. I know it's disheartening when things sometimes aren't all that positive. It's happened before regarding certain things and I'm sure it will again someday. I just take it all with a grain of salt and support fellow consultants when I feel they've been wronged. You can probably see that we're a pretty close-knit group!:) I do get sad, too, when I realize new consultants or people who are thinking of becoming consultants stumble upon what can be viewed by some as negative threads. I guess it happens in ANY business, but hopefully won't discourage anyone from finding a wonderful career/hobby/whatever with PC. It's an awesome place here and we do work with a wonderful company!!! Some may disagree, but overall I think PC is outstanding and I can't see myself even thinking about being anywhere else.:D

Welcome, welcome! I wish you much success!
  • #500
I fully understand where Becky is coming from here.

Look at it this way ... we all know that we have had a larger number than usual of guests and new joins - whether they are totally unrelated to PC except via Paige or not. I'm more concerned with the latter - those who have simply found this site recently, who might be new or struggling consultants. Or prospects.

If you had just recruited someone, or were in the process of recruiting someone and THEY happened on to this site and this thread, would you be happy about the tone and insinuations that have been made about the way the HO deals with consultants? How about somebody you are trying to recruit who has a reluctant husband, and HE is the one who stumbles on to this - do you want to have to deal with the backlash?

I met you Laura in Chicago and have conversed with you on this board, and I think you are one of the cutest and sweetest people I've met. I don't know why the HO did what they did - all I know is that if I start feeling like I have to watch my back because they can't be trusted - well, then, I'm outta here. You've been very clear that you really have no idea why you were terminated, nor why TM was either. You don't know what role, if any actually, your up-line played in things either. I do believe you when you say you don't want anyone to have a negative attitude towards the company. Please realize that this continued line of discussion is indeed fostering an atmosphere of distrust. Surely you guys realize these "venting to family" threads aren't happening in a vacuum.

OK -- I'm stepping off my high horse now ...
<h2>1. Why did you resign from your directorship with Pampered Chef?</h2><p>I resigned from my directorship with Pampered Chef in order to sell for another Direct Sales company where the commission rates, overrides & show averages are much higher at the consultant & leadership levels. This is a career move in deciding where I focus my leadership.</p><h2>2. Are you quitting Pampered Chef altogether?</h2><p>No, I am not quitting Pampered Chef. This is simply a career move in deciding where I focus my leadership. My passion is to be a trailblazer and do things that no one else has done before, and I believe this new company can help me provide that for my future team.</p><h2>3. How did you come to this decision?</h2><p>I have weighed my options and compared the financial benefits for consultants between the two companies, and the numbers were staggering. I also had to consider that the rules state I cannot be a Director with Pampered Chef and sell for another company at the same time, so I had to resign in order to make this transition and move up in the new company's leadership structure.</p><h2>4. When will your resignation be effective?</h2><p>My resignation was emailed last evening and will be effective on August 1st.</p><h2>5. Can you provide more information about your new company and plans?</h2><p>I am sorry, but my hands are tied in how much information I can give as I am trying to be respectful of The Pampered Chef, the home office staff, and ethical principles. However, please know that my decision was not made lightly and I believe it is a wonderful and exciting opportunity for myself and the team I am planning to build.</p>

Related to Because of the Friendships That I Have Developed on This Board, I

1. Why did you resign from your directorship with Pampered Chef?

I resigned from my directorship with Pampered Chef in order to sell for another Direct Sales company where the commission rates, overrides & show averages are much higher at the consultant & leadership levels. This is a career move in deciding where I focus my leadership.

2. Are you quitting Pampered Chef altogether?

No, I am not quitting Pampered Chef. This is simply a career move in deciding where I focus my leadership. My passion is to be a trailblazer and do things that no one else has done before, and I believe this new company can help me provide that for my future team.

3. How did you come to this decision?

I have weighed my options and compared the financial benefits for consultants between the two companies, and the numbers were staggering. I also had to consider that the rules state I cannot be a Director with Pampered Chef and sell for another company at the same time, so I had to resign in order to make this transition and move up in the new company's leadership structure.

4. When will your resignation be effective?

My resignation was emailed last evening and will be effective on August 1st.

5. Can you provide more information about your new company and plans?

I am sorry, but my hands are tied in how much information I can give as I am trying to be respectful of The Pampered Chef, the home office staff, and ethical principles. However, please know that my decision was not made lightly and I believe it is a wonderful and exciting opportunity for myself and the team I am planning to build.

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