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Applying the 3-2-1 Plan to Your Spiritual Life

In summary, the conversation revolved around the idea of applying the 3-2-1 Plan for Success with PC to one's spiritual life. The participants discussed the importance of balancing financial and eternal security, and the challenges of talking to others about God. They also shared personal experiences and struggles with prioritizing God in their lives. Finally, they brainstormed ways to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to their spiritual lives, such as praying for others and actively seeking out opportunities to share God's love.
  • #101
Shawnna said:
Debbie...those are good scriptures. It is true that we must as wives be submissive to our husbands. That doesn't mean our husband is our master, but it does mean that after discussion and prayer that he is the one to make the final decision. If our husband is not saved, it is very important for us to continue in our faith and be a light to him. We must be a witness to him in our words and actions. He is the head of our household and we must let him be...as long as what he is asking doesn't go against God's word.

We recently had a couple quit our Church because they said they don't want their daughter growing up to believe she has to be submissive. It is sad :(
  • #102
Chef Kearns said:
Boy the Devil got in here didn't he? My goodness. We were having a wonderful discussion and sharing then what?...
And I was sharing my experience. Hmmm...
  • Thread starter
  • #103
BethCooks4U said:
And I was sharing my experience. Hmmm...

Beth - I truly don't think that was directed at you...I think it was directed at the fact people starting disagreeing back and forth rather than why I started the thread...to see how we could use the 3-2-1 in our lives spiritually and to pray for and encourage each other. Often people respond while others are typing or without reading the last thread posted...yours was on a new page and probably not read at the time.

I was encouraged by your experience.
  • #104
janetupnorth said:
Beth - I truly don't think that was directed at you...I think it was directed at the fact people starting disagreeing back and forth rather than why I started the thread...to see how we could use the 3-2-1 in our lives spiritually and to pray for and encourage each other. Often people respond while others are typing or without reading the last thread posted...yours was on a new page and probably not read at the time.

I was encouraged by your experience.

That is who I was directing my comment to. The back and forth stuff. Everyone's experiences are valid. If we can all agree to accept that everyone has had a different life experience then we can share openly in this thread without hurt feelings.
  • #105
TwinGirlsMom said:
I'm reading Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs right now too! I think it is awesome... The Bible says that 'the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord and He has the power to turn the direction of His will...' I believe that we ~ as wives ~ can't change our husbands but God can. All we can do is to continue loving, respecting, praying and believing that his heart is in God's hands! God will turn it as He wills!

I read thru PDL a couple years ago and found it to be extremely practical as it took a step-by-step aproach in my walk with the Lord. I recommend both of these books!

We just finished going through his study as part of a Sunday School class and it has been wonderful! It has enabled us to better understand the different perspectives we come from simply by being men or women. The first part of his study starts out teaching men how to see through "pink" glasses and the later part goes more into teaching women how to see through "blue" glasses. As your men go through the first part of the study they may feel like they are being targeted but he definately hits on the things we women need to do to honor and respect our husbands later. I would recommend his study to anyone or going to one of his conferences if you are able.
  • #106
Chef Kearns said:
Everyone's experiences are valid. If we can all agree to accept that everyone has had a different life experience then we can share openly in this thread without hurt feelings.
I agree. And thanks for the explaination. And as I said in the first post I made in this thread I love the idea of using the 3-2-1 concept in our faith life!
  • #107
How sad
jenniferlynne said:
We recently had a couple quit our Church because they said they don't want their daughter growing up to believe she has to be submissive. It is sad :(

How sad to hear that happen. Unfortunately feminism is rampant in our society and the thought of being submissive is one that conjures up images of pregnant women barefoot in the kitchen, scrubbing floors on their hands and knees and the husband coming home to demand lovin' and food!! LOL

Fortunately our husbands are commanded to love us and in that they are to treat us with respect, gentleness, and unconditional love. Not that we are perfect but when we follow God's plan for our lives and for our families we can't go wrong.
Ephesians 5:25-33 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
26. to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church- for we are members of his body. “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery-but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself...

Colossians 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them
The world has everything backwards but God's word brings much needed truth.
Proverbs 16:25There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
Isaiah 55:8-9My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,' says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
I am happy for those who read their bibles and understand the importance in taking our proper role in the home. It is such a blessing. My husband is my protector, provider, and best friend!

Debbie :D
  • #108
treat us with respect, gentleness, and unconditional love
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them

And if our husband do not treat us this way, or are very inconsistent, what do we do? What can we do, in the eyes of God? Yes, we must pray for our husbands. But how much must we put up with?
  • #109
PamperedChefDebi said:
treat us with respect, gentleness, and unconditional love
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them

And if our husband do not treat us this way, or are very inconsistent, what do we do? What can we do, in the eyes of God? Yes, we must pray for our husbands. But how much must we put up with?

It is my personal belief that God does not want us to be abused. I do not believe that you should stay in an abusive home. It is not good for you or your children. But, that is my personal opinion. I have never been in that situation. You will have to spend time in prayer asking God what to do. I believe if you stay true to God, spend time with Him, study His word, etc. that He will deliver you from your situation. God will intervene and take care of his children.
  • #110
PamperedChefDebi said:
treat us with respect, gentleness, and unconditional love
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church
Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them

And if our husband do not treat us this way, or are very inconsistent, what do we do? What can we do, in the eyes of God? Yes, we must pray for our husbands. But how much must we put up with?

I have a friend who is unequally yoked and her husband is abusive. For the sake of her small children, one is from a previous relationship that he tends to not like and be mean to, I told her that she needs to think of their safety as well as her own. She is pregnant again with his baby. This will make number two and he is still abusive to her even though she is pregnant. Children cannot defend themselves and need us to protect them. We must protect our kids no matter what.

I don't know if you mean put up with him being abusive or putting up with them just being lost.
It's hard for women to keep our mouths shut. Now I am not condoning abuse in any way (verbal, physical, emtional), I have suffered all three at the hands of lost cruel men in my lifetime including my own father.
I have heard it said that a man will never win a verbal assault against a woman. I know there are exeptions but we are told in scripture to try to be meek, lowly, quiet because it is not in our nature.
That is not to justify the actions of a man who is mean, controlling, disrespectful, or hard to live with.
Scripture tells us that adultery is the only reason for divorce. So many times a woman will become a christian and get a false idea she needs to divorce her lost husband and marry a christian.
God hates divorce and there is a difference between divorce and seperation due to safety issues. Even marriages where adultery has occured, God can restore and heal those marriages if both are willing to work it out, especially the one who sinned.
I hope this helps in some way. I don't know what you mean by "put up with", I don't know what you are referring to. Either way humility, patience, unconditional love and submission are great things to learn in a difficult marriage. But not learned alone. Get a good support group for yourself and of course as you mentioned pray, pray, pray!!! We will pray for you too!

Debbie :D
  • #111
This thread is great and tomorrow I am going to take the time to read through this more. I am a born again child of God and I totally believe in Jesus and that he is the way, the truth and the light. There is only one way to God and that is through Jesus. It says so in the bible and that is the only book in life that I try to follow to the fullest. It is God talking to me, so I try to read it as much as I can. One testimony I have to say is I have been attending my church for almost 7 years and attended another one before that one for 2 years. I grew up in church but never really knew anything until 9 years ago! My husband believed in Jesus but did not go to church with me. Didn't believe he needed it! But he listened to my children and I talk and watched how we did things. My kids are so awesome! They have the love of Jesus just spilling through them! They are continuously telling their friends about Jesus and showing them love the way Jesus would. At least they honestly try! My 6 year old daughter struggles with rude kids but we talk and she keeps trying. My 10 year old son has really reached some of his friends and I'm so proud!
Anyway, last year we really went through a rough period of time and we were being told we needed to move and at the same time my husband got laid off.
About 2 weeks into this time, my husband woke up one Sunday and got ready for church and went with us! He decided to keep going and also made the decission to tithe the way he was suppossed to and let me tell you.... we were in a place where we thought we couldn't afford to tithe completely, what we have learned is we couldn't not afford to tithe! Our situation has changed completely! He is attending church every week. He also got baptised again, our whole family did it together at the end of the summer last year and I have never been so proud!
Our kids respect him more and I have never loved him more or been as happy with him as I have been this last 9 months and we've been together 17 years this May. It's not us, all the glory is to Jesus and we are doing so well because Jesus is the head of this house!
I will think about the original 3-2-1 of this thread and post on that tomorrow!
Good night I need to go to bed so I can be rested for church tomorrow!
God bless you all!
Again Great thread! thanks!:D :)
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  • #112
Oh real fast! Our house did sell, but it sold to a man who wanted to rent it out and asked us "what do I need to do to get you all to stay?" We didn't want to move anyway, at least not when we were being made to move! We want to move when we have enough money to buy a house! When it's our choice! We have a great relationship with the new landlord and also my husband went back to an old company and stayed until something bigger and better opened up he switched to a new company in November and he's now 2nd in command in his office! He is doing well and he is very happy! And he is reaching people with Jesus all over! Buying bibles for his friends and he gave up all his "worldly" hard rock and has switched to Christian Rock and has a better attitude and I believe all of this has happened because we now have allowed God to bless us and we have favor with God. It is so true that we will still continue to face tribulation but God WILL bring us through all the time and now that our family is united through God, we will conquer for God and though God....Amen!
Again Good night, I just wanted to finish my story!;) :D
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  • #113
DebbieSAChef said:
I don't know if you mean put up with him being abusive or putting up with them just being lost.

I meant put up with being treated "meanly," as less than we deserve. My husband can be great, but he can also be just plain mean. (Verbally abusive.) He's gotten better but, I feel so worn out trying not to let it get to me and trying to give it to God. That why I feel like it's ridiculous. Do I just keep gonig through this and giving it to God my entire life? We're a blended family and one of his sons (11 years old) is having some really big problems (just got suspended from school) and he keeps just wanting to "talk to him." He'll take away TV, video games, and going anywhere. But it's obvious to me (and I'm the one home with them all the time) that he still doesn't get it. This school year has been terrible and he has my husband totally fooled. Well, since my husband says I'm too mean to him (because I don't buy into his junk) he now wants me to leave him alone. Literally. ?????? So we're home together but barely interact. I've spoken to my husband about this from every perspective imagineable, but he won't budge. I told him this is undermining any authority I have with his 15 year old and my 9 year old as well. I told him he's not allowing us to be partners by not allowing me any involvement. We got called to the vice principal's office Friday and my husband was mad at ME!! I finally just got up and walked our and left. My standards are much higher than my husband's (I realize that NOW) and I refuse to lower them and he refuses to raise his. What will that do to our children? It ends up drawing a line between his boys and my son. And it's obvious to them. But if the only other option is to allow all the boys to grow up with low standards, I won't allow that. At least not for my son. So, I ended up wondering, does God want our boys to see this? Does God want me to compromise what I know is right as I raise my son? I don't think so but then what are my options? I try my best to set and enforce my standards but without him backing me up, it's crazy. My gut tells me to go. But I don't feel that is what God wants and there is no adultery (thankfully) so.... I feel trapped in a situation that is NOT right or what I deserve.

OK, I'm not trying to hijack the thread, honestly. But these questions have been in my mind for the last 6 months and it's making me exhausted. So advice from other Godly women is MUCH appreciated.
  • #114

We are getting ready for church right now, so I don't have time to PM you or to type out a response to your situation. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying you this morning and I will get back on here later on today.

  • Thread starter
  • #115
PamperedChefDebi said:
I meant put up with being treated "meanly," as less than we deserve. My husband can be great, but he can also be just plain mean. (Verbally abusive.) He's gotten better but, I feel so worn out trying not to let it get to me and trying to give it to God. That why I feel like it's ridiculous. Do I just keep gonig through this and giving it to God my entire life? We're a blended family and one of his sons (11 years old) is having some really big problems (just got suspended from school) and he keeps just wanting to "talk to him." He'll take away TV, video games, and going anywhere. But it's obvious to me (and I'm the one home with them all the time) that he still doesn't get it. This school year has been terrible and he has my husband totally fooled. Well, since my husband says I'm too mean to him (because I don't buy into his junk) he now wants me to leave him alone. Literally. ?????? So we're home together but barely interact. I've spoken to my husband about this from every perspective imagineable, but he won't budge. I told him this is undermining any authority I have with his 15 year old and my 9 year old as well. I told him he's not allowing us to be partners by not allowing me any involvement. We got called to the vice principal's office Friday and my husband was mad at ME!! I finally just got up and walked our and left. My standards are much higher than my husband's (I realize that NOW) and I refuse to lower them and he refuses to raise his. What will that do to our children? It ends up drawing a line between his boys and my son. And it's obvious to them. But if the only other option is to allow all the boys to grow up with low standards, I won't allow that. At least not for my son. So, I ended up wondering, does God want our boys to see this? Does God want me to compromise what I know is right as I raise my son? I don't think so but then what are my options? I try my best to set and enforce my standards but without him backing me up, it's crazy. My gut tells me to go. But I don't feel that is what God wants and there is no adultery (thankfully) so.... I feel trapped in a situation that is NOT right or what I deserve.

OK, I'm not trying to hijack the thread, honestly. But these questions have been in my mind for the last 6 months and it's making me exhausted. So advice from other Godly women is MUCH appreciated.

Debi - at this point, I don't know how to answer you, so I'm just going to pray about it this morning. All I know is God desires the best for his childern, but he doesn't keep us from trials to grow our faith. All I can cling to for you right now is that if you are faithful to God, He will prevail and bless you more than you expected. What lies between here and there, I do not know. I wish you lived close to me. On April 21st at our church, we are having a lady come speak with her mother who grew up in a Christian home (dad was a pastor) and was definitely the prodigal daughter. It took 30 years of rebellion before she came back. She is supposed to speak on what parents can do in those situations. April 21st is a long way off, but if I can go, I'll glean what I can for you. Until then, I can only promise to pray...I do many things, but counseling is not one. Have a wonderful Sunday morning.
  • #116
janetupnorth said:
Debi - at this point, I don't know how to answer you, so I'm just going to pray about it this morning. All I know is God desires the best for his childern, but he doesn't keep us from trials to grow our faith. All I can cling to for you right now is that if you are faithful to God, He will prevail and bless you more than you expected. What lies between here and there, I do not know. I wish you lived close to me. On April 21st at our church, we are having a lady come speak with her mother who grew up in a Christian home (dad was a pastor) and was definitely the prodigal daughter. It took 30 years of rebellion before she came back. She is supposed to speak on what parents can do in those situations. April 21st is a long way off, but if I can go, I'll glean what I can for you. Until then, I can only promise to pray...I do many things, but counseling is not one. Have a wonderful Sunday morning.

Ya know, that just made me think about the fact that his mom is an Elder in her church. :D And I know alot of it has to do with the fact that he is wrestling some demons himself. But he keeps reverting back to his own understanding. :mad:

For the sake of the thread, any of you please feel free to PM or e-mail so others can concentrate/discuss the 3-2-1 concept that Janet initiated. And thank you for your words of kindness and encouragement.
  • Thread starter
  • #117
PamperedChefDebi said:
Ya know, that just made me think about the fact that his mom is an Elder in her church. :D And I know alot of it has to do with the fact that he is wrestling some demons himself. But he keeps reverting back to his own understanding. :mad:

For the sake of the thread, any of you please feel free to PM or e-mail so others can concentrate/discuss the 3-2-1 concept that Janet initiated. And thank you for your words of kindness and encouragement.

Debi - we're here to help you and pray the best we can for you. You're not hijacking and I think we can multi-task and do both if you want. :) Keep us posted and we'll keep praying!
  • #118
Debbie...I will make it a point to pray about your situation at prayer meeting tonight. I truly believe that if you are faithful to God he will see you through this. We are only human and your answer lies with God. You will have to keep praying about it...and fasting. Perhaps you need to pray and tell God that you are waiting on his answer and that you will be fasting...whether its one meal each day or one day each week, or even several days in a row. When we truly get desperate before God and seek his face, we will begin to see miracles happen and lives changed. I honestly do not feel that I have an answer for you today, but I will be praying for you and with you about this situation.
  • #119
This thread has moved into something deeper than what it was originally intended. I hope that is okay with everyone. I want to share something that happened to me yesterday.

I was outside working in my flower beds. That is a miracle in itself because I am not a plant person. I struggle to make even ivy grow. But I do go out in spring and clean out my beds and wait to see what God does there.

Anyway, I started as usual in my iris bed. Every year I begin there and every year I uproot irises because I forget that they are so fragile. An iris has a long tubular bulb that pretty much lays on top of the ground. Most of the plant is exposed. The roots are tiny spider-leg like things that barely go into he ground. You have to be very careful because their root system is so delicate. So, I began to rake the leaves away with gusto...only to pull up some bulbs. As I began to replant them, God spoke to my heart. He said..."How is your root system? Is it strong...like an oak tree...or is fragile like the iris? Is the least little disturbance going to uproot you and cause you to fall by the wayside?"

Wow, it really hit me hard. I want my christian root system to be strong and sturdy...to stand fast in the face of adversity. The Lord dealt with me all night about this. I was even up in the night praying about it.

So, my question for you is...How strong is your root system? Is it strong like the oak tree or fragile like the iris plant? I think it is time that we Christians dig deep into our souls and plant our roots deep in Christ.
  • #120
Shawnna said:
This thread has moved into something deeper than what it was originally intended. I hope that is okay with everyone. I want to share something that happened to me yesterday.

I was outside working in my flower beds. That is a miracle in itself because I am not a plant person. I struggle to make even ivy grow. But I do go out in spring and clean out my beds and wait to see what God does there.

Anyway, I started as usual in my iris bed. Every year I begin there and every year I uproot irises because I forget that they are so fragile. An iris has a long tubular bulb that pretty much lays on top of the ground. Most of the plant is exposed. The roots are tiny spider-leg like things that barely go into he ground. You have to be very careful because their root system is so delicate. So, I began to rake the leaves away with gusto...only to pull up some bulbs. As I began to replant them, God spoke to my heart. He said..."How is your root system? Is it strong...like an oak tree...or is fragile like the iris? Is the least little disturbance going to uproot you and cause you to fall by the wayside?"

Wow, it really hit me hard. I want my christian root system to be strong and sturdy...to stand fast in the face of adversity. The Lord dealt with me all night about this. I was even up in the night praying about it.

So, my question for you is...How strong is your root system? Is it strong like the oak tree or fragile like the iris plant? I think it is time that we Christians dig deep into our souls and plant our roots deep in Christ.

Wow, Shawnna, that really just spoke to me! I will definitely share this story and this example with my husband and with loved ones! It is a good thing to think about! Thank you so much for sharing this! I believe that is what this very thread is about, and I believe this is what being a Christian is about!

THANK YOU for your God-inspired testimony!

  • #121
#119 - thank you for sharing your gardening experience with us. It reminds me so much of how God speaks to me in my garden. Some of my richest spiritual moments happen out of doors with His nature. One time, I was outside and saw a caterpillar that was different from any I had seen before. I ran to get my camera and take a picture. I wanted to protect it from any harm, and as I photographed it, some parallels came into my heart. I had been struggling with the intensity of folks involved in Right to Life picketing in front of Abortion clinics and the killing of doctors who performed Abortions. I knew at the time that I strongly leaned toward it being an issue for the woman to decide with aid of her doctor and her God. However, after thinking about the caterpillar (just an insect) that I wanted to protect so it could grow to be that beautiful Butterfly, someday, I had an awakening. Right then and there, I knew in my heart that I could not support Abortion, but in the future would support programs that would assist a woman in bringing her pregnancy to term.

I followed up by supporting and working with a Maternity home in our area. I also refused to drive one of our granddaughters to a Clinic. We have been gentle and available to her, since then, but she knows where I stand on that, and respects my commitment to a consistent life ethic.

So that is my garden awakening. Isn't it wonderful that our Spring season beckons us out into our gardens to receive His messages there. it can happen anywhere we are, in our kitchens, Church, at the grocery store etc.
  • #122
Shawnna said:
This thread has moved into something deeper than what it was originally intended. I hope that is okay with everyone. I want to share something that happened to me yesterday.

I was outside working in my flower beds. That is a miracle in itself because I am not a plant person. I struggle to make even ivy grow. But I do go out in spring and clean out my beds and wait to see what God does there.

Anyway, I started as usual in my iris bed. Every year I begin there and every year I uproot irises because I forget that they are so fragile. An iris has a long tubular bulb that pretty much lays on top of the ground. Most of the plant is exposed. The roots are tiny spider-leg like things that barely go into he ground. You have to be very careful because their root system is so delicate. So, I began to rake the leaves away with gusto...only to pull up some bulbs. As I began to replant them, God spoke to my heart. He said..."How is your root system? Is it strong...like an oak tree...or is fragile like the iris? Is the least little disturbance going to uproot you and cause you to fall by the wayside?"

Wow, it really hit me hard. I want my christian root system to be strong and sturdy...to stand fast in the face of adversity. The Lord dealt with me all night about this. I was even up in the night praying about it.

So, my question for you is...How strong is your root system? Is it strong like the oak tree or fragile like the iris plant? I think it is time that we Christians dig deep into our souls and plant our roots deep in Christ.

Thank you for sharing your experience. I love to hear how God uses soooooooo many different ways to speak to us! That is certainly something each of us as Christians really needs to think and pray about! I will be reminded of what you said every time I am working outside in my flower beds (but I am like you...don't do that too often since I am not really good at it, nor does it thrill me!) and each time I look at all of the spring buds and flowers that will be shooting up soon!

I am very thankful for this thread! It is great that we are all helping one another and that we are all thinking of how we can apply our faith to our businesses and the people we come in contact with through our businesses!

Keep up the great posts ladies (and any men who want to join in!!!)
  • #123
Tough situation
PamperedChefDebi said:
I meant put up with being treated "meanly," as less than we deserve. My husband can be great, but he can also be just plain mean. (Verbally abusive.) He's gotten better but, I feel so worn out trying not to let it get to me and trying to give it to God. That why I feel like it's ridiculous. Do I just keep gonig through this and giving it to God my entire life? We're a blended family and one of his sons (11 years old) is having some really big problems (just got suspended from school) and he keeps just wanting to "talk to him." He'll take away TV, video games, and going anywhere. But it's obvious to me (and I'm the one home with them all the time) that he still doesn't get it. This school year has been terrible and he has my husband totally fooled. Well, since my husband says I'm too mean to him (because I don't buy into his junk) he now wants me to leave him alone. Literally. ?????? So we're home together but barely interact. I've spoken to my husband about this from every perspective imagineable, but he won't budge. I told him this is undermining any authority I have with his 15 year old and my 9 year old as well. I told him he's not allowing us to be partners by not allowing me any involvement. We got called to the vice principal's office Friday and my husband was mad at ME!! I finally just got up and walked our and left. My standards are much higher than my husband's (I realize that NOW) and I refuse to lower them and he refuses to raise his. What will that do to our children? It ends up drawing a line between his boys and my son. And it's obvious to them. But if the only other option is to allow all the boys to grow up with low standards, I won't allow that. At least not for my son. So, I ended up wondering, does God want our boys to see this? Does God want me to compromise what I know is right as I raise my son? I don't think so but then what are my options? I try my best to set and enforce my standards but without him backing me up, it's crazy. My gut tells me to go. But I don't feel that is what God wants and there is no adultery (thankfully) so.... I feel trapped in a situation that is NOT right or what I deserve.

OK, I'm not trying to hijack the thread, honestly. But these questions have been in my mind for the last 6 months and it's making me exhausted. So advice from other Godly women is MUCH appreciated.

You are not hijacking the thread. You have a need and want some advice. That's what we are here to do.
We serve a MIGHTY GOD! He is faithful and powerful and will help us in the battles and trials in our lives. When we feel helpless and weak, HE is strong and will do wonderful things in our lives to show us that we must fully rely on Him and not ourselves or any one else.
I am sorry you are going through this right now with your husband. He has told you that you are to leave his son alone. So you must do that. All you can do is pray for him and his son. Eventually when you leave a child "alone" the child will only get worst and your husband will be forced to see the error of his ways.
Now concentrate on your son and raise him up in a godly way such as the scriptures tell us to. Use discipline, love and the words of wisdom from God's word. The difference will show tremendously. And not so you can boast or hold it over your husband's head and say "See I was right and my son is better." But so he can see the power of God at work in your son's life and the power of satan at work in his son's life.

Love your step son unconditionally and pray for him every chance you get. He is going to need it. The most important thing we can do is raise our children to be God fearing and God honoring. We must raise our children in hopes that one day they will be born again and follow Christ.

As for your husband, there are millions of men who are the same way. They feel like they have the right to verbally abuse their wives because they work hard all day, they pay bills, they will not be talked down to by anyone, etc.
And while these reasons are not valid in any way and especially not in the eyes of God, it in no way justified divorce.
I know it is hard and will be hard. Many women, many I know personally, live with an unbelieving husband and it is hard. Sometimes we must suffer in this world for Christ's sake and sometimes we must suffer in this world because sin has come into the world to corrupt it (natural disasters, car accidents, dieases, murders, etc). It will grow our faith and make us stronger when we cling to Christ for our strength and comfort. I will pray for your situation and please keep us updated on things in your life.
We are never to compromise God's standards in our lives. And since he has told you to leave his son alone, you must concentrate on your son.

Example a friend once told me about with her unbelieving husband: hHer usband asks her to see a rated R movie or go to a night club. The wife has the right to say no, this goes against what God's wants for me. Now the husband can accept that and be angry, but he can never force a wife to compromise. Now if he gets violent, then she has the right to seperate until he gets ome kind of help. I am sorry this is so long but know we also care for you and will pray for you through this.

Debbie :D
  • #124
I feel so blessed to be in the company of such great Christian women! My husband and I are Christians and attend an independent Christian church (some would say Evangelical) and are raising our 3 sons to hopefully put their faith in Christ someday (2 have already made the decision).

After reading this thread I feel so convicted to use my business as more of a witnessing tool than I have. Even adding scripture to my monthly newsletter would be a great start!

I do have a prayer request for our church at this time. Our Elder Board asked our head pastor to resign last month and a number of the people in our congregation are very upset and many have left, at least for the time being. We can really see Satan's hand working in the hearts of some of our congregation as they are trying to form groups and are writing downright mean letters to our elders (they make the decisions in the church, not the pastors). We feel that this is all in God's plan and that if we continue to focus on Christ and act in a way that is pleasing to Him that His will will be done, as painful as it is at this time. We have seen many churches in our areas disintegrate over things like this, so I ask for prayers regarding the foundation of our church and wisdom for our elders.

Sorry I spilled my guts, but this has weighed heavily on us for weeks!
  • Thread starter
  • #125
pcjulie said:
I feel so blessed to be in the company of such great Christian women! My husband and I are Christians and attend an independent Christian church (some would say Evangelical) and are raising our 3 sons to hopefully put their faith in Christ someday (2 have already made the decision).

After reading this thread I feel so convicted to use my business as more of a witnessing tool than I have. Even adding scripture to my monthly newsletter would be a great start!

I do have a prayer request for our church at this time. Our Elder Board asked our head pastor to resign last month and a number of the people in our congregation are very upset and many have left, at least for the time being. We can really see Satan's hand working in the hearts of some of our congregation as they are trying to form groups and are writing downright mean letters to our elders (they make the decisions in the church, not the pastors). We feel that this is all in God's plan and that if we continue to focus on Christ and act in a way that is pleasing to Him that His will will be done, as painful as it is at this time. We have seen many churches in our areas disintegrate over things like this, so I ask for prayers regarding the foundation of our church and wisdom for our elders.

Sorry I spilled my guts, but this has weighed heavily on us for weeks!

Welcome Julie...and will be praying...I used to work at a church, left the job when I saw too many things happening and later the Elders had asked that pastor to resign. It was a rough battle, half the church left, but now over 5 years later the church is growing again and thriving and people who had left the church years ago due to the pastor and stopped attending church for years are back in church with their families. It will be a struggle, many will get hurt, but keep praying and God will use it.

I pray that you integrate your faith and your business well.

Have a good night.
  • #126
Thanks ladies for sharing your testimonies. I made it a point to pray about situations here tonight.

I like the idea of putting a scripture verse on our newsletters. What about on our website? I do have a scripture on both my yahoo 360 and myspace pages...or at the bottom of all of our emails.
  • #127
This is from SeriousFaith.com- and was on my daily email:

I wanted to recommend a very practical book about marriage to you written by my friend, Rafe (Paul Refior). It's just a real solid, rubber-meets-the-road book about your relationship as husband and wife written from real life experience. You won't be disappointed. You can get a printed copy (http://astore.amazon.com/seriousfaith2007-20/detail/1412054427/104-6325276-0682324) or download e-version (http://www.refior.com/your_choice/index.html). Either way, drop Rafe a note ([email protected]) and let him know you appreciate him making the book available. BR

I downloaded this book (133 pages, not sure how much space that takes up) but if you can also download and read it chapter by chapter. I have not had a chance to really read much, but it looks like it is driven by the Word of God, so I think all of us could benefit. Married or single. Happily married or struggling. Both believers, or only one of you a believer.

Let all of us know if you find something that speaks to your heart!
  • #128
UpdateI just wanted to let you all know that I did get up early this morning (5:45) to pray and to read the Bible. It felt good to do it again because it had been awhile.

I prayed for everyone on this thread that asked for it and for a few of my own. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow morning!!
  • Thread starter
  • #129
jenniferlynne said:
I just wanted to let you all know that I did get up early this morning (5:45) to pray and to read the Bible. It felt good to do it again because it had been awhile.

I prayed for everyone on this thread that asked for it and for a few of my own. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow morning!!

Awesome Jennifer - good job! Way to meet a goal!

...and thanks for the prayers! :)
  • #130
I haven't responded to this topic yet (haven't had time b/c dh is home) but just want to let you all know that I'm enjoying the conversation and will write down the prayer concerns mentioned here.

I love the topic, putting 3-2-1 into your spiritual life. It's given me a lot to think about and to share my faith in the Lord with everyone. Lots of food for thought here.


  • #131
Good for you!
ihavethetools said:
I haven't responded to this topic yet (haven't had time b/c dh is home) but just want to let you all know that I'm enjoying the conversation and will write down the prayer concerns mentioned here.

I love the topic, putting 3-2-1 into your spiritual life. It's given me a lot to think about and to share my faith in the Lord with everyone. Lots of food for thought here.



I am glad this thread is getting you to think about ways to strengthen your spiritual walk with the Lord and to share your faith.
Sometimes life can get busy and keep us distracted from the most important things in life. In the end nothing will matter except what we did, and said to glorify the Lord.
I know we all can use these great principles and truth to help us in our daily walk with the Lord. Thank you Jane for starting this thread.

Debbie :D
  • Thread starter
  • #132
DebbieSAChef said:
Thank you Jane for starting this thread.

You're very welcome - I'm glad it's encouraging!

(It's Janet by the way, never had a nickname either...no problem though. :) )
  • #133
Just got done reading through this thread and boy is it a blessing. DH is not excited I'm on the computer at this hour but I just had to post.

I keep wondering what God has for me and I know it is something but trying to listen to HIM , DH, 3 DD & DS seems completely overwhelming. Ya'll keep saying over and over put God first and I know this is true but dying to self is not coming easy for me. However, I do feel very encouraged by everyone. Thank you.

On a different note. Debi, it is absolutely awesome the God we serve. He has been so faithful to me. And you as well. HE IS WORTHY of our praise. The trials that you are facing right now God knew you were going to face. And He made previsions for you so that you would make it through them. He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Everything we would ever need He provided to us. What an amazing thought.
I have so much to say but I type so slow. I think I'll PM you.

Everyone BE BLESSED!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #134
How's everyone doing going into the weekend? Frankly, I'm personally beat...up too many times in the middle of the night with sick kids, PCI compliance bogging me down at work, a late show last night...but overall, just tiring, not emotionally draining. So, I'm looking forward to a little R&R this weekend. Some housecleaning, a partial day out with my daughter tomorrow (a little mother-daughter time while the other two have father-son time)...and REALLY wishing the snow that fell this morning would melt fast...getting spring fever.

So, enough about me...any good things happen this week from our prayers?

I'll start...my show last night should be high enough so I qualify this weekend. :)
  • #135
My prayer request.....As background - Some of you may remember that in Dec. I asked for prayer for my friend Michelle who was battling metastisized breast cancer, and that she ended her battle w/ cancer Jan 1st, and is now home in heaven.

Well, I guess between being busy taking care of her husband and 4 yr old daughter (My dh & I were/are their Small Group leaders), and dealing with a ton of family illness during Jan & Feb, the time flew by - but now I am experiencing a well of grief - I'm missing her, and wishing I could call her, and just really struggling. At this time last year I was in the middle of planning a huge PC fundraiser for her (that's my highest show total that you see posted), and booking a ton of shows from that fundraiser - now all of those hosts are coming up on their one year, and I should be calling them, like I would any other host to remind them it's been a year and that their Phd is about to expire - but I can't bring myself to do it. I just sent out my first email newletter since Dec. because so many of my customers supported Michelle thru her fundraiser and by booking other shows, and I posted info about it in my newsletter for several months - and I couldn't bring myself to actually put the sad news into words to them, but at the same time I didn't feel right not telling them - so I just put it off for a couple of months......anyway - now I just got an email back from a friend - who wants to do a HWC show in May as a tribute to Michelle......and I'm having a hard time even answering her email about doing the show - so after all this rambling - I guess my prayer request is that I would open myself to God's comfort thru this, and that I would be able to get thru the next few months of HWC etc......I want to have a Great HWC May as a tribute to Michelle - but my feelings are just so raw right now........
  • Thread starter
  • #136
ChefBeckyD said:
As background - Some of you may remember that in Dec. I asked for prayer for my friend Michelle who was battling metastisized breast cancer, and that she ended her battle w/ cancer Jan 1st, and is now home in heaven.

Well, I guess between being busy taking care of her husband and 4 yr old daughter (My dh & I were/are their Small Group leaders), and dealing with a ton of family illness during Jan & Feb, the time flew by - but now I am experiencing a well of grief - I'm missing her, and wishing I could call her, and just really struggling. At this time last year I was in the middle of planning a huge PC fundraiser for her (that's my highest show total that you see posted), and booking a ton of shows from that fundraiser - now all of those hosts are coming up on their one year, and I should be calling them, like I would any other host to remind them it's been a year and that their Phd is about to expire - but I can't bring myself to do it. I just sent out my first email newletter since Dec. because so many of my customers supported Michelle thru her fundraiser and by booking other shows, and I posted info about it in my newsletter for several months - and I couldn't bring myself to actually put the sad news into words to them, but at the same time I didn't feel right not telling them - so I just put it off for a couple of months......anyway - now I just got an email back from a friend - who wants to do a HWC show in May as a tribute to Michelle......and I'm having a hard time even answering her email about doing the show - so after all this rambling - I guess my prayer request is that I would open myself to God's comfort thru this, and that I would be able to get thru the next few months of HWC etc......I want to have a Great HWC May as a tribute to Michelle - but my feelings are just so raw right now........

Filling May might be a great way to honor her...maybe to lift your spirits, you can donate some of your commission in May towards her little girl? (Not telling you what to do with your money - LOL)...just thinking that if you focus again on helping others, it might help lift you out of the grief you're feeling. My mom has made it through breast cancer twice - yeah! But my dad died a little over a year ago of amyloidosis - hits one in a million - he was diagnosed mid-September and died in January. I know well the grief of a loss and will be praying for you!!!!!
  • #137
We are leaving tomorrow for vacation in Savannah. My son has had a cold this week. Please, pray that we have a safe trip, he gets much better and me nor my husband gets it while gone.

I am so excited to be getting away!
  • #138
This is an amazing group. I am just rebuilding my relationship with God and Christ, and to know that so many of you here are Christians is a blessing. I was raised in the Methodist church and always believed in God, but it wasn't until recently (about 6-8 weeks ago) that I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and gave my life to Him. I have always known that He was there, walking beside me, and carrying me most of my life really; but over the years I grew away from Him. Now that I am a mother of 4 and a wife, I want so much for my family to know Christ and accept Him as well. My husband has finally agreed to go to church!!!

Have any of you heard of The Walk to Emmaus? It is a weekend retreat to help you with your walk with God. I attended the teen version of this (Chrysalis) 19 years ago (wow, I feel old). It is an amazing experience and if you have the chance, as a Christian I highly recommend it. It is non-denominational and open to men and women, though they attend seperate weekends. If anyone would like more information about this, you can log onto www.upperroom.org/emmaus.

God Bless all of you. I am so thankful to have become a part of Pampered Chef and this wonderful group.
  • #139
pcheframsey said:
I have always known that He was there, walking beside me, and carrying me most of my life really; but over the years I grew away from Him. Now that I am a mother of 4 and a wife, I want so much for my family to know Christ and accept Him as well. My husband has finally agreed to go to church!!!


It will happen. Just continue to pray for them and be a good witness. I have a cousin that we have been praying for, for years that got saved this week!
  • #140
Becky I'll be keeping you in my prayers, I'm sure it's really hard.

Jennifer! My son (that just got home from Iraq two weeks ago) and his wife are leaving for Savannah on Sunday a.m. So if you see a good looking young man about 5'9" and a cute little short haired blond, both with huge smiles (always laughing a lot and picking at each other), that'll be them. LOL

My weekend is gearing up to finish up getting ready to be on the road with my dh. Next week we'll spend in Louisville for his week off at the huge Mid American Truck Show (MATS), his week off to have fun, then it's back to hard work.

Myself, I have a really tough situation that needs to be taken care of and I really need God's intervention and Guidance.

I've been with a Bible study group at church (ladies) and we're finishing up Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs". It's been such a great study, and I'm going to take it on the truck with me to share with my husband from beginning to end. We'll have lots of hours to talk. And I'll have lots of hours to study and pray. And I'll be praying for all of you.

  • #141
Time to GrieveBecky thank you for sharing your feelings and prayer requests with us. We will definitely lift those up.
I just wanted to let you know that you need time to grieve this friend. Give yourself some time to just think of the wonderful memories, and let out a good cry. Also cry out to the Lord and He will hear you.

Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16

And because we know Christ and Michelle knew Christ, we do not grieve like the world who has no hope. We have an eternal hope and we know we will meet again after death. Christ is victorious over death and the grave and so are we through Him.
It is ok to shed tears of sadness because she is gone and because you had the pleasure of knowing such a wonderful person that you will dearly miss. But also take this time while her memory is fresh in everyone's mind to honor her and her family with as many special tributes or fundraisers or parties as you can muster up the strength to do. But when you are ready! Only you will know when you are ready. But remember it will be a time of celebration, she is in heaven, there is no better place!!

Debbie :D
  • #142
DebbieSAChef said:
Becky thank you for sharing your feelings and prayer requests with us. We will definitely lift those up.
I just wanted to let you know that you need time to grieve this friend. Give yourself some time to just think of the wonderful memories, and let out a good cry. Also cry out to the Lord and He will hear you.

Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16

And because we know Christ and Michelle knew Christ, we do not grieve like the world who has no hope. We have an eternal hope and we know we will meet again after death. Christ is victorious over death and the grave and so are we through Him.
It is ok to shed tears of sadness because she is gone and because you had the pleasure of knowing such a wonderful person that you will dearly miss. But also take this time while her memory is fresh in everyone's mind to honor her and her family with as many special tributes or fundraisers or parties as you can muster up the strength to do. But when you are ready! Only you will know when you are ready. But remember it will be a time of celebration, she is in heaven, there is no better place!!

Debbie :D

We didn't have a funeral service for Michelle - We had a "Celebration of Life" service.....3 of us who had different relationships with Michelle spoke - her Aunt, a lady who watched her grow up and was her "official" prayer intercessor & warrior, and myself, as her friend and Small Group Leader......we all shared wonderful, heartwarming, and sometimes funny memories of her, and celebrated her life.
I guess right now - I know all of the scriptures and all of the promises....and I know that Michelle is home, and I'd never wish her back......right now, there is a song that keeps running through my mind that sums up how I feel right now - an old song by Twila Paris -

"Do I Trust You"

Sometimes my little heart can’t understand
What’s in Your will what’s in Your plan
So many times I’m tempted to ask You why
But I can never forget it for long
Lord what You do could not be wrong
So I believe You even when I must cry

Do I trust You Lord does the robin sing
Do I trust You Lord does it rain in Spring
You can see my heart You can read my mind
And You’ve got to know I would rather die
Than to lose my faith in the One I love
Do I trust You Lord

I know the answers I’ve given them all
But suddenly now I feel so small
Shaken down to the cavity in my soul
I know the doctrine and theology
But right now they don’t mean much to me
This time there’s only one thing I’ve got to know

Chorus 2:
Do I trust You Lord does the river flow
Do I trust You Lord does the North wind blow
You can see my heart You can read my mind
And You’ve got to know I would rather die
Than to lose my faith in the One I love
Do I trust You Lord

Chorus 3:
I will trust You Lord when I don’t know why
I will trust You Lord ‘til the day I die
I will trust You Lord when I’m blind with pain
You were God before and You’ll never change
Do I trust You, do I trust You, do I trust You
I will trust You, I will trust You Lord
I will trust You Lord

Artist: Twila Paris
Copyright: 1984 Singspiration Music
  • Thread starter
  • #143
To the last few posts: As I got up this morning, Becky was in my prayers over the loss of her friend...Becky, if I could reach a few hundred miles, I'd give you a BIG hug this morning!!!!

Anyway, I caught up with the rest of the requests and will be praying today for all of you while I'm out and about.

Have a great day!
  • #144
Thanks Janet! I wanted to say too that I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad - I will be praying for you and your family too.

Yesterday I heard Joni Tada on the radio, she was referring to people w/ disabilities - but what she was saying rung true with me too. She was quoting the scripture about always thinking of others as better than yourself.....and how that means even when we are in pain, or struggling etc......putting others before yourself is a command in scripture, and a key to being happy and content.....

Thanks for giving that scripture feet Janet!
  • Thread starter
  • #145
Joni Eareckson Tada is an amazingly talented woman! I've always been fascinated by her artwork since a child. (Especially since I can't draw for anything with 2 hands much less with my mouth!)

Thanks for the prayers...Dad has been gone a year (he died last January). Time has flown but with 2 little ones, one that remembers Grandpa visiting her 8 times the year he died for 1-2 weeks at a time and us visiting him another 3-4 times, she is a constant reminder of "doing things with Grandpa" and loves him very much. She brings up some very good memories but makes us sad sometimes. I am thankful she remembers though.

My Mom is doing well after a year, but I pray for her because I know how moms put on strong outer layers when they are hurting inside.

Have a great day Becky!
Last edited:
  • #146
Lifting you both up
janetupnorth said:
Joni Eareckson Tada is an amazingly talented woman! I've always been fascinated by her artwork since a child. (Especially since I can't draw for anything with 2 hands much less with my mouth!)

Thanks for the prayers...Dad has been gone a year (he died last January). Time has flown but with 2 little ones, one that remembers Grandpa visiting her 8 times the year he died for 1-2 weeks at a time and us visiting him another 3-4, she is a constant reminder of "doing things with Grandpa" and loves him very much. She brings up some very good memories but makes us sad sometimes. I am thankful she remembers though.

My Mom is doing well after a year, but I pray for her because I know how moms put on strong outer layers when they are hurting inside.

Have a great ay Becky!

We will definitely lift up both you and your mother. Yes mother's do put on a brave face sometimes, but to think her life long companion, her lover, her best friend, her provider and her protector is gone. That's tough. :(
I can't even think of that with my husband without getting teary eyed and we've only been married for six years this May. I can imagine decades of marriage, when it keeps getting better each year.
May the Lord keep you comforted and aware of His great love and peace for you two!
Debbie :D
  • #147
ok i am just getting back into the swing of things, i just had a baby. She is 7 wks old.. so i was looking over this awesome website and saw this thread!! HOW EXCITING... I to am a Christian. I just skimmed over each page to see what and where the thread is about. GOD BLESS you all and your business'. My husband and i have been married for 4 yrs and have a 2 yr old and a 7 wk old. We would not be where we are today if we did not have Christ as the center of our family! Yea times get rough and we tend to leave Him on the back burner... thank goodness God never does that to us! Since getting back into the swing of things... i too am finding it hard to do devotions... getting up at 530, to feed, then get self ready for work, then 2yr old and then everyone out the door to be at work by 9, i have no desire to get up an earlier... I have found a great invention.... DVR (TIVO) I record my fav shows... Joyce Meyers, Jesse Duplantis... and Living the Life. When i am feeding in the afternoons ( i get off work at 2) i watch those... in the 530 feeding i watch Joyce... she ALWAYS seems to get me pumped and ready to face the day! The scriptures she shares i make a mental note of and look up when i get to work and meditate on that. I think that this transition will help when the little one does not wake up for 530 feeding... and i still will and have my quiet time with God. They say that if you do something 7 times consequetively it becomes a habit... I PRAY SO!!

Thanks for starting this thread.. i will be uplifting every single one of you beautiful ladies every day in prayer!

  • #148
This came from a friend of mine. If you guys don't mind praying, I'm sure the family would appreciate it.

I have a very good friend named Debbie W . Her daughter's name is Ariel. Ariel broke up with her boyfriend 2 weeks ago. Yesterday morning the “x” was waiting at South Plains College for her with a double edged knife. (They also found a gun in his truck) He stabbed her 7 times: head, neck, chest twice, back twice and abdomen. She had gashes on one hand and a cracked eye socket.

The knife in the chest missed her heart by one inch. The knife missed her jugular vein by a fraction. She was able to communicate when they brought her in. Now they have her heavily sedated for the next 48 hours or so. The Lord is good in deed! It is only by the grace of God that she is alive. The “x” slit his own throat after attacking her.

Please pray for her family. Pray for complete physical and emotional healing for Ariel.

Please pass this prayer request on to anyone and everyone.
  • #149
How sadI am so sorry to hear that. I will definitely keep that in prayer!

  • #150
Oh Lord Jesus.
<h2>1. How would you apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life?</h2><p>In order to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life, you would need to first identify what areas of your faith you want to focus on. This could include reading the Bible, prayer, evangelism, serving others, etc. Once you have identified these areas, you can create a plan that incorporates the 3-2-1 concept. For example, you could commit to reading the Bible for 3 days a week, praying for 2 specific things each day, and reaching out to 1 person in need every month. This plan can be adjusted and personalized based on your individual goals and priorities.</p><h2>2. Do I put as much emphasis on what provides me with eternal security as I do with my finances?</h2><p>This is a question that many Christians struggle with, as it can be easy to prioritize our earthly needs and desires over our spiritual well-being. It is important to remember that while financial security is important, it is ultimately temporary. Our eternal security through our relationship with Jesus Christ should be our top priority. We can strive to balance both aspects of our lives, but it is crucial to not neglect our spiritual growth and connection with God.</p><h2>3. Why is it sometimes easier to sell Pampered Chef than talk to others about God?</h2><p>Selling Pampered Chef products may come more naturally to some because it is a tangible and practical item that can be easily marketed. However, talking to others about God and our faith can be more challenging because it requires vulnerability and can often be met with opposition or discomfort. It is important to remember that sharing our faith is a crucial part of being a Christian and can have an eternal impact on others, even if it may be uncomfortable at times.</p><h2>4. What are the 3-2-1 Plan for Success with Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Plan for Success with Pampered Chef includes booking 3 parties a week, connecting with 2 potential hosts/customers each day, and sponsoring 1 new consultant each month. This plan helps consultants stay focused and consistent with their business, ultimately leading to success.</p><h2>5. How can I challenge myself to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to my spiritual life?</h2><p>One way to challenge yourself to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life is to set specific and measurable goals for each aspect of your faith. This could include committing to reading the Bible for 3 days a week, praying for 2 specific things each day, and sharing the gospel with 1 person each month. You can also find an accountability partner or join a small group to help keep you on track and motivated in your spiritual growth.</p>

Related to Applying the 3-2-1 Plan to Your Spiritual Life

1. How would you apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life?

In order to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life, you would need to first identify what areas of your faith you want to focus on. This could include reading the Bible, prayer, evangelism, serving others, etc. Once you have identified these areas, you can create a plan that incorporates the 3-2-1 concept. For example, you could commit to reading the Bible for 3 days a week, praying for 2 specific things each day, and reaching out to 1 person in need every month. This plan can be adjusted and personalized based on your individual goals and priorities.

2. Do I put as much emphasis on what provides me with eternal security as I do with my finances?

This is a question that many Christians struggle with, as it can be easy to prioritize our earthly needs and desires over our spiritual well-being. It is important to remember that while financial security is important, it is ultimately temporary. Our eternal security through our relationship with Jesus Christ should be our top priority. We can strive to balance both aspects of our lives, but it is crucial to not neglect our spiritual growth and connection with God.

3. Why is it sometimes easier to sell Pampered Chef than talk to others about God?

Selling Pampered Chef products may come more naturally to some because it is a tangible and practical item that can be easily marketed. However, talking to others about God and our faith can be more challenging because it requires vulnerability and can often be met with opposition or discomfort. It is important to remember that sharing our faith is a crucial part of being a Christian and can have an eternal impact on others, even if it may be uncomfortable at times.

4. What are the 3-2-1 Plan for Success with Pampered Chef?

The 3-2-1 Plan for Success with Pampered Chef includes booking 3 parties a week, connecting with 2 potential hosts/customers each day, and sponsoring 1 new consultant each month. This plan helps consultants stay focused and consistent with their business, ultimately leading to success.

5. How can I challenge myself to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to my spiritual life?

One way to challenge yourself to apply the 3-2-1 Plan to your spiritual life is to set specific and measurable goals for each aspect of your faith. This could include committing to reading the Bible for 3 days a week, praying for 2 specific things each day, and sharing the gospel with 1 person each month. You can also find an accountability partner or join a small group to help keep you on track and motivated in your spiritual growth.

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