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Am I On Track to Hit My $10,000 Goal This Month?

In summary, Becky hit the $3000 Sellathon level and is excited to reach her $10,000 goal for the month. Linda is taking care of her family and is only able to work part-time, but is still excited about earning Disney.
  • #51
Di_Can_Cook said:
Janet, thanks for your post. I am feeling better today. I blame yesterday's rant on oversleeping/feeling out of sorts, TOM and an accidental overdose on one of my meds that made me feel like I had the stomach flu.

Just for the record, though, I don't exactly choose when to work. My PC schedule is much at the mercy of my day job, and I did everything possible on my end to get things in before the deadline. However, as I am seeing, some things are beyond my control. So while I am disappointed (this is the first time I will not have made Nov. SAT due to these new requirements) I'm choosing not to dwell on it today. I'd be lying if I said it made me happy, though.

It wasn't directed at any one person, just something I learned this week and am working hard on, even though I'm generally a positive person.

My PC schedule is at the mercy of my day job too...and church...and camp...and family...and fire department. My day job is my bread and butter, my insurance, and much more. However, I still CHOOSE when to work PC. :)

Don't feel bad about not being happy, you don't have to be happy about the change, but you can choose not to be upset too. I choose to decide that not getting it for November is not going to impact eternity for me, so off to focus on that.

Di...if you want to hear the whole sermon that comment was in, you can listen to it online...Pine Grove Community Church and it was the Sunday 11-8-09 sermon. It was on Biblical Unity but the principles contained in the message apply to work and many other things in life. It's about 40 minutes long and a .mp3 file so nice to listen to sometime.
  • #52
That's cool. I often listen to mp3's when my roomate is gone b/c I have no CD player in my car. My computer is in my living room, however, so it's really impossible to listen to stuff when Roomie is home.
  • #53
janetupnorth said:
I do PC because I enjoy helping others, if I get a free gift, BONUS! But I'm not going to inconvenience my family and others to do it. I'm confident if I have the right attitude about things, God will use and bless that.

Thanks for that reminder... PC has such great incentives, that initially I got way too focused on trying to get them.
I'm trying to work more in 'moderation' now... do my best with what I can do, but remembering that I need to keep my priorities straight (and not get too materialistic about getting the free stuff - although it's really exciting to get!)
  • #54
Just submitted my 2nd show! And hit $1550 with both of those! Level 1 and 2 taken care of. I have three shows and 1 catalog show to turn in. May hit $3000!By the way I did the Mystery Host Show. Had 5 hosts willing to participate. 2 actually submitted. With their orders, I closed out at $750 in commissionable sales! YAH!
  • #55
I am up to $100 in individual orders, and I have a catalog show closing. I will be happy to stay active at this point. I have some people I am going to call tomorrow to reschedule. :rolleyes:
  • #56
AJPratt said:
I am up to $100 in individual orders, and I have a catalog show closing. I will be happy to stay active at this point. I have some people I am going to call tomorrow to reschedule. :rolleyes:

amen to that! Same boat for me too *LITERALLY!...it's been raining cats and dogs since yesterday- stuck in the middle of a N'easter/remnants of Ida (?)*
  • #57
My October kind of fell apart and trying to get everyone into Nov has been tough. I really want and need to have a good month, so I will see if I can salvage it! (Glad to hear I'm not alone).
  • #58
Well ... here's how cruddy my November is doing:

* Host 1 has turned in her orders ... all $67 of them! I do have a $46 order to add to it but even that isn't enough to pull this one out. Haven't taken her paltry payments to the bank yet so who knows if this one's gonna get in by the 15th. Not holding my breath.
* Host 2 is getting dismal response in addition to being sick ... she is trying but forsees ordering $150 worth of stuff and giving me the host credit ... I told her I didn't need it ... she is so sweet.
* Craft fair today was the biggest waste of time EVER .. no sales, no orders and dismal interest ... I did manage to wrange phone numbers from two people who took catalogs, however.

Right now I DON'T CARE about Sell-a-thon ... BUT I do want to have a decent amount of sales for November/December to start my year in gear ... and to have a paycheck I can use for holiday shopping!
  • #59
I'm so excited, my sales right now are at just over $5000.00. I've only got 2 little shows and a booth until end of month. Bummed though, a show I KNOW would have set me over, had to be postponed due to illness in family. Hopeful with that one for Dec.

I say little shows, as I know one hostess has already said, she's just aiming for lowest level, so it can qualify, as allot of her friends are strapped for $, so I'm trying to give her a push to go and try and get outside orders by taking book to work, dropping at a salon, etc., and so far, she's just not interested.

So I'm trying to get orders that I can to help boost. I'm going to send out update newsletter and say I'm close to a goal and give everyone a discount of something, not sure what, just to get the orders. Ideas??


  • #60
Don't forget, get your 2nd (or 1st and 2nd) show in by tomorrow to get a spring product. I've got a show to get submitted and am hoping to close other 2 also.

  • #61
I rescheduled my party for today to the 28th. She knows that I have to close by the 30th and is one of my best friends. I have no doubt that she'll do good by me. I'm closing out my party for last Saturday today. Fundraiser is going well & I had a friend call yesterday wanting to do a catalog party to close out the 30th as well. HO is going to hate me b/c of that but I really don't have another choice! :D
  • #62
I was able to close a second show last night..and I will be submitting it today..so I will get the product for submitting 2 shows between the 1st and the 15th.

My sales however total are only at around $550 and I only have 1 more show this month. So I don't think that I will reach the $1500..but I am still going to try.
  • #63
Phew! Just submitted my second show. I was getting nervous since there was an issue w/ a guest's payment. But it's all straightened out now and I submitted the show. So I have my 2 shows in and I'm at $2,079! I had a show just cancel for next Friday. All I have left is one catalog show. I'm hoping to have that work out, but I'm not holding my breath. Catalog shows are never that high for me. I think I'm going to do a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale, so maybe I can scrounge up some orders. But if it's not enough, I'll hold it over for a December show.
  • #64
I've submitted my second show and with that I'm under $4000.00......BUT... I've got 2 shows open that are going to get me within $100.00 of the $6000.00 level. :D I'm so excited!! They pulled in more outside orders than they expected, so I'm really excited about what I'll be getting in the spring. Now I've got to just make sure my last show stick, or else I'm going to place an order myself on my outlet or something, lol.

This is only the 2nd time my time of selling PC :eek: that I've earned the directors pack of things and I'm only $100.00 away, so unless something God forbid should happen, I'll be getting it!!

Wait until my hubby hears the news!!! Only "bad" thing, is I won't make as much $ as I promised donations to chararites if shows made levels, and they did!! So Awesome all around, as I get spring products, hostesses get things and local charities get some help too!!

Ok, I need to go take a chill pill, lol. Hubby is not home, he's with the 3 girls being a great dad :angel: and doing a girl scout/brownie activity that they are earning a badge at, but he had to take them so I could meet and get these orders for these shows. I was so Thankful I had to close these shows today, as Discovery Center, where he had to take them is so LOUD on a normal day, let alone a special day of activities. I'm so blessed with an awesome hubby and my girls are blessed with an awesome daddy.

  • #65
Lisa... please share how you have two shows submitted and $4000 in sales... That's awesome!
  • #66
Well here's what I did for first show.......
It started as a show for previous AWESOME hostess and sorta went into a fundraiser, but not a fundraiser. I said I would donate % of sales to hostesses charity of choice is she got sales to a certain level and she passed that, so I'll be making a donation to local charity.
That show was just over $3000.00 in sales, woo hoo.
We only had a few at the actual show, but everyone helped her get more orders, once they heard what I was going to donate, so it was great.

For the other show, she's another repeat hostess and her show sales ended up being $801.50, which was actually low for her, she apologized for not getting to the $1000 mark.

I've currently got another show at just over $700.00 from my girl scout troop grandma and she's getting more outside orders to try and double that #. I've got another show I just got outside orders for of just over $1100.00 with at least 1 more order to come in, that show was sitting at $949.00 and then another lady called me with Outside order to bring it up to the $1100.00 mark.

I really think it's helping that I've said I would donate a % of sales to local charity, as most people know local charities need help.

I've also already got an order from a neighbor for my bf's show at end of the month of $240.00. So I'm just excited. I've sold more in Nov. than I have April-Oct., so that's an awesome feeling. Now to keep the momentum rolling!!

  • #67
I had 4 shows last week right before my surgery. Then I got a HO lead order for, GET THIS!!! $730!!!!! WOO! HOO!!! I still have 5 more shows, and at least 3 catty shows too! Hoping for the $6000 level but we will see! Gonna be fairly close!!! I'm still recooping from my surgery too!
  • #68
I just turned in my 2nd show which was 930. With that show I'll get the two shows and 1770 in sales. I've got a FR and two more shows to turn in yet!!
  • #69
Then I got a HO lead order for, GET THIS!!! $730!!!!! WOO! HOO!!!

:eek: All I can say, is WOW!!! :eek:

And Congratulations!!

Hope surgery went well.

  • #70
After I submit everything I plan to submit by the 15th, I will be just under $4000.00. I have 4 more cooking shows, 5 catty shows and a fr to close out before the 30th. I feel very much at ease that I will be getting 2 sets of everything again this Spring. I love that! My consultants do too.. they get the extras as incentives. :)
  • #71
I'm at $4747.92 with three shows submitted, two nearly wrapped up and one more next week. I would love to reach $6000.
  • #72
Lisa/ChefBear said:
:eek: All I can say, is WOW!!! :eek:

And Congratulations!!

Hope surgery went well.


It seems to be ok so far. Went in for a hernia caused from my gallbladder surgery 2 yrs ago. When dr opened me up to repair hernia he found out the actual source of my problem was not the tiny hernia, but a large abcess that was caused from a nonbiodegradable stitch the previous surgeon left in! I am quite upset @ previous dr!!!
  • #73
I'm sorry to hear that, that sounds very painful. I hope the other doctor is going to be taken to task for that!! Wow, so for 2 years you've been having problems and that's why. Makes you wonder how these doctors would feel if it was them who went through things like that.

  • #74
WOO HOO!! I did it, already this month I've sold $6037.18 I'm so excited!!!

My director is going to FLIP when she hears this!!

  • #75
Go Lisa!!!
  • #76
I've done 5 shows this month (3 submitted b4 the 15th YAY ME!), and I'm ONLY at $1,315, with no more shows on my calendar. Hadn't even been thinking about the $ amount for more products... duh!!! I'm reading about the mystery host idea, but don't know the details, and the $1,000. I'd REALLY love to get some more sales this month to earn the products. Any earth shattering news that may help me?
  • #77
I'd say either the $1k mystery host (I know there is some info floating around here) or a Black Friday sale. You don't necessarily have to have a "sale" but if you put it out there for your past hosts/guests, you might generate some sales. Or even host a Black Friday party at your place if you're willing to do that, as an open house.
  • #78
what happens if we do a show in November, but submit it in December? Which month would it count towards?
  • #79
Congrats Lisa! Happy Dance for you.....that's amazing!!! :D
  • #80
Bobbi....it would not count towards your November SAT, and it would not count towards the Dec incentive either. It would simply make you active for the month of Dec...the host would still be eligible for the Nov Host Special....and you'd make commission and get paid in Dec....but it would not count towards either SAT.
  • #81
I had my first show for the month last night. It was a $300 show and my host has no intentions of getting any outside orders. Kinda bummed I was hoping for at least the $500 mark. I have one more show this month and my mystery catalog show going on.
  • #82
Well so far I have just over $2000 in sales (need to close out two shows from this weekend as I don't have the host orders yet) - Still have 3 more cooking shows, 1 catalog show, and 1 vendor event for the month - hoping to achieve $3000 level for SAT.
  • #83
Wow, I didn't realize how close I was to the $3000 level. I have only hit that once during a SAT month. Right now if I submitted my two open shows as is I'm at $2616.05. One just needs the hosts order and the other possibly has a couple more orders to add. I lost two shows this month which sort of bums me out because I would have easily hit $3000. I know that some of DH's family would order something at Thanksgiving but I think that I will do a Black Friday sale just to see what happens. I would hate to be so close and not try to make it!Either that or I need some random $300 HO lead! Prayers!
  • #84
This will be the first time I've ever earned anything for the SAT. Right now I'm at $1468 for the month with 3 shows left for this month (and perhaps 2 catalog shows as well). I'm definitely planning on earning the $2500 level, which is AMAZING for me since my best month ever was last month when my sales were $1428. I couldn't be happier! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #85
cookie325 said:
This will be the first time I've ever earned anything for the SAT. Right now I'm at $1468 for the month with 3 shows left for this month (and perhaps 2 catalog shows as well). I'm definitely planning on earning the $2500 level, which is AMAZING for me since my best month ever was last month when my sales were $1428. I couldn't be happier! :)

That's fantastic Nicole! Congratulations on a personal best!

but, just so you aren't disappointed - there isn't a $2500 level. ;)

2 Shows by the 15th - Level 1
$1500 in sales - Level 2
$3000 in sales - Level 3
$6000 in sales - Level 4
  • #86
1 catalog show closed, and 2 parties at the $2100 mark.. have one show to close tomorrow night (it's at $500+) and doing a show Sat, of which the hostess invited over 50!!!!
  • #87
D'oh! I knew that! :eek: I meant the $3000 level! Ugh! I think I'm thinking back to when the levels were $1250, $2500, and $5000 (at least, that's how I *think* they used to be MANY MANY moons ago). Thanks for the congrats! I'm pretty darn happy! :p
  • #88
Today i'm closing out my mother-in-laws show...and I will have reached level 2 :) woot woot!!!!
  • #89
With 3 shows I'm now at $3253.74. That means I'm $247 from level 3 here. I have one more catalogue show and my 1K mystery host but I've only had one response to the mystery host. Time to get on the phone. I'd hate to miss out after having one $700, one $800 and one $1700 show!!
  • #90
Well I didn't think I would get anything, but I'll reach $1,500 with only 2 shows:)!
  • #91
Well, I finally made it!!! Surpassed the $7,000.00 Canadian goal to get everything FREE next Spring and still 2 more shows to go!!! CAn't wait for Spring!!! :)
  • #92
Congrats to those of you hitting level 3!!! :DLooks like I will pull off level 2 after all the lost shows this month. I am at $2,332.20 and still have a catalog show open, another cooking show, my Mystery Host show (with only 5 left playing!!!) and a booth this weekend which I'll add to the Mystery Host show to boost the benefits for the participants. I really don't think I'll hit level 3 with those, but a girl can hope, right? LOL
  • Thread starter
  • #93
Sheila said:
Congrats to those of you hitting level 3!!! :D

Looks like I will pull off level 2 after all the lost shows this month. I am at $2,332.20 and still have a catalog show open, another cooking show, my Mystery Host show (with only 5 left playing!!!) and a booth this weekend which I'll add to the Mystery Host show to boost the benefits for the participants. I really don't think I'll hit level 3 with those, but a girl can hope, right? LOL

What? With that many shows still open, you can most certainly hit Level 3!!

Just taking averages:

Catalog Show - $250
Cooking Show - $500
Mystery Host - 5 people who turn in $100 = $500

That's $1250 in sales right there, and you need less than $700 to make it to level 3....you can do it!
  • #94
I'm still in Level 1, but I have two shows this weekend and I'm at over $2000 right now, so I feel like I'll hit level 2!! I'm pretty pleased with that!
  • #95
Great work Mountainmama. We must do coffee (or something) sometime. I'd love to meet with a nearby fellow cheffer. I would also LOVE some contact information for your director. I'm looking for a hospitality director.
  • #96
Sheila - you are definitely reaching the $3,000 mark. You sell yourself short.

Keep going everybody!
  • #97
I just signed & so far my calender has 3 catalog parties & 2 cooking shows on it. I'm so excited!!
  • #98
Well..I didn't get even $1500 in sales this month..and I don't think that I will either..I don't have any more shows..I do have a booth tomorrow..but I don't think that I will get there with that because sales are usually pretty bad at this one..but it is for my church..so that is why I continue to participate..maybe this will be my big year..LOL..anyway..I was hoping that I would have a great show last night..but I didn't..her sales are going to end about half of what I needed it to..I needed them to be $800..but I think we are only going to close it at around $400..but that is ok

not to hijack..but..that show even though sales were low..I am trying to pick up my business to pay for a cruise that I am going on in June..and i had 4 bookings..and 1 recruit lead..so I am very happy about that.
  • #99
I don't think I'll be getting anything either. Just closed another show at $275 she didn't even want to get another $25 to jump her to the next level. My mystery show is stuck at 5 people and it's suppose to close on Monday.
  • #100
I'm very excited! This may be my best month ever and I still have two shows to close and a little holiday booth on Monday. My current sales for the month are $6005!!! :eek: Now if I can just figure out how to get the December incentive. I'm going to be gone Dec. 2-12.
<h2>1. What is Sellathon?</h2><p>Sellathon is a program offered by Pampered Chef that rewards consultants for meeting sales goals. It is designed to motivate and incentivize consultants to reach their sales targets and earn rewards.</p><h2>2. How do I know if I've met the Sellathon goals?</h2><p>You can track your progress towards Sellathon goals on your consultant dashboard or by contacting your team leader. You will also receive notifications when you have achieved a sales milestone.</p><h2>3. What rewards do I receive for reaching Sellathon goals?</h2><p>The rewards for Sellathon vary but can include product credits, cash bonuses, and special incentives such as trips or exclusive products. The specific rewards for each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>4. How often does Sellathon occur?</h2><p>Sellathon periods usually run for a set number of months, typically three to four. The specific dates and duration of each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>5. Can I still participate in Sellathon if I am a new consultant?</h2><p>Yes, new consultants are eligible to participate in Sellathon. It is a great way to jumpstart your business and earn rewards right away. Talk to your team leader for tips on how to maximize your sales during Sellathon.</p>

Related to Am I On Track to Hit My $10,000 Goal This Month?

1. What is Sellathon?

Sellathon is a program offered by Pampered Chef that rewards consultants for meeting sales goals. It is designed to motivate and incentivize consultants to reach their sales targets and earn rewards.

2. How do I know if I've met the Sellathon goals?

You can track your progress towards Sellathon goals on your consultant dashboard or by contacting your team leader. You will also receive notifications when you have achieved a sales milestone.

3. What rewards do I receive for reaching Sellathon goals?

The rewards for Sellathon vary but can include product credits, cash bonuses, and special incentives such as trips or exclusive products. The specific rewards for each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.

4. How often does Sellathon occur?

Sellathon periods usually run for a set number of months, typically three to four. The specific dates and duration of each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.

5. Can I still participate in Sellathon if I am a new consultant?

Yes, new consultants are eligible to participate in Sellathon. It is a great way to jumpstart your business and earn rewards right away. Talk to your team leader for tips on how to maximize your sales during Sellathon.

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