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Am I On Track to Hit My $10,000 Goal This Month?

In summary, Becky hit the $3000 Sellathon level and is excited to reach her $10,000 goal for the month. Linda is taking care of her family and is only able to work part-time, but is still excited about earning Disney.
Gold Member
Wow! Just closed an over $500 catalog show, and realized that with that, I've already hit the $3000 level of Sellathon! Whoo Hooo! (some of it still has to be submitted)

More than Sellathon, I'm excited because my goal is a $10000 month to ensure that I am Disney Bound! 4 Shows next week to help me with that goal too! :)
Wahoo, Becky!

I had a party turned in last Wednesday that was $775 and just left one that's already at $670. We'll be closing that next weekend. I've got another party on the 14th and a fundraiser that I have high hopes for. :) I'm wanting the $3,000 level for sell-a-thon. OK, secretly, I want $6,000 but I'm being realistic! :D
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  • #3
You can do it, Crystal!
I had 2 shows this week. They are still expecting a few large outside orders to come in, so we'll see. But right now one is at $885.50 and the other is at $675.25. I have a catalog show going on and another show on the 20th. That's about it for this month. I wanted to do more, but 2 of my kids have birthdays this month, my son is getting baptized, and my in-laws are coming, plus Thanksgiving and a big craft event at my church. So I ran out of available days to do them. :(But I'm at least going to reach the $1500 level. :)
Good for you Becky! I'm very excited that you are about to earn Disney. I've had to scale back my biz to the bare minimum these past few months and through the rest of the year while taking care of my dad. I won't earn Disney afterall - but I am excited that conference is paid for next year.
Wow Becky! A 10K month would be awesome. Cheering the rest of you on as well.

Linda, hugs and prayers that life settles down a bit for you.
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  • #7
pamperedlinda said:
Good for you Becky! I'm very excited that you are about to earn Disney. I've had to scale back my biz to the bare minimum these past few months and through the rest of the year while taking care of my dad. I won't earn Disney afterall - but I am excited that conference is paid for next year.

Linda - I totally understand! One reason I am working so hard now is because at the beginning of the year, I had to just do the bare minimum because I was taking care of my Mom. Family comes first, and it's one of the reasons why I love this business - I can put my family first, and PC will still be there.
You're so right, Becky. It's great to be able to determine how much of each day's 24 hours (or each week's 168 hours) to devote to PC.I'll definitely have the 2 shows and the $1,500 level. Depending on calls I'll be making over the next few days, it's very possible that I'll hit the $3,000 level. I'll just have to see.
You go girl!!! I only work PC part time, but between booths, cooking shows & catalog shows, I had 11 events planned for this month. My last host decided to sign, so that's 1 show gone. I gave her a friend's booking too, so that's a 2nd one gone. TWO of my cooking shows canceled this week (which is VERY odd for me), so that's 4 shows down. I gave my 3 new recruits the option of helping out at my booths, so that's 4 more of my 11 gone! Last night my current catalog host e-mailed & said she gives up without enough to make a show but wants to bring me the two orders she did get. At this rate I'm going to be scraping by to make the $2,500 for HO leads! I did book another catalog show, so I still have 2 catalog shows & 3 cooking shows that are mine. I lucked out into $300 in orders yesterday at my booth after the recruits left. I do have one booth later in the month that none of the recruits could work so I'll get some sales there. It's a monthly event and I usually make $200-$250 each time that I work it.I decided 2 days ago to put together a $1,000 Mystery Host show. I'm working on it now. I haven't sent out the e-mail yet, it's taking forever to sort through 971 contacts & pull out just the ones who are here on Okinawa!!! But I already have 3 volunteers to participate out of just the ones that I've spoken with in person. :D So hopefully that will help out a LOT this month for SAT!!
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  • #10
Sheila said:
You go girl!!! I only work PC part time, but between booths, cooking shows & catalog shows, I had 11 events planned for this month. My last host decided to sign, so that's 1 show gone. I gave her a friend's booking too, so that's a 2nd one gone. TWO of my cooking shows canceled this week (which is VERY odd for me), so that's 4 shows down. I gave my 3 new recruits the option of helping out at my booths, so that's 4 more of my 11 gone! Last night my current catalog host e-mailed & said she gives up without enough to make a show but wants to bring me the two orders she did get. At this rate I'm going to be scraping by to make the $2,500 for HO leads! I did book another catalog show, so I still have 2 catalog shows & 3 cooking shows that are mine. I lucked out into $300 in orders yesterday at my booth after the recruits left. I do have one booth later in the month that none of the recruits could work so I'll get some sales there. It's a monthly event and I usually make $200-$250 each time that I work it.

I decided 2 days ago to put together a $1,000 Mystery Host show. I'm working on it now. I haven't sent out the e-mail yet, it's taking forever to sort through 971 contacts & pull out just the ones who are here on Okinawa!!! But I already have 3 volunteers to participate out of just the ones that I've spoken with in person. :D So hopefully that will help out a LOT this month for SAT!!

$1000 Mystery Host Shows have pulled me through more than once!

The hardest balance I had to find for myself was the balance of recruiting and sales. It took me a long while...

BUT - on a bright note for you - the $2500 doesn't have to be all you! You have to maintain $1250 in sales for 3 of the last 4 months (and I know you have!) and the $2500 can be made up by your team sales too! Since part of your shows have been given to your team, you should be all set there!
  • #11
GO BECKY!!!!!! GO ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is doing SUPER!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post sometime but have to go to bed at some point also! Just wanted to cheer you on!
  • #12
I've already got over $5000 waiting to be submitted - and 7 more shows this month (two of which are FR's) so I am set for the top level of SellaThon. Unfortunately a big chunk of those sales are fundraisers so while my #'s are up there, my wallet is not benefiting.
  • #13
I'm doing the $1000 mystery host show too! I also have 2 shows so far this month hoping to get more. I would like to hit the $3000 level but for me that's a long shot. I've only been doing one show a month. Maybe this thread will keep me accountable and the motivation I need to get more shows.

I won't be submitting my 2 show before the 15th. Everything I have is afterwards.
  • #14
Becky - you rock! I would love to see you have a $10,000 month. What a great paycheck!

Sheila - while many things are falling apart for your month, I see a lot of bright spots in there with your team and your continued contact with hosts and customers.

I always love the fact that with SAT, no matter how much or little you work your biz, there's something for you, whether the 2 show level or the higher levels.

I've got a little over $3,000 to submit with 3 more shows and a fundraiser to do. Plus I'm hoping that a booth I did today will generate some online sales with a special offer that I made. Fingers are crossed to hit the $6,000 level (need those Disney points!!!). Depending on how things develop, I will do a Black Friday sale to put me over. When (not "if") I hit $6,000, it will be the first time in a long time or ever that I reached the top level of a SAT. I've gotten the Director Package before but never the top sales level.

I keep forgetting about the December part of SAT. Still trying to scrape together some shows for that to at least get the 2 in before the 15th. I would love to earn some PC bucks. I'm sick of paying for catalogs.
  • #15
Great job everyone!

I had my mystery host show last weekend - nearly $800 in sales. Vendor event today - $150 in sales so I'll get the 2 shows submitted by the 15th. I still have 5 cooking shows and 1 catalog show this month so I'm sure I'll hit $1500 and hoping for $3000 level! I love earning anything for free so I'm psyched - plus I will love the paycheck as well:)
  • #16
My December is packed! Already have 6 shows ( I know it's going to be a killer!) However, November is terrible. Two cooking shows, one catalog show and one stop-n-shop. I put together a mystery host. It has 9 participants- it should be over $1000 but I don't think I'll hit $3000 this time :(
  • #17
ChefBeckyD said:
$1000 Mystery Host Shows have pulled me through more than once!

The hardest balance I had to find for myself was the balance of recruiting and sales. It took me a long while...

BUT - on a bright note for you - the $2500 doesn't have to be all you! You have to maintain $1250 in sales for 3 of the last 4 months (and I know you have!) and the $2500 can be made up by your team sales too! Since part of your shows have been given to your team, you should be all set there!

OMG! I knew that last month!!! Why was I thinking that it had to be $2,500 this month? Who knows. :rolleyes: Anyway, my last 4 months were: $1347.84, $1,100.94, $4,385.30 & $3,724.46 - so I have to do $1,250 this month to get HO leads.

Oh, and I just gave away another show tonight! LOL Recruit #3 was here closing her first show, saw my list of shows & said that another November host is her friend who was invited to her show!!! LOL Now she knows why the girl didn't come or order, she's hosting a show herself!

So now I'm down to 2 catalog shows, 2 cooking shows & 1 booth. I've already submitted $491 and have a catalog show that is currently at $238.90 (he requested 11/9-11/16, so technically it hasn't even started yet!). Recruit #3 just submitted $700.20 tonight and has another show waiting to be entered with 2 more shows this month. So I'm feeling more confident now that the team will do $2,500 in sales this month. :D
  • #18
Becky, you rock!

I have significantly less activity, but that's OK ... I'm working a lot of hours this year that I wasn't last year. Last year I had five shows (including the one from hell) in November and still didn't make the $1,500 level. I decided that was too much for me.

So .... I have two shows in November and a craft fair and an order, whch I hope to turn into my own catty show. If not, I will throw those orders on with one of my shows. My show today had one guest and is turning into a pretty good catalog show. I will get them in on or before the 15th and then we will see!
  • #19
I have 1 show turned in for $800. My mystery host show will close on Wednesday. It's right at $600 right now with only two hosts actually submitting anything so I cannot complain. Hopefully their orders will put it up more. So just between those two I'll hit level 2. I have 1 catalog show open and 3 shows this next week. We'll see what happens. Hoping I can hit $3000!
  • #20
I have yet to submit a show but I will be closing one out tomorrow that is sitting at 860.
One I plan on closing Wed that right now is at 350 and another one I will be closing ot at 250. I still have 1 catty show going 5 shows left and 1 booth to do.I really hope to hit the 6K level and I do then I will only have to do abot 2500 and Disney level 1 is in the bag.
  • #21
I'm doing happy dance here......between first 2 things of month sales at just over 3000.00. I've got 2 fundraisers this week and a show, and 2 more shows before end of the month, so I'm hoping and praying for the directors pack. But I'll be happy with anything, as I slowed down over summer, so I'm thrilled to get anything!!

  • #22
Way to go Becky!!!!!!

As of last night I have a $326 catalog show and $670 show (with more order's coming in & will close on Wed's) waiting to be submitted. I also have $70 in order's from my event this past Friday to add to someone's show.

I still have two parties and two catalog show's to close. I am hoping to get a confirmation on a third party for the 20th today. I should make $1500 with no problem, and hoping for $3000.

On a side note, I followed up with four of my leads from this past friday and booked all of them for December. I had nothing on the calendar. I am so excited!
  • #23
I have shows on the 19th and the 21st. Unfortunately with the "new" rules that doesn't qualify me for 2 free products...I really wish they hadn't minimized that to 15 days. I'll probably be under the $1500, but I can always hope. I can't cram anything more in my calendar though, I have EVERY night this week booked with activities and almost every night next week...my family needs me too!
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  • #24
janetupnorth said:
I have shows on the 19th and the 21st. Unfortunately with the "new" rules that doesn't qualify me for 2 free products...I really wish they hadn't minimized that to 15 days. I'll probably be under the $1500, but I can always hope. I can't cram anything more in my calendar though, I have EVERY night this week booked with activities and almost every night next week...my family needs me too!

And I really wish I'd read the fine print better on that. I guess it's "never assume" right?:rolleyes: but I had been encouraging all of my team - even those who are hobbiests, to get 2 shows in this month to earn a free product...many of them have at least 2 shows booked, but not within the 1-15th time frame. I feel so bad for not being more on top of that for my team!
  • #25
ChefBeckyD said:
And I really wish I'd read the fine print better on that. I guess it's "never assume" right?:rolleyes: but I had been encouraging all of my team - even those who are hobbiests, to get 2 shows in this month to earn a free product...many of them have at least 2 shows booked, but not within the 1-15th time frame. I feel so bad for not being more on top of that for my team!
They can read too. It wasn't fine print....just most of us were used to how it was before.I've got 2 shows- on the 13th, and one the 14th. I also sort of have a show on the 12th (speaking engagement at my church's ladies group that I hope will yield enough sales to submit as a show). We'll see! I need to get on the ball and put out my $1000 mystery host show and give that a whirl. I'm also going to do something for Black Friday. December is still light though- 2 shows currently.
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  • #26
Wholy molly, I completly missed the Nov 1- 15 info on the SAT flyer. Just looked at it again, to see what you all were talking about.

Yikes! I need to get ahold of my team. I feel awful! :(
  • #27
So far I have $2000.00 submitted and a show tonight, one Friday, Saturday, Tues, Thurs, and the following Tues this month. I also have 3 catalog shows and a fundraiser going on this month as well as my online preferred customer online show, which so far has 30 yesses. I think I will be ok to hit the 6k. :) AND... I got a HO lead sale of $390.00 yesterday. WHAHOOO!
  • #28
Just a note...same applies for December too. December 1-15- hold & Submit 2 shows - earn product. ;)
  • #29
I just wrapped up a large fundraiser this morning trying to finalize my submissions for my first 30 days ending on 11/11. I was able to get in 8 shows, and so far in November I have just under $1000 from the fundraiser. I have my fingers crossed that my other Nov show will bring in the other $500 for me!
  • #30
esavvymom said:
Just a note...same applies for December too. December 1-15- hold & Submit 2 shows - earn product. ;)

That one I did see. I have 4 show's so far before the 12th of December. I would really like to earn PC Dollar's. :D
  • #31
I'm really glad you guys mentioned something about the 1-15th hold and submit deadline for the 2 shows. I can't believe I didn't catch that when I looked at the SAT flyer.
  • #32
Not doing very good since it has been so busy at work. I had one show yesterday (waiting to close but sitting at $600) but had no takers to book shows. I also have a catalog show I'm going to submit this week and that is it for the month. I tried a mystery host but go only 2 takers, 1 turned into the catalog show so I guess that helps.
  • #33
I am about $70 away from the $1500 level. I'm closing out my first $1k show, and my MIL's show will be closing next weekend. I'm also hitting up a few fairs this month as well as holding my own catalogue show to hopefully get me closer to the $3k mark. $3k goal is my reach as this is already the best month I've had since starting PC.
  • #34
munkee41182 said:
I am about $70 away from the $1500 level. I'm closing out my first $1k show, and my MIL's show will be closing next weekend. I'm also hitting up a few fairs this month as well as holding my own catalogue show to hopefully get me closer to the $3k mark. $3k goal is my reach as this is already the best month I've had since starting PC.

  • #35
Right now I have over $1,000 in sales that I closed already, but I have over $1700 in opened shows right now waiting to close!!! I just did 2 this weekend and both are anticipating several more orders. ALot of poelpe were unable to attend due to the flu! :(

I also have 2 more cooking shows left for this month which I have high hopes for both. My original goal for this month was $3,000. I know I will make that, now I would just like to hit the $4000 mark to get the extra boost in commision. I just started selling PC in July, so I am very excited about how well this is going for me.

I am looking forward to Dec as well. I just got my kids' swim team to do a fundraiser! there are over 100 children participating. I should hit my $15000 in Dec. if this fundraiser goes as well as I think it will. The coach has already started taking orders and I have not even given them all the stuff yet!! I am only about 5,000 away

I also work full time and have 6 children, so I am super busy to say the least. I am going to part time by the end of the year and thanks to Pampered Chef I will still be making the same amount of money if not more!

I love this job!:thumbup:
  • #36
I just submitted a show just under $200 and one just over $1,000. I scheduled another November show today and got confirmation that another show is going to hold. I was a little worried about that second one. Plus, I have a catalog show yet to close.
  • #37
Have done 2 shows this month already and have 3 this week and another 3 next week. Have a recruit who is on fire, so the bonus is a possibility. Sales should reach $3000, if not more. I do have some leftover shows from November so I have to be careful in the tracking of numbers. Having a blast with all the holiday botiques, too!
  • #38
OK ... mind if I rant just a bit???I noticed the 1-15 timeframe when somebody else mentioned it ... and I was VERY upset! Then I got over it and got cracking ... set up an "anniversary sale" to be turned in by the 15th, confirmed my Nov. 8 show and booked a catalog show. She was psyched about turning it in on the 12th because minor surgery was scheduled for the 13th.Well, minimal orders on the "anniversary show" so I reasoned I would just add what I had to the catalog show.
Then I went to the Nov. 8 show ... guess what? One order turned in ... and one guest who is a friend of the family and had not yet ordered when i left. HOWEVER ... she has SEVERAL outside orders and is pushing to get them in by Thursday. (would be sooner if not for my work schedule.)
And finally ... talked to my catalog host, who has a severe sinus infection. Her surgery is now postponed as a result. So she needs more time.OH ... and did I mention I'm working Nov. 14 and 15?I do have a craft fair on the 13th which sometimes has been known to bring an order or two out of the woodwork, but in my experience, it's looking less and less likely that I'll hit the Nov. 15 deadline.I realize the other levels go the rest of the month, but it's looking less and less like I'll meet that goal. Maybe it's because i'm so emotional right now over not feeling well ... but I've NEVER hit the $1,500 level (even with five Nov. shows last year) and it feels like a carrot that I just can't catch!At this point I feel like PC is setting its goals way too far out of reach for those of us who are part-time hobbyists. With the economy and such, it just feels like they set those requirements to get out of giving us free products. In other product lines I felt like the goals were too high to reach and now I am starting to feel that way about PC too. I am really tempted to send this as an e-mail to my director, or maybe higher ...
  • #39
Right now I am at about $300 in sales..but I think I will at least have 2 in the first 15 days if I can get my catty show to close in time.* And I might have enough to at least submit $1500 for the month.
  • #40
Woe you are all doing awesome. I have one show in so far for $300 in sales that I got by doing a booth at a fair. I had a show on Friday and am not sure where sales are because everyone took their catalog home with them because the host told them it was okay to do that. :-( I am closing her show on Friday and have another show on Thursday. I also have a Ladies Night out PLUS a craft fair this weekend. I hope to get some more sales so that I can hit the $1500 level PLUS I am trying to put together a mystery host show. For those that have done those any tips you have on how to make that a success can you let me know either on here or email me at [email protected]. I NEED to hit $3000 in sales to help pay some bills we have. THanks. Sarah
  • #41
Right now I have a show to submit tomorrow night that's closing at $1710 and another closing Wed at $800. So I now have levels one and two ($2000 here for level 2). I have one more cooking show, 2 catalogue shows and I might do an anniversary sale the last week of November, not sure yet. I've never had luck with the $1000 mystery host show and we don't have Black Fridays here but it IS my 5th anniversary this month so I might offer something to help get to level 3 if needed which is $3500 here.
  • #42
I just submitted my first show at just over $3000.00 and have one open at just over $600.00. I've got 3 shows this week, and supposedly 2 more later in month.

I'm hoping for that $6000.00 mark.

  • #43
I had 3 shows this week. After closing two this Friday, I'm at about $1500. I have one catalog show open until the 22nd and a big fundraiser. My goal is $3000 this month.
  • #44
I've submitted one show....about to submit a second tomorrow. At about $1800 with the potential of the second hitting another $100. Have another show with a cc decline that I have to resolve....hoping to hit 3K this month.
  • #45
I've submitted one show ($677) and have two shows this weekend, and two shows next weekend. Plus I have a catalog show to close!! Plus I have two recruits this month, so I'll get that special spring product as long as one of them qualifies this month!!
  • #46
Whooo HOOOOO!!! Go Mountain Momma! That's awesome!
  • #47
Lisa/ChefBear said:
I just submitted my first show at just over $3000.00 and have one open at just over $600.00. I've got 3 shows this week, and supposedly 2 more later in month.

I'm hoping for that $6000.00 mark.


Please fill us in on what you did to get a $3000 show! That is awesome!
  • #48
It started as a show for previous AWESOME hostess and sorta went into a fundraiser, but not a fundraiser. I said I would donate % of sales to hostesses charity of choice is she got sales to a certain level and she passed that, so I'll be making a donation to local charity.

We only had a few at the actual show, but everyone helped her get more orders, once they heard what I was going to donate, so it was great.

Tomorrow night, I'm doing a show for a Grandma for a Brownie Troop and said I would donate % of my commission to the troop itself, if sales were over $1500.00, so I'm hopeful.

  • #49
On the 1st -15th thing, I know I can't make it and I can choose to be upset about the new rules, but I also CHOOSE when I work and when I don't. So, I'm choosing not to be the least bit upset if I don't reach that goal. If I do it's positive for me, if I don't, I haven't LOST anything, just failed to gain something else.Something I heard this weekend that I'm really taking to heart at work and making work a better place is:

Even if someone is trying to offend, it is 100% MY decision whether or not to be offended. Choose NOT to be offended.
It goes along with attitude and Swindoll's message on that...you are 100% in control of your attitude. I do PC because I enjoy helping others, if I get a free gift, BONUS! But I'm not going to inconvenience my family and others to do it. I'm confident if I have the right attitude about things, God will use and bless that.
  • #50
Janet, thanks for your post. I am feeling better today. I blame yesterday's rant on oversleeping/feeling out of sorts, TOM and an accidental overdose on one of my meds that made me feel like I had the stomach flu.Just for the record, though, I don't exactly choose when to work. My PC schedule is much at the mercy of my day job, and I did everything possible on my end to get things in before the deadline. However, as I am seeing, some things are beyond my control. So while I am disappointed (this is the first time I will not have made Nov. SAT due to these new requirements) I'm choosing not to dwell on it today. I'd be lying if I said it made me happy, though.
<h2>1. What is Sellathon?</h2><p>Sellathon is a program offered by Pampered Chef that rewards consultants for meeting sales goals. It is designed to motivate and incentivize consultants to reach their sales targets and earn rewards.</p><h2>2. How do I know if I've met the Sellathon goals?</h2><p>You can track your progress towards Sellathon goals on your consultant dashboard or by contacting your team leader. You will also receive notifications when you have achieved a sales milestone.</p><h2>3. What rewards do I receive for reaching Sellathon goals?</h2><p>The rewards for Sellathon vary but can include product credits, cash bonuses, and special incentives such as trips or exclusive products. The specific rewards for each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>4. How often does Sellathon occur?</h2><p>Sellathon periods usually run for a set number of months, typically three to four. The specific dates and duration of each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.</p><h2>5. Can I still participate in Sellathon if I am a new consultant?</h2><p>Yes, new consultants are eligible to participate in Sellathon. It is a great way to jumpstart your business and earn rewards right away. Talk to your team leader for tips on how to maximize your sales during Sellathon.</p>

Related to Am I On Track to Hit My $10,000 Goal This Month?

1. What is Sellathon?

Sellathon is a program offered by Pampered Chef that rewards consultants for meeting sales goals. It is designed to motivate and incentivize consultants to reach their sales targets and earn rewards.

2. How do I know if I've met the Sellathon goals?

You can track your progress towards Sellathon goals on your consultant dashboard or by contacting your team leader. You will also receive notifications when you have achieved a sales milestone.

3. What rewards do I receive for reaching Sellathon goals?

The rewards for Sellathon vary but can include product credits, cash bonuses, and special incentives such as trips or exclusive products. The specific rewards for each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.

4. How often does Sellathon occur?

Sellathon periods usually run for a set number of months, typically three to four. The specific dates and duration of each Sellathon period will be announced by Pampered Chef.

5. Can I still participate in Sellathon if I am a new consultant?

Yes, new consultants are eligible to participate in Sellathon. It is a great way to jumpstart your business and earn rewards right away. Talk to your team leader for tips on how to maximize your sales during Sellathon.

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