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What is work: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. KellyTheChef

    I Am Going to Get off of Here and Work My Business....

    OK all, don't take this the wrong way.... A long while back (towards the beginning of this year) I took off time from here and didn't even check in at all. Then, when Paige disappeared, I came back to see just what the heck was going on. (Which, BTW, I am sooooooo glad Katie emailed me so I...
  2. abrahamlaur

    Help Needed: Can I Make One Catalog Work for 7-12 People?

    Hey Ya'll, I Need Help! I Have A Show Tomorrow Night With About 7-12 People Coming. The Problem I'm Having Is That I Only Have Two Catalogs Left! Ann Has Helped Me Come Up With A Way To Make This Work But Was Wondering If You All Could Help Me Figure Something Out? I Was Wondering If Its...
  3. lockhartkitchen

    Discovering the Meaning of Symbols at Work

    I'm used to just a name badge. Now I see all kinds of funky colors and symbols here. Without sifting through all the messages, can someone tell me what all the symbols mean: stars, etc. I want to put a copy next to the computer with me. Thanks.
  4. dns2202

    How Does Your 4Th Month With Pampered Chef Work? Ordering Question

    Do I get 40% off this month? Is it this calendar month or the actual 30 days after my 90 days? HELP!!
  5. C

    October Catalog Show...how Will This Work With My Pws?

    My friend wants to do a catalog show, and she wants the October special. So we're going to close the first weekend of October. But I want to set her up online so people can order through my PWS. If I put in a start date of September, it will show September specials, correct? But if I put in...
  6. heat123

    Swapping: Should I Work for a DS Company Selling Vitamins & Cleaning?

    Probably totally misspelled that but I got a totally random call from this M rep tonight asking to show swap? Any other DS company I maybe interested but she said they sell vitamins and housecleaning :confused: Would any of you do it? TIA!
  7. PCSarahjm

    Balancing Work, Shows & Family: How Cheffers Do It

    How many shows does each cheffer do a month? I am work a fulltime job 8-5 M-F and do PC on the side. I only do 3-4 shows a month. Plus have a 19mth old little boy at home. I want to start doing a few more but thought I would see what everyone else does and plan around that. So how does...
  8. janetupnorth

    Old Cheese Slicer: Reviews & Does it Work on Velveeta?

    Anyone have the old cheese slicer? What did you think of it? Is it worth it? Does it work on velveeta?
  9. J

    What Online Jobs Can You Do as a Domestic Goddess?

    I am curious to know what everyone does besides PC. I am wanting to get an online, work from home kinda job. Anyone do that sort of thing?
  10. B

    Help a Teenager Out: Reasonable Pay for Yard Work?

    What would be a reasonable amount to offer a teenager to pull weeds and do other simple yard work? Due to health issues (and a dh that can't see the need to do more than mow the lawn out there - lol) I am getting overgrown here and I need help! It is getting so bad that I am embarrassed to...
  11. K

    Reaching Goals Together: Let's Work Towards Director!

    I know it is a distant goal but I want to shoot for Director by next Conference. My reasoning is because cannot do $4000 in sales myself and I need 5 strong consultants or additional hobbyist to help before I can ge the team to accept directorship. Let's all work together to reach our goals...
  12. A

    Brainstorm Ideas on How to Make the Bridal Registry Work

    Okay, I'm getting nervous - due to the fact that I'm going to have a lot on my plate for the next 18 months, I'm really looking to beef up my bridal registries and reading the threads here aren't giving me much hope.:( So I thought we could share some ideas of what to do to not only get more...
  13. PCwithStay-C

    Where Can I Find Cookbook Fundraiser Forms?

    I have decided since the Cookbook fundraise was getting so long with so much going on I would post these in one place where everyone could find them. Please feel free to PM me if I did something wrong :P I will be tweaking these a little as I see fit so pop in to see any new or updated...
  14. abrahamlaur

    Moving Overseas with Pampered Chef: How Does it Work?

    Hey all, I was just thinking that there might be a possibility that we might move overseas. When my husband reenlists in the Army we might put down Germany for our duty station. How does that work with Pampered Chef? Am I still able to do it? Is it as easy as just changing the address with HO?
  15. 2crazyboys

    Fundraising 101: A Guide to Successful Fundraisers and Working During the Day

    Is there information on the PC website somewhere? I want to try and do some fundraisers so I can work during the day. My husband is going back to school so it's going to be hard to do shows at night when I'm only really going to see him one night a week. Any suggestions on how to get started?
  16. DebPC

    How Many Days a Week Do You Work Out?

    When my new consultants first sign on I let them know we'll be talkingWhen my new consultants first sign on I let them know we'll be talking and emailing alot in the beginning. Often when you ask them, "How are things going?" They'll answer fine, even if things aren't so good. So I try and ask...
  17. Chef_2_Four

    Miscommunication at Work Causes Pre-Planning Woes

    So I just found out that I was supposed to work today for my 1 day of pre-planning instead of Friday!! I feel so horrible!! It was miscommunication between me and my supervisor! I still feel so bad!! So I am working tomorrow....I hope this isn't a sign it will be a bad school year!
  18. jrstephens

    How Many Chef Success From Work?

    I do Mon-Thurs and am just wondering how many of the rest of you are chatting from the job and how many are at home. I set the poll where you can choose more than one answer
  19. K

    Improve Time Management and Productivity Strategies for Your Business"

    I will be spending less time on Chef Success but am definately not leaving. I just have to discipline myself so I can be more products. I keep coming int 50 times a day and hitting the New Posts button. How is that helping my business? I took the Getting it Together: Time management and...
  20. ChefinHarmony

    How to Work Through My "Birth"/Baby Months?!?!?

    Okay, this may be out there somewhere already, but I browsed a bit - didn't see anything that answered my questions..... I'm 7+ months pregnant - due with my 4th on Sept. 8th. I know I will go early (my last 2 went 10-12 days early) so I cut off Home shows Aug. 18th. Actually my last show...