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What is personal: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. Cindycooks

    How Did This Consultant Make $46K in Personal Sales in One Month?!

    I just d/l the Sept Consultant News - a consultant in Tx did $46K in personal sales in July. I want to know her secret! Good for her - unbelievable! :eek:
  2. ChefinHarmony

    Can I Pay for a Friend's Order With My Personal Cc?

    I have a weird question.... My girlfriend just had a baby in another state and she loves our Beer bread mix. I was going to send her two boxes via direct ship on a show I have open. My funds are low in my account now (because of people that still owe me & supplies/sample orders) so I can't...
  3. C

    Boost Your Business: Personal Web Site for Cooking Pampered Style in Louisiana

    I have been in the business for two years and have been struggling since I had my baby 10 months ago to get bookings and increasing my sales to stay active. I have been considering doing a personal web site for 6 months to see if it had an impact on my business. I was wondering if anyone could...
  4. pchefinski

    Maximizing Personal Incentives: Achieving Goals Beyond Just Money

    I've been having a hard time motivating myself to meet my "goals".. I mean, I did HAVE goals.. "I want $300 in extra money.. we could use that for budget help, date nights, etc." Thats a good goal, don't get me wrong. But it just wasn't cutting it for me. At least that's the revelation I had...
  5. AmyO

    Individual Orders Through Your Personal Pampered Chef Website

    :confused: Ok everyone, I have a question: If someone just orders off your website, do the specials apply to them.... for example I have a customer who ordered more than $60 last month and I had to call and do a product adjustment for the ICSM. She revieced her items today except the...
  6. P

    Frustrated With Personal Website!!

    Hi, Just need to vent.... I got my personal website not long ago, and am now very frustrated with the limitations--and almost lost a customer because of it! One of my husband's coworkers was looking for my personal website by doing a search from the main Pampered Chef Website--and could...
  7. dannyzmom

    Achieved TPampered Chef in Personal Sales: A Dream Come True!

    Just had to come and toot my own horn...I officially made TPC in personal sales for the first time - as of midnight Wednesday night!! I am so excited to get my ruby ring and all the other goodies! I worked my TAIL off to do this. I had to turn in a $8450 month in May to make it...and I turned in...
  8. ChefinHarmony

    How Did I Receive a $1000 Individual Order on My Personal Website?

    I just wanted to share a Personal Website HUGE order I have! I have an open fund-raiser for my husband's non-profit organization. We sent out emails and I plan to have a small booth set up this weekend at his hometown. Anyway, most people have been ordering via my website - and doing it...
  9. jessica_momof6

    Personal Website Showing Item Number Is Wrong?

    I have a host adding items to her wish list online. Everytime she tries to place the BBQ basting bottle in, the number says it is invalid. Has anyone else had this problem? (the number we are using is 2704 from the order form)
  10. P

    Fundraiser Links on Personal Website

    I am going to get my PC website next week and was wondering if anyone had a link to a fundraiser on the site I could look at. I was wondering what the guest would actually see Thanks:o
  11. C

    Is the Personal Web Site Assistant on Pampered Partner giving me an error page?

    Every time I push the Personal Web Site Assistant button on Pampered Partner I get an error page. I fixed all my cookies, updated my browser, but I still get the error page. I have tried openeing it on Internet Explorer instead of AOL. Has anyone else had this issue? Pampered Chef hasn't told me...
  12. chef.katie

    Adding Wedding Registry Info to Your Personal Webpage: A Guide

    How do you add the wedding registry information to your personnal webpage? I am still in my first ss month but I have already summited my $1250 in sales. I thought that was all you had to do.
  13. W

    Are Personal Website Problems Preventing Access to Important Pages?

    I've noticed on a couple of different PWSs today (my own included) that when you click on the various tabs, like "My Calendar",you get a message that says "Direct Access to this Page is Prohibited." I got this message when I clicked from the .biz/whatever homepage. Is it a system wide problem...
  14. jdavis

    Can You Get Free Items and Special Discounts on Non-Commission Orders?

    I noticed on there is the Host Special of 15 buying guests the mini easy read measuring cup for free, does this mean we can get it for free??? And why is the Celebrate Plate not on there for the guest special price, do we need to add it ourselves??? TIA
  15. W

    Please Help--Script for Personal Website

    OK, this can't possibly be as hard as I'm making it. I have a show on the 31st and the host sent all the invitations by email through my PWS. She would like me to send an email reminder this week, but none of the scripts fit. Any ideas on some wording that will remind them but also keep the...
  16. beepampered

    Concerned About My First Personal Website Order - Help!

    Don't know where to post this, but I have a question about my first Personal Website Order. It is obviously not connected to a show but I have no clue who this person is or where she knew my info. I can't find a way to discover her contact info - is there? I'm concerned that it might be an...
  17. N

    Personal Order Shipping - Overnighting?

    Hello! I am wanting to put in a personal order for April so I can get the guest host special for that month. The thing is, though, I plan to donate the order to a silent auction and MUST have the products by April 8. If I put the order in on April 1, will I get it on time, or can I ask HO to...
  18. J

    Should You Get a Personal PC Website?

    I'm considering getting my personal PC website and I would love to hear everyones input on getting one! The pros and cons, ideas, suggestions...anything would be great. I'm kinda in limbo about this decision.
  19. AJPratt

    Listing Shows on Personal Website

    Do you list shows on the calendar page of your personal website? What do you include in the description line? Anything creative to draw interest in a cooking show or catalog show?
  20. C

    Getting Started: Personal Website Assistance

    Hi everyone, I am new at this. I ordered my starter kit last week and I am waiting on it. Can I get a personal website yet? I have been looking on the site but everytime I press the Personal Web Site Assistant button, I get an error message. Do I need to wait until I get my starter kit...