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What is partner: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. C

    Discover the Missing PLUS in Your Pampered Partner with pp Plus CD

    I put in my new CD that came in the changeover kit and its the same old pampered partner we have always had. Where is the PLUS? Am I not doing something that I should?
  2. Jilleysue

    What am I doing wrong on Pampered Partner?

    Ok someone tell me what I am doing wrong.. On Pampered Partner, when I go to enter all my Host Order and to see how much stuff she gets. That part does come up. I can only see the list of items she ordered. I don't see the discount or half price items and I can't get to it on any screen. Any...
  3. P

    Did Anyone Else Notice the Pampered Partner Update?

    Now that the site is back up, there is an update dated Jan 22 07 (?). No mention of P3 though.
  4. N

    Lose Weight with Accountability Partner!

    Anyone out there trying to loose weight??? I was doing a great job working on this before Christmas and even lost 30 pounds. Now I am having some trouble staying on my diet. I am sure I could go to a website for dieters and find someone who might help me stay accountable but I thought I would...
  5. S

    Trouble Submitting Order? MSINET.ocx Error Encountered. Contact Tech Support.

    So....I was trying to sumbit an order, and I got an error message. So then I tried to do an "update" and I got this message: The following error occurred while trying to update: 339 Component MSINET.ocx or one of it's dependencies not correctly registered. File missing or invalid...
  6. Bexs50

    New Laptop: Install Old or Wait for Pampered Partner Plus? | PP Question

    I just bought a new laptop and haven't installed Pampered PArtner on it yet. (I have been using PP on a friends computer since I started in September.) My question is, should I install the old PP on my new laptop or should I just wait to install the new Pampered Partner Plus? And when will we...
  7. dannyzmom

    Discover the Availability of New PP Download on Consultant's Corner!

    Anyone know when it will be available for download from Consultant's Corner or do we just have to wait for the disk to com ein our changeover kits?
  8. J

    Apple computer compatibility with Pampered Partner - Tech Support options

    Are any of you apple computer users? Is there a version of Pampered Partner available for apple computers? Do I contact Tech Support to get an apple version? Our hard drive on our computer is going as I type this and we're looking to get an apple computer but want to make sure I can still...
  9. cooking.with.ann

    Is Paper Submission the Only Option for Mac Users?

    Since it isn't compatible with my Mac, I don't use PP. Am I the only one here who has to submit on paper?
  10. dannyzmom

    Have You Heard About The New Pampered Partner Upgrades?

    How awesome is our company!?!? DId ya'll see the email today about the New Pampered Partner upgrades coming in January??? I am SO excited!!! They are constantly making changes to make our businesses easier!!
  11. C

    Help!!! Pampered Partner Question

    Good evening everyone! I'm trying to get my only 2 December shows transmitted tonight and I have an issue I don't know how to resolve. I have a previous host who booked a future catalog show. I'm trying to give give them 2 host specials.... 1 for the show I'm closing tonight and 1 for...
  12. K

    Enter Individual Orders in pp: A Guide

    Is there a way to enter Individual orders through Pampered Partner? I can't seem to find it.
  13. L

    How Do I Enter Extra Discount in Pampered Partner for Guest Offer?

    I want to offer a guest an extra 10% due to some issues that happened with latest show. How do I enter it into Pampered Partner...Need help NOW!
  14. Sandibeach

    Troubleshooting Co-Hosted Shows in PP: Tips and Tricks for Balancing Orders

    Help! I'm trying to submit a show via PP and there are 2 hosts. Both orders are entered in PP and when I go to balance, it tells me the Host order needs to be entered. This is not the first time I've done co-hosted shows and never had issues. Has anyone ever encountered this and how did...
  15. I

    Why is the number on my decorator bottle set showing as a bar board in PP?

    Anyone having trouble with the number on the decorator bottle set? When I put #1585 in PP to order, it comes up as the Bar Board????? Tech support has a 30 minute wait, and I don't have 30 minutes. And my director says they never answer email, which I sent them one a few hours ago. HELP...
  16. H

    Need Help Adding the Guest Special? Here's How!

    How do I add in the guest special??? I have everyone's orders done except for that part. Stacy
  17. I

    How Can I Overcome Issues with my Pampered Chef Business?

    I keep trying to submit a kit enhancement order but it keeps telling me my username and or password is wrong! (this is my first time using pampered partner) I do not know what to do! Also I am really frustrated because now I am at a point where I can pursue pampered chef but I feel...
  18. kat29

    Step-by-Step Guide for Placing an Individual Order on PP | Help Needed

    I'm trying to place an Individual order on PP and don't know how. :confused: I know I go to add show then select Individual in the drop down menue thing but then after that I'm lost. Can someone help me out here. I did a search to see if I could find a post on it but didn't see anything. So any...
  19. R

    Troubleshooting Party Booking: Date Mismatch Issue | November/December 2006

    I'm probably not posting this in the proper area...not sure where it goes..sorry...I have my party order keyed and I have one person booking a party. However I can't get it to balance because it keeps saying that "the showdate is more than 6 months after the current show" I have repeatedly...
  20. pamperedchefjunkie

    Can You Transmit Orders from Pampered Partner with a Cable Modem?

    Can you transmit orders from Pampered Partner with a cable modem...in other words, could I get rid of my land phone line?
  21. lisacb77

    Omg Help! Pampered Partner Host Probs

    I am trying to get in for tonight's deadline. I have a show under my mom's name. I went in to add the orders from another host that did not make. I thought about adding her as cohost but changed my mind when I saw it hurt my mom's total. So I deleted and added her as a guest. Somewhere in...
  22. K

    pp - Getting Data From One Pampered Chef to the Other- Help!!

    :rolleyes: Ok so this may be a stupid question, but I am not very computer saavy (sp?). I just bought a laptop for my pampered partner work, but now how do I get my info from my desktop to my laptop. I already installed the PP program I just don't know how to get everything over. Please help!!
  23. S

    Troubleshooting Supply Order Delays with PP - Tips and Solutions

    I have been trying to send a supply order through PP that I NEED soon. It wont go through! even my computer geek brother couldnt figure it out. any thoughts?
  24. rebeccastt

    Unlock the Benefits of pp: Share Tips & Reports

    What are your favorite features in Pampered Partner? Which reports do you use and how do you use them? I thought it would be a good idea to share ways that we use this program to improve our business since the "Help" section of the program only covers the basics! I enjoy looking at the report...
  25. K

    Question About Pampered Partner Receipts

    Hello Everyone! Okay, I bought the Pampered Partner sales receipts from the supply order, but whenever I try to print a receipt on them through Pampered Partner it prints "page 1 of 1" over the Pampered Chef logo on the top right hand corner of the page and it prints the "This receipt is...
  26. G

    Having Trouble "Tabbing" in PP? Here's How to Fix It | PP Tips & Tricks

    Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble "tabbing" to the item number? It used to be "first name, last name, tab, tab, tab" and I was in the item number column. Now it skips down to shipping! It is a hassle to have to move my mouse to the item number column. I have been using PP for 8...
  27. tlennhoff

    November Host & Guest Specials: Discover our Exciting Turkey Package!

    I wanted to play with November shows a bit. Well to be exact I wanted to work on the November Flyer now. I think I've figured out a great "Turkey host package" for shows for november. Something along the lines of the october "knives for $98" flyer we currently have. However, I really like to...
  28. B

    Troubleshooting: PP Won't Open? Here's How to Fix It!

    I tried to open mt PP a few hours ago and it won't open. An error message pops up, it appears my hubby deleted it file by file :( I have a back up disk but I can't repair the software to a condition I can use it. I have sent an email to HO but am hoping that someone here can help I have been up...
  29. Bexs50

    Help! Pampered Partner Question!

    I have a host who wants to pay for her 1/2 price items on her credit card (she ordered the 1/2 price cookware) but wants to pay for the rest of the order with a check. Is this possible? If so, how do I submit it on Pampered Partner? TIA
  30. KimmyDarling

    Need Your Pampered Partner Expertise!!!

    I am trying to submit my first show, but it's a little odd. I'm hoping y'all can help me maneuver through Pampered Partner to make it go through correctly. Here's the situation: My hostess is moving out of state this weekend. So there are two things that need to happen. First, her guests'...