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What is parties: Definition and 110 Discussions

  1. Barry Carlton

    Game Day Themed Parties for the Football Widowed!

    My Jan fell completely apart. :cry:I have called most on my contact list in the last week already but I am thinking of trying to call the more receptive ones (meaning "nice") again to see if I can do a Game Day themed "Football Widow" party. Maybe one Sat with cake for Sun and maybe one just...
  2. Hunter Mom

    Successful Parties with PWS: How Others Are Using It

    I have had tremendous success with my hosts using the PWS. They do all their invites on there, their wish list, etc. I seem to get lots of otuside orders from it, too. I haven't had a host even WANT paper invitations or mini-catalogs for some time. I love it that they're using it and hope...
  3. lt1jane

    Learning From My Mistake: Combining Orders at Parties

    I learned a lesson today. Often times, if a person at a party places a small order (under $20), I will combine it with someone else's small order. (I have a hard time making them pay $4.50 in shipping on a $10 item.) I did this at a party in NOVEMBER. I thought I kept track of the...
  4. L

    Worried About First Four Parties

    I haven't signed up with Pampered Chef yet, I really want to....but I'm having a hard time getting my first four shows. I feel like in the future I would be doing things such as Pampering Businesses or trying different ideas on here. Do I really want to get started if I can't even get 4 people...
  5. mommyhugz1978

    Hostess Show-in-a-Box: Fun Ideas for Catalog Parties!

    I saw this idea in another thread..... and I wanted to know if anyone has any super cute idea's for a show in a box. I want to promote catalog partys but I want to make it fun for the hostess but sort of drawing a blank at this point in time. Thanks in advance!
  6. babywings76

    New Year's Eve Parties Menu--Not a Show

    So what is everyone doing for New Year's Eve this year? What are you making or bringing?We're just having a couple over that has 2 kids. Combined with our 4, we figured that was enough excitement we want to have this year. ;)I'm trying to decide what to fix. I want to make something easy and...
  7. B

    What Do You Do For Fun?" - Making Holiday Parties More Engaging

    It's that time of year for lots of holiday parties and gatherings - opportunities to meet new people. On a Tammy Stanley training call last night, she suggested instead of saying to someone "what do you do?" to ask "what do you do for fun?" It should be a more engaging way to start a...
  8. pcdreelin

    Delicious Buffalo Chicken Dip | Pampered Chef Recipe

    Attached is one of the best dips we have had at several of our parties which utilizes many of the Pampered Chef Products. Feel free to enjoy this great Buffalo Chicken Dip. Greg & Debbie Dreelin :chef:
  9. HealthNut

    The Power of Word of Mouth: My Unexpected Success With Home Parties!

    Ok - I just can not believe how EASY it really is to do this! I just bought my kit 2 weeks ago (got it a week and a half ago) and booked my first party for September 12. I also have a fundraiser booked for November for Girl Scouts... I have TWO catalogue parties going on right now - one...
  10. baychef

    Cooking Badge Parties: A Girl Scout Guide

    One of my consultants has a daughter in Girl Scouts. Looking at threads, it looks as if some of you may have helped troops earn a cooking badge. Is there any way that anyone has turned them into cooking parties?
  11. C

    Getting Parties to Hold (That Are Booked a Few Months Out)

    I've been listening to the latest Tammy Stanley training on getting bookings now (not later), and have found her advice to be very helpful - I did have one party that booked just one week out. But this last party that I did on Tuesday I got three bookings on my calendar, but all in September...
  12. pampered1224

    May Party Fundraising Update: Hit $200 Challenge with 4 Events!

    How many are you shooting for and are you dedicated to hit that $200 challenge? Just wondering. I have 4 fundraising events 1 regular party and yes I have already hit the $200 challenge thanks to my one host! I put down $1500 total donations though. So... Less than $1300 to go! And keep...
  13. cookingwithdot

    Planning My May Parties: Pink and DCB Ideas!

    So, I'm starting to think about my May parties - I want to make something pink, but I also want to use my DCB for something ... what is everyone else doing for shows in May??
  14. doughmama

    Order Form for HWC Products - Not for Parties

    does anyone have an order form for the new HWC products? not one to use at a party. I am looking for a form for individual orders - like an outside order form only with just the HWC products. I got one last year from here and it was great! thanks.
  15. C

    Canceling My Parties: Tips and Advice for Consultants

    Hello all... I'm not in much of a PC mood lately...for about a month steadily, but off and on prior to that. I have 2 parties booked in the next 4 weeks....and honestly, I just can't be bothered to do them. I know that's horrible. I really like PC and think they are amazing, but it's me...
  16. T

    Convincing a Non-Cook to Love Pampered Chef Parties!

    Hey everyone - lurker here! :) Signed up December 31st and working on bookings. 3 down and need lots more! Anyway, my question is: What would be the best way to approach someone who doesn't like to cook?? My best friend is a non-cook but has kids so you gotta cook sometimes, right! I need to...
  17. C

    Investigating the Unexpected Increase in Attendance at Host Parties

    I'm trying to figure out the whys and reasons for this trend I'm seeing...so this will probably be a little rambling... Almost every show I've had in November and December - there have been MORE people there than the host was planning on, or had RSVP's for. I always have my hosts make...
  18. P

    Book Parties with Friends: An Intro to Asking on Facebook

    How do you ask people on facebook to book shows from you? Is there a script that can be sent to all your friends? I have never done this before. Can I ask my friends on facebook if they would like to book a party from me?
  19. C

    Parties With Other Ds Companies as Guests

    I'm just curious what others thoughts are on this. I attended a Tupperware party that my sister-in-laws friend was having and although I carry my logo bag as my purse, I didnt have it "all hangin out there" for everyone to see. In fact, it was the tupperware lady who happened to mention to the...
  20. pampchef.angel

    Benefits of Hosting Jewelry Parties & Resources

    I recently attended at jewelry party and the consultant passed around what she called a "bookings book." In the folder were printed pages inside of sheet protectors that outlined all of the benefits there are to hosting a show. I think I want to steal the idea, but don't want to reinvent the...
  21. etteluap70PC

    July Patio Parties, How to Promote Cookware?

    OK so my brain is fried because I have Sooooo much going on in the next 3 weeks. GS overnight outing (I am the leader and more excited than the girls to sleep with the sharks!) :blushing: :D PC NC 5 Day County fair geting 2 kids ready to go to Grandmas for a week. 2 July shows so far...
  22. J

    Help With How to Book at Parties

    Hi! I need some help on how to book new parties at current parties. I am fairly new (11-08) and still have not caught onto that skill. Any suggestions/what do you do?
  23. M

    Need a Party Venue with a Kitchen? Rent Mine for Only $35!

    I have been offered a house (with kitchen) to offer hosts who want to have a PC party but don't have the room at their place. I would have the keys and would need to clean up (which I always help clean up after parties and this wouldn't be a problem). They thought a charge of $35 for...
  24. candiejayne

    Rant Navigating the "Learning Curve" of Hosting Parties: One Week of Experience

    I've closed 5 parties in the past week, and most of them have shipped and are arriving. Since these were my first shows, I'm screwing up left and right, but not all of its my fault. I've had to make 2 adjustments on one show today, I've had my first credit card declined, and I still have 2 shows...
  25. M

    Unlock Endless Possibilities with Cheryl's Parties!

    Spoke with Cheryl tonightaha-moments-- take BLANK envelopes to the shows--When they book a party--ask them is there anyone here you would like to invite--Let them fill in there addresses---Talk to hostess at least 2x When they book send everything via e-mail except the Catty's --Get to the area...
  26. babywings76

    Could Birthday Parties Be the Next Big Opportunity?

    My host from Saturday just asked me if I do birthday parties. I told her about the kids in the kitchen party, so that's what made her think about a birthday party. There are places around here that offer parties like that. I just can't figure out how it would work. Because we offer products...
  27. M

    Cooking Up Fun: 8 Power Parties & 4 Recruits Needed!

    I need accountability-so this month I am doing:]8 Power Cooking Chicken OR Shrimp Party's 1 Happy Hour Party- 2 catalog party's so far- SALES WILL BE 8,000 RECRUIT-AT LEAST 1-BY Dec---2008 needs I need 4 recruits for the trip--- sales or points total need to be 12,000 month-now at 53,000
  28. cwinter474

    Adding Custom Item # & Description to Parties - Can It Be Done?

    I wish that we could put in like our own item number (misc1 or something like that) and then our own description (sold hostess one dot bowl from kit or whatever). They could make it where it wouldn't add to the party total. I just think this would be a handy feature. If this can already be...
  29. M

    First Pampered Chef Show: Advice for Booking More Parties?

    okay, tomorrow night is my first real Pc show out of the family loop. Any advice for me? I really want to get some bookings from this party. What is my best bet to do that? Just ask everyone ? I dont have anything fancy like a booking tree or anything..
  30. A

    Starting a Passion Parties Business - Need Advice!

    I'm new here and I have called ALL of my friends, family, and Passion Parties clients with no one hosting a party! I don't know what to do or even how to get this going now! Oh and are we allowed to buy a domain name, mask, and forward it to our actual PC site? I bought...