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What is national: Definition and 157 Discussions

  1. DebbieJ

    Fs: National Conference 2007 Cd *12 Workshops!*

    I have for sale the National Conference 2007 CD which contains recordings of 12 workshops! Wow! This is in mp3 format which can be easily imported to your computer and then burned to CD or synced to your Ipod. 1-Bookings Galore with Shelley O'Leary and Karen Schroetke 2-Build Your Business...
  2. H

    Director Pampered Chef National Meeting Day: What You Need to Know

    Ok guys, I've only been with Pampered Chef for 7 years. What is this and does that mean we Directors find out where the trip is before our downline? How is everyone handling this meeting?:confused:
  3. C

    What's New from Markham on August 11th?

    Hi, everyone, I tried to post stuff using my phone, but it kept messing up :( So, here is some of the stuff I gathered from Markham: Keep in mind that I AM NOT posting ALL of the info becaue I need to get back to business & get some sleep! It is all available online at 9AM. Sorry you...
  4. lockhartkitchen

    Join the Fun at National Night Out - Delicious Stroganoff Recipe Included!

    Tonight our neighborhood celebrated National Night Out with a potluck, games for the kids, firetruck, police finger printing for kids, etc. I brought the stroganoff. Big hit! I had several ask for the recipe and one that wants to come to my next show, one wants a catalog. Yeah!
  5. chefjeanine

    Ink Pens From National Conference

    As I was finally starting to put away all the little items that came home with me from National Conference, I came across the pens we received at lunch. I was admiring their beauty and looking down into the container at how many there were. Suddenly, I had a vision. I'm at a recruiting...
  6. chefshawna

    Celebrate Boss's Day with a Pampered Chef Party: Host Benefits for Your Boss!

    O.K. this may have been done already, but I was just thinking of some ways to get my name out to businesses more and thought about Nurses Day, Administrative Assistant Day and Boss's Day. Both Nurses Day and Admin. Assistant Day have passed, but Boss's Day is in October, so I typed up a flyer I...
  7. DebPC

    What are Your Favorite Products from the Pampered Chef National Conference?

    Reviews, great times, new products, your opinions- we want to hear it all! Just post in the appropriate catagory. Thanks to everyone in advance for sharing!
  8. cmdtrgd

    Who will lead the post-conference call on July 20th?

    Meg asked me if I would be willing to set up the call for July 20th at 10pm Eastern. Here is the call in info: 1 (218) 486-1616 Access Code 668467 I will be recording the call and will send out the mp3 link to everyone who emails me after the call. Who is going to lead? What...
  9. susanr613

    When Do We Get Our National Conference Refunds?

    I overlapped payments for NC by one Conference Club payment. When will I be refunded that? Does anyone know from previous years? Thanks!
  10. krzymomof4

    Where's that National What Month List? Help Me Find It!

    A long time ago you had a list of what month was national what month. I have been using that for my newsletters and now I can't for the life of me find it. Could you be a sweetie and post it again for little ol me:angel:
  11. PampMomof3

    Receiving the RUFTH Lanyard at National - A Guide

    Thought I would check in to see who'll be receiving the Round Up from the Heart lanyard at National. You need to have $150 in RUFTH heart donations and that includes the sale of the trivets. You can do a report in P3 and see where your donations are at and do an order history for #2938...
  12. CathyBob

    Who's Attending National Conference Aug 2008?

    Hi Fellow Canadians, Just checking in to see who else will be at Conference. I am a new consultant - as of April 08 and have already booked at Conference. Any other Newbies signed up? I will be going with my Director :-)
  13. K

    When is the best time to attend the National Conference?

    I am still up in the air about attending conference this year. I really want to go (this will be my first time) but I am trying to work around my DD travel softball schedule and my DH recovery from surgery. I am looking to possibly attending either wave 2 or wave 3. How exactly does that...
  14. mrsbettyboop0000

    I Achieved My Goal: Walking as Director at National Conference 2008 Wave 3!

    I also wanted to share that I will be walking as a new director at National Confernece 2008 Wave 3. My promotion Date is May 1st. (TOMORROW) :chef: I was in Wave 1 last year and this was my goal before Conference this year!!! AND I DID IT!!!!!:D
  15. C

    What can I expect at the National Plans Conference?

    Okay how does this look? This is my first time going. My Director is from Nc (i'm from De) and she will meet me there. I am flying in with her Director who is also from De on Sunday night) I am wave 2 if that matters and a little nervous as only my director and her director are going and no...
  16. C

    Are the classes at regional and national conferences different?

    I am signed up to go to my regional meeting in Baltimore but don't have an agenda or any real details about what will happen at the 'meeting'. I want to register for National but have been putting it off b/c I don't want to sign up for the same classes at both conferences. Are the classes...
  17. C

    Conflicting Regional & National Conferences: Clarifying Course Sign-Ups

    I am signed up to go to my regional meeting in Baltimore but don't have an agenda or any real details about what will happen at the 'meeting'. I want to register for National but have been putting it off b/c I don't want to sign up for the same classes at both conferences. Are the classes...
  18. chef131doreen

    Did National Conference Registration Open on March 25th?

    They said registration for national Confrence is going to open March 25th but nothing yet . am I missing somthing ?
  19. M

    How Can I Boost Sales to Reach National C?

    i have ben sending out e-mails say that i have a goal and explaining that i would like to go to national c and i need more ideas to boost sales to get ther in my first year. i have a booth at a home show in aweek from sat and i am hoping to get a few more names and a lot of bookings. any...
  20. ChefJoyJ

    Spread Positivity on National Act Happy Day | Let's Be Happy Together!

    So, I heard on the radio that today is national act happy day. In honor the the getting rid of negativity thread, I say let's take it one step further and not just "act" happy, but *be* happy! :D I suppose that the alcohol consumed on St. Patty's Day might help...
  21. janetupnorth

    National Conference 2008: Half-Price or Free!

    With the CN coming out talking about earning conference registration half-price or free and April getting closer...it's getting time for our National Conference 2008 section here. Can you please create that for us???? Thank you! :D
  22. L

    Did The Pampered Chef Win a National Survey Last Year?

    Last year The Pampered Chef was recognized as a customer favorite in a national survey (I forget the name of it). I saved the announcement that was posted on CC, but can't find the file I placed it in. :grumpy: Does anyone have a copy they can share? leggy
  23. erinb

    Anyone Ever Had Dh Want to Go to National Conference?

    Have any of you had your DH/spouse want to go to National Conference with you? I brought it up to my DH and he would like to go with me. He only wants to attend some of the stuff with me, but be able to take in Chicago in the evenings.
  24. A

    Free Traveler's Maps of National Scenic Byways and All-American Rds

    Rating: 2 Posted By: USAFmom Views: 240 Replies: 0 Request a Free Map-I received mine today 125 Pages, The National Scenic Byways Program is happy to provide its America's Byways map free to the public. We regret, however, that we can only supply maps to North American addresses...
  25. PChefPEI

    Are You Ready for National Recruiting Blitz Day on February 20th?

    Who's going to take part in this on February 20? I can't wait! Our team did a rookie recruiting day and it was very motivating. I've been working with my Director to get my business off the ground and one of my goals is to become Future Director by the end of the month!!! :) A little scary...
  26. A

    Is it possible to bring a 6-month old baby to NTC?

    I am a new mommie, and currently my baby is 6 weeks.... I REALLY want to go to NTC this summer, but I know the baby will have to come with me. (Breastfeeding & she'll be 6 months old) What problems will I have to overcome while at NTC? Will I have to pay for her conference registration...
  27. 28sal

    National Conference Expenses and Budget Tips for Attendees

    hello i really want to go to national conference and i want to know besides the fee for registering (is it $545.00?) what other expenses or amount of money will i need. i already have my flight ticket reserved for my date to attend. but just wanted to know how much more money past consultants...
  28. wadesgirl

    National Conference Hwc and Rufth Laneyards

    Do they do the laneyards every year? Last year I remember if you had $150 or more in donations you got a different colored one for each contribution. I was just curious if they will do the same this year. Is it from June 07-May 08? Where's Ann, she should know the answer?
  29. C

    Can I Bring My Newborn to Conference?

    I am due June 15th and am wondering what the policy was on taking newborns to confernce. It's my first and I just don't know if I can leave the baby for three days! ( I know... I am wrapped already...) I really want to go to conference though too...
  30. dollfangs

    Can't Go to National Conference Unless....

    Hi all, Well, I haven't been around much the last half of the year. Some of you know that my Mom passed away in June and it has really put me in a funk. I have even thought about hanging up my apron several times, but everytime I do, it is like she is sending me a message. I have had calls...