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What is multiple: Definition and 53 Discussions

  1. quiverfull7

    Do I Pay Higher Shipping for Multiple Orders? - Diane's Q&A

    I'm doing a Sample Order... and kind of need to spread out my money over time ... however, will I pay higher shipping if I order more than once or is it like the supply orders where next month I can order for $4 again? Thanks! Diane
  2. M

    Maximizing Success at Multiple Vendor Parties: Tips and Insights

    Has anybody had succes being part of these shows with multiple vendors? I'm doing a show next weekend with Tastefully Simple, Home Interiors, some wine company and a purse/jewelry lady. I've heard that these are not very good for sales because people are dividing their budget among so many...
  3. T

    Do you reuse one product for multiple demos in a show?

    Do any of you use one product several times during a show? How do you go about cleaning it in between demos without interrupting the flow of the show?
  4. brendaivette

    Installing Software on Multiple Computers

    Can you install it in more than one computer...(e.g.- home computer and laptop)
  5. pckelly

    Can a Host Attain Multiple Host Specials in One Month with The Pampered Chef?

    Ok, I haven't had this happen yet, but if people book off a host and all have their shows in one month, will the host get to go to each show and receive the host special> Or only one? Like for instance, can she buy both host specials in May at 2 different shows, one at one show and one at the...
  6. chefmelody

    Is Multiple Registry Chaos Ruining Your Wedding Gift Plans?

    Don't you hate it when a couple registers for a wonderful amount of Pampered Chef products from you... and then goes and registers for similar items at other places? :mad: Of COURSE their guests are going to go for the cheaper option! I have a couple who was all excited about getting PC products...
  7. krzymomof4

    Can I Order Sample Products Multiple Times?

    Can you order the sample products more than once. I know you can't order more than one of the same packages, but can you do this. 1 week order the package B 2 weeks later order the bowl, plate and santoku knife? I want to order the spring products but since we have to do it with PC funds, I...
  8. kahluakiggy

    Storing Multiple Pieces of Stoneware in a Small Space?

    How do you all store it? I know very well that I can't be the only consultant ending up with obscene amounts of stoneware. Or maybe I am... :rolleyes: Nah... You can't all have huge gourmet kitchens, either. So how do you store your stoneware? Is it ok to stack it? How fragile is it...
  9. pcheframsey

    What Incentive Should I Offer for Multiple Bookings?

    I have a hostess that has booked a show in May. She's debating on whether she wants to do it as a HWC fundraiser or a regular show so she can get the benefits. When I told her about some themes that I do for regular shows, she half joked that she may have to do two shows. I want to offer an...
  10. DimSumTabi

    How Do You Juggle Multiple Home Businesses?

    I was just wondering if anyone is a member of any other home biz's and how you are able to "work" both of them together. I'm personally a rep for a few very small businesses but they're more for little fundraisers I do on the side. Just bored and curious! :p
  11. C

    Multiple Orders on One Credit Card?

    Wasn't sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but oh well! :D I started PC in September, and have had several shows where I wind up closing the show out with the host over the phone several days after the show. My director always has guests write their checks out to the host...
  12. K

    Hosting a Mega or Multiple Show at a Recreation Center

    Anyone ever do a Mega or Multiple Host show at a recreation center??
  13. A

    Can a Host Get Multiple Half-Price Items with a $1000 Show?

    I should know the answer to this but can a host get multiple half-price combo. items? I had a host that had over a $1000 show and wondered if she could get a couple different half-price combos.
  14. nikked

    How Do You Successfully Manage Multiple DSA Businesses?

    Hello. I'm starting on a new adventure, and was wondering what those of you who do more than one DSA business do to make both successful. I'm wondering about things like recruiting and bookings especially. Do you ever feel guilty for recruiting for one and not the other? How do you find your...
  15. AlowayFamily

    Can I Enter Multiple Payments in Pampered Partner?

    Is it possible to enter 2 different forms of payment on one order in Pampered Partner? I have someone paying by check and credit card and it overwrites the first payment when I enter the second.
  16. R

    Maximizing Guest Specials: What Hosts and Guests Need to Know

    I know that a Host can get both the host and guest special. But if the guest special offers 3 three things, can the Host get the host special and all three guest specials? Also, can a guest get all three guest specials?
  17. C

    Hosting an "Open House" Show with Multiple Vendors - Beth in PA

    I'm a new consultant, and I have a friend that agreed to book a show -- but she wants to do an "Open House" type show with multiple vendors! There will be other consultants there from Discovery Toys, Tastefuly Simple and Party Lite and of course I'll be there representing Pampered Chef. I'm...
  18. beepampered

    Viewing Orders & Contact Info for Multiple Shows

    Is there a way to view all orders a person placed and at what show? I have several people who have gone to multiple parties and I want to see what they bought at each show. How would you know who a person is when you're looking at the contact info? I mean, I only see their name and contact info...
  19. luvs2sellit

    Can I Get Multiple Guest Specials at $150?

    Does anyone know if a guest who is buying $150 worth is able to get more than one guest special. I know this has been discussed before but I could not find the thread. Thanks in advance.
  20. rayday

    Hosting a Catalog Show Across Multiple Addresses: Is It Possible?

    I am wondering if it is possible for a host to have her free, half priced, and discounted items sent to a different address than the rest of the show. One of my January hosts is flying to her home state and doing a catalog show there. She will then be returning to her current state and I'm...
  21. P

    Host's Discount: Can I Buy Multiple Sets of Cookware?

    I am getting ready to leave for a show I am having tonight. Outside orders are already pretty good and the host, before starting, is already guaranteed the 20% off host discount. She is expecting 18 people. She wants to purchase the more expensive cookware for herself set using her...
  22. S

    Product Problems - Multiple Replacements & Exchanges

    I find that many of my guests/customers have had problems with their products, where they have either had to have the entire product replaced, or a piece of the product replaced. There have also been a lot of replacements required for damage incurred during shipping. Am I the only one, or do...
  23. S

    Need Creative Ideas for Multiple Product Uses? Let's Brainstorm Together!

    :confused: I'm just starting in fact this is my ss1 & my first show as of now is June 16th. Reading through all my stuff it says to think of different uses for the products so if any body has any ideas about any of the products please let me know b/c I'm not very creative. :o Thanks shanon