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What is mousse: Definition and 36 Discussions

  1. T

    Sweet and Salty Caramel Mousse Cups

    I am wondering if anyone has made these? Can you make this ahead of time or do you need to do it right before serving? Or can you make the mousse part and keep it chilled then put it on the cups later? I have a party tomorrow night but wanted to get everything ready for the party tonight.
  2. K

    Cool Mousse Chocolate Fondue-Jillian Grant's

    Does anyone have the Cool Mousse Chocolate Fondue recipe Jillian Grant does for her Chocoholics show? TIA!
  3. wadesgirl

    What is the recipe for The Pampered Chef's Double Chocolate Mousse Cups?

    This was asked for in the chat box. The Pampered Chef ® Double Chocolate Mousse Cups Recipe Waffle Cups 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate morsels 1 pkg (4 oz) prepared waffle bowls (10 bowls) Mousse & Garnish 1/2 cup white chocolate morsels 1 cup cold milk 1 pkg (3.3 oz)...
  4. G

    Delicious Valentines Dinner Recipes: Asparagus Risotto & Chocolate Mousse Pie

    Hi folks! So yesterday for Valentines I decided to make my sweetie dinner (I usually am not the cook in the house). Totally excited by the products that arrived Saturday AND the fact that this girl is a perpetual Weight Watcher, I chose two recipes from the new healthy cookbook. I made the...
  5. chefheidi2003

    Cranberry & White Chocolate Mousse Cake

    Has anyone made this before? How is it? My cousin would like me to make it for Sunday, I said that I would try. It looks pretty simple..but I am worried about the 1/8 of an inch slices of pound cake. They also asked me to do it with Raspberry instead of cranberry..which is going to be the...
  6. A

    Rookie in Search of Raspberry Mousse Cookie Napoleons Recipe

    Hi all! I'm a rookie to the PC business and thus far am LOVING it. But, I made the mistake of offering a Homemade for the Holidays theme show last week before the new Holiday recipes were out, and can't find the recipe she chose from last season's theme show card anywhere. I don't have the...
  7. J

    Which Is More Delicious for an Open House: Mango Mousse or Pink Martinis?

    Has anyone tried either of these? I am trying to make my menu for my open house Sunday (yes, very last minute always), and i'm wondering if these are yummy?
  8. JenniK

    Delicious Lime Berry Mousse Trifle for Your Mexican Themed Party

    I'm doing the Mexican Chicken Lasagna at a show on Tuesday night and I was thinking that a dessert would be nice to take (since it looks like it's going to be a large show). I've seen post for the Lime Berry Mousse Trifle and thought that would be a good addition to the Mexican Theme or at...
  9. chefkathy

    Director Made Double Chocolate Mousse Cups Today

    They are in the current SB and they are really good and EASY! I would never do them for a show for a few reasons: too few tools, only makes 10 individual servings (wouldn't want to run out), heavy microwave use (in and out of micro--you would have to be in the kitchen for sure). But they...
  10. P

    Where Can I Find Waffle Cups in Canada for My Double Chocolate Mousse Cups?

    Does anyone know where you can buy the waffle cups in Canada? I live in a small town and haven't been able to find them in either of our grocery stores.
  11. babywings76

    Double Choc. Mousse Cups Question

    Can the filling be made ahead? I really want to make this recipe, but my DH and I can't eat 10. Do you think this is something that could be made and stored in the fridge for the next night or two? If not, I guess we'll just have to invite someone over for dessert. ;)
  12. wadesgirl

    Have You Tried Double Chocolate Mousse Cups Yet?

    Has anyone made these yet? I have not had a chance but I want to offer it for next season. I'm trying to get my recipes prepared today. Is it a good show recipe?
  13. Stampaholic1961

    Urgent Raspberry Mousse Cookie Napoleons

    My hubby is at the store right now & can't find the chocolate wafer cookies for this recipe. Does anyone know where we might find them? Are they somewhere other than the cookie aisle?
  14. V

    Need Recipe....pumpkin Mousse Dip

    Please help!! I need the Pumpkin Mousse Dip recipe. I know it calls for cool whip, pumpkin puree, cinnamon, but I am not sure what else.:cry: Its served with graham cracker sticks... TIA:angel:
  15. C

    Searching for a Lost Dessert Recipe: Chocolate Mousse in Crispy Cups

    Hey guys, I was making a dessert for my family that came in from Chicago and could not find the recipe for it. We had it in the SB a few falls ago (maybe 04). It was Chocolate Mousse in crispy cups or something like that. I made it so many times during that season that I kinda remember how it...
  16. angmillar

    Birthday Bash 10 Aug: Celebrate with Lime Berry Mousse & Phai Pizza

    I have a show on 10 August, and it's the host's birthday!! I'd like to do something special for her, especially since she scheduled it on this day, since it was the only day that worked for me. (We leave the next morning 11 August for a month in the states!) Any ideas?? We're making the...
  17. C

    Lime Berry Mousse Trifle-Quick Question

    :confused: I am planning on making the trifle but want to know how far ahead of time can you make it with the lime sherbet in it. Can you make this the night before, or do you assemble it right before you eat it?
  18. C

    Make-Ahead Lime-Berry Mousse Trifle: Season's Best Recipe

    Hi, Does anyone know if the new trifle recipe in the season's best book can be made in advance? Or is it to made and eaten while the sherbet is still semi-frozen? I have been making trifles and been bringing them prepared to my shows, but I am not sure about this one- if I make it in advance...
  19. Tara1021

    Lime Berry Mousse Trifle: A Hostess' Delight!

    for the Lime Berry Mousse Trifle. My hostess for the 15th decided that she would like that recipe. I haven't made it yet. I think I'll do a practice one here before I go, but just thought I'd check to see what you all thought! Thanks!
  20. K

    Delicious Cappuccino Mousse Trifle Recipe for Your Next Event

    Has anyone tried this recipe from the Trifle Bowl use and care card? I have an open house coming up and I was wondering if I could make this the night before or would the pound cake be too soggy??
  21. kcjodih

    Delicious Chocolate Mousse Cake Recipe for Your Next Party | PC Cookbook

    or an Orange Chocolate Mousse Cake? Has PC ever had a recipe for one and if so, does anyone have it or can direct me to which book to find it in? I have a gal who last week booked a last minute show for the 25th and she'd like this. Her birthday is a few days later so I'm hoping I can just...
  22. rebeccastt

    Delicious Trifle Recipes from Pampered Chef Cookbooks

    Did anyone at Leadership get the recipe for the new trifle? We are having our cluster meeting this coming Monday and I'd like to give all the ladies PC recipes for trifles to start them off right. I know it will come to us at the end of January, but it would be nice if I could type it up for...
  23. R

    Where Can I Find the 2001 Chocolate Mousse in Phyllo Cups Recipe?

    Does anyone have this recipe? I'm at work and need to see the recipe before I leave today. I believe it was in the 2001 or 2002 catalogue????Thanks so much. I thought I had the recipe in my bag and I don't and I have to head to the show right after work. Yikes!!
  24. R

    Need Tips for Making Chocolate Mousse in Phyllo Cups?

    I'm making this tomorrow for a party. Do I need to oil the muffin stone(new) before putting the phyllo in? Do I put the squares in the tin, buttered sides down or up? Any tips for making this?
  25. quiverfull7

    Chocolate Silk Mousse in Crispy Shells

    I HAD this recipe... now I cannot locate it. I need to send a host her grocery list... sigh.. .could someone help me out.. I've searched all over and in these files and on CC and cannot find it... Help :)
  26. quiverfull7

    Chocolate Silk Mousse Filling Question

    Can the filling for this mousse be made all the way to hold for the demo or will it get too stiff to push through the EAD?
  27. P

    Mousse Mixing Struggles: Julie's Search for Solutions

    I have been making this mousse at a number of shows and I always seem to have the same problem when mixing it. When I add half of the whipped topping to the cream cheese/chocolate mixture it gets kind of clumpy and takes forever to fold in. Does anyone else have this problem and do you have...
  28. L

    Milk Chocolate Chips Ok in Chocolate Mousse?

    I have a Feb 9 kitchen show coming up and I wanted to test a recipe. I found the phyllo cups! Perfect and easy! (15 for under $2.00). I got lite cool whip, but regular cream cheese...has anyone tried light cream cheese? Anyway, the reason I'm checking in is because I picked up milk...
  29. N

    Anyone Heard of Cherry Chocolate Mousse Pie?

    I have a host for this Saturday who says she wants me to make Cherry Chocolate Mousse Pie. She says she got the recipe from another party she went to. I have searched the PC website as well as Joyce's Fine Cooking, but can't find it. Can anyone help? TIA! Nora
  30. H

    Chocolate Silk Mousse in Crepe Cups

    I made the Chocolate Silk Mousse last night for a dinner party I had at my house and it was awesome! The one thing that frustrated me was making the crepe cups. Whenever I went to fold the crepes to cut them, they broke in half. So, I ended up just cutting them in circles and then placing...