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What is leads: Definition and 150 Discussions

  1. baychef

    Director Directors’ Thoughts on Leads Going Back to Them

    We have all received the email about leads going back to Directors only. Was reading a thread on the main website in which consultants are not happy with this. Was wondering what thoughts are with Directors on this site?
  2. J

    Boost Your Business: Tips for Generating More Leads in Your New Apartment

    I am moving into a new apartment next month. The Apartment Manager asked if I wanted to put a flyer in the "Welcome Packet" that they give to all new residents advertising my business. This will be a big opportunity for me to "get my name out there" Does anyone have a cute flyer, or suggestion...
  3. M

    Director How Are Your Leads After the New Web Switch?

    i'm interested in knowing how everyone's leads are doing? Before the web, I was getting minimum of 3 people to call about shows or recruit leads... Now, none. Before the web, I was getting $300+ in online orders, now i'm getting $150 I checked my senior consultant that hit $1250's in...
  4. R

    Boost Your Bookings and Build With Leads?

    Was this an old PC training? on dvd? I came across this mentioned a few times but can't seem to find it anywhere. It does not seem to be available in the on-line training resources (I'm in Canada). Does anyone have notes that they could share. I really need some help/motivation for bookings...
  5. J

    Director Home Office Leads Question (No, I Wasn't on the Call)

    Hey, quickie here --So I just got Home Office Leads back -- no recruiting for me, just did more than the $1250 required last month --They also go to regular Consultants now who do the $1250 also, right? As long as they have a PWS.....Done with the dumb questions --Thx!
  6. chef131doreen

    Frustrated with Bad Leads: What to Do?

    I received a H.O lead the other a week or so ago ,I called a she didn't wat to have a party she wanted me to join a Direct Selling group that gets together once a month for training networking ext , you have to buy 50.00 worth from each DS once a month example March ( party lite ) then each...
  7. P

    Director Are Online Leads Worth the Hassle?

    I love getting the random sales :happyforyou: woot woot Free Money!!! But all other leads generally lead to nowhere! This guy, who was a HO lead about a week ago, and I have been playing phone tag. He was interested in "Starting his owm PC Biz" Well, we finally talk tonight. He wants to...
  8. C

    Director Boost Your Holiday Sales with 13 Leads in 30 Days - Sheila's Success Story!

    So happy to have lead eligibility back in time for the holidays. In November, I got 10 HOL orders totaling $332. Also a recruit lead, a "send me a catalog" lead, and a vendor event lead. A grand total of 13 leads in 30 days. I'm in Maryland. It's not like there aren't a ton of other lead...
  9. E

    Maximizing Booth Leads: Tips for Reaching Out Effectively

    I did a booth at the end of October and got way busy and did not call my leads from it. I feel sort of stupid calling now. Do you think the leads are too cold? What would you say if you did call?
  10. chefkathy

    Director Eligible for Leads: Celebrate with Us!

    Eligible for leads again. WOOT!
  11. Sheila

    Leads Found in Unexpected Places: My Yahoo Customer Service Chat Room Experience

    A Yahoo Customer Service Chat Room! LOL Yahoo did some update & I suddenly could no longer do what I've always done with my e-mail signature. I signed into the CS chat screen & some moron basically told me he couldn't help & asked if I was done. I immediately asked for a supervisor to...
  12. Sheila

    Director Leads Found in Unexpected Place: Yahoo CS Chat Room!

    A Yahoo Customer Service Chat Room! LOL Yahoo did some update & I suddenly could no longer do what I've always done with my e-mail signature. I signed into the CS chat screen & some moron basically told me he couldn't help & asked if I was done. I immediately asked for a supervisor to...
  13. C

    Cheating or Helping? Giving Recruit Leads to Downline Directors

    This might fall into the same "Is This Cheating" catagory. I know that an Advanced Director needs to have a certain number of Directors in their downline. If I were a Director and had enough direct recruits under me, when I would receive a home office recruit lead, I'd give it to my downline...
  14. T

    When Will I Qualify for Leads? Understanding the Recruit Process

    I can not think how the rolling months go for recruits to qualify for leads I had 3 in March and none since when do I need another to not loose the leads? TIA
  15. J

    ifYou Get Online Orders Through Home Office Leads

    Do those sales count on your total for the month? I'm assuming they do but just checking to make sure. I know that I need $750 in personal sales to get paid as a team leader. I've had the slowest.month.ever. I'm really just trying to hit that $750 today and with the online sales I will be...
  16. Sheila

    Director Maximize Your Home Office Efficiency with 10 Easy Openers - Only $50!

    I just got this one (they hid their info): Wonder what they are going to do with 10 of them??? LOL
  17. Sheila

    Home Office Leads: 10 Easy Opener Items for $50 - Get Organized Now!

    I just got this one (they hid their info): Wonder what they are going to do with 10 of them??? LOL
  18. B

    Hello Ho Leads, How I've Missed You

    Finally broke my very, very dry recruiting spell last month and regained HO lead status. I thought the leads wouldn't kick in until the 10th of the month, but I got one yesterday (the 4th). Just a little online order but earlier than expected. I LOVE the lead system, even though the petty and...
  19. J

    Funny Pampered Chef Leads Moment

    I thought it might be nice to share some funny unexpected Pampered Chef leads/connection stories: Today, I went to see my Dr. and asked if I could leave a PC Catalog in his waiting room. While I was waiting a lady who just came out of her appointment picked it up and we started talking about...
  20. L

    Humor Good Leads vs. Bad: My Experience With Lead System

    Just wondering the ratio of good solid leads to unproductive downright bad leads you have experienced coming through the lead system??? I was soooo excited that I was qualified to get leads in Dec for the first time ever....but what a let down: 3 leads total and here's the outcome: 1-...
  21. C

    The Difference Between HO & Direct Sales Leads

    Is HO leads the same as the direct sales leads you receive from the company that you don't know about. I am waiting for my new recruit to become active for me to start getting HO Leads, but is that the same as when the company automatically sends sales ones your way?? Last year in December I...
  22. California Girl

    Maximizing Lead Generation: Tips for a Successful Grand Opening Launch

    So I had my Grand Opening Launch and well no one came!!! I talked to everyone that same day and reminded them about it, I have given almost all of my catalogs and business cards and still no bites! what do i do now?:(:confused:
  23. ShelbyMichalek

    Catalog Project to Generate Leads

    I've decided to start a "catalog project" For the next week my goal is to leave old catalogs in random (but good) spots around town and write down where I left them and when. I'll check each of them one week after I left them to see if the catalog is still there. If it's not, I'll drop a new...
  24. etteluap70PC

    Still Says Not Elligible for Leads?

    For Sept I submitted over 1,400 in sales and had team sales over 4,000 with 3 lines submitting??? Am I missing something?
  25. J

    Boost Your Business: Get New Leads Beyond Your Network with These Tips!

    I officially have the lamest family/friend network possible... :( I started PC in April and out of everyone I know (which I thought was a lot of people) I have only had 1 show and that was my Mother-in-law. Any ideas on how I find "fresh blood"?? :) ~ HELP ~
  26. chefkathy

    Director Two Bum Ho Leads in a Row! Argh!!!

    Lead #1--I rec'd while at Disney, called HO to confirm cuz it wouldn't work on my phone, called her and emailed her, eventually found out she's already working with my sister director. Huh? Turns out that director got her as a HO lead on the same day I did. Maybe she put in a request twice...
  27. etteluap70PC

    Easily Track Show/Recruit Leads & Hosts with Your iPhone!

    OK PC pals... I now have this cool iphone and I need to figure out an easy way to keep track of my show/recruit leads and upcoming hosts. I want to be able to do things away from my computer and not have to lug my whole office every time I go out. So what are you doing in this electronic age?
  28. C

    Organizing Leads: P3 or Paper Records?

    Title pretty much says it all. I have been keeping a file folder for each show with a carbon copy of everyone's order. I am also trying to set up an effective lead book that I would like to include as much information as possible for each customer. I wonder if this is redundant? All the...
  29. C

    How Would You Follow up With These Leads?

    I am not sure how to follow up with some of the leads from my last vendor event. There are two situations. 1) My raffle was "enter to win a free cooking show." I used the PC drawing slips that ask I would like to learn more about: Hosting a fun cooking show. Three of the people checked...
  30. C

    How Are These Home Office Leads Driving My Business Crazy?!

    Wow ~ Wow ~ Wow! I cannot believe the HO leads I'm getting! So far, this month....I have 2 HOL that have signed (well, one is signing tomorrow, but I'm almost certain it will happen - she already has shows booked!) I have a HOL who has booked a party Just got a HOL lead who wants to...