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What is kitchen: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. D

    Fun Cooking Playdate for Kids with Mommy Group: Station Ideas and Planning Tips

    I planned a cooking playdate with my mommy group. all the kids are about 2 and 3. YIKES. there will only be one child per mom, so that'll help! :chef: However I need some suggestions please. I was thinking about setting up stations; however I'm not really sure which stations to have. I...
  2. kisrae

    Fundraiser Show for Your School Cafeteria: ISO Kitchen Stock Essentials

    :o ISO....funny I just figured out what that ment. Thanks AManda. Well any who...I"m looking for a flier that I can tweek for a fundraiser show I'll be doing for our school cafeteria. Does anyone have something out there? Thanks
  3. muffetts

    Searching for a Rare "Fat Mop" Kitchen Gadget

    I have a customer looking for what I think must be an old product - and am wondering if anyone would have one to spare? She's looking for something that was like a "fat mop" that you would wave over the fat in a recipe (ie fat on a soup) and it had bristly brushes that would soak up the fat and...
  4. katie456127

    Discover the Ultimate Well-Stocked Kitchen Deals | Limited Time Offer!

    hello everyone - thought there was a well stocked kitchen flyer does anyone have it or know where i can get it? thanks katie
  5. wadesgirl

    Preventing Kitchen Disaster: Damage from Leaving a Flame On

    I had to go get my taxes done last night so came home and made some spaghetti real quick for dinner. I had the sauce on low heat while the garlic bread was in the oven. I swear I turned off the heat right before we ate. I left around 5:30 and didn't get home until almost 9 (ran some errands...
  6. C

    New Neighbor? Let's Celebrate with a Kitchen Party and Freebies!

    Does anyone have a flyer for a New neighbor or for someone who just bought a house? Kinda like congrats on your new home! When you get settled lets throw a party to show off your new kitchen and earn you new free stuff at the same time? Let me know what you think? Does this sound as dumb...
  7. C

    Welcome to the Neighborhood/Come See My New Kitchen...

    Does anyone have a flyer for a New neighbor or for someone who just bought a house? Kinda like congrats on your new home! When you get settled lets throw a party to show off your new kitchen and earn you new free stuff at the same time? Let me know what you think? Does this sound as...
  8. susanr613

    Do the Kitchen Shears Really Cut Thru Chicken Bones?

    A customer wants to know. Thanks!!
  9. P

    Mayonaise / Miracle Whip / Jello / Kitchen Guy :)

    LMAO Since I kicked KG and his gang out of the Baking Today thread I just thought I'd start you all a new place to continue your conversation! Carry on.....I believe you were talking about weather or not to include crunchy things in the jello and if mayo or MW (it grosses me out to say the...
  10. janetupnorth

    Checking In: How's That Kitchen & Pampered Chef Biz Going?

    ...just making sure you are around and feeling o.k., you've been pretty quiet this week (or I've been gone too much and missed you in passing). I hope your kitchen is coming along and you're really ramping up that PC business!!!!
  11. C

    How Can I Sharpen Old Style White Kitchen Shears?

    Does anyone know a good way to sharpen the old style white kitchen shears? I'm calling a potential booking/recruit lead tonight, and she had asked me this question last time we chatted - I'd really love to be able to give her the answer tonight when we talk!
  12. jrstephens

    Old-Style Kitchen Essentials - $2-$30 + Shipping

    Old Styled Vegetable Peeler $2.00 Old Styled Corer $2.00 Old Style Serrated Bread Knife $6.00 Red Silicon Oven Mitt $10.00 Stoneware 6 Muffin Pan $15.00 Carving Set (Not forged) $30.00 All prices do not include shipping – that will be covered by you. I will package items and...
  13. Thinker

    Has Anyone Tried This Old Kitchen Tool Theme?

    Has anyone done a This Old (kitchen) Tool theme show? I have never heard of this and what like to know more. I had a customer to say see went to a PC party and the consultant said it was a Old tool party.
  14. DebbieJ

    What Size Microwave Fits My Kitchen?

    Anyone have handy what the dimensions of the microwave need to be to fit?
  15. Intrepid_Chef

    Enhance Your Kitchen with Pampered Chef Dollars: Catalogs & Kit Items

    Use PC dollars to pay for kit enhancement items? Also ... can you order catalogs with the same order? Is it really $4 shipping whether they're sending catalogs or cookware?
  16. redsoxgirl

    Bamboo Tongs: Classic Kitchen Utensil

    Does it still come with the old Bamboo Tongs as stated in the catalog?
  17. Becky0216

    Newbie Supplies & Kitchen Gadget Shopping: Getting a Pampered Chef Pin

    I am looking to order additional supplies besides what came in my kit. Anyone have any suggestions on things to have on hand for a newbie? I also will be placing an order for door prizes and an order for additional kitchen gadgets. So any suggestions would be great. Oh, and how do I get a...
  18. J

    What's Cooking in Jayme's Kitchen for Feb?

    Anyone know what they are offering for Feb?? Jayme :chef: /jaymeskitchen
  19. G

    Order Kitchen Shearers Without Being Active: Is It Possible?

    Here's one for ya since I'm a little confused on this one. I'm now inactive. Somebody wants to order from me. Can I still place orders if they aren't $200? Or do I have to have a total of $200 first and put it in all at once? All she wants is kitchen shearers. But I plan to come active...
  20. beepampered

    Stocking Our Church Kitchen: Tips for Hosting a Successful Pampered Chef Shower

    Our church is getting a new kitchen and needs to stock it. I'd like to suggest a Pampered Chef kitchen shower but honestly can't think of items that we stock that the church needs. Has anyone ever held a show to get stuff for a church kitchen? Advice? Tips? Downfalls? Thanks....