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What is class: Definition and 76 Discussions

  1. P

    Usps Possibly Raising First Class Stamps to .49

    USPS possibly raising first class stamps to .49.....that is going to cut into the commission check big time. May have to look back into the idea of using the postcard invitations again
  2. cookingwithlove

    Grilling Class: PDF Booklet for Tuesday

    I am doing a grilling class Tuesday. Here is a booklet I made. It was made in publisher and I converted it to a PDF. I cannot convert it to Word.
  3. C

    Who Will Lead the Next Business Class?

    I am interested in joining one.....anyone going to lead one???? I know that Sheila is busy with her adorable kids. So will someone step in....pretty please? :)
  4. L

    Could You Help a Special Needs Class at My Kids School.....

    Hi all, Mrs. Petrewski's class at Lathrop St. Elem. school is in need of your help, she has kids that range from age 5-12, . They have been collecting postcards from all 50 states. They still need Wyoming, Kansas, and Indiana, but LOVE to get mail from anywhere and everywhere! If you want to...
  5. naekelsey

    Another Step up Your Business Class

    Is anyone going to be doing a Step Up Your Business class soon? I am very interested in it!! I am doing good but would love the kick in the butt to do great!
  6. heather223

    Ot: Short Survey for a Class I Am Taking on Adolescents

    Hi! I am hoping you can help me out! I am taking a class at school on Adolescent development. If you could take this short survey I would greatly appreciate it! The survey is anonymous. Thank you for your help! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KRVSGTL
  7. byrd1956

    Get Ready to Cook: Scripts and Flyers for Your Cooking Class Show

    I have been searching past posts and am wondering if anyone has any show formats or scripts they can share...and/or flyers that advertise for these shows? I thinks my organization skills for this are a little small.....
  8. Sheila

    Chef Success SUYB 2011 Class: Share Your Goals!

    (***This is for people who have signed up for the Chef Success SUYB 2011 Class. The class is now full & I am no longer accepting participants.***)I know that everyone's goals are different. Some may be looking at $500 more per month on their paychecks and some may be looking at Director in...
  9. Sheila

    Summer 2011 Step-Up-Your-Business Class

    Last year, I offered a Chef Success step-up class for those of you who don't have the option of taking the class with your upline.I've had a few people ask about doing another one. So I figured I'd ask to see who's ready to commit 5 weeks to working your business and participating in 5 group...
  10. D

    Fun and Educational Cooking Class for Kids: Tips, Ideas, and Activities

    Has anyone done a "cooking basics" class for kids? I'm doing one in July for a group of Girl Scouts (Brownies?) that are 8-9 years old. It's a group of about 10 girls.. I'm donating a 'my safe cutter's' to the group and giving one to each girl. I'm thinking measuring, whisking...
  11. J

    Would You Like to Join the Step Up Your Business Conference Call?

    Starting April 7th 1pm CST (will continue bi-weekly) I am hosting a Step Up Your Business conference call and would like to open it up to anyone else who would like to join or tell there team about. Email me at [email protected] for the details. Julie
  12. Sheila

    Suyb Oct 2010 Class - How's It Going?

    I sent out a mass e-mail to everyone who had registered for the Step-Up-Your-Business Class back in October to call in tonight & see how everyone's doing. I received a few e-mail responses from people who didn't get to participate in October & a couple of testimonials, but no one called in...
  13. A

    DCB Cooking Class: Easy Recipes and Tips for Using Your PC Like a Pro!

    How many of you sell tons of DCB only to see the customer later and ask them how much they love it....and they admit they haven't used it yet....or only used it once..... I have been doing PC less than a year but have sold tons of DCB. Everyone loves how easy it is to use and makes delicious...
  14. Sheila

    Apology for Missing Final Class: Regret & a Promise to Make it Right

    Here's what I just sent to all the participants via e-mail: Oh my gosh! I wanted to apologize to everyone for dropping the ball this week. I haven't even thought about the class in the last couple of days & wasn't even remembering that we were supposed to do the final class today. For...
  15. Sheila

    Are you ready to take your Pampered Chef business to the next level?

    The winning vote was for Sunday Nights, 11PM Eastern/8PM Pacific. The first class starts Sunday night (Oct 3rd)! So if you wanted to play and you are not confirmed on the list, please e-mail me at [email protected] with your real name & your CS username ASAP so that I can add you...
  16. Sheila

    Step up Your Business Class - for Chef Success Members Only!

    If you are interested in taking a Step Up Your Business class with your fellow cheffers, here's your chance! I've had enough interest in doing one, that we will be starting very soon! I found a teleconference service that offers us an 800 number so it doesn't cost you guys anything to call...
  17. Sheila

    Step up Your Business Class Just for Chef Success Members!

    If you are interested in taking a Step Up Your Business class with your fellow cheffers, here's your chance! I've had enough interest in doing one, that we will be starting very soon! I found a teleconference service that offers us an 800 number so it doesn't cost you guys anything to call...
  18. dme.grant

    Ok, so I'm Sitting Outside of My Daughters Ballet Class With a Pampered Chef

    Ok, so I'm sitting outside of my daughters ballet class with a PC catalog on my lap. There are 4 moms and 1 dad here and I have no idea how to start a conversation about PC. This is the first class so I guess everyone is pretty quiet, but I want to break the ice. Any suggestions on how to be...
  19. Man in the Kitchen

    How Does a New PC Consultant Kickstart Their Career?

    Hi! I just wanted to drop a note to introduce myself. My name is Chris, and I am a newly-minted PC Consultant. I am awaiting my kit and I already have 3 parties lined up. I am excited to find this community here and I am eager to start cribbing your guys' best ideas :) Chris
  20. PampMomof3

    Director That You Ran Into at Conference....please Post Pics!!I Had a Class

    that you ran into at Conference....Please post pics!! I had a class with Ann Easter, sat with Deb during all general sessions except 1 because she had "special seating!". I hunted Linda down-hahah!!! Hopefully im not creepy! lol!! Krissy walker has been my roommate for 2 years, bumped into...
  21. RCKmom

    Cooking Class with Pampered Chef to Support Local Fire Dept?

    I have been in touch with my local fire department on doing a fundraiser for them. The contact person ask me today if she could advertise it as a Cooking Class by Pampered Chef and charge $5 to attend the class? The $5 would be extra money for the department on top of the fundraiser...
  22. R

    Recommendation for Dance/Fitness Class

    I have been considering some type of fitness class for a few months now, and I am ready to get started, I am just having trouble choosing between the options out there. Some of them that I have considered or heard of: -Curves -Zumba -Kettleball If you have done any of these or...
  23. P

    Looking for Fun and Interactive Cooking Class Ideas for a Mom's Night Out?

    I have a host who would like to do a cooking class not a typical demo show. the moms attending have been asking to do a mom's night out with a cooking show. the local place is too expensive so she asked me. so they would probably want to to an appetizer, main course and dessert. but also get...
  24. P

    Cooking Class in October - Help!

    I've been offering monthly cooking classes and am drawing a blank as to what I should do for the month of October. I've recently done Canning & Freezing Veggies & Fruit; Pizzas; Kids in the Kitchen; Budget Meals; 30-Minute Meals & most recently Power Cooking Beef. For November I will be...
  25. NooraK

    One of the Tips in My Pws Class at Conference Was to Put My Own

    One of the tips in my PWS class at Conference was to put my own picture on my PWS so people will have a visual reminder of who I am. I finally got around to searching for one (I'm usually the one behind the camera). The only one decent enough was a picture taken at HO that I cropped. What do...
  26. kam

    Just Had My First Cooking Class!!

    My Director does these all the time. So I have been try to get up the nerve to do one and I finally did it!!! I sent out the email 1 week ahead. I scheduled it for a weekday night. I charged $25 ($5 for ingredients and $20 towards the purchase of PC products). We did the Triple Citrus...
  27. ChefErin

    Fundraising for Daughter's Class - Support with an Order!

    Doing fundraiser for daughter's class...lady heading it up set up the invite list on my PWS....I have all these email addresses....for those who respond with a "can't make it", is there any flyer/email I can send them with good info/pictures which will encourage them to place an order through my...
  28. babywings76

    Using Paypal to Print Shipping Labels for First Class Mail

    I like to go to USPS.com to do my host packet with priority mail, but when I need to mail out receipts and a SB to a host, it's a lot lighter and cheaper to send regular first class. I can go to the PO and do it, but I hate to lug around my 2 little kiddos. A while back someone said you can...
  29. C

    Kids Cooking Class Email: Looking for Guinea Pigs to Test New Show!

    I have been absorbing lots of info about Kids Cooking Classes, and working on creating one that I am comfortable with doing. One thing I knew was that I didn't want Mom's dropping off their kids and leaving. I want the Moms there too! Anyway, I've mentioned it at my shows a few times...
  30. J

    Kids Valentine's Day Cooking Class

    I recently sent this to a homeschool group, and will also send it to my contacts, and childrens friends. I'll put in a catalog show before the class for the cookbooks, and hopefully a second order later with their coupons (which will be good just for the month of Feb.) I used a red font with...