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What is business: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. T

    Responses When Offering a "Pamper Your Business" Opportunity

    I had a couple of places told me they could not accept this because then they would have to allow all other direct sales businesses come and do the same... How do you respond to that?
  2. ChefPeg

    Discover Our $36 Business Building Package | Boost Your Success!

    I was just perusing the supply order options in P3 and came across the Business Building Package for $36. What's in the package?
  3. A

    Interested in Pampered Chef items at discounted prices?

    I've loved selling Pampered Chef, but I'm just not a sales person so I've decided to stick with hosting. ;) That said, I have a bunch of stuff I'd love to get rid of. If you're interested in any of this, let me know. If I have to ship it, I'll have the post office weigh each item...
  4. T

    Questions About Business Cards for New Consultants - The Pampered Chef

    HI! I am a new consultant, and really love this website! I have a question about business cards. I was thinking of going outside of the Merrill website to have business cards made. I was reading The Pampered Chef's policy on using their logo...etc...and was wondering where you got your cards...
  5. C

    Who Will Lead the Next Business Class?

    I am interested in joining one.....anyone going to lead one???? I know that Sheila is busy with her adorable kids. So will someone step in....pretty please? :)
  6. ChefPeg

    Small Business Deductions: Do I Need a License?

    Do we need a small business license before claiming deductions, especially on big-ticket items like computers and such?
  7. Deb Bixler

    Finding Business at Vendor Events!

    One of the best ways to find new customers is at vendor events. Go as a vendor to network with the guests or go as a guest to network with the vendors. Works both ways! http://www.createacashflowshow.com/building-show-business/vendor-events.htm This article has an audio recording on getting...
  8. prissylovescooking

    One of the Best Books That Will Help You With Your Business!

    I had to share this with you all. We had a meeting at the beginning of March and my upline Shan suggested that we read this book: The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz PhD and OMG this book is AMAZING!!!:love::love: I believe it would help anyone new or old to TPC.:) I got it on...
  9. M

    Director Ready to Step Up Your Business? Need Advice on SUYB Training?

    I've decided to offer the SUYB training to my group and am wondering if I can get some advise from those who have done the training before. Years ago I did the training with my director and we met Saturday mornings. With todays' busy schedule i'm trying to see what works best: 1. Meeting...
  10. D

    Turbo Tax Deluxe or Home & Business

    Turbo Tax Deluxe vs Turbo Tax Home and Business: What's the difference. I've asked both my Director and my Executive Director and they both say we just need the Deluxe. However, I've seen that people on here say they use the Home and Business. Help! Thanks :)
  11. higoobs

    Choosing Between Sam's Club & Costco for Business Shopping

    What is your prefrence as a consumer to shop at a wholesale retailer. We have always had a Sam's Club here in the Rio Grande Valley but today is the Grand Opening for a Costco. I am going to buy a membership as a business and I am interested in either renewing my Sam's Club or trying out Costco...
  12. A

    How We Run Our Business Reflects on Us All...

    Dear All, (sorry in advance for my little rant...):mad: I just ran an event this weekend and I have to say I was very concerned with the amount of customers that had bad experiences with a product or consultant. I had 3 people that came to me about broken stones and consultants that did...
  13. P

    Yes" then "No" - My Business Journey in 4 Months

    My first 4 months of business, I had a really great experience with anyone that said "Yes, I want to host a show", the next 2 months were all "No", and now "Yes" but no call or email or text or smoke signal back after I call them. If I talk to them, I do not get a committed date then no call...
  14. K

    Write-Offs for Business Expenses: Can a MFP Bag Count?

    I am getting all my information together for taxes and I came across a thought. I read somewhere on here about the pretty in pleats bags that someone was going to write off as advertising for their business. So this got me thinking. For example, we earned the MFP in Feb from the Dec 2012...
  15. naekelsey

    My Picture of Our Items Put on a Business Card

    If I take a picture of a few PC sauces and spices that I have, can I use the picture on a business card?
  16. R

    What to Do When Starting a Pampered Chef Business? Suggestions Here!

    vendor cost*updated with other ? at post5*I contacted a womens expo, which honestly would be a GREAT opportunity to start my PC business, since I am just starting, and I asked them if they were looking for vendors and how much it would cost and told them who I was. Well she said they were $150...
  17. T

    10 Days to Increase Your Pampered Chef Business

    Does anyone have an updated version with the new spring products/recipes I have a post it on my calendar that I wanted to do this w my group in the spring. just didn't want to re-invent the wheel so to speak if someone has already updated it TIA Teresa
  18. Sk8Mom209

    Successful Show: A Woo Hoo Moment for My Business!

    Not sure if this is the correct forum, but I just wanted to Woo Hoo myself on the show I did yesterday. I am trying to jump start my stagnant business and basically told my daughter she was having a show. She hemmed and hawed and gave me the I don't have any friends, etc. When I showed up...
  19. naekelsey

    Another Step up Your Business Class

    Is anyone going to be doing a Step Up Your Business class soon? I am very interested in it!! I am doing good but would love the kick in the butt to do great!
  20. cookingwithlove

    Facebook Event Setup Issues for Business Pages

    Facebook keeps changing things and I am getting really frustrated. I have a business page. I set up events for my host and then I invite them via their email address. Well, I cannot seem to do this anymore. I just get an error message. Has this changed? I do not want to "friend" everyone...
  21. J

    Help Need a Template for Pampered Chef Business Flyer

    I had someone ask me today if I want to put in a flyer/coupon a big consignment sale in the bags they will giving out. I need about 300 of them and have no clue what to put on them. PLEASE HELP!!!
  22. P

    Ot-Need Web Help for Hubby's Business

    DH is forming his own company. I need some help in designing his website. I did register our domain and signed up with a hosting commpany (justhost.com), but I am completely lost on how to design it! I haven't designed a web page since high school! Any expert web designers out there?!
  23. W

    From Struggling to Thriving: My Business Journey in 2 1/2 Years

    I have struggled with my business for the past 2 1/2 years between my other job scheduling issues and actually had to resign just this past November. January was not a great month for me and actually pushed me to quit my part-time job to do PC full time. Now that I am on the PC side of the...
  24. Sheila

    Director Try Out My New "Contact Me" Page on My FB Business Page!

    Okay, so I might be a little behind the times for some of you ... but I was playing around last night and figured out how to add a "Contact me" page on my business FB page! Tried it out & it works!!! Here's what it looks like on my FB page...
  25. P

    How Can a Prize Drawing Benefit Both Businesses and Customers?

    Hello! A few months ago I saw a post on a twist for pampering your business. It was actually more like a drawing for the customers or patrons at the business. If I am remembering correctly you would go into the business, and ask if you could set up a prize drawing for their service. You...
  26. P

    Director Running a Business: How Many Shows Can You Do?

    I play the ticket game at every show. I was helping a new consultant last night with her GO show. I just love this question "so how many shows will you be helping X with"... well let's see... I have 150 people on my team, recruited 27 personally last year, team recruited another 75... I do 10...
  27. K

    Did You Know Merrill Business Cards Are 25% Off?

    Hey All! I am a new consultant, and I was looking at Merrill's website to see how much their business cards cost. I noticed that they are offering them 25% off right now and just thought I should pass that information along to everyone in case you weren't aware! The promo code is 714024. Hope...
  28. P

    Director Expert Tips for Successfully Moving Your Business: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

    anyone have any documents on moving you business? I have 2 that are moving in the next month and want ideas to keep them going.
  29. kreaser

    Spice Up Your Back to Business Meeting with Fun and Unique Ideas

    Anyone have anything really different and fun planned for their back to business meetings? I am holding mine tomorrow as my schedule to did not permit me to hold it on the 5th...just wondering if anyone had anything "fun" to add to my meeting
  30. pcsharon1

    Back to Business - Colorado Springs Area

    Hi, I am hoping someone here can get me into a Back to Business meeting in the Colorado Springs area. I have two consultants on my team that are here in the area and neither have ever been to any type of team meeting other than training with me. I would love to get them excited about their...