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What is bookings: Definition and 200 Discussions

  1. babywings76

    Venting Frustrations: Balancing Work and Family in a Home Business

    I just need to vent for a minute. I really am frustrated w/ making calls. No matter what time of day I call, I get machines. Here I am at home ALL day long and whenever I try people no one answers. I have children climbing all over me and making noise most of the time during the day, so my...
  2. S

    Why Didn't My Third Show Get Any Bookings?

    I had my third show tonight. I did not get any bookings from it. I used the booking slide, thought my demo went over pretty well. I could not even get any volunteers to help with the recipe (they only wanted to watch). Plus, I could not get any of them to fill out the information sheets. I think...
  3. chefHLM

    Struggling to Get Bookings? Need New Ideas!

    I've been trying to think of new ways to get some bookings as my calendar is EMPTY! I just don't get it! According to my Director and my HD I'm doing everything like I'm supposed to, taking the right steps, yet bookings are non existent! When I can get a show my sales are pretty good, usually...
  4. M

    Is the Ruff Economy Affecting Your Bookings as a Consultant?

    for the new consultants and older ones do you find that it is hard to get bookings in this typ of the economy? I talked to my hubby last night and he said that people are not booking shows because of the economy problems. I personaly think that is so not true. it is because the typ of people...
  5. M

    Rant Feeling Discouraged: Struggling to Secure Bookings

    I am so mad at my self:(. No matter ho hard i try to get bookings it never works. i just called so meany people for the 24 bookings in 24 hours and left over 7 messages and got some on the phon e but no booings. allmost all are older people that were from homeshows and i can remember that...
  6. J

    Bookings Workshop Agenda: Optimize Your Bookings with Expert Strategies

    Has anyone come up with one of these or have one on hand? I am referring to an agenda for a bookings workshop as mentioned in the incredible call with Michael Reeves and Co. (Patti Mocerino's group). TIA to any and all!
  7. sk8rgrrl99

    How can I increase bookings from my catalog shows?

    I'm working on an idea to get more bookings from my catalog shows. I was thinking of maybe making up a stamper from vista print saying something like "book a show off ________'s show and receive a free gift!" I'd stamp it on the outside order forms that I give to the host. Or maybe I don't...
  8. P

    Trouble Finding and Keeping Bookings

    Hi all, If I ever need help from others this would be the time. I am so disappointed about the lack of shows I've had and haven't been able to get any more. I am down to one show a month. People are canceling for various reasons, or prosponing shows. Most people don't want to have shows because...
  9. J

    Bag Bookings -- Idea for Shopping Bags

    I just got this from the LemonAid Lady. I thought it could be a way to use our shopping bags, not just the product bags like she suggests. http://www.lemonaidlady.com/More_Parties.htm
  10. J

    Where Can I Get More Bookings ??

    I'm new and have exausted my friends ,family work I have nothing left? any idea's would be so helpful.
  11. kreaser

    How Cute..using These to Generate Bookings

    I found these at Target...in the $1.00 bins...one of my fav places to shop when brainstorming for PC ideas ( it is about 11 inches high with the flower in it) They are adorable!!! They are pop up vases..you fill with water...the flower you see is actually cardboard put in there for...
  12. M

    How to Get Bookings at the Show?

    I am having a hard time getting bookings at shows. i had a bunch this month but so far no one wants to host a show i still have 3 more shows yet. I get most bookings by calling my slips from home shows i gave away free cooking. i need more shows in may sofar i have marked 2 cookings one...
  13. esavvymom

    How Does Securing Two Bookings Per Show Transform Your Direct Sales Success?

    *I was doing some background research on who Tammy Stanley is- since she's the guest speaker at the NC Workshop. While looking at some of her products, I saw this and thought it was very eye-opening. In fact, I think I need to print it and put it on my wall above my desk!!*-------(from her...
  14. M

    Maximize Your Bookings: Tips & Strategies for 24 Bookings in 24 Hours

    Hi Everyone! Newly Re-Activated consultant who has been "lurking" for awhile now.. First and foremost..this site is GREAT! All of you have such GREAT ideas I sometimes don't know where to start first! :D Being that I have been in PC for awhile..got out..and then back.. got out and back...
  15. P

    Director With No Bookings at the Show

    I am a Director and I can not get bookings at my shows! I can get bookings outside of my shows, no problem. I have huge lists of people who I can cold-call and get bookings from...but I cannot book a show at a show to save my life!! Ok maybe it's not that bad, but it seems like feast or...
  16. C

    How Can New Consultants Overcome Market Saturation?

    I am a new consultant (signed April 20, 2009) and I have a recruit who signed March 4th. As her "upline" I want to help her find some bookings but I am having trouble finding my own!! It seems our area is a bit satruated with Pampered Chef. The schools around here have had PC fund raisers and...
  17. J

    Does Anyone Go Out to Do Intentional Bookings?

    Let me clarify first. What I mean is I really don't have anywhere to turn. You talk about your List of 100 but I honestly don't even remotely have anwhere near that. I have spent the last three years in a truck. I honestly don't have contacts like the "normal" person because I have spent my...
  18. ChefErin

    Future Bookings from Cooking Show: Benefits for Hosts?

    I know I should know, but I'm seriously spacing out at the moment. How do future bookings from a coking show benefit the host? Do they get additional free product value or does it incrementally bump up their discount percentage?
  19. finley1991

    Director Secure Your Spot Now: Incentives for Bookings in March & April

    Me again! I am working on a personal goal and have specific dates I want to fill in March and April. I want to offer an incentive to my customer base to book these dates and am looking for good words to use that don't sound like I am desperate. (I hope that makes sense!) Has anyone...
  20. AlowayFamily

    How can joining a referral club help me get more bookings at lunch?

    I have to share with you all a program I just joined that is having a MAJOR impact on my business! I was a visitor at a Gold Star Referral Club lunch and got 4 referrals at the first meeting! I did some research on the club and decided to join. I have been to 3 meetings with the group and 7...
  21. rbvernon

    Help Needed! Stuck in a Rut - No Bookings or Sales Despite Offers

    I am stuck in a rut! :yuck: I need more bookings or sales. I have given tax & shipping free if you order, gave a week to collect orders and no offers. Anyone doing anything special? I just need some help. thanks
  22. C

    I Am [I]Struggling[/I] for Bookings, and Really Want to Hold a

    I am struggling for bookings, and really want to hold a (inexpensive) booth for some exposure. I'm not sure where to look to find events where booths are held.....any ideas or experiences? TIA!
  23. deanna_g

    Taking the Fear Out of Show Bookings: My Success Story

    So, I have this problem. I don't push show bookings enough. I've been afraid of rejection. I don't do a lot of shows, and this is probably the reason. So last night, I had a show. There were 10 people there, including the host. I had planned to push booking and had a game set up as well as my...
  24. DMB75

    I Got Four Bookings! I Just Wanted to Share....

    I just wanted to share..... I had a great show tonight. 12 ladies were at the show. The show is at $800 right now and there is four more orders coming. But the best part of it is that I got 4 books! That is the most bookings that I've ever got from one show. I'm so excited! :sing: Donna
  25. K

    Maximizing Bookings: Tips for Newbies in Direct Sales

    Help, :cry:I just had my third show which actually booked off my open house (My first show) and got not one booking off of it. I only have one more show which is the 28th of this month and I am so afraid I won't have any parties for March. I am going to do my OOB calls this weekend from my 2nd...
  26. M

    Boost Your Bookings: Tips for Reaching Your Goals and Planning for the Future

    i am now soooooo desperat for bookings:cry:. i am in a rut:cry:. Have one show this month and 3 home shows in march but i really want to go to D World next year with my kids and with PC. but i know it will take a lot of work but i am so willing to do that above every thing else. what can i...
  27. M

    Maximizing Bookings: Tips and Experiences from Real Consultants

    What has been ya'lls experience with the bookings slide? I've used it with all my shows thus far, and each time...I felt a "vibe" change in the room. Either an "Oh no, now here comes the sales pitch" or (if they knew me well) a "haha, yeah we know what you REALLY want." I showed it to my...
  28. VeronicaW

    New Bookings Flyer: Updated and Improved

    I've updated the Bookings flyer.
  29. chefliz

    Flyer for Getting Bookings 1-15 of the Month?

    I would like to get more bookings during the first half of the month. This always seems to be a problem for me, and I would like to inspire the host by offering them a gift (or a bribe-LOL) but I don't want to just offer them one thing knowing they may already have it. Does anyone have a...
  30. esavvymom

    Help for an Introverted Consultant: Overcoming Shyness to Get Bookings

    I have tried nearly every conceivable way to reach out and get bookings- that did NOT involve the telephone or stopping people on the street! :) I wear logo clothes, I carry my tote (got one cat-show with that so far), I have decals on my car, I send out emails and flyers, I've talked to some...