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Why Did I Join PC? Exploring the Benefits of This Direct Sales Company

In summary, after being a loyal customer for over a decade and considering other direct sales companies, I finally joined Pampered Chef because I was impressed with their product lines, corporate values, and corporate structure. The low start-up costs, fun atmosphere, variety of products, and great support and training were all factors that convinced me to join. Many other consultants also joined because they wanted the Apple P/C/S and found that it was a great fit for their lifestyle and provided a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Overall, Pampered Chef has been a blessing for many consultants, allowing them to have a successful business while still being able to prioritize their family and personal life.
Gold Member
...first of all, it wasn't after drinking the Kool Aid that I joined PC, it was after well over a decade of owning products, hosting shows, just being a guest and considering the business.

I have a few college degrees so I wasn't about to fall for any DS "spiel". I investigated PC among a few other DS companies. I was well-pleased with PC's product lines, founding, corporate values, and other things.

After being to HO 2 times now, I am well-pleased with the corporate structure, their customer service, the design of their warehouse and their management of the warehouse.

PC gives us:
1. Low start-up costs - even if you quit after your obligatory 4 shows, you've got MORE than your money's worth of products! But, I guarantee you'll be hooked! :)

2. Fun, fun, fun...I enjoy doing shows with friends and others.

3. Continuing change of products - fresh new ideas.

4. A good commission structure - awesome host benefits we DO NOT pay for!

5. Supplies for a decent price.

6. Great incentives, even for the hobbyist.

7. I choose my schedule, my level...my business, MY way!

8. Great training and MANY resources.

9. Fresh ideas, fresh recipes.

10. Great support for me and my customers!

I could go on and on but let's hear why you joined PC and why you think it is so great!
I wanted the Apple P/C/S!!!!!!! I had been a great customer for about 3 years and finally decided that I had to try this so that my friends would SHUT UP! They were always telling me "you would be so good at that" and when I found out the the A P/C/S was part of the kit, I went for it!

I found that having something that was truly my own was a great fit for me...I, too am college educated and asked a boat load of questions before I started to be sure I wasn't getting "Amwayed"...but after 7 yearas, I can honestly say this business has been a wonderful blessing for me and my family. I can be the mom I always wanted to be because I am available to my kids; I am the wife I want to be because I am truly partnered with my DH to share responsibility for all we do~income, too!

Thanks for asking, Cindy Jordan! (my recruiter...no longer a consultant!)
You said it all Janet; very well-put I might add!

I went to my first show & was hooked. A friend told me "you should do this!"
I decided to host, then through the host coaching; the more I learned, the more I wanted to do this. I wanted to do it because it just seemed so fun; & I wanted everything! (I was one though that kept saying, 'what's the catch?' It all seemed to good to be true. Well, dh thought so!)
I've never regretted a moment of joining this company:thumbup:
I love it more than ever now; still because it's fun & I love the products, but also because I have the flexibility to be home with my kids, & also it has given me so much more self-esteem & belief in myself. I have gotten way more out of this job than I ever expected!
I had my daughter 16 months ago and I continuted to work 50 hours a week, but after a while I would come home crying because I missed her so much. I realized that I didnt want to miss out on all of her little "steps", so I quit my job. Things got pretty hard for my boyfriend and I, but I just couldnt go back to work. Then an old friend from high school invited me to her friends Pampered Chef show.

I joined after doing a lot of reserach and investigating that 1 show. My Mom was a skeptic as was just about everyone else, but my boyfriend believed in me and told me to give it a go. I've done pretty well, and I love the sense of acomplishment about something other than my child. When people ask whats new, I can tell them something about Pampered Chef (instead "oh Emma leared to say this word") and it feels great! After my Mom earened all of her free product and I earned my heart dish and I gave my boyfriend some money for the bills, no one was a skeptic any more and I realized that I can have my cake and eat it too!
My Consultant said I would be good at this (4 years ago) and I said no way, I'm not going to be a door to door sales-person! She explained to me how everything worked and I still said nope! I did host a show for her and it was always in the back of my mind (I didn't tell her that). Then after DH took his 2nd pay cut at the same time we just moved into our new home we decided that I should get a part-time job. My son was 3 and I didn't want to put him in daycare and I knew I couldn't get a job that would allow me to work while he was in preschool (9:00 - 12:00) so I thought about PC. DH said I'd be good at it and to give it a try. I loved our products already and I love to cook so it is a good fit for me and I'm a people person. My Director about had a heart attack when I emailed her that I was thinking about "selling this stuff".....she thought I would never last! I am her top performer and I'm hooked!
Prior to signing, I'd never been to a show. In fact, my first was my recruiter's show. I thought I'd probably better go just to see what it was I'd gotten myself into. lol My SIL had a show last Feb and because I didn't want to drive 3 hours each way I asked her to send me a catalog. I ordered a few things, mostly because I felt obligated. Once I got my order, I really liked the products and the quality. I love to cook for others and have managed restaurants in the past so it kind of stayed in the back of my mind the following months. In October, hubby and I took the kids to the fair and there was a PC booth set up so I stopped to check it out. The first thing hubby said when I walked away was "How much is this going to cost me?" My answer.."Nothing! I intend to make the investment back and much more. I want to earn enough to remodel the kitchen and whatever else we want to do." I signed a few days later. Like some of you, I'd been in DS ventures before and they were awful. I can't lie and tell people something is great if I don't believe in it. I don't have to with PC. Even hubby admits this one is a good fit for me. :)

I'd worked before kids and tried once afterwards but we live so far out that it cost me more in gas and for a sitter than I made so gave that up. This was the perfect fit for me! I'm only at 60 days and because my truck decided to die on me, haven't done as many shows as I'd planned but with the New Year, I want to set the woods on fire! I am addicted to the products and love telling people how great they are. I have sold a 5" utility knife to every customer so far! lol I bought my MIL and Mom each one for Christmas. When I called my mom a while ago to wish her Happy Birthday, she told me how much she loves it. She was amazed at the way it slices a tomato.
(This is my major selling point for the knife. I hate having to saw back and forth or poke a hole in the tomato to start the cut.) She told me it beats the heck out of a Ginsu knife. lol

For Christmas, my 12 yr old son asked for PC products of his own. He loves cooking and helping me cook. He got lots of stuff for baking. Now he's driving me crazy to make cookies when there's still a table full from holiday baking. lol He told me Friday he wishes you didn't have to be 18 to sell PC. 6 more years and I may have another recruit. :D

I'm really loving this business and I so enjoy being able to read the posts here and chat with all of you! I've learned so much already. It's like an online business course. Thanks everyone!
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I drank the koolaid in part because I love koolaid. Grape is my favorite!

Secondly, I had just quit my job in the mortgage industry (I was close to getting canned because I was too honest and wasn't making any money) I have a bad back, so I can't go back to Retail Management-too much lifting, twisting, bending, climbing ladders, etc. Office work is not my speed- I feel like a caged animal, and obviously mortgages were not my thing- at least getting a mortgage for a person or couple that you really felt wouldn't be able to handle it wasn't my thing...

So after being pestered by my now director for 9 months I finally stuck a straw in the glass and took a big sip!

I miss managing people! I miss guiding, and training, and coaching and helping people succeed and find their bliss. I joined in part to do that again, but on a different level. I like the products. I had only been to one show about 1.5 years prior to joining, and the consultant was one of the most annoying people I had ever met. The only product I ever owned that was PC was the mini serving spatchula. I have no idea how I came to "own" that either because I didn't buy it.

I like the company, I like what Doris stands for, I feel they are helpful and generous to hosts and consultants alike, and I felt that the quality was really high, especially in the things that matter most to me, like cutlery and cookware.

I've been doing this for a smidge over 4 months now and I'm almost at $7000 in career sales- not nearly where I want to be, but considering the fact that my list of 100 was less than 40 people, and was 90% family...and NOT ONE of them was willing to host a show to help me out, I think I'm donig pretty darn good.

I love this forum, and am very glad that I have all of you to chat, bounce idea's off of, get idea's, encouragment, have a good laugh, and share in victories, and uplift during times of defeat or frustration.

I see myself becoming a director within the next year- that is my goal...that and 2 shows per week. I want a new house close to the ocean, and a personal trainer to help me with my back...I also want to pay off all our credit cards, and take some nice vacations and have the money to pay someone to care for the pets while we are gone, too!

I believe in this company and the products-or I wouldn't be here. (that's one of the reasons I had such a hard time in mortgages...I didn't believe what I was doing was in the best interest of most of my customers- so I would do my best to discourage them or make them wait and save more money, or pay off more debt...the bosses didn't like that)
I drank it because the Quick-Stir Pitcher makes the best Kool-Aid out there! http://www.foren4all.de/images/smilies/drinks_drunk.gif
I signed up in order to support my PC habit.

I've stayed because:

  • I'm becoming the woman I never dreamed I could be.
  • While I've never really been shy, I've become much more confident with people of all social strata.
  • I am a successful businesswoman.
  • My family is proud of what I do.
  • #10
raebates said:
I signed up in order to support my PC habit.

I've stayed because:

  • I'm becoming the woman I never dreamed I could be.
  • While I've never really been shy, I've become much more confident with people of all social strata.
  • I am a successful businesswoman.
  • My family is proud of what I do.

What a wonderful posting Rae!

My 'heart-tug' was (and still is) the freedom of not answering to someone else. It's corny, but I also love that we get paid to be nice. (I definitely wasn't paid to be nice in my last career.)
  • #11
I'm with you. This is a business that rewards me for acting in ways I'm proud to discuss with my pastor. I've worked places where I'd be embarrassed to tell him what they expected me to do. I didn't do what I shouldn't, but that kept me from advancing.
  • #12
Great topic! Here are the 25 I read when I first started and I share them with potential recruits. There are personal reasons like the ones mentioned here, these 25 just make it a no-brainer. :) Some may be outdated...
1. We are the #1 rated company among hosts surveyed in 2004 who have held multiple direct
selling company home shows or parties.
2. We have some of the highest income and show averages of the industry.
3. Our market is HUGE. Women of all ages love us, men love us, and so do children! Everyone
has to eat!!
4. Our products are cited consistently as outstanding values and "terrific" quality! And
affordable! 73% of our Spring line is priced at $20 or less!
5. We get paid twice a month; direct deposit is free.
6. There are no weekly meetings to attend! We offer one training meeting per month.
7. You will be working with a company that supports strong family values and encourages you to
use and develop your God-given talents. It even pays those in management to improve themselves
each year!
8. The company is debt free and run so well and profitably that Warren Buffet, one of the
world's most watched investors, chose to include us in his investment holdings.
9. You love to cook. You hate to cook. We have consultants that fit each category! Both love
getting in or out of the kitchen fast! And getting paid for it!
10. Marketing opportunities abound! From online bridal registries to bridal showers, from fund
raisers to expertly designed websites for you to customize, the world awaits you!
11. You can spend more on a trip through Target or WalMart than the $90 it takes to order your
Starter Kit! Which will last longer?
12. Everybody loves The Pampered Chef! The Pampered Chef name is as highly recognized as
Starbucks or Nordstroms
13.Pampered Chef pays for all Host benefits, including booking credits.
14. Hosts do not pay ANY shipping, and do not pay tax on their “free” items. They are FREE!
15. Pampered Chef pays the fee to credit card companies for us. We accept VISA,
MasterCard,American Express and Discover.
16. Our commission is NOT adjusted for returns.
17. “Pampered Partner” computer software is included in the Starter Kit. Submit shows
electronically with a push of a few buttons!
18. You have the opportunity to join thousands of us each year who earn trips and diamonds and
rubies! These incentives are NOT restricted to just management levels; they're open to all!
19. All of our products carry a one-year guarantee, and many have extended guarantees. Plus,
83% of our product line is exclusive to Pampered Chef!
20. Our paperwork is inexpensive (catalogs are only .33 each), and only changes twice a year.
We know when it will change, and we receive paperwork samples to get us started each season,
for a minimal cost (about $4).
21. We can earn ALL new products (introduced twice a year) FREE! Consultants can also purchase
them at 50% off.
22. Pampered Chef provides liability insurance ($1 million of coverage for each consultant!)
for only $2 each month.
23. Our test kitchens test all products and recipes for us! They developed 400 recipes in
24. Consultants can use a toll-free customer service line.
25. No inventory. No sales territories. No deliveries.
  • #13
Hmm, I drank the kool-aid because I couldn't resist the signing bonus at the time that I signed. (Free SA!)

Why do I continue to be a drinker?

** free product (still an incentive for me!)
** good pay for amount of work done
** fun way to earn a paycheck
** It allows me to be a SAHM ~ this is the #1, over-riding reason!

Related to Why Did I Join PC? Exploring the Benefits of This Direct Sales Company

1. Why do people say "drank the Kool Aid" in reference to Pampered Chef?

The phrase "drank the Kool Aid" is a colloquial expression that originated from the tragic mass suicide of the Peoples Temple cult in 1978. Members of the cult were convinced by their leader to drink a flavored drink mixed with cyanide. Since then, the phrase has come to mean blindly following or believing in something without question or critical thinking. In the context of Pampered Chef, it is used to describe the enthusiasm and loyalty of consultants and customers towards the brand.

2. Is "drinking the Kool Aid" a negative thing?

The phrase can be interpreted as both positive and negative, depending on the context in which it is used. While some may see it as a sign of blind faith, others may view it as a strong and passionate commitment. At Pampered Chef, we see "drinking the Kool Aid" as a positive thing, as it shows the satisfaction and excitement our consultants and customers have for our products and business opportunity.

3. How does Pampered Chef encourage consultants to "drink the Kool Aid"?

At Pampered Chef, our focus is on building a community and fostering a sense of belonging and support among our consultants. We provide training, resources, and opportunities for our consultants to connect with each other and share their experiences. This creates a positive and empowering environment that encourages our consultants to be passionate and enthusiastic about our brand and products.

4. Is "drinking the Kool Aid" required to be a successful Pampered Chef consultant?

No, "drinking the Kool Aid" is not a requirement for success as a Pampered Chef consultant. While we love to see our consultants passionate about our brand, we also value critical thinking and individuality. Our consultants' success is based on their hard work, determination, and dedication to their businesses, not blind faith.

5. How can I show my "Kool Aid" pride as a Pampered Chef consultant?

There are many ways to show your "Kool Aid" pride as a Pampered Chef consultant. You can share your love for our products and business opportunity with others, participate in our online community, and attend our events and conferences. You can also proudly display Pampered Chef products in your home and showcase your business on social media. Above all, the best way to show your "Kool Aid" pride is to genuinely believe in our brand and share your enthusiasm with others.

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