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When You Can't Get Team to Attend Meetings???

I don't know what day/time. I've been trying to get them to commit to a time, but they always change their minds.
Gold Member
How or what can I do to encourage my small team of recruits to attend meetings??????????????

I've probably recruited at least 15 -20 people over the years and CANNOT get them to come to even one meeting. I know I can't force them, but I think if I could get them to come to at least one they would see how they are beneficial for their businesses. I have told everyone of them that meetings are not mandatory, but those who do attend are the ones with successful businesses! (That explains why they don't stick around long... they don't connect with others!!!)

I have 6 recruits and only one comes to meetings. They have each hung for a few months and then out the door they go!!

What can I do when they don't return phone calls or respond to emails???


the main question to answer is: what's in it for them, in tangible immediate terms? what do you do or say you will do at your meetings? do you do training? how much do you involve your team in planning and conducting? how is the atmosphere - busy, structured, relaxed, full of numbers, celebratory? how and how often do you communicate with your team? what do you personally offer them - your wisdom, tips, recipes, safe haven to gripe, etc?

you need to offer your team tangible, clear reasons to attend, other than a benefits statement. if that means opening a bottle of wine or putting out bowls of candy, so be it. if that means having contests among attendees (first one who books 6 shows gets a prize) try it. if it means having team members run parts of the meeting (doing a demo, sharing success stories) go for it!

don't give up...
I'm a relatively new Director and have just started doing my meetings, but I can relate. Those that attend are much more motivated and perform better at THEIR pace. But you already know that.;)

Right now, I do 2 meetings/month. One team meeting and one New Consultant Training that is also open to consultants who want to "refresh". I do not even make it seem that it is optional to attend the New Consultant training. Then once they are there, I tell them that the Team meeting is in just 2 weeks where they will get more indepth training on specific topics PLUS they are able to network with other consultants. So far, those that come to the new consultant training have come to cluster meetings.
When are you scheduling the meetings?Just curious...For example, Monday is a bad night for me, since that is the busiest day at my 'day job'. Brainstorming:perhaps you could poll your recruits to see what day/evening is best. Maybe even hold 2 groups? (Gasp!)
  • Thread starter
  • #5
amy07 said:
Right now, I do 2 meetings/month. One team meeting and one New Consultant Training that is also open to consultants who want to "refresh". I do not even make it seem that it is optional to attend the New Consultant training. Then once they are there, I tell them that the Team meeting is in just 2 weeks where they will get more indepth training on specific topics PLUS they are able to network with other consultants. So far, those that come to the new consultant training have come to cluster meetings.

Excellent advice! I have several consultants that are about 45 minutes away. One goes to hospitality and the other that lives very near hospitality has not gone one time and will not return calls.

The others are closer to my group meetings that I attend, but still won't commit to coming. As stated before, it's not that I'm trying to get them to run a business in a way they don't want to, but HOW CAN I TRAIN THEM TO GET OUT OF THEIR BUSINESS WHAT THEY'VE EXPRESSED TO ME WHEN THEY DON'T RETURN CALLS OR ATTEND MEETINGS? I can't have them do fun things (contests, etc.) when I can't get them to call or attend???

I've tried doing separate meetings in their area, but still no one wants to come. Oh well, a few good recruits are on the way... I can smell it in the air!!!:D
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  • #6
CookingwithMary said:
When are you scheduling the meetings?

Just curious...For example, Monday is a bad night for me, since that is the busiest day at my 'day job'.


Perhaps you could poll your recruits to see what day/evening is best. Maybe even hold 2 groups? (Gasp!)

The meetings at this point are on the first Tuesday of the month, but I have suggested holding a separate meeting closer to them... since they are about 45 minutes away. But still, no interest....


It's about them... not me, you see??? I want them to have a great business!
You know, i think this is something we all struggle with. I have been a director for 5 years and I work SO HARD to make the meetings informative and fun and ZIPOLA. HO will tell you they come to get something out of the meeting, but of course if they don't come they CAN'T get anything----I know. Some months I have 10 at my meetings some months I have 2.
I really got a lot out of the leadership summit MP3 on CC called "sizzling meetings" once I started making a few minor changes in how I invite my team to the meetings, they all started showing up! I also am huge on themed meetings and fun!!!
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  • #9
Kristina21 said:
I really got a lot out of the leadership summit MP3 on CC called "sizzling meetings" once I started making a few minor changes in how I invite my team to the meetings, they all started showing up! I also am huge on themed meetings and fun!!!

I'll have to look into this!!!! Getting them there is the prob... perhaps this will be the solution!
  • #10
twinkie10 said:

That is the magic question that all directors would like the answer to! I was in a director's meeting earlier this week and had this discussion with several others. No one had any answers. Sorry!
  • #11
I'm beginning to think it's like someone who wants to lose weight. they "know" they need to diet and exercise but it takes EFFORT AND COMMITMENT
same thing with consultants. they want to work 8 days a month and have a full-time income but there is no quick business building trick so they get discouraged or can't even get themselves motivated to make that first step. I keep reminding myself that i can't want/wish someone to be more successful than they are willing to work to be.
Wasn't it Janice who said, "when the horse is dead, dismount" or something like that? Great advice!
  • #12
I heard on a PC training CD...You have two choices:
--take what comes to you
--work for what you wantI wish my consultants would choose #2. Unfortunately, many people do think that building a PC biz is quick and easy, and while it can be, it doesn't happen without training, planning, and ACTION.
  • #13
I have been in the business for almost 4 years and have only missed about 3 meetings. I see people come and go - not too many regulars. There are some who only show up when they know they are going to have the top sales (they have an award for top salesperson there)! Then they are asked to give advice of how they did it and they say, "Oh, I just worked my business." Whenever I see a paticular person who hasn't been there for a few months I know she is going to win - it's like clock work!

I do think prizes and themes seem to get people there. I think recognitioon is nice for sales, most shows, etc., but should be a small part of the meeting. I think it turns off those who don't have great sales.

At our meetings they usually have a volunteer do a mini show. They demo a recipe. This seems to get a lot of people interested in coming so they can get tips from other consultants.

These meetings are w/three directors combined. Each group takes a turn hosting the meeting (always at the same location). They ask each person in the group to bring a recipe. They seem to like doing it this way, but I think less people come from that paticular group that month. It happend with our group when we were in charge last month. I think a lot of consultants feel the directors are getting paid by PC to host these meetings (over rides) and they shouldn't have to bring food. I personally don't mind bringing a recipe though. These recipes are usually what the consultant feels would be a good recipe for the season. They stand up and tell how they made it and if they think it would be a good show recipe.

Our directors have started making up flyers with the theme for the next month. They talk about it at the end of the current meeting and then send out email reminders a week before

I don't know if any of this is different then what you already know, but hopefully it will help.

Take Care,
  • #14
Team Training is NOT not mandatory (haha does that make sense??). My team schedules team training into their calendars along with family commitments - then they schedule their shows.

Of course, we still have absurdley low attendance, but we still treat team training as the most important thing they can do for themselves in this business.
  • #15
I WISH my director was close enough for me to go to the meetings! I also wish there was a hospitatlity director close enough that did meetings! Ugh.
  • #16
I had the same reaction with my recruits and people who were just expressing interest. In April, I started doing my own meetings. I figured since they all knew me, they might feel more comfortable coming to my home. I have had three to show up at each meeting and we have had a good time. I will just keep plugging away!!!
  • #17
Kristina21 said:
I really got a lot out of the leadership summit MP3 on CC called "sizzling meetings" once I started making a few minor changes in how I invite my team to the meetings, they all started showing up! I also am huge on themed meetings and fun!!!

Thanks for the reminder - I downloaded this the othe rnight - I just need to put it on my iPod and listen to it now!
  • #18
I'm with Jen, I just keep plugging away!
I have team meetings since March and have had 4-6 come at each. I focus on those that make it, I don't worry about those that don't.
I try to make it fun. A little bit of recognition, a demo, a game and some prizes :)
This month I think I have some great stuff planned.
I will send a team reminder invite today!
Also, I have heard over and over not to redo the meeting for the ones who can't attend on the phone. Life happens, but I figure this is important and since I put aside time for them, if they come, they get something great. If they don't, I just do regular training and encourage them to come next time.
I don't think it is anything personal, they just are not willing to make it a priority.
It is for me and those that show, so they get the benefit.
Bless & encourage I guess :)
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  • #19
jenboswood said:
I had the same reaction with my recruits and people who were just expressing interest. In April, I started doing my own meetings. I figured since they all knew me, they might feel more comfortable coming to my home. I have had three to show up at each meeting and we have had a good time. I will just keep plugging away!!!

I have thought of this, but my house is not big enough for my family and my team. I don't feel comfortable with it. I'll have to look for another place.

Thanks for the tips.

Related to When You Can't Get Team to Attend Meetings???

1. What should I do if my team consistently does not attend meetings?

If your team is not attending meetings, it may be helpful to first assess why they are not attending. Is the meeting time or location convenient for everyone? Are they receiving enough notice about the meetings? Once you have identified any potential issues, try to make adjustments to accommodate your team. Additionally, it may be helpful to remind your team of the importance of attending meetings and the impact it has on team productivity and success.

2. How can I encourage my team to attend meetings?

One way to encourage attendance is by making the meetings more interactive and engaging. Instead of simply presenting information, try to involve your team in discussions and decision-making processes during the meeting. This will make the meeting more meaningful and valuable for your team members. Additionally, acknowledging and recognizing team members who attend meetings regularly can also serve as an incentive for others to attend.

3. Is it necessary for everyone to attend every meeting?

In an ideal situation, it is best for everyone to attend every meeting. However, if there are valid reasons for someone to not attend a particular meeting, it is important to communicate this with the team beforehand. This will prevent any confusion or frustration from team members who are expecting everyone to attend. Depending on the nature of the meeting, it may also be possible to share any important information or updates with those who are unable to attend.

4. How can I make sure my team is aware of upcoming meetings?

To ensure that your team is aware of upcoming meetings, it is important to have a clear and consistent communication method in place. This could be through email, a shared calendar, or a messaging platform. Make sure to provide enough notice for meetings and send reminders closer to the meeting date. You can also ask team members to confirm their attendance beforehand so that you can plan accordingly.

5. What should I do if a team member consistently does not attend meetings?

If a team member is consistently not attending meetings, it may be necessary to have a conversation with them to understand the reasons behind their absence. It could be due to conflicting schedules or personal issues that are preventing them from attending. In any case, it is important to address the situation and find a solution that works for both the team member and the team. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to involve the team leader or HR for further support.

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